Queen Victoria's Mysterious Daughter

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Queen Victoria's Mysterious Daughter Page 43

by Lucinda Hawksley

  Rose, Lionel, The Erosion of Childhood: Child Oppression in Britain, 1860–1918, Routledge, London, 1991

  Rushton, Dr Alan R., Royal Maladies: Inherited Diseases in the Ruling Houses of Europe, Trafford Publishing, Bloomington, Indiana, 2008

  Shoumatoff, Alex, ‘The Grand Cascapedia and Its Endangered Atlantic Salmon’, Travel & Leisure Magazine, July 2005

  Spielmann, M.H. and G.S. Layard, Kate Greenaway, Adam & Charles Black, London, 1905

  Squire, Geoffrey, Simply Stunning: Pre-Raphaelite Art of Dressing, Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museums, Cheltenham, 1996

  Stamp, Robert M., Royal Rebels: Princess Louise and the Marquis of Lorne, Dundurn Press, Toronto, 1988

  Staniland, Kay, Royal Fashion: The Clothes of Princess Charlotte of Wales and Queen Victoria 1796–1901, Museum of London, London, 1997

  Stocker, Mark, Royalist and Realist: The Life and Work of Sir Joseph Edgar Boehm, Garland, London, 1988

  Summers, Leigh, Bound to Please: A History of the Victorian Corset, Berg, Oxford, 2001

  Tisdall, E.E.P., Unpredictable Queen: The Intimate Life of Queen Alexandra, Stanley Paul & Co., London, 1953

  Wake, Jehanne, Princess Louise: Queen Victoria’s Unconventional Daughter, Collins, London, 1988

  Warr, Charles Laing, The Glimmering Landscape, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1960

  Wilkinson, H.C., Bermuda from Sail to Steam: The History of the Island from 1784 to 1901, OUP, Oxford, 1973

  Zeepvat, Charlotte, Prince Leopold: The Untold Story of Queen Victoria’s Youngest Son, Sutton Publishing, Stroud, 1998

  Zuill, William Sears, Bermuda Journey: A Leisurely Guidebook, Robert MacLeshose & Co., London, 1946


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  Abbey, Edwin

  Aberacke Indians

  Adam, John

  Adeane, Mary

  Adelaide, Queen


  Aitchison, George

  Aix-les-Bains, France

  Albert, Prince Consort; home town; and Victoria; and Louise; and his children; on Beatrice; rebuilds Osborne House; his ideas on education and child-rearing; learns to sculpt; as collector; and the Great Exhibition; in Paris; at Vicky’s wedding; interest in photography; disagrees with brother over wife for Bertie; and Bertie’s affair; illness and death; statues (Thornycroft) (Woolner) (Boehm)

  Alberta (royal yacht)

  Albert Memorial, London

  Albert Victor, Prince (‘Prince Eddy’)

  Alexander of Battenberg, Prince (‘Drino’)

  Alexandra (flagship)

  Alexandra (royal yacht)

  Alexandra, Princess of Wales (‘Alix’); and Victoria; and Louise; wedding; praises Louise’s sculpture; and Eddy’s birth; and George’s birth; and Princess Helena’s marriage; her usual time for breakfast; and Louise Victoria’s birth; illness and marriage problems; as fashion icon; sends supportive letters to Louise; in Ireland with Bertie; hopes Louise will marry her brother; stands in for Victoria; birth of third child; and Franco-Prussian War; further illness; opposes Louise’s marriage; misreads Lorne; at Louise’s wedding; and death of newborn son; and Bertie’s illness; and Bertie’s tour of India; sees Leopold and Louise at Osborne; and sister’s post-natal depression; at Victoria’s jubilee celebrations; celebrates silver wedding anniversary; and daughter’s marriage; and Eddy’s implication in Cleveland Street Scandal; and Eddy’s death; deafness; and Bertie’s infidelities; and Lorne’s silver wedding anniversary; survives assassination attempt; and Victoria’s death; further illness; holds first official court as queen; coronation; devastated by Edward’s death; sympathetic towards Louise; sends watercolour to War Relief Exhibition; welcomes troops back to London; death

  Alexandra, Tsarina of Russia

  Alfonso XIII, King of Spain

  Alfred, Prince (‘Affie’), Duke of Edinburgh: birth and childhood; joins navy; at Alice’s wedding; and Bertie’s engagement; his ‘sexual escapade’ in Malta; wounded in assassination attempt; marriage; and Louise’s arrival in Canada; Louise visits in Germany, and Malta; and son’s suicide; alcoholism; in debt; death

  Alfred, Prince (son of Prince Alfred)

