Carrie: Dr. Richards' Littles 3

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Carrie: Dr. Richards' Littles 3 Page 1

by Pepper North


  Dr. Richards’ Littles 3

  By Pepper North

  Text copyright ©2017 Pepper North

  All Rights Reserved

  Author’s Note: The following story is completely fictional. The characters are all over the age of 18 and as adults choose to live their lives in an age play environment. This is a series of books that can be read in any order. You may, however, choose to read them sequentially to best enjoy the characters. Subsequent books will feature characters that appear in previous novels as well as new faces. Prepare to enter the new world of Dr. Richards’ Littles. Enjoy!

  Other titles by Pepper North

  Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1

  Amy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 2

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four


  Chapter One

  “I know your secret, baby girl!” Carrie reread the message line of the email that had just appeared on her private email. Deciding that it was probably just a scam of some kind, Carrie clicked the delete button. Five minutes later, biting her lower lip between her teeth in a nervous gesture, Carrie clicked on the trash icon in her email to pull the message back to her in box. Should she open it or not? It was the baby girl reference that was worrying her. Just over a year ago, Carrie had accidentally opened a site on the internet that had lots of pictures of adults dressed as children. They were all carefully attended by “mommies and daddies” that loved them. That first time, she’d quickly clicked off of that site but over the last few months, Carrie had gone back frequently.

  Working as a lawyer in an exclusive downtown firm, Carrie was used to making decisions for not only herself but her clients. The pressure of all the responsibility that came with her position was often intense. Peoples’ lives and their futures depended upon her. What would it feel like to give complete control to someone else? It sounded like heaven to Carrie.

  Holding her breath, Carrie clicked on the email to open it up. She scanned the email quickly and then shakily read it again carefully. She was horrified and utterly fascinated at the same time.

  Dear Carrie,

  Sweetheart, I know you are reading this email with both excitement and dismay. Let me introduce myself. I am an entrepreneur here in our city. I’ve located you through sophisticated tracking software that I attached to a website you’ve visited often over the last few months. My goal is simple. I’m looking for a companion just like you who is drawn to a certain lifestyle. I guarantee you that I will protect your privacy and reveal to no one your interest in being a special young lady to a specific type of caring adult. I only ask that you meet me so we can determine if our personal tastes and interests would complement each other.

  Your brilliant mind will quickly think of how to discount this message so let me give you the names of several personal references that you already know. Please ask them about me. They know nothing about our interests. They will give you an insight into our mutual professional and business relationships. I will email in two days so that we can set up a meeting in a location of your choosing. I am eager to meet you and hope you will soon decide to fill a void in my life as my special baby girl.

  The email ended with a name very familiar to Carrie. Thomas Covington was a prominent member of her home town’s business and industry. He had made his mark in the Informational Technology field working with the largest corporations and companies in the bustling city. Thomas, known for his philanthropic generosity and support, was a very handsome man in his early 40s. Carrie quickly opened a new window and googled him for more details. Thomas grinned back at her from the publicity photo of a recent charity event. Dressed in a jet black tux and jaunty bow tie, Carrie felt her pulse quicken as she studied his athletic build.

  She quickly opened the other two documents that Thomas Covington had attached. One, as promised, was a list of very reputable people that Carrie knew well: a judge, a diplomat, and even one of her law professors from college among a select group of others. The other document was Thomas’ current curriculum vitae. His whole background was laid out in front of her in concise detail. Thomas wasn’t trying to hide anything about himself. It appeared that he really wanted Carrie to investigate him. “Okay, Mr. Thomas Covington,” Carrie muttered to herself aloud, “I’ll bite. Let’s see what I can find out about you that doesn’t appear on your pristine documents.”

  Accessing her professional resources, Carrie searched for obvious flaws like a criminal background and any whispers of perversion on social sites. Carrie contacted not just one person on the list but most of them casually requesting information about Thomas Covington. Over the next two days, she pried into dark corners and looked under proverbial stones trying to find negative information about Thomas. “Nothing!” Carrie was amazed. Everyone had some skeleton in their closet. “Could Thomas really be as upstanding as his background information indicated?”

  When the next message appeared, Carrie opened it immediately. “You’ve been a very busy Little girl, Carrie,” the message read. “I hope you’ve discovered information that reassures you. I’m very eager to meet with you in person. Would you like to meet for dinner? We have a lot to discuss. I think you’d probably be more comfortable speaking in private. Have you learned enough about me to trust me if I suggest dinner at my home?”

  Carrie immediately replied. “Thomas, I also think that privacy is important. My suggestion would be that we have dinner at my home. Are you free on Wednesday evening at 6?” Carrie clicked the send button. She’d meet with Thomas. She was very intrigued to hear what he would propose but Carrie wanted to do it on her own turf. She received an immediate reply to her email confirming that Thomas would arrive promptly at 6.

