Bells and Chains (Operation Reindeer Retrieval Book 7)

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Bells and Chains (Operation Reindeer Retrieval Book 7) Page 4

by Viola Grace

  Bern shifted and pressed her against the wall so he could free up his hands and pin hers. He rocked his hips into her hard and fast. The first slow seduction had been for her; this one was for him.

  She clenched her hands against his as he made feral sounds and slammed into her. She could have broken his fingers, but she reined herself in and fought the rise of pleasure in her own body.

  The sharp twinges of sensation shook her control. The cool walls gave a counterpoint to the heat of Bern’s body, but there was no stopping the spiral of enjoyment that swam upward and pulled her under.

  Bern froze against her, his muscles quivering. His voice whispered softly. “Open your eyes, Doni.”

  She opened her eyes, and he started to move into her in short, hard motions. His eyes glowed and a low, groaning growl broke free of his lips while he held himself inside her.

  Doni watched the fire and magic break free of him and swirl around her. The power seared her lungs and settled inside her.

  The fire in his gaze slowly faded, and he lowered her to the floor, holding her tight. “That was incredible. I forgot to use protection.”

  She chuckled and carefully pressed her forehead against his chest. “Don’t worry. I am impervious to human disease, and I will not go into heat for another ten months.”

  He smiled. “Good to know, but I am just shocked that I missed out on what is a rule in this house.”

  She chuckled. “Can I take my horns down now?”

  Bern nuzzled her cheek. “I like them, but I believe that you would be more comfortable blending in for now.”

  Doni gave him a quick kiss and resumed her human appearance. He sighed and did the same.

  She stroked his cheek. “I like you in any seeming.”

  He grinned. “I agree. You have an elegant charm with or without the horns. However, the horns are a turn on.”

  She had the feeling back in her legs and looked over at her clothing. “I suppose it is time for me to be on the road.”


  She blinked. “What?”

  “Stay with me. You have executed your contract, and there is no chance for someone else to need you this season. I know Titan would enjoy spending more time with you. Stay.”

  Doni stared at him and reiterated. “You don’t need to keep me in your sights. I am going back to the workshop on the twenty-third.”

  He seemed surprised. “You are?”

  “Of course. We would never jeopardize Christmas. All of us just wanted to go out into the human world and see the people who need us.”

  “Need you?”

  “Need the magic of Christmas. Even those who don’t celebrate it need a little magic now and then. We just had no idea why they needed it. From our perspective, Santa and Ru recruited us across time, and now, we are a team, but it has been so long since we were in the human world, the emotions and feelings that they have are all worn off. We don’t feel human anymore, so we were suffering from apathy. Oh, and sexual frustration.”

  He grinned. “I can help with that. I don’t even need to put your collar on for that purpose.”

  “You have my collar?” She raised her brows.

  “Of course. I had to find a way to connect with you. It is in my bedside table.”

  “Next to the condoms?” She couldn’t fight her grin.

  “And the lube.” Bern smacked her butt.

  She wobbled over to the bedside table, and she opened the top drawer. There was her collar with the word Donder emblazoned in the bronze. When she shifted with it on, it transformed into a wide chest piece that let her be rigged into the harness with the team.

  The team. Eight. She turned slowly to him. “That is why the eight subs. You do know that there are nine reindeer, right?”

  “I do, but I thought it would be fun for you to lead your own team.” He grinned and reached into the drawer to pull out the collar. “Now, we have plenty of women here with collars, but I think that this will look lovely on you.”

  “Nope. Not until the twenty-third. That is the means by which I am harnessed into the team. I want to keep my freedom as long as I can. That means no collars.”

  “Too bad; I think you would be fetching in one.” He smiled.

  “Don’t even think about it. I don’t need a safe word.” She walked over to where there was a discreet rack with crops and paddles. She took one of the paddles in one hand and turned toward him. “Now, I know you elves are strong, but you are not this strong.”

  She clenched her hand and the paddle snapped into splinters.

  Bern looked from her hand to the splinters and back to her breasts. “You are quite strong.”

  “Think about what I do on Christmas Eve. You have to be strong for that. Also, the more folks that believe in the reindeer, the stronger we get.”

  “So, you could have stopped me at any time?” His voice got low, and he approached her with a predatory gait.

  “Yes. If I had wanted to, I would have stopped you.”

  “I must say, that makes this a lot more fun.” He rushed her; she leaped over him and landed on the other side of him, grateful for the high ceilings.

  She laughed and dodged again as he lunged, but this time, he caught her and pulled her into his embrace.

  They wrestled lightly for a few minutes before she let him bend her over the edge of the bed and he was thrusting into her. It seemed she was going to sleep over after all.

