Queen Victoria's Mysterious Daughter

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Queen Victoria's Mysterious Daughter Page 45

by Lucinda Hawksley

Marie, Grand Duchess of Russia

  Marie-Antoinette, Queen

  Marie-Louise, Princess of Schleswig-Holstein

  Marks, Henry Stacy

  Marlborough, George Spencer-Churchill, Duke of

  Marlborough House balls

  ‘Marlborough House Set’

  Marochetti, Baron Carlo

  Married Women’s Property Act (1870)

  Martineau, Harriet

  Mary, Princess Royal

  Mary, Queen (‘May’) of Teck

  Maud, Princess of Wales

  Maurice of Battenberg, Prince (Maurice Mountbatten)

  Menton, France (1872)

  Micmac tribe

  Miles, Frank

  Millais, Effie (formerly Ruskin)

  Millais, John Everett 1; Effie Deans; Ophelia

  Mitchell & Kenyon

  Monet, Claude

  Montalba, Clara

  Montalba, Henrietta

  Montreal; statue of Victoria (Princess Louise); death of Henry Locock

  Montreal Gazette

  Mordaunt, Sir Charles

  Mordaunt, Harriet, Lady

  Moreton, Evelyn (later Viscountess Byng of Vimy)

  Moreton, Janie

  Moreton, Sir Richard

  Moretta, Princess see Viktoria of Prussia, Princess

  Morgan, W. A.

  Morning Post

  Morris, Jane (née Burden)

  Morris, William 1

  Morshead, Owen

  Moscheles, Felix

  Mountbatten (Battenberg), Lord Leopold

  Mountbatten (Battenberg), Lord Louis

  Mountbatten, Lady Louise

  Mountbatten, Maurice see Battenberg, Prince Maurice of

  Mountbatten family

  Mrs Brown (film)

  Müller, Max

  ‘Munshi, the’ see Karim, Abdul

  Murray, John

  Napoleon III, Emperor

  National Archives, Kew

  National Art Library, London

  National Art Training School, London

  National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis

  National Fund

  National Gallery, London

  National Gallery of Canada

  National Portrait Gallery, London

  National Society for the Protection of Young Girls

  National Trust

  National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies

  Natural History Museum, London

  New English Art Club

  New Hospital for Women, London

  ‘New Sculpture’ movement

  New York Times

  Newcastle Guardian

  Nightingale, Florence

  O’Connor, Arthur

  O’Farrell, Henry James

  Orr, F. Maclellan

  Osborne Cottage, Isle of Wight

  Osborne House, Isle of Wight; Swiss Cottage; Princess Louise’s studio; holidays; Hallé’s visit; Charles Locock’s visits; and Victoria’s lack of style; Louise’s visits; Duke of Argyll’s visit; Ponsonby’s funeral; Victoria’s death; given to the nation

  Ottawa; Government House see Rideau Hall

  Ottawa Citizen

  Ottawa Free Press

  Ottawa School of Art

  Oudin, Eugène

  Paderewski, Ignacy Jan

  Paget, Walburga, Lady

  Paine, Albert Bigelow: Mark Twain

  Pall Mall Gazette

  Paris; and Franco-Prussian War; artists; Ecole Normale de Musique

  Patiala, Maharajah of

  Patricia of Connaught (‘Patsy’), Princess

  Paxton, Joseph

  People’s Palace, London

  Perugini, Carlo

  Perugini, Kate (née Dickens) 1

  Peyfer, Achille

  Philip, Prince

  Phillip, John

  Phillips, Robert

  Phoenix Park murders, Dublin (1882)

  Pinkham, W. (glove-maker)

  Pissarro, Camille

  Pius IX, Pope

  Poincaré, Raymond, President of France

  Polynesian (steamer)

  Ponsonby, Arthur: Henry Ponsonby

  Ponsonby, Henry; impressed by Louise’s drawings; on Victoria’s dull dinner parties; on Louise’s personality; pleased at improvement in mother–daughter relations; on Louise before her marriage; on life at Inveraray Castle; on relations between Louise and Lorne; worries how Louise will fare in Canada; on her enlivening life at Aix; on quarrels between Louise and Beatrice; helps Louise and Lorne set up new home; illness; death and funeral

  Ponsonby, Margaret (‘Maggie’)

  Portsmouth Evening News

  Pound, Ezra

  Poynter, Sir Edward

  Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (PRB)

  Princess Louise (ship)

  Princess Louise Hospital for Children, Kensington


  Punch magazine


  Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House

  Queen Mary’s Hospital for the East End, London

  Queensberry, John Douglas, 8th Marquess of

  Ragged Schools

  Railway Convalescent Homes

  Rainey, Paul J.

