Double Deception

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Double Deception Page 19

by Terri Reed

  Not to spy for the motherland, but to work for the Organizatsiya. When the time came for Petrov to become useful, Gordon had help to set him up as Pete Kinsey on the East Coast and Paul Wheeler on the west.

  Sickened by the scope and enormity of the operation, she stared at the man she’d thought of as family. “I trusted you.”

  Sudden shouts from outside the office spurred Gordon to action. He pushed Kate aside and ejected the disk. Shots rang out and Kate’s blood froze.

  Then the door burst open. Brody charged in, weapon drawn. A half dozen more gun-toting men in dark vests with FBI in bold yellow print across their chests piled in.

  Someone shouted, “Don’t move!”

  Kate tore her relieved gaze from Brody and realized instantly what Gordon was attempting to do as he seized the ejected CD.

  “No,” she shouted and flung herself at him. She heard Brody yell, “Don’t shoot!”

  She tried to wrestle the disk out of Gordon’s grasp.

  Too late. His manicured nails dug rivets into the silver coating of the disk as they toppled sideways to the ground.

  Then there were hands dragging her up and twisting her arms behind her. She cried out as pain from her already sore shoulders gripped her. Panicked, she sought Brody through the sea of Federal agents.

  But to her dismay, he was gone.

  “No, you don’t.” Brody captured Mr. Lanski by the scruff of his neck. He’d seen the man flee the scene in the commotion created by Kate tackling Gordon.

  The owner of Lanski’s Imports struggled to get away but Brody planted his knee into the older man’s kidney. Effectively subdued, Lanski went down to his knees with an oath. Brody cuffed him and pulled him to his feet.

  Dragging the heavy Russian back and then handing him over to a Federal agent, Brody assessed the situation and realized that while he was going after Lanski, Kate and Gordon Thomas had been taken into custody and led away.

  He raced out of the building in time to see the car they’d said she was in drive away. He stood in the middle of the chaos in the street created by the raid and tried to get himself back under control.

  Boy, the way Kate had dived at the man had nearly given Brody a heart attack. For a split second he’d feared the Feds would shoot and ask questions later. The thought of losing her again filled him with dread. And realization.

  Deep in his heart he knew she wasn’t guilty no matter how bad it might still look even after she’d tried to keep Gordon Thomas from tampering with the disk. Brody’d move heaven and earth to prove her innocence.

  Man, she was something. Pride lifted his heart. She still had that spunk he admired. And she was so brave. He loved her for so many reasons.

  Thank You, Lord.

  Now, he only hoped she’d give him another chance. If giving up being a law officer was the only way she’d have him, then he’d gladly turn over his badge and his weapon.

  The trip to the Federal building went by in a blur of tears. She didn’t know what to think about Brody’s disappearing act. Had he thought she’d been with Gordon by choice? Her heart twisted in her chest.

  She was ushered to a small, two-way mirrored room where two agents questioned her endlessly about Gordon, Paul and the disk. She told them everything she could remember. They took notes and seemed pleased with the information she had.

  Now, alone, she shifted uncomfortably in the hard metal chair and tried to still the shaking of her hands, but the effort took too much energy. The tomblike quiet in the cold, sterile room stretched her nerves until she thought she’d scream. She’d been left alone in the room with the large mirror for—she glanced at her watch—forty minutes.

  The rattle of the doorknob being unlocked sent a shiver of apprehension galloping down her spine. The door swung open and Brody walked in. Her heart leapt, then plummeted at the hooded expression in his eyes. She shifted her gaze away. She didn’t want to face his accusations again. She’d break down for sure.

  The scraping of the metal legs of a chair brought her chin up.

  Brody sat down across from her. “The disk was ruined. The information irretrievable,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “I tried to stop him.” She rubbed her temples. “He killed Paul. He tried to kill me…I trusted him.”

  Brody’s gaze narrowed slightly. “Why did you trust him?”

