Pursuit: A Bad Boy Romance

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Pursuit: A Bad Boy Romance Page 43

by Cristal Pierre

  Suddenly, she stopped and jumped up with a snarl. Everybody froze and Leo rushed to her side. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “It’s Rufus,” she said, looking at Melody in disgust.

  Leo looked astonished. “Are you sure?”

  “Positive,” said Tatiana. “I can smell him on her cunt.”

  Melody’s heart was pounding. How on earth had they got his smell? She had washed carefully. Curse werewolves and their acute senses!

  Leo was looking at her intently. “Where did you meet Rufus?”

  Melody swallowed. Tatiana was glaring at her. But if she spoke, Rufus was doomed. She remained silent.

  “You fucking cunt!” Marcus leapt forward and grabbed her, dragging her to her feet. “Tell us where he is or we’ll rip your fucking throat off!”

  And suddenly Leo was between them, seizing Marcus by the neck. Leo bared his teeth as he raised him off the floor with a single arm. Marcus yelped and dropped Melody. Leo threw him across the room and bared his teeth. “Touch her again and I will kill you myself.” Marcus gave a low growl but said nothing.

  Turning to Tatiana, Leo said, “There is no point in questioning her. Let us go to her flat and wait for him. He has come there once, he will come again.”

  Tatiana nodded. “What shall we do to her?” she asked, nodding at Melody.

  “Tie her up,” said Leo. “But make sure she’s unharmed.”

  Before she knew it, Melody was bound and gagged.

  Chapter 5

  The werewolves carried her to the cars parked outside and took her to her apartment. “Where is the key?” asked Tatiana as they got to the door.

  “Search her,” said Leo. Marcus ran his hands over her body with a leering expression on his face. Eventually he found the key and gave it to Leo. After he had unlocked the door, they all entered the flat.

  “He has been here,” said Marcus, giving the room a sniff.

  “Put the lights off,” ordered Leo. “I have a feeling he will be back.”

  They sank into the couches and waited patiently in the darkness. After an hour passed, Melody started to think that Rufus was not coming back after all. She was starting to feel some relief when she heard the door knob turning and Rufus entered the room. She was still bound and gagged and unable to say anything. She made a whimpering sound and Rufus, with his keen hearing managed to hear it.

  That split second warning saved him. Leo and Tatiana sprang across the room, teeth bared, but Rufus managed to avoid them, ducking and rolling to a side on the floor. They turned, hissing with anger, but Rufus was already on his feet. Marcus leapt at him, snarling, and was met with a powerful blow to the face. Rufus then kicked him violently in the nuts, and he crumpled to the floor whimpering in pain.

  Rufus yelled as Tatiana jumped on to him, sinking her teeth into his shoulder. His blood dripped from her jaws as she hissed and prepared to bite him again. Desperately, he seized her by the throat and managed to throw her over his shoulder, sending her crashing into a sofa. He slowly turned to face Leo.

  Leo had a cold smile on his face. “So, Rufus, after so many days on the run, the time has come to answer for your crimes.”

  Rufus staggered forward. Blood dripped from his shoulder and Melody could see that he was badly injured. “I am not guilty of any crimes!” he said. “Other than wanting to live in dignity and freedom.”

  “Coward!” cried Leo angrily. “You killed Northern wolves. You attacked them – from behind – and you took their possessions and their lives. You claim to be a great hero, but you are nothing but a common criminal!”

  “All lies.” Rufus bared his teeth. “It is we who were attacked, shamefully, when we came to negotiate in good faith with the Northerners. Of my party, I alone survived.”

  Leo gave a low laugh. “Do you hope to prolong your life with deceitful tales? Besides, your kind has sworn to serve us for all time. You are an oath-breaker – a faithless cur!”

  “What use is an oath if it only enslaves us?” countered Rufus. “And are we bound by the promises of our ancestors? Are we to condemn ourselves and our progeny to eternal servitude?”

  “Servitude?” sneered Leo. “You should be honored to serve us. You lot are nothing but mangy curs.”

  “No!” exclaimed Rufus. “There is no honor in slavery and we will fight for our freedom.”