  Alice, Princess: birth and childhood; character and personality; and Victoria; at Vicky’s wedding; visits orphan asylum; and father’s death; wedding; in Germany with Victoria; birth of daughter; meeting with Louise worries Victoria; with Louise and Lorne in France; death

  Alice, Princess, Countess of Athlone

  Alice of Battenberg, Princess

  Aline (yacht)

  Alma-Tadema, Laura

  Alma-Tadema, Lawrence; Caracalla and Geta

  Amberley, Lady

  American Exhibition, London (1887)

  Anglo-Ashanti War, Fourth

  Applied Arts and Handicrafts Exhibition (1926), London

  Argus, The (Melbourne)

  Argyll, Amelia (‘Mimi’) Campbell (formerly Anson)

  Argyll, Elizabeth Campbell, Duchess of (née Leveson Gower)

  Argyll, George Campbell, 8th Duke of: and Lorne’s academic life; visits Victoria; liked by Louise; and son’s marriage to Louise; and death of wife; relations with Louise; marries again; yachting with Lorne; and death of son; widowed again and remarries; sells properties; death and funeral; leaves financial mess

  Argyll, Ian Campbell, 11th Duke of

  Argyll, Ian Campbell, 12th Duke of

  Argyll, Ina Campbell (formerly McNeill), Duchess of

  Argyll, John Campbell, 9th Duke of see Lorne, Marquess of

  Argyll, Margaret Campbell (née Whigham)

  Argyll, Niall Campbell, 10th Duke of

  Argyll family

  Argyllshire and Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise’s); War Memorial Club

  Armstrong, Lord William

  Arthur, Prince, Duke of Connaught: birth; and Beatrice’s birth; and Victoria; and Albert’s death; dislikes Balmoral; correspondence with Louise; and Stirling; and Louise’s probable pregnancy; interest in Louise’s art school friend; his annuity; accompanies Louise to Liverpool; wedding; tells Louise of John Brown’s death; and Campbell divorce case; has problems with Victoria over his children; concerned about Alfred; in South Africa; appointed Governor-General of Canada; close relations with Louise; his guttural pronunciation; and death of wife; welcomes troops back to London; with Louise in his villa in France; and Kaiser Wilhelm; discovers Sidmouth; letters to Louise; death

  Arthur, Prince of Connaught

  Arthur, Chester, US President

  Arts & Crafts Movement

  Ashburton, Lady

  Asquith, Margot (née Tennant)

  Athlone, Alexander Cambridge,1st Earl of

  Atholl, Dowager Duchess of

  Auckland Star

  Augusta, Queen of Prussia

  ‘baccarat scandal’ (1891)

  Badcock, Baynes

  Badcock, Ethel

  Baldwin, Stanley

  Balfour, Arthur

  Balfour, Lady Frances

  Balmoral, people of

  Balmoral Castle

  Barbour, Lyell

  Barrett, Jerry: Queen Victoria’s First Visit to her Wounded Soldiers


  Bath Chronicle

  Battenberg see Mountbatten

  Battersea, Constance (‘Connie’), Lady (née de Rothschild)

  Battersea, Cyril Flower, Lord

  Bauer, Fräulein

  Beaton, Cecil

  Beatrice, Princess (Princess Henry of Battenberg): birth and babyhood; and Victoria after Albert’s death; Louise sculpts bust of; childhood; and Louise’s wedding; and Victoria’s demands; marriage possibilities; supports mother at John Brown’s funeral; marriage to Henry of Battenberg; suffers miscarriage; distrusted by siblings; resents her children loving Lo
uise; praises Louise; at Aix-les-Bains with Victoria; birth of daughter; unmaternal; quarrels with Louise; at Biarritz with Victoria; birth of her son; at Grasse with Victoria; comparisons with Louise; another baby; grows fat; relationship with Louise; and husband’s death; and Bertie’s accession; her heavy editing of Victoria’s journals; winters in Egypt; in France; moves into Kensington Palace; increasingly infirm; and Helena’s death; visits South Africa; at Alix’s memorial service; stays with Arthur; has serious fall; has cataract operation; death

  Beaven, Robert

  Bell, Vanessa

  Bell-Smith, Frederick

  Benmore Lodge, Isle of Mull

  Bentinck, H. J. Cavendish

  Beresford, Lord Charles

  Bermuda (1883)

  ‘Bertie’ see Edward VII

  Bickerton, J. P.