  Ramsay, Alexander

  Rasputin, Grigori

  Recreative Evening Schools Association

  Red Cross, British

  Reid, Sir James

  Reynolds’s Weekly Newspaper

  Ribsden Hall, Surrey

  Richmond, Sir William Blake 1

  Ricks, Martha Ann

  Rideau Hall (Government House), Ottawa

  Ridley, Jane: Bertie: A Life of Edward VII

  Ritchie, Anny Thackeray

  Roberts, Fanny

  Roberts, Field Marshal Frederick

  Robertson (valet)

  Rosneath, Argyll and Bute; The Ferry Inn

  Rosneath Castle, Argyll and Bute

  Ross, Robert (‘Robbie’)

  Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 1

  Rossetti, William Michael

  Rothschild, Alice de

  Roxburghe, Duchess of

  Royal Academy; exhibits (Boehm) (Mary Thornycroft) (Princess Louise); presidents

  Royal Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool

  Royal Albert Hall, London

  Royal Archives see Windsor Castle

  Royal Canadian Academy of the Arts

  Royal Collection

  Royal Drawing School, London

  Royal Drawing Society

  Royal Female School of Art, London

  Royal Free Hospital, London

  Royal Horticultural Society

  Royal Irish Industries Association

  Royal Northern Hospital, London

  Royal Society of Canada

  Royal Society of Canada for the Encouragement of Science and Literature

  Royal Society of Painters in Watercolours

  Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria

  Rushton, Dr Alan R.: Royal Maladies

  Ruskin, John; The Stones of Venice; court case with Whistler

  Russell, William Howard

  Rutland, Violet Manners (née Lindsay), Duchess of

  St Albans, Sybil Beauclerk (née Grey), Duchess of

  St Albans, William Beauclerk, 10th Duke of

  St Pancras Station, London

  St Thomas’s Hospital, London

  Sandringham House, Norfolk

  Sardinian, SS

  Sargent, John Singer

  Sarmatian, SS

  Sass, Henry: academy

  Sassoon, Siegfried

  Saunders, J. T. see Lansdown, George A.

  Savoy Hotel, London

  Savoy Theatre, London

  Schleswig-Holstein, Christian August II, Duke of

  School of Art Needlework, London

  Science Museum, London

  Scott, Sir George Gilbert

  Scott, Sir Walter: The Heart of Midlothian

  Scottish Home Industries Association

  Seacole, Mary

  Sevenoaks, K
ent: St Nicholas Church

  Severn, Arthur

  Severn, Joan

  Shackleton, Sir Ernest

  Shackleton, Frank

  Shah of Persia: 1873 visit to England

  Shaw, Richard Norman

  Shoumatoff, Alex

  Siddal, Lizzie 1

  Sidmouth: Fortfield Hotel

  Sieveking, Dr Edward

  Simpson, Ernest

  Simpson, Wallis

  Singapore: Sir Stamford Raffles (Woolner)

  Sisley, Alfred

  ‘Skittles’ see Walters, Catherine

  Smith, Timothy D’Arch

  Smyth, Ethel

  Snow, Sir John

  Society of Apothecaries

  Society for Home Education

  Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Dental Aid Fund

  Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Family Association

  Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Hut for Rest and Refreshment, King’s Cross Station

  Solomon, Simeon: Love in Autumn

  Somerset, Lord Arthur

  Souls, the

  South London Hospital for Women

  Spartali-Stillman, Marie

  Spectator, The

  Spielmann, Marlon Harry

  Spy, David Buchanan

  Stamp, Robert: Royal Rebels

  Stanley, Dean Arthur

  Stanley, Lady Augusta (née Bruce); Letters… (ed. Dean of Windsor and H. Bolitho)

  Star, The

  Stephens, Frederic George

  Stevenson, Robert Louis 1; The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

