Savage Locke (Locke Brothers, 2)

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Savage Locke (Locke Brothers, 2) Page 7

by Victoria Ashley

  I’ve already made it fully known to her that I plan to claim every part of her body and I won’t be completely satisfied until I do just that.

  The way her tight little round ass is spread for me, her asshole waiting for me to take it, has me close to losing my shit and coming all over her.

  But I’m not done with her sweet little cunt yet, so I place my hand to the back of her neck and thrust back inside of her. She screams out and curls her fingers against the shower wall, the sound of her pleasure echoing throughout the small bathroom.

  I have no doubt that my brothers and Kadence can hear every last noise we make in here, but I couldn’t care less. I’ll let them listen to me claim my girl so it’s just as clear to them as it is to her that she’s mine.

  I want the whole fucking world to know.

  Wynter releases a moan against my arm as I continue to fill her with my cock, making her take every inch of me.

  “I want all of you,” she says, out of breath. “I want you to take all of me as well. Every last bit of me.”

  My lips turn into a savage smile as I slowly pull out of her tight little pussy and move the head of my cock up to meet her asshole.

  I feel her tense up, so I place my lips against her neck and gently kiss it as a way to distract her from me slowly entering her from behind.

  I smooth my fingers along her pussy, coating them with her wetness, and moving it back up to her ass. I lube her hole up good, make her primed for me, ready for me to stretch her ass.

  But I know that’s not enough. I move away from her only long enough to grab some lube from the bathroom drawer, one I’ve used to jerk off to while I thought about her.

  I pop the cap and spread the liquid over my dick before putting a hefty amount on my fingers and smoothing it along her asshole.

  She leans her head back, letting out a small painful noise. I quickly bite her neck, drawing the pain somewhere else, until I can push my cock halfway in.

  I move slowly at first, giving her time to adjust to the mixture of pain and pleasure, before I finally push all my inches in and stop.

  I’m buried balls deep in her tight little ass. “Am I the first to be back here, baby?” She nods for me and I growl out low. The fact that I’m the first and only one to ever claim her this way has me almost coming, but I stop myself.

  “Fuck, baby.” I press my lips against her ear and slowly begin moving in and out as I scrape her flesh with my teeth. “This ass is mine . . .” I reach around to rub my thumb over her clit. “This pussy is mine. And this cock . . .” I thrust hard inside of her, causing her to groan out and dig her nails into my arm. “Is yours. I’m yours . . .”

  “Say it again,” she whispers against my arm.

  “I’m yours.” I smile against her neck before kissing it. “I’m Sterling Locke and I fucking belong to you. Every last bit of me.”

  “Yes . . .” she moans. “I love the sound of that.”

  “Me, too,” I admit. “Now hold on tight, baby. I’ve been about as gentle as I can be.”

  I pull out of her ass and let the water wash over me as I quickly swipe my hand over the bar of soap on the wall and wipe it over my dick. My jaw clenches hard as I slam back into her tight pussy, fucking her so hard that I’m pushing her up the shower wall with each thrust.

  This has her biting my arm so hard that I won’t be surprised if she’s drawn blood. But I want that, need it. I need her to leave her mark on me just as badly as I need to leave mine on her.

  I keep moving my hips, taking her hard and deep until I feel her pussy clenching around my cock, causing me to come deep inside of her.

  “Fuck, baby . . .” I reach around to grab the front of her neck before I trail kisses up and down her back, while fighting to catch my breath.

  I can hear her struggling to slow her breathing as she goes limp in my arms, my body holding her up against the wall.

  “I’ve imagined this moment for a really long time. What it would feel like for you to take me. How rough you’d be.”

  I pull out of her gently and turn her around, placing my wet body against hers. “And?” I grab her hand and gently kiss her fingers as the water runs down them. “Was I too rough for you?”

  She smiles and shakes her head. “I think I’d like you to be rougher next time. I want to feel you inside me weeks later and not just days because that’s what you do to me. You make me want to feel your pain . . . want to feel you. All of you.”

  “Fuck, baby. You’re so fucking perfect for me.” I lift her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. I slam my lips against hers, needing to feel her breath against my mouth. Needing to feel her want for me.

  “Let’s go get some rest. I have somewhere I want to take you later. Just the two of us.”

  I reach over and turn the shower water off before stepping out of the tub with her still in my arms.

  There’s nothing I love more than taking care of my woman and she’s going to feel that with every fucking breath I take.

  And that’s exactly why I need to take her to where my love for her first started. A place I visit often late at night just to clear my head.

  She’s part of the reason I kept fighting when all I felt like doing was giving up . . .


  I slept so good last night that I feel like energy is running through me at a high rate. But then a good fucking, and sleeping next to the man I love can do that to a person, I suppose.

  I’m surprised when Sterling walks over to his motorcycle and straddles it with a cocky grin, while looking me over. “Get on.”

  I move over to him and he grabs my hand, helping me onto the back before he hands me his helmet to put on.

  I can’t contain my excitement as I quickly strap it on and loosely wrap my arms around Sterling’s body, placing my hands on his firm chest.