  The black robe left her shoulders bare and had a wide sash. She sat with Bern as he read the paper in silk pajama bottoms and nothing else. Cara, one of the household subs, was serving them breakfast and kept looking at Doni with awe.

  Bern lifted her hand and pressed a kiss to it. “If you don’t want her staring at you, we can tell her to stop.”

  Doni chuckled. “I don’t mind. I just can’t remember where my bag is.”

  “Cara will find it. Are you enjoying your eggs benedict?”

  “I am. I am always too lazy to make it myself at home. This is excellent.” She finished tearing apart one of the English muffins with her knife and fork.

  “I have never been a fan of hollandaise sauce.” He smirked.

  She blushed. He had no restrictions on a number of other substances. They had spent a very long and educational night. She was stronger than he was, but he was sturdier than she was. It was an interesting contrast.

  “So, when I travel for business over the holidays, will you accompany me?” Bern asked it with a serious expression on his lovely face.

  “Of course. You know we have a destination in common.”

  Bern grinned. “Good, I will go and make my report, you can have your business trip and, when you are recovered, we will return here.”

  She blinked. “Is that an option?”

  He gave her a slow smile. “It is if you want it to be. I travel for a few weeks a year, and I would love to have you here when I am home.”

  Doni chuckled. “I will have to let Jake know that I won’t be back to the office. He can’t get out of paying me. I worked hard on this place.”

  “You did. A few of the guests are not fans, but the vast majority only spent time in the holiday rooms last night.”

  She blinked. “When did you learn that?”

  He put down his newspaper and held up a tablet. He had been reading the new tech behind the old tech for their whole breakfast. “Guests are asked to provide feedback to curtail issues before they become annoying.”

  “Fabulous. Can I see?” She bit her lip and batted her lashes at him.

  He sighed and handed the screen over. She danced her fingers over the screen and looked at everything from a floor plan to the supply levels in each room. Right now, the subs were cleaning up after the party from the night before.

  She flicked her fingers and grinned at the numbers. Four couples of varying genders had used the grotto, and they had left high ratings for the alternative environment.

“It seems you have a future in dungeon interior design.” Bern grinned and took the tablet back.

  Doni made a face and finished her breakfast. Cara brought her bag, and Doni fished out her phone. A memo to Jake let him know that she wasn’t going back to the office. He already knew that she was going to be with family for the holidays. He didn’t need to know where she was in the meantime.

  Doni kept to the private part of the house and the stables during her time at the club. When the twenty-third dawned, she walked into the field outside the stables where the horses were released to enjoy the moment.

  She warned them to return to their stalls when she was gone, and they all agreed. She was going to come back, and there would be distinct lack of apples for anyone who had escaped or disobeyed.

  Bern cleared his throat and held out her collar. “Are you ready?”

  “I am. Are you sure of how you need to get on top of me?”

  “A glass of wine and a compliment for your design sense.” He winked.

  “Funny stuff. Hold the horns and don’t let go. I could probably catch you, but the horns might do some damage in the process.”

  She took the collar and put it around her neck. With a sigh, she peeled off the snowflake that made the humans believe she belonged with them. When she returned, she would use it again.

  The robe was draped over Titan’s back, and he nuzzled her affectionately.

  “I think he is in love with you.”

  “No, I am just his herd master.” She gave Bern one last kiss. “Okay, here we go.”

  She shifted into her beast form, and Bern whistled softly. “Okay, yes, you are their master.”

  She jerked her head, and he grabbed her horn so she could haul him up to help him mount. When he was on her back, she touched muzzles with the horses before thundering across the snow with her herd and taking flight.

  The workshop awaited, but she looked down at the manor and thought of all the things she could learn there. There was always next year, and now, she was willing to fight for her freedom. There would be no sneaking off in the night. She would just go. She had the tools, she had somewhere to be and she wanted a life that was hers alone. That wasn’t something she could have at the workshop.

  A life was something that Bern was offering her, and she was going to take him up on that offer.

  Author’s Note

  As this goes to print, I am in surgery. Yay! I hope to be on schedule for Licking His Cane. Wish me luck.

  Thanks for Reading,

  Viola Grace

  [email protected]

  About the Author

  Viola Grace (aka Zenina Masters) is a Canadian sci-fi/paranormal romance writer with ambitions to keep writing for the rest of her life. She specializes in short stories because the thrill of discovery, of all those firsts, is what keeps her writing.

  An artist who enjoys a story that catches you up, whirls you around and sets you down with a smile on your face is all she endeavours to be. She prefers to leave the drama to those who are better suited to it, she always goes for the cheap laugh.




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