  Stirling, Lady

  Stirling, Walter George; dismissal; letters from Prince Leopold; emigrates to Canada

  Stirling Castle

  Stocker, Mark: Royalist and Realist

  Stoker, Bram

  Stoker, Florence (née Balcombe)

  Stone, Marcus

  Stopford, Horatia

  Strain, Dr William

  Stratford, Dr Mavis

  Stratford Music Festival

  Strutt, Arthur

  Sudbury, Suffolk: memorial to Gainsborough

  Sullivan, Arthur 1; ‘Dominion Hymn’ (Lorne); Ivanhoe; death; see also Gilbert and Sullivan

  Sunlight Clinic, London

  Surprise (royal yacht)

  Sussex, Dowager Duchess of

  Sutherland, Helen

  Swinburne, Algernon Charles

  Sydney Morning Herald

  Tate, Henry

  Tenedos, HMS

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord; ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’

  Tennyson, Audrey, Lady

  Tennyson, Hallam, 2nd Lord

  Territorial Army

  Terry, Ellen; portrait

  Thackeray, Amy

  Thackeray, William Makepeace

  Thames Embankment, London

  Theed, William

  Thom, Wilfred

  Thomson, William, Archbishop of York

  Thornton, Sir Edward

  Thornton, Lady

  Thornycroft, Alyce

  Thornycroft, Mary (née Francis)

  Thornycroft, Theresa (later Sassoon)

  Thornycroft, Thomas; statue of Prince Albert

  Thornycroft, William Hamo

  Thurston, Mary Ann

  Times, The; Lorne’s obituary

  Titanic disaster

  Tite Street, Chelsea

  Tobacco Trade Journal

  Toronto Globe

  Trimingham, Andrew

  Trimingham, James Harvey

  Trimingham, Louise

  Tucker, Amy

  Twain, Mark

  Umberto I, of Italy

  Vanbrugh, Sir John

  Vancouver History Society

  Vicars, Sir Arthur

  Vickers, Hugo

  ‘Vicky’ see Victoria, Princess Royal

  Victor Emmanuel III, of Italy

  Victoria, Princess (Princess Louis of Battenberg)

  Victoria, Princess of Hesse

  Victoria, Princess of Wales

  Victoria, Princess Royal (‘Vicky’): birth; and her mother; and her siblings; intelligence as a child; love of Osborne House, and Balmoral; engagement and wedding; Wilhelm’s birth; homesick and missing siblings; and Albert’s death; successfully match-makes for Helena; wants Louise to marry a Prussian; supports women’s emancipation; and Franco-Prussian War; opposed to Louise’s marriage; on her childlessness; and Lorne; and death of son; holidays with Louise; disapproves of Liko as Beatrice’s husband; at golden jubilee celebrations; in Venice with Louise; in England; and death of husband; and Wilhelm’s unpleasantness; visits Leighton; illness and death

  Victoria, Queen: childhood; journals; accession; and Louise’s birth; treatment of her children, see specific child; dislike of smoking; survives assassination attempts; love of Osborne House; and Albert; as art collector; at Great Exhibition; and Crimean War; love of Balmoral; invites Florence Nightingale; and her mother’s death (1861); and Albert’s death; and Princess Alice’s wedding; approves of Bertie’s engagement; meets Alexandra; and the wedding; travels abroad; and ‘Prince Eddy’s’ birth; and Walter Stirling; furious at naming of Bertie’s daughter; and Sir Charles Locock; on an idyllic Swiss holiday; and John Brown; and the public; publishes Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands (1868); and Disraeli; against rights of women; and Louise’s engagement; and Franco-Prussian War; and Louise’s wedding; worried about Alice and Louise meeting; offended by Lorne; seriously ill; and Bertie’s illness; offends the Argylls; her lack of artistic style; approves of Gower; ‘no married daughter is of any use’; and homosexuality; won over by Alfred’s wife; jealous of closeness of Louise and Leopold; becomes Empress of India; rumoured to have had a rift with Louise; names Boehm Sculptor in Ordinary; in mourning for Disraeli; admires Leopold’s baby daughter; hurts knee; and John Brown’s death; and Louise’s desire for a separation; and Beatrice’s marriage; at Aix-les-Bains; has portrait painted by Bell-Smith; celebrates golden jubilee; at Biarritz; and Kaiser Wilhelm; and Boehm’s death; at Grasse; refuses to accept Effie Millais; health problems; failing eyesight; holidays abroad; mellows in older age; and Bigge/Liko scandal; at Liko’s funeral; scandalised by Louise’s familiarity with Rosneath locals; reigns longer than any other English sovereign; diamond jubilee; her 80th birthday; contributes paintings to art exhibitions; serious health problems; death and funeral; art collection; busts and statues, Boehm, Gilbert, Princess Louise, Mackennal