  In her mind, she went back to the day she’d found Paul bleeding to death on the floor of his living room. “Paul said Gordon’s name right before he died. I thought Paul had wanted him, was telling me to trust Gordon.” Placing her hands flat on the table, she sat up straight as realization hit. “But Paul was trying to warn me.”

  Brody’s expression softened and he reached out to take one of her hands. A tender melting happened somehow in the vicinity of her heart.

  “Maybe, maybe not,” he said. “He may not have known who was behind his attack. We’ll never know.”

  The pressure of his palm gave her comfort and made her sad all at once. She wanted to cling to him, to confirm her love for him was real. Instead she slipped her hand away. She couldn’t take any more hurt and rejection. “Why are you here?”

  “You’re free, Kate. Thomas confirmed you weren’t involved and he’s confessed to ordering the hit on Paul and the attempts on your life, but he won’t say anything else.”

  Relief swept through her.

  “Even after being offered immunity for murder, he won’t roll on his comrades. More afraid of them than prison. Without the solid evidence of the disk, there’s no way to charge him with anything more. The information you gave will be helpful in the Feds’ investigation into the Organizatsiya. Lanski was also brought into custody and will be charged with kidnapping. By all accounts, the import business is legit.”

  The news that she was exonerated from any wrongdoing was welcome and needed. She should feel vindicated. She wasn’t the bad person Brody believed her to be. But as she stared at his ruggedly handsome face, emptiness filled her. She didn’t know what Brody felt and without the man she loved in her life, her future seemed pretty desolate.

  She fought against the stinging in her eyes. She’d thought peace would come with the truth about Paul, but it hadn’t. Closure yes, but not peace. She didn’t understand. What was she missing? “But why are you here?”

  His mouth twisted with humble tenderness. “Because I’m an idiot and I want to beg for your forgiveness.”

  Her mouth went dry. The first quickening of hope tightened her chest. Could it be true?

  Once again he took her hand, turning it palm up and curling his fingers over hers. The gesture, at once possessive and tender, made tears burn the back of her eyelids. “I should have trusted you.”

  “I understand why you didn’t,” she said softly.

  He shook his head. “I should have believed in what I felt for you.”

  She swallowed hard, barely daring to let the hope rise any further. “What…what do you feel?”

  He leaned forward, crowding away the air between them. Her heart stalled as she looked into his eyes and saw the answer to her question. Barely able to breathe, she waited for the words.

  “I love you, Kate. Will you give me another chance? A chance to love you?”

  Everything inside her wanted to scream “Yes!” But how could she? Just because they loved each other didn’t change the fact that he was a sheriff, risking his life every day, and when push came to shove, she couldn’t live like that.

  She thought about her parents, about how her father risked his life every time he went on a mission. She thought about how the worry slowly destroyed her mother until finally when her father left, her mother sank into despair and a bottle. She closed her eyes against the pain of having to deny Brody’s love. “I’m not brave enough to live that life.”

  The metal clunk of something hitting the table caused her to open her eyes. In front of her lay his badge and his black, ominous-looking gun. Knowing instantly the significance of his gesture, her gaze jumped to h
is. “No. I can’t ask you to do that. I won’t ask that of you.” She pushed the items toward him. “This is who you are.”

  Brody’s hands cupped her face. “Look at me,” he demanded.

  She made a noise of distress and shook her head. It hurt her to think he’d be so selfless for her. Especially after realizing how ruthlessly she’d been used.

  “Kate, listen to me.”

  The compelling tone in his voice forced her gaze to lock with his. His earnest and loving expression scored her clean through.

  “You are the most courageous woman I’ve ever known. You can handle anything. I’m not going to lie to you. Being a law officer is risky, but so are other professions. So is crossing the street or driving a car. You can’t live your life in fear. You told me God would protect you. Then trust that He’ll protect us both.”