  Biddulph, Lady Mary (née Seymour)

  Biddulph, Sir Thomas

  Bigge, Arthur

  Birendra Singh, Baro Raja

  Birmingham: children’s hospital

  Black, Clementina

  Blackburn: statue of Queen Victoria (Mackennal)

  Blackmore, R. D.; Lorna Doone

  Blackpool: first royal visit (1912)

  Black Prince, The (ship)

  Blumenthal, Jacques

  Blumenthal, Léonie

  Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen; The Future of Islam

  Bob (dog)

  Boehm, Edgar C.

  Boehm, Frances

  Boehm, Joseph Edgar; bust of Thackeray; becomes Louise’s teacher; their relationship; sculpts statue of Victoria; ‘finishes off’ Louise’s work; and Louise’s studio; exhibits at Grosvenor Gallery; and Whistler; named Sculptor in Ordinary by Victoria (1881); teaches Alfred Gilbert; works on equestrian statue of Prince Albert; cares for wife; well known works; death; burial; papers and diaries bequeathed to Fitzwilliam Museum

  Boer Wars; memorial (Princess Louise)

  Boldini, Giovanni

  Boston Evening Transcript

  Bowater, Louisa

  Boy Scouts

  Boys’ Brigade

  Brabazon, Hercules Brabazon

  Bray, Mrs (nurse)

  Britannia (royal yacht)

  British Empire Exhibition, Wembley (1924)

  British Empire League

  British Institute, Brussels

  British Institution, London: exhibitions (1870, 1871)

  British Orphan Asylum

  British Women’s Patriotic League

  Brompton Hospital, Chatham, Kent

  Brontë, Charlotte

  Brown, Archie

  Brown, John: and Victoria; bullies her children; and Boehm; and Louise’s wedding; rescues queen from Fenian; death

  Brown, Lancelot (‘Capability’)

  Brown, Margaret

  Browning, Robert

  Bruce, Lady Augusta see Stanley, Lady Augusta

  Bruce, Robert

  Bryant & May match factory strike (1888)

  Buchanan, Robert: ‘The Fleshly School of Poetry’; The Land of Lorne

  Buckingham Palace

  Bunsen, Marie von

  Burne-Jones, Edward; The Mirror of Venus; Wheel of Fortune

  Burne-Jones, Georgiana

  Bury, Adrian: Shadow of Eros

  Butler, George

  Butler, Josephine (née Grey); Woman’s Work and Woman’s Culture

  Caesar (dog)

  Caldecott, Randolph

  Cambridge, Duchess of, Princess Augusta

  Cameron, Julia Margaret

  Camp, Anthony: Royal Mistresses and Bastards…

  Campbell, Lord Archibald (‘Archie’)

  Campbell, Lord Colin; death

  Campbell, Lady Colin (née Gertrude Blood); portrait

  Campbell, Lady Janey (née Callander)

  Carew, James

  Carlyle, Thomas; statue (Boehm)

  Carroll, Lewis (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson); Alice in Wonderland

  Cartwright, Sir Richard

  Cavendish, Lord Frederick

  Cavendish, Lady Lucy

  Channel Tunnel excavations

  Charlotte, Princess


  Chicago: World’s Fair (1893)


  Christian IX, of Denmark

  Christian X, of Denmark

  Christian, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein

  Christian Victor, Prince

  Churchill, Lady Jane

  Churchill, Winston

  Claremont House, Surrey

  Cleveland Street Scandal (1889)

  Clifden, Lady

  Clifden, Nellie

  Clique, the (group)

  Coates, Colin MacMillan: Majesty in Canada

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor; cottage

  Collins, Captain (later Colonel) Arthur

  Collins, Major Robert

  Collinson, James; Home Again

  Connolly, Billy

  Conroy, Sir John

  Contagious Diseases Acts (1864, 1866, 1869)

  Corbould, Edward

  Corsi, Antonio

  Cory, William (formerly Johnson)

  Costers’ and Street Traders’ Show, London (1928)

  Cowell, Sir John

  Cowper, Francis Cowper, 7th Earl

  Crane, Walter

  crime in London

  Crimean War (1854–6)

  Croft, Dr Sir Richard

  Crofton, Marjorie

  Cubitt, Thomas

  Culver, Edith Bruce

  Culver-Evans, Celia

  Cumberland, Duchess of, Princess Thyra

  Dadd, Richard

  Daily Post

  Daily Telegraph

  Dakers, Caroline: The Holland Park Circle

  Dalchenna House, Scotland

  Daubigny, Charles-François

  Davis, General

  Deceased Wife’s Sister’s Marriage Act (1907)

  De Morgan, Evelyn


  Dennison, Matthew: The Last Princess

  de Winton, Francis; children

  Dickens, Charles; Great Expectations

  Dickens, Charles, Jnr: ‘The National Art Training School’