  He lets out this animalistic growl and grabs my hands, pulling them farther around him so that I have a better grip. “Hold on, baby.” His body vibrates as a deep laugh moves through him, before he lowers my hands down his ripped abs and down to his hard dick. “Even if it’s onto my cock. Just hold on tight.”

  Electricity shoots through my body and down to my pussy, remembering how it felt for him to take me just hours ago in the shower.

  I love the way he’s so bold with me and just says and does what he wants with no fucks given.

  Turns me on so damn much.

  I squeeze his dick and gently bite his ear before moving my hands back up his body and gripping tightly onto his chest, to let him know there’s no way I’m letting go. Then I rest my head against his back, moving in as closely as I can. “I’m ready.”

  “Good, because I think we both need fast right now. A little escape from this fucked-up reality.”

  As if he was waiting to make sure I’m secure, he revs the engine a few times before taking off fast.

  I have to admit that I’m a little nervous since it’s my first time on a motorcycle, but the idea of Sterling being the one in control is keeping me cool and calm.

  I trust him with my life more than anyone.

  And why shouldn’t I? He’s already proven the lengths he’ll go to make sure anyone who hurt me will pay with blood. Lots of blood.

  Oddly, that makes me feel safer than I have my entire life.

  It’s not long before we’re pulling up at our old high school. He gets off only long enough to jimmy the lock on the fence that keeps people off of school property. Once he’s back on the bike he’s driving through the grass, toward the football field.

  Old memories of Sterling walking through the halls with bruises covering his body, his dark gaze trained on me as we passed each other take over and I find myself wanting to be closer to him.

  I find myself wanting to comfort the quiet, dark soul that I spent my days and nights thinking about and wondering what his life must’ve been like.

  Not once did I ever think I’d be pulling up back at this place in the middle of the night and on the ba
ck of a Locke brother’s motorcycle, no less.

  “Do you come here often?” I find myself asking once we stop. “It feels so . . . I don’t know. I haven’t been here in years.”

  He’s quiet as he cuts the engine and helps me off his bike. He looks around at the field as he pulls my helmet off and sets it on the seat. “I like to come here at night and think. It helps get my head off all the fucked-up shit my brothers and I deal with on the daily. When we came here . . . it was the one place I could go and not have to worry about what my parents would do next. How they would hurt my brothers and me. I knew that as soon as I walked through those doors that I had at least seven hours where I could breathe easy and not have to watch our backs.”

  His words break my heart.

  “Unless it was me asking for the trouble, but I was always prepared for that.”

  It’s like this thick silence descends upon us after he speaks. I know he’s reliving that time in his life and I hate it. I want to take it away from him, want to make him only feel happiness and love.

  He takes my hand and leads me toward the center of the football field. There are a few security lights on, but the only other illumination comes from the full moon above us.

  I remember coming to some of the games when I was younger, not really caring about it, but just wanting to get away from the control of my father. Even though I had moved away after graduating, he was still an unpleasant and demanding presence in my life.

  He had always tried to control me, and even breaking away hadn’t stopped that. It had helped, given me a little bit of my own life back. But still he saw me as this child that needed to be molded and controlled.

  He ruined my mother that way and I refused to let him do the same to me. That’s why I left, but it seemed I put myself in the same fucked-up situation anyway with Kevin.

  Sterling stops in the center of the field and we both sit down. He pulls me in close so I’m resting right up against his body. For long moments we don’t say anything, but I don’t need us talking to feel comfortable around him.

  We both lay back and I rest my head on his chest, hearing the steady beat of his heart. It’s strong, just like him.

  I take his hand in mine and intertwine our fingers. It’s nice spending time with him, just enjoying nothing but each other. The silence is comforting even.

  I don’t want this night to end. I don’t want to have to go back to reality, to the fact I still have to deal with my father, or what happened with Kevin.

  “Do you ever think about the future?” I ask but stare at the stars above, continuing to listen to his heart beating, wondering if he sees a future for himself.

  I know the Locke brothers are hardcore and violent, that they live on the edge and take one day at a time. But do they think about what they want in the long run?

  Do they think about what they want in their life?

  Because the truth is I do think about the future. I think about it all the time and Sterling’s in it.

  When he doesn’t answer right away, I brace myself up on one elbow and look down at him. His eyes are closed, but I can tell he’s thinking, concentrating. And then when he opens them and stares at me, his pupils so dilated the black almost eats up all the color, I wonder what is on his mind.

  Is my question too deep for him? Is he afraid to tell me that he really doesn’t see a future for us despite what he has said this whole time?

  He lifts his hand up and cups my cheek, and the feel of his thumb stroking along my skin sends shivers down my body.

  “Yeah, I see a future.” He continues to stare at me in the eyes. “I see a future with you, Wynter. I’ve always wanted that.”

  And if my heart weren’t already his, he would’ve taken it right then. His words would have made me fall in love with him, just given myself over as if nothing else existed.

  I lift my hand, cup his face, lean down and place my lips on his. For long seconds, all I do is kiss him, nothing sexual, nothing heated. It is me sealing my love for him, showing him that I am here and not going anywhere.