  Chapter Two

  The days passed quickly. Carrie was glad that she was so busy at work that she hadn’t even contemplated the approaching meeting until Wednesday arrived. Wednesday started badly and deteriorated quickly as the day continued. A witness exploded on the stand losing all credibility and Carrie had to move quickly to control the damage. Finally, the judge slammed his gavel at 5:30 and recessed the case until the following day. Carrie exchanged a few words with her shaken client and promised to meet with them the next morning before the trial continued. Exhausted, her mind was racing as she attempted to determine a positive spin for the day’s revelations in court today. Glancing at her watch, Carrie gasped. “It’s 5:45. I’m going to barely get home before 6 much less have a dinner cooked. Maybe I should just call and cancel. Crap, I don’t have his number!” Quickly gathering her things, Carrie raced to her car and took the speediest route home. Arriving two minutes before 6:00, Carrie rushed to her door only to find Thomas Covington parking a long sleek sedan at the curb. Carrie hesitated at the door as Thomas unbent himself from behind the wheel and approached. His picture did not do him justice. He was tall and nicely built. His well tailored suit draped over muscular strength that attested to his physical fitness. Under his casually styled black hair, deep blue
eyes twinkled at her. Carrie felt her breathe freeze in her chest. This man extruded power and control.

  Carrie was horrified to hear her voice begin to stammer excuses. Carrie dealt with the most cantankerous judges in the city on a daily basis. Why did she sound so unsettled? “Mr. Covington, I’m so sorry. I’ve had quite a wicked day at court this evening. I’m just arriving home. I think we are going to have to reschedule,” Carrie finally said avoiding his blue eyes.

  “Carrie, breathe sweetheart.” He gently lifted her chin up so she was looking him in the eye. “I know you have a very challenging career. I get wrapped up in my work as well. There’s no problem. I’m just so glad to see you in person. Let’s get the door open and you inside so you can relax. Just let me handle everything.” With those words, he held out his hand for her keys and smoothly opened the door stepping back so she could enter and turn off the alarm without worry that he was attempting to learn her security code. “I’m glad to see you have an alarm system. The more I’ve learned about you, the more concern I’ve had for your personal safety. You deal with some dangerous people in your line of work,” Thomas stepped into her home closing the door behind him. “You go change into something more comfortable. Get out of those high heels. I’ll take care of dinner. Anything you don’t like or avoid due to allergies?” he questioned softly.

  Seeing her shake her head no, Thomas pulled out his phone. “I’ll wait in the family room if that’s okay with you? Take your time. I’m not in any hurry.” Placing a call, Thomas strode into the adjacent room and began to speak to someone in a quiet voice.

  Carrie felt herself scurry down the hall. She sternly talked to herself as she changed clothes reminding herself of her accomplishments and fortifying her control. This was just dinner. No biggie. She’d see what he knew about her and send him on his way. He’d have to believe her that she had visited that site simply because she was researching a case. Gathering her shattered nerves, Carrie entered the family room to find Thomas sitting on the couch. He had taken off his suit jacket and Carrie’s eyes were immediately drawn to his wide shoulders and trim waistline. This man was in prime shape.

  Thomas’ eyes lit up to see her join him. He looked her over carefully from head to toe taking in the sleek blue turtleneck sweater and navy pants she had put on with comfortable flats. “I’ve ordered dinner for us. They’ll deliver in about an hour. You look amazing – all grown up and polished. Would you like to talk now or wait until after dinner?” Thomas questioned gently.

  “Let me offer you a drink while we’re waiting for dinner. I have some very good red wine if you like or my father requires I keep a bottle of scotch for his visits. What would you prefer?” Carrie offered cautiously.

  “I would love a glass of scotch on the rocks, please,” Thomas replied gently. Standing up from the couch, Thomas reached slowly out to put a hand on Carrie’s shoulder. “Carrie, I don’t want you to be nervous around me. I wouldn’t do anything to harm you. Will you trust me just a little bit? Let’s just get to know each other a little.”

  Carrie looked down at the large hand resting lightly on her shoulder. She felt small in comparison to him. Carrie took a deep breath and exhaled. “Sorry, Thomas. I’m a little unsettled around you. I’ll try my best to relax. I’ve heard and read many wonderful things about you. I am very glad to meet you in person.”

  Thomas’ generous mouth spread in a slow smile. Carrie felt her pulse quicken in response to his potent charm. Fixing drinks for both of them, Carrie made small talk with Thomas before taking a seat on the couch and asking Thomas to sit down again.