  Victoria and Albert (royal yacht)

  Victoria and Albert (yacht)

  Victoria and Albert Museum, London

  Victoria Docks Settlement

  Victoria Hospital for Children, Chelsea

  Victoria Melita, Princess

  Viktoria of Prussia, Princess

  Voluntary Aid Detachment (VAD)

  Wake, Jehanne: Princess Louise

  Waldemar of Prussia, Prince

  Wallace Collection, London

  Walters, Catherine (‘Skittles’)

  Ward, Herbert

  Warr, Charles L.; The Glimmering Landscape

  War Relief Art movement

  Watts, George Frederic

  Waubuno, Chief

  Weir Hospital, Balham, London

  Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of; statue (Boehm)

  Western Daily Press

  Western Morning News

  Westminster, Hugh Grosvenor, 1st Duke of

  Wheelerbread, Mr and Mrs

  Whistler, James Abbott McNeill; friendship with Louise 1; Peacock Room; Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket; court case with Ruskin

  White, Arnold

  White House, Tite Street (Godwin)

  White Lodge, Richmond Park

  Whitstable Times

  Wilde, Constance (née Lloyd)

  Wilde, Oscar; The Portrait of Dorian Gray; A Woman of No Importance

  Wilhelm I, Kaiser

  Wilhelm II, Kaiser: birth; cheats at croquet; unpleasant; feels rejected; at Victoria’s deathbed; scandalised by Lorne’s book
; hatred of England; and Louise; hostility towards Edward VII; at his funeral; despised by English relations; memoirs

  William III and Mary

  William IV

  Williams, Mrs Lowlsey

  Willis, General

  Wilson, Sir Arthur

  Windsor Castle; darkroom; Albert’s death; Edward VII’s wedding; Louise’s wedding; Christmases; Victoria’s 80th; changes under Edward VII; estate buildings; Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House; Louise’s funeral; Royal Archives

  Winterhalter, Franz Xaver

  Wolseley, General Garnet

  Wolseley, Lady

  Wolverhampton: statue of Prince Albert (Thornycroft)

  Women’s Emigration society

  Women’s Farm and Garden Association

  Women’s Land Army

  women’s suffrage; see also Butler, Josephine

  Women’s Trade Union League

  Wood, Frederick

  Woolner, Thomas

  Wordsworth, William: letter to Coleridge

  World, The

  World War, First

  Wyndham, Madeleine (née Campbell)

  Wyndham, Percy


  Young Men’s Friendly Society

  YWCA hostel, Bristol

  About the Author

  LUCINDA HAWKSLEY is a writer and lecturer on art history and nineteenth-century history. She has written biographies of the pre-Raphaelite muse Lizzie Siddal, Charles Dickens, and Katey, one of Dickens’ children. She is the great, great, great granddaughter of Charles and Catherine Dickens and is a patron of the Charles Dickens Museum in London.

  Visit her Web site at www.lucindahawksley.com, or sign up for email updates here.

  Also by Lucinda Hawksley

  Essential Pre-Raphaelites

  Charles Dickens’ Favourite Daughter: The Life, Loves and Art of Katey Dickens Perugini

  Lizzie Siddal: The Tragedy of a Pre-Raphaelite Supermodel

  50 British Artists You Should Know

  Charles Dickens

  March, Women, March: Voices of the Women’s Movement from the First Feminist to Votes for Women

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  Title Page

  Copyright Notice


  List of Illustrations


  Introduction: How it all began

  Prologue: A celebrity comes to Liverpool

  1. Born in the year of revolution

  2. A royal education

  3. In the shadow of her siblings

  4. An Annus Horribilis

  5. The first sculpture

  6. What really happened with Walter Stirling?


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