  His lips against mine feel too good to stop, so I don’t. Not until my lips go numb and my arm gets tired. But I finally pull away.

  It surprises me when Sterling places one hand on my face and the other one on my hip as he flips us around so that I’m lying on my back in the grass with his body resting between my legs.

  The feel of his hard body against me, his arms, his thighs, everything that is Sterling, has me sucking in a breath and breathing in his air.

  “I love you,” he says against my lips. My entire body ignites with heat from his confession and the feel of his fingertip brushing over my lip as he continues to look me in the eyes has me fighting to catch my breath. I know without a doubt that he means what he just said. “I’ve loved you for a long fucking time, Wynter.”

  “I’m yours, Sterling. I love you, too.” And I say those words so he knows. Even if I only have this one moment, it’s already ingrained, memorized in my entire being.

  And I’m lucky to have that.

  “Good. That’s real fucking good, baby.” As soon as the words leave his lips, they’re pressed against mine again. The intensity of his kiss sucks the air straight from my lungs and I find myself grabbing at his strong back, digging my nails in as I fight for air around his lips.

  He must notice me shivering beneath him from the cool night air, ‘cause he stops kissing me long enough to rip his long-sleeved shirt off over his head and help me put it on.

  I look up at his hard body, my lips tugging into a smile as I watch his muscles flex as he continues to hold himself above me. “Relax and lay with me, Sterling. I like the way it feels with my head on your chest.”

  Without hesitation, he lays back down on his back and pulls me into the same position we were in before we started kissing.

  With my head on his chest and his hands wrapped into my hair, I know without a doubt that there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.

  I could lay like this for hours and we do . . .


  It’s been a few days now since my brother and I left Kevin and his douchebag friend bleeding in the woods behind his house.

  Wynter hasn’t heard a peep from that motherfucker and I’m hoping that either means he’s scared shitless to ever contact her again or that his ass is suffering in the hospital, unable to move without screaming out in pain.

  My lips curve up into a sickening smile as I imagine him lying there in the hospital with his beat-to-hell face wrapped up in a cloth.

  It only makes me want to mess up the motherfucker in front of me even more and shake him up until he’s pissing in his pants.

  “ . . . under the sink. It’s under the sink!” He’s shaking below me, while holding onto my boot as if that’s going to stop me from stomping on his face.

  This asshole fucked over the mother of his child and emptied out their joint bank account, leaving her and their two-year-old son with no money.

  “Oh yeah.” I kick his hand out of the way and rest my boot against his throat. “Under the fucking sink, huh?” I nod to Aston. “Check it out. See if I need to crush little old Bobby’s throat with my favorite boot until he’s no longer breathing.”

  Aston pulls the cigarette from between his lips and flicks it at the wall with a grunt. “This is the third place he’s told us it’s hiding. I say if it’s not here that I take that knife over there . . .” He nods toward the knife on the counter that Bobby attempted to attack us with when we broke down the door. “And carve his motherfucking eyeballs out and feed them to him.”

  “No! It’s under there. It’s there, just look! She can have it all. Every last dollar. Fuck!” He swallows, watching Aston open the cabinet under the sink and pull out a little lock box. “Yes, that’s it. Take it. Let that bitch have it.”

  “Watch your fucking mouth before I cut it off.” I press my boot down harder, crushing his throat until he begins turning red.

  “It’s locked. Damn, t
his would be a good time for our other fucking brother to be here.” Aston turns behind him and begins looking through the drawers for something. It takes him a few minutes but finally pulls out a small hammer. “Not as big as Ace’s, but this should do the trick.”

  I keep my foot on Bobby’s neck, but relieve some of the pressure as I reach into my pocket for one of my joints. I light it with a smirk and watch as Aston takes his anger out in the little box.

  He beats it to hell, even after it’s already open and money’s flying out of it. Thousands of dollars that this asshole believed was his for the taking.

  A real man cares for his family first and himself second, but apparently this asshole is nothing but a lowlife animal.

  Aston finally puts the hammer down and reaches for the money. “Here.” He tosses me a rolled-up five-dollar bill. “At least his ex was nice enough to leave him a little something for dinner.”

  I lean in close to Bobby’s sweaty face. “This is more than you left for your family to eat on, you piece of shit. Hope this shit tastes good.” With an angry growl, I shove the bill in his mouth to the point where he’s choking on it and then I reach for the glass of water next to me and pour it in his mouth, causing him to panic and begin gripping at my arm.

  “See if that lasts you for two weeks, you piece of shit.” Aston steps up beside me, lights a cigarette and pulls the bill out of his mouth before shoving the lit cigarette inside and holding his mouth closed. “Here’s a little dessert to go with it, bitch.”

  It’s getting late at this point and all I can think about is getting back to Wynter and having a chill night with just my woman and my family. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  “I’m ready, brother.”

  The crackling of the fire has us all staring at the pile of wood before us, watching as it slowly burns into ashes.

  This is our time to relax and forget about everything for just a few hours as a family. It feels good as shit having Wynter here for this one and not just her showing up at the end with bruises all over her body.


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