  His words were an echo of the thoughts she’d had earlier. Anticipation and joy fluttered like the gentle wings of a butterfly, raising her hope till she thought she might float. “Do you trust him?”

  A thoughtful gleam entered his gaze. “I don’t get what purpose my father’s death served or the purpose in my being shot. Pastor Sims talked about God’s grace, God’s undeserved favor. I’m struggling to get my mind around that. Around how in my weakness His strength is perfected.” Slowly, he nodded his head. “But yes, I do trust. Trust that He brought us together. Trust that He’ll watch over us. And in time I hope I’ll understand this whole grace thing.”

  His words gladdened her heart and filled her with satisfaction. He was on his way to reconciling his relationship with God. Something good had come out of her ordeal. Could something else good come from such a mess?

  Something clicked inside Kate, shifted into focus. If he could reconcile with God, could she reconcile herself to a life of risk?

  Brody was right that there were risks in any profession, in any lifestyle. Going the safe route hadn’t given her what she’d wanted.

  She really needed to reassess what she wanted out of life. Was safe and secure really what she longed for? Would those two elusive concepts satisfy the hunger in her heart?

  She drank in Brody’s face, memorizing every line, every angle. Deep in her heart, she knew this time around she would chose love and walk in faith that God would continue to be her shield.

  “Kate, I need you.”

  Overwhelmed with love for this man, she leaned forward until their lips were nearly touching. Gazing into his eyes, she let her heart shine. “I prayed for peace and God sent me you.”

  A smile lit up Brody’s eyes. “Will you marry me, Kate? Let me stand watch over you for the rest of your life?”

  Joy, pure and good burst from her heart, filling her soul. She touched his cheek, the soft pads of her fingers rubbing against the stubble darkening his jawbone. “Yes. Oh, yes.”

  With a growl of approval, Brody captured her lips.

  Kate reveled in the love and passion igniting between them. No matter how risky life as a sheriff’s wife would be, she was confident that the peace and security that could only come from God would sustain her through the years at Brody’s side.

  This time around, she would be certain to hold on to love.


  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for taking this journey with Kate and Brody as they sifted through the layers of deception to find the truth, and in the process found love.

  So often we have to sift through the layers of deception that the world heaps on us to get to the truth of God’s love. And in doing so, we bare many scars. My prayer for you is that you’ll let God heal your wounds and hurts as only He can. It’s hard work figuring out what to believe when the world entices us with money, power and pleasure, but remember always that your Heavenly Father loves you and will always embrace you as you turn to Him.

  May God bless you,


  Out of all the books you could have chosen, why did you choose Double Deception? Was it the cover? The back blurb? The author?

  Kate was stunned when she learned her husband had a secret life. Have you ever been surprised by revelations from loved ones? How did you handle the revelations? Did you pray about them? Why or why not?

  If you were in Kate’s shoes, would you have sought the truth? Would you have gone about it differently? Or would you have charged ahead as Kate did?

  Sacrifice was an important part of this story. Have you ever had to sacrifice something important to you? How did you feel about it?

  Brody returns to the faith he’d lost after his father’s death. Have you lost someone and questioned or lost your faith? What brought you back to God?

  Did the villain surprise you? Were there hints that you can pinpoint, or was it a complete surprise?

  Kate thought she would find peace from knowing the truth, but where does real peace come from? Does living a safe and stable life ensure safety and stability?

  Brody challenged Kate not to live in fear. Is there something you are living in fear of? Over and over again God’s word tells us to fear not. Confess your fear to God and ask for His peace. Read Psalms 56:3.

  Was this the first book you’ve read by this author? Would you read more from her? Why or why not?

  What are your most vivid memories for this book? What lessons about life, love and faith did you learn from this story?

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-4717-2


  Copyright © 2007 by Terri Reed

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the editorial office, Steeple Hill Books, 233 Broadway, New York, NY 10279 U.S.A.

  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

  This edition published by arrangement with Steeple Hill Books.

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