  “There will be no freedom for you, oath breaker,” said Leo. “Prepare to face justice!” He leapt upon Rufus and the two exchanged mighty blows. Rufus was a little bigger but Leo was light and faster, dodging his blows and landing punches of his own. The rooms shook as the two mighty werewolves grappled from one end of the room to the other.

  At last, Rufus managed to break through his defenses, landing a powerful uppercut on his jaw. Leo reeled back and almost fell but quickly righted himself and kicked Rufus powerfully in the midriff. As he sank to his knees, Leo buried his teeth in his neck. Rufus screamed in pain and, for a moment, it looked like he would deliver a killing bite. But at the last minute, Rufus rallied and punched him in the face. Leo staggered back. Rufus was badly hurt and staggered forward. By this time Tatiana had recovered and was rising to her feet while Marcus was also stirring.

  Rufus made up his mind and bounded to the window. The glass shattered as he leapt through it and a moment later he was gone. Leo rushed to the window.

  “Is he dead?” asked Tatiana.

  “No,” replied Leo. “He got away. Come on!” He rushed out the door and Tatiana and Marcus followed after him. Lying in the darkness, Melody had been struggling with her ropes. At last, she managed to get free. She rushed downstairs and out the door. Rufus and the other werewolves were nowhere in sight. Melody’s flat was on the seventh floor and she was amazed that Rufus had managed to jump from it. Knowing he was injured, she began to desperately searching for him.

  Calling his name, she wandered through the streets of London. The cold night air whipped around her body, but Melody didn’t care. As she traversed over the roads and alleyways of the city, she began to fear that she would be too late, that Leo and Tatiana had got to him first.

  She was beginning to lose hope when suddenly someone spoke to her. “No luck yet?”

  She whirled around to see who had spoken. A figure stepped out of the shadows and Melody realized that it was Marcus. He was regarding her with his familiar leer. “I gather you haven’t found him yourself,” she snapped.

  “Oh, we’ll find him soon enough,” Marcus said, walking towards her nonchalantly. “It’s you that I find far more interesting.”

  Melody stepped back. “I am afraid there is nothing interesting about me.”

  “Oh, but there is.” Marcus leaned forward until his face was inches from hers. “Have you ever wondered why so many werewolves are drawn to you?”

  “My … um … smell.”

  “You do have a sweet smelling snatch. But there is something more – an affinity for werewolves, a unique bond with our kind. After all, you would have to be extraordinary to get both Leo and Rufus to mate with you. You know, I’m dying to find out what that is.”

  “Well, you’re never going to find out,” snapped Melody.

  Marcus smiled and his teeth gleamed in the moonlight. “You seem to assume that you have a choice in the matter.”

  Melody’s heart was pounding. He couldn’t have made his intentions clearer. She knew that she needed to get away from him as soon as possible. Turning, she ran as fast she could, but it was hopeless. She was no match for the werewolf. With one leap, he was upon her. She screamed as she fell.

  “I’m going to kill you,” hissed Marcus. Melody could feel his hot breath upon her neck. “But first, I’m going to fuck you, the way a bitch like you deserves to be fucked.”

  He started tearing her clothes and she closed her eyes, expecting the worse. And then suddenly out of the darkness, someone bounded out and cannoned into Marcus. He was thrown off Melody and she looked up to see who her rescuer was. Her heart leapt when she saw t
hat it was Rufus. He had pinned Marcus to the ground and was pounding him with his fist. Blood spurted from Marcus’s face. But Rufus was badly injured and Marcus reached out and dug into his wounds. Rufus cried out in pain as Marcus buried in his fingers in the wounds. Drawing his last ounce of strength, Rufus struck Marcus, who collapsed to the ground. Rufus sank his teeth into Marcus’ neck, and the werewolf cried out a final time and was still.

  Rufus slowly rose to his feet, blood dripping from his mouth, and Melody rushed and embraced him. “You’re hurt,” she cried. “Let’s go to my place and get you cleaned up.”

  He shook his head. “Your place is unsafe – for both of us.”

  “A hospital, then.”

  “No. We don’t go to hospitals. That would reveal our identity.”

  Melody thought quickly. Where on earth could they go? Then, it dawned on her. There was only one person she could rely on for help.