  Dickens, Henry Fielding

  Dictionary of National Biography: ‘Alfred Gilbert’

  Dido (ship)

  Disraeli, Benjamin: on Albert; and Victoria; at the Wyndhams’; and Lorne as Governor-General of Canada; on Malta; death

  Dominis, John, Governor of Hawaii

  Dornden, Kent

  Douglas, Lord Alfred (‘Bosie’)

  Druid, HMS

  Duckworth, Captain Arthur

  Duckworth, Sir Dyce

  Duckworth, Reverend Robinson

  Duff, David: The Life Story of H.R.H. Princess Louise…

  Dufferin, Hariot Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Lady

  Dufferin, Frederick Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, 1st Marquess

  Duran, Manuel (Mateo Moral)

  Durant, Susan

  Dutton, Captain Joseph

  Duty and Discipline Movement

  Eakin, Mr (postmaster)

  East End Mothers’ Home

  East Ham Palace, London: parties

  Eddy, Prince see Albert Victor, Prince

  Edinburgh School of Cookery

  Education Act (1870)

  Edward VII (‘Bertie’): birth; and Louise; and Beatrice; childhood blighted by parents; his voice; visits the wounded; in Paris with parents; leaves home; travels in Europe; and grandmother’s funeral; has affair with actress; blamed by Victoria for Albert’s death; at his father’s deathbed; as chief mourner; in the Middle East; engagement and marriage; first baby; second baby; angry at Helena’s engagement; supports Louise’s choice of presents; names first daughter Louise; on bad terms with Alix; wants Louise to stay with her; praised by Victoria; in Ireland; hatred of John Brown; derides Victoria’s Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands; has affair with ‘Skittles’ (Catherine Walters); feels Louise should be married; stands in for Victoria; outraged by Louise’s involvemen
t in Josephine Butler’s work; and Franco-Prussian War; attends functions with Louise; opposes her engagement to Lorne; snubs 8th Duke of Argyll; and Lorne’s sexual ‘proclivities’; and Louise’s wedding; gives them a billiards table; survives typhoid; grows closer to mother and wife; in debt; becomes Grand Master in Freemasons; ‘stout and puffy’; on tour of India (1875–6); and Lily Langtry; and Mordaunt divorce case; supports Deceased Wife’s Sister’s Marriage Act; and Native Americans; further infidelities; sees Leopold and Louise at Osborne; and Leopold’s death; and Victoria’s golden jubilee celebrations; celebrates silver wedding anniversary; and son’s involvement in Cleveland Street Scandal; dislikes Kaiser Wilhelm; and Boehm’s death; and ‘baccarat scandal’; and Prince Eddy’s death; quarrels with Alix; social circle; visits Leighton; with Louise at Cannes; survives assassination attempt; disgusted by Lorne’s behaviour; and Victoria’s death; opens Parliament; accompanied by Louise at public events; dinner parties at Windsor; and smoking; scandalised by Lorne’s Life of Queen Victoria; treatment of Beatrice; gives Osborne House to the nation; gets rid of Victoria’s Indian servant; holds first official court; coronation; opposes women riding side-saddle; spends time in France; encourages visits from foreign royalty; suppresses investigation into theft of Irish Crown Jewels; patronises De László; antipathy towards Wilhelm; continues affair with Mrs Keppel; death and funeral

  Edward VIII (David, Prince of Wales)

  Egg, Augustus

  Egypt (1906)

  Eliot, George (Mary Ann Evans)

  Elisabeth (‘Sisi’), Empress of Austria

  Elizabeth, Queen Mother

  Elmore, Alfred

  Elphinstone, Major Howard

  Elvey, Sir George: Wedding March

  Ely, Jane Loftus (née Hope-Vere), Marchioness of

  Ena (Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena), Princess of Battenberg (later Queen of Spain)

  Epton, Nina; Victoria and her Daughters

  Era, The

  Ernst II, Duke of Saxe-Coburg

  Eton College

  Eugénie, Empress of France

  Euston, Henry FitzRoy, Earl of

  Exeter and Plymouth Gazette

  Exposition Universelle, Paris

  ‘Fair Women’ (1909 exhibition)

  Fairbanks, Douglas, Junior

  Falkirk Herald

  Female Military Orphan Asylum, Wandsworth, London


  Feodora, Princess of Leiningen

  Fife, Alexander Duff, 6th Earl (later Duke) of

  Fitzwilliam, Lady Mary

  Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge

  Flanders, Count of

  Forbes-Robertson, Norman

  Ford, Mrs (suffrage campaigner)

  Forster, E. M.


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