  “Carrie, let me tell you about myself and why I emailed you,” Thomas began speaking slowly and deliberately. “I have been searching for many years for my perfect companion to care for, protect, and love for the rest of my life. To be honest with you, I have a strong drive to be in total control. I wish to find a lovely, young lady that will allow me to provide for her every need. A bond of trust and deep attraction will need to exist between myself and my ideal match. A year ago, I began investigating websites that catered to adult men interested in meeting an adult woman who desired a relationship where the male became the ultimate decision maker or ‘father’ if you prefer. I am in no way attracted to children. I find that repulsive.” He looked very seriously into her eyes. “I am very attracted to your beautiful, woman’s body as well as your intelligence and life experience. Do you find me attractive as well, Carrie?”

  Carrie nodded slowly. She did not trust herself to respond. His explanation was exciting her in many ways. It was almost as if he was reading her mind - that he knew her every desire.

  “I know it would be very easy for you to tell me that your presence on the website was solely for research purposes for an upcoming case.” He laughed at the shock on Carrie’s face. “How did I know you had planned to tell me this? Carrie, trust is going to be our biggest obstacle. If you’ll trust me, I promise that I will protect your professional reputation and that I’d never reveal your inner desires to anyone. I’ll be glad to sign any paperwork you’d like to draw up that would address this confidentiality. I know lawyers always feel better with something in writing.” Thomas’ eyes danced as he looked at her affectionately.

  “I think we need to establish what you are proposing before we prepare any documents, Thomas. Are you suggesting that we play house? What is involved: childish clothes and new toys? Do you send me to my room if I’m bad? I think we need to speak very plainly so there are no misunderstandings,” Carrie questioned cautiously. She was excited by her thoughts of what this relationship could involve but didn’t know if his ideas were compatible. Carrie was afraid that her dreams were twisted. Surely no one else had these same weird fantasies.

  “Carrie, I’m going to be very blunt because I think you need to hear that my desires mirror your own. I realized that you are a professional woman. I expect you to continue your career life as you have up to this moment. In your personal time, I would like you to become my special Little girl. I wish to take care of you totally. Would you wear childish clothing in private? My preference would be yes at times but many pieces of children’s clothing are very similar to adult clothing with a few special adaptations. I would expect you to wear and use a diaper for all your needs. It would be a great pleasure for me to take care of your health in all ways. I would reward you for good behavior and punish any poor behavior like any responsible father would. Does being spanked appeal to you, Carrie?” he questioned seriously.

  “Not to the point of injury but yes, to be honest, I am fascinated by this idea. I’ve never been spanked before. I might change my mind once the spanking started,” she added cautiously.

  “I don’t think any young lady likes spankings, Carrie. If you deserve a sound spanking, you will get one,” Thomas replied with a steely look in his eye. “You won’t be able to pick and choose at playing a game. I am looking for a companion willing to live this lifestyle during all our time together. If you don’t think you are willing to make this commitment, we’ll have a nice dinner together and say our goodbyes.”

  “Honestly, my head is swimming. I’m excited and totally petrified at the same time. I don’t know if I can make a 100% commitment to something I don’t totally understand. Would you consider a trial period? I would like to think about it but I would feel better if I made a total commitment to a couple of weeks and then we reassessed whether this is what we both want?” Carrie frowned in concentration. Should she make this big leap?

  Thomas shook his head negatively. “Two weeks is not a sufficient adjustment time. You won’t be able to make an informed decision in that time period. I would suggest six months. Would you be willing to give me that much time?” Fine lines appeared on his forehead. He was concerned and trying to make a good decision. “I would like a decision tonight, Carrie. I know when I leave your brilliant mind will begin to create all kinds of rational reasons why you shouldn’t do this. You will have to leave your comfortable, boring life and take a
leap into the unknown. You won’t be doing this by yourself, Carrie, remember? I’ll be there with you. We haven’t known each other for long but I hope you have learned enough about me to know I’m not dangerous or perverted. I just have a need to care for you in all ways.”

  The doorbell rang interrupting Carrie’s response. “That’s the caterer. You show them where to set everything up, Carrie. Why don’t we have a nice dinner together and you can think about all we talked about tonight? We’ll talk again after dessert.” The smile returned to Thomas’ handsome face.

  He walked to the door and opened if for a staff of three people. He obviously had used this service before as he called all by their first names and thanked them for bringing the food so quickly. “We’ll serve ourselves, Stan. Just put everything family style on the table. Leave the covers on so that everything will stay warm. Carrie, sweetheart, would you show them where the kitchen is?” Thomas questioned fondly. The crew bustled in and out of the door bringing wonderful smelling containers of dinner in with them. Finally, the busy commotion ended and Thomas handed the caterers a large tip and ushered them out the door.


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