  “You want to bring your werewolf to my place?” Jeremy sounded as incredulous as he was sleepy.

  “Please, Jeremy, we have nowhere else to go,” begged Melody.

  “Oh, all right,” Jeremy relented.

  “Thank you, Jeremy, you’re an angel.”

  “I don’t know about that, but I do what I can,” he sniffed.

  Melody quickly went back, got her car and drove back to pick Rufus up. The two headed off to Jeremy’s house. He greeted them in a fluffy pink dressing gown.

  “So, this is your hunk of a werewolf,” he said, giving Rufus the once over. “I’m beginning to see why you like him so much.” He was less pleased when he found out everything that had happened. “You mean to say, I am in the middle of some kind of werewolf war? Can you imagine, hot, sweaty beasts battling it out in the streets?” He seemed to almost relish the prospect.

  “Can we place stay here for a couple of days? My place is not safe. Not to mention, it has been completely totaled.”

  “Totaled?” wailed Jeremy. “The same thing could happen here! And I just redecorated.”

  “There’s no way they’ll find us here,” Melody hastily reassured him. “Your house will be quite safe.”

  Jeremy eventually relented and Melody and Rufus spent the next couple of days holed up at his house. Melody tended to his wounds. Fortunately, werewolves heal quickly and are able to deal with wounds that would kill a human being. Rufus quickly got better under her care. But even as she looked after him, Melody wondered how she would handle the greater threat. Not only was Rufus a fugitive, he had killed one of Leo’s pack. She had no doubt that he would do everything in his power to find him. She had covered their tracks very well, but it was a matter of time before the werewolves, with their superior senses, found out where they were. Of course, Rufus had killed Marcus to save her and Melody felt more responsible than ever for his safety. After days of agonizing, she finally hit on a plan that might just work.

  Rufus looked at her with astonishment when she told him. “You want what?”

  “Bring him here,” explained Melody patiently. “Explain to him that you’re not a villain.”

  Chapter 6

  “Nothing would assure my own doom more – or yours,” said Rufus definitely.

  Jeremy agreed with Rufus. “There is nothing I’d like than have two muscly animals having it out in my house but that is a rotten idea. Besides I hate the sight of blood.”

  “No, I can feel it,” said Melody. “Look, do you know why I meet so many werewolves? I have a connection with them, a link. I can’t explain it, but I know Leo is not a bad person. We can reason with him.”

  “Reason?” Rufus rose to his feet and paced about in an agitated manner. “How can we reason with that – with that slave driver?”

  “His pack may be, but he is not. I know he is good and honorable. At least, give it a chance.”

  After more pleading, Rufus finally agreed to her proposal. Melody immediately called Leo.

  “Surprised to hear from me?”

  “Well, given that you have been hiding so well, yes,” replied Leo.

  “Listen, I think this is all a mistake,” said Melody, getting straight to the point. “Why don’t we meet and sort it out?”

  “Meet?” Leo sounded incredulous. “With that cutthroat, murdering bastard.”

  “Name calling won’t get us anywhere. Don’t you want to discuss things before there’s more bloodshed?”

  “I don’t think that villain has anything to tell me that could change his fate. But I don’t suppose it would hurt if we met to talk beforehand.”

  “On one condition,” said Melody firmly. “No violence. You talk and if things don’t work out, you go away. No trying to kill him or anything.”

  “A temporary truce then. Very well, I agree to your terms.”

  Melody told him where Jeremy’s house was and told him to come that evening before hanging up. It meant the house would be useless for hiding if things didn’t work out, but she felt they’d have to move anyway.

  The tension in the room was palpable when Leo entered. Jeremy had got cold feet at the last minute and left. “I hope I see you alive,” he told Melody before leaving. She could feel Rufus’ hackles rising as Leo entered. She squeezed his hand, hoping to calm him down. Keeping these two alphas quiet was going to be quite a feat.

  Leo gave him a look of contempt and disgust. “Before we begin, I want to reiterate that no harm will come to you at this meeting. But, be assured, you will have to pay in full for all your wrongdoing.”

  “And what wrongdoing is that?” Rufus snarled.

  “You dare to ask? Not content with your earlier villainy, you have killed a leader of our wolf pack, one of my brothers.”

  “What would you have me do? Let him ravish and kill Melody?”

  Leo looked startled. “That is not true! How dare you defame one of fallen brothers with your shameful slander? Marcus was an honorable member of our pack.”

  “There was nothing honorable about what Marcus tried to do,” spat Rufus. “As there is nothing honorable about the Northerners who seek to oppress us with the yoke of tyranny.”

  “If he is guilty of what you say, then he is worthy of death,” said Leo evenly. “But what you say is nothing but lies!”

  “It’s true, Leo,” said Melody softly. “He attacked me. If Rufus hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t be here today.”

  Leo looked at both of them stunned. “Be careful with what you say, Melody. To insult the memory of a fallen wolf is a most serious crime.”

  Melody went up to him and took his hand. “It’s true, Leo. I swear it.”

  Leo ran a hand through his hair and looked distraught. “I find that so hard to believe. Marcus … how could he do something like that?” He looked at Rufus and his expression hardened. “Even if it were true, it doesn’t solve our greater problem. You are an oath breaker, leading a renegade pack of wolves.”

  Rufus laughed humorlessly. “And what is this oath that you would have us uphold? To spend the rest of our lives in little more than slavery. And condemn our children to the same fate.”

  “You clearly need a reminder of history,” said Leo tightly. “It was your ancestor Lucius who made that oath to us, swearing unreserved fealty to us.”

  “And why did he do this? Did your people not threaten to slaughter every last member of his pack if he refused?”

  “Lies!” cried Leo.

  “It’s you who has put your faith in lies,” said Rufus. He looked directly at Leo. “Open your eyes, Leo. I know you’re an honorable wolf. Why would you believe these false stories and permit your fellow wolves to be enslaved?”

  Leo sighed. “I know some of things that are happening are wrong.”

  “Then change, Leo,” appealed Melody. “The decision is yours. Don’t perpetuate this evil.”

  Leo sat on a chair and looked down.

  “You should make peace,” said Melody. She took his hand and joined it with Rufus’. “The two of you are not enemies. You’re brothers. Join together and defeat t
his evil.”

  “Join us, Leo,” said Rufus. “Serve not just your pack but wolves everywhere.”

  Leo stared at the offered hand for a long time. Finally, he put his own hand on Rufus’. “You’re right. I am here to serve good, not evil.”

  Melody jumped for joy. “Yippie!”

  “There is a lot that remains to be done,” cautioned Leo. “But I will speak with my pack and we will try to work something out.”

  “That’s great!” Melody beamed. “And to celebrate, I have an extra-special treat for you boys.” She went to the center of the room. Before the surprised gaze of the two werewolves, she stripped off all her clothes.

  “What are you doing?” asked Rufus, surprised.

  “Come here,” said Melody, wagging a finger. Rufus went to her and she kissed him deeply and passionately. Then she beckoned Leo over and did the same to him.

  “Mating with two wolves?” said Leo. “That has never been done before.”

  “There is a first time for everything,” purred Melody seductively. “Or are you planning on saying no?”

  But no one said no as she slid to her knees and unzipped their trousers. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw both dicks together – Rufus’ huge and meaty, Leo’s large and perfectly proportioned. She sucked off Leo, savoring the feel of the organ becoming fully erect as she pumped Rufus’ cock. Then she blew Rufus while she masturbated Leo.

  Once they were both fully erect, she removed their clothes. Their bodies were quite a sight – Rufus was big and muscular, Leo more lean and ripped. She was going to have the time of her life fucking these two specimens, she thought. She let Leo insert his cock into her. As he fucked her doggy style, she continued to suck Rufus. The feel of his huge dick in her mouth, combined with Leo’s vigorous pounding, caused Melody to quickly climax. Aroused by the sight of her orgasm, Rufus took his turn to fuck her doggy-style while she orally pleasured Leo. Her cunt was slippery wet by now and his huge organ slid in and out of it with ease. “Fuck me harder!” Melody encouraged him. It didn’t take long for her to come again, her whole body shaking with the strength of her climax.


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