Carrie: Dr. Richards' Littles 3

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Carrie: Dr. Richards' Littles 3 Page 3

by Pepper North

  The diaper felt very strange. There was a lot of material between her legs and Carrie wondered if she would waddle when she walked. She touched the waistband and heard the plastic rustle. Carrie could feel the suppository in her rectum. It was very cold as if it had been stored in the refrigerator.

  Thomas lifted the beautiful, yellow sundress over her head and helped her position her arms through the right holes. “You look beautiful sweetheart. Just like a ray of sunshine. Let’s get your panties on. Step with your right foot, now your left foot.” He raised the panties up her thighs and smoothed the ruffled panties over her diaper. “Do you want to see what you look like, Carrie?”

  Carrie nodded “Yes,” and allowed Thomas to lead her to the full length mirror in the bedroom. The sun dress was beautiful. It fit perfectly. The drape of the material was masterfully designed to hide the bulk of her diaper. She looked tastefully dressed. Only she and Thomas would know that she was really dressed like a Little girl. Carrie smiled gratefully at Thomas. “I love this dress. Yellow is my favorite color. Thank you.”

  “You need to trust me, Little girl. You’ll be dressed for our tastes but no one will ever know. Some things are very private. It’s like our own secret. Now, let’s get you in the car and home before that suppository melts and you really start to feel relaxed.” Thomas gathered up her personal supplies, the bag and ushered Carrie to the door. “Follow me carefully, Carrie.”

  Chapter Five

  The trip to his house was quick. Carrie caught her breath as they entered the long drive. Huge iron gates were opened by a security officer. Thomas got out of his leading car to come back to Carrie’s door.

  “Bill, this is Carrie. She is very special to me. You are to take very good care of her. Carrie will be staying with me for a very long time. I’m hoping I can convince her to make the move permanent in the future. Please give her unrestricted access to the grounds.”

  Bill nodded his balding head and replied “Nice to meet you, young lady. I hope you’ll be very happy here. Mr. Covington will take good care of you.”

  Carrie’s eyes jumped to Thomas. Did Bill know what kind of relationship Carrie had with Thomas? Thomas smiled. “It’s nice to meet you too, Bill. I’m glad to know you’re here to keep us safe,” Carrie finally was able to regain her composure to reply.

  “Carrie, let’s get you settled in to the house. Bill, thanks for all you do. I think Gladys made some of her wonderful apple pie tonight for Carrie’s first evening at home. I’ll make sure you get a piece before your shift ends,” Thomas promised the security guard. After hearing Bill’s appreciation for the anticipated pie, Thomas walked back to his car and continued down the long, tree lined drive until a huge stone mansion appeared around a bend.

  Driving to the side of the house, he triggered two garage doors to open and signaled for Carrie to pull into one while he parked in other bay. Thomas walked over to Carrie’s driver-side door and handed her a sleek, gray remote. “Clip this to your visor, sweetheart. It will open the gate as well as the garage door. Someone will always be there to personally welcome you to the grounds. Let’s go in to meet my housekeeper, Gladys. She is so excited to meet you. Gladys loves Little girls and is quite the seamstress. She created your sundress and her special gift to you is the ruffled panties. She thought all Little girls need a few frills.”

  Carrie asked hesitantly, “You mentioned Gladys would be my nanny when you’re not home. I don’t think I want anyone else to be involved with our game.”

  Thomas stopped in his tracks. Carrie had never seen him so furious. “Carrie, I’m not playing a game. If you are, I think you need to get back in your car and drive home. I’ll have your clothing and personal effects returned to you immediately.” A muscle jumped in his cheek and his face became very cold and remote.

  “I . . . I didn’t know what to call this. I’m not playing any games. It feels so real I’m scared. The thought of giving you total control over me petrifies me. The idea that anyone else is involved or knows about this . . . I can’t tell you how incomprehensible that is for me.” Carrie stammered and wrapped her arms around herself shaking. “I’ll leave if you don’t want me anymore. I’m sorry, Daddy . . . I mean Thomas. I really wanted to be your baby. I’m sorry I’ve messed everything up. I’ll go now.” Tears streamed down her face as she turned back to her car.

  A strong hand grabbed her arm to stop her and turn her into his arms. “Don’t cry Little girl. I should have explained. While you are in my home, your new home, you will always be cared for as any special Little girl would be. Gladys is very experienced in spoiling her grandchildren and taking care of all their needs. I couldn’t leave a true infant at home and I won’t abandon someone as special are you are to me. You may be a little uncomfortable at first but I guarantee you that Gladys would launch herself off a cliff before allowing anything to happen to you.” His hands tenderly brushed away her tears. “Stop crying, Carrie. You’re breaking my heart,” Thomas crooned softly. Finally, when Carrie’s tears continued to tumble, Thomas scooped her up in his strong arms entered the house.

  Carrie couldn’t see anything through her watery tears. She rubbed at her eyes and tried to stop crying. Everyone inside was going to think she was so weak. She felt herself sat down on a cool, hard surface. She was still wrapped tightly in Thomas’ arms and she could hear him murmuring to her to stop crying.

  A kind voice clucked, “You’re going to break his heart, sweetie, if you don’t stop crying. Here, Mr. Covington, wipe her face with this warm cloth. You take the tears off the outside of her face while she starts to wipe the tears off the inside of her eyes.”

  Carrie felt the warm cloth slide across her face wiping away her tears and whatever makeup still remained on her face. She took deep breaths and slowly felt herself calm down. She looked up at Thomas through watery eyes and said, “I’m so sorry. I don’t blame you for sending me home.”

  Thomas winced, “Carrie, I’m sorry I threatened to send you home. I’m afraid you stepped right on my biggest insecurity. I’ve been looking for someone for so long that’s interested in being someone special in my life. I’m not playing a game. I know you’re not either now but I could see everything dissolving in front of me just when I’ve been so happy to finally meet the perfect Little girl. It felt as if you were ripping my heart out. I care about you deeply. I can’t believe in just 3 days that I could love you as much as I do. Will you forgive me for making your cry, sweetheart?”

  “I’m scared of how much I love you too, Daddy.” Carrie mumbled as she dropped her head on to his solid chest. She felt her face lifted to meet his and Thomas kissed her until she forgot where she was and just felt the passion in his kiss.

  Chapter Six

  “Well, I’m so glad that’s all settled,” a wry voice observed. “I don’t think I’ve seen that many tears and kisses in my kitchen ever. Mr. Covington, let the Little girl breathe and introduce me to the special girl you’ve brought home.”

  Carrie blushed as Thomas set Carrie away from his tight embrace. She looked up to see twinkling brown eyes in a very round face under stark, gray hair.

  “Carrie, let me introduce you to Gladys, my housekeeper. She will also be your nanny when I am gone.” Thomas stepped back and turned so he could look at both of their faces. “Believe it or not, Gladys, you’re the cause of all these tears. Carrie panicked when I told her you’d be caring for her as well and I reacted very poorly. It is all your fault, Gladys,” Thomas chuckled.

  “Oh, no, Gladys! I was just being silly and worrying,” Carrie was fast to add.

  Gladys walked right in front of Carrie and said, “Little girls worry. It’s up to their daddies to make sure they feel secure. Mr. Covington likes to tease me. Carrie, I’m very glad to meet you. I’m sorry you were worried about me. Would it make you feel better to know that I’m so glad Mr. Covington found you? I promise that I will never do anything to reveal your relationship. I know you are a very important lawyer when you’re outside t
his house. Look, I’ll even cross my heart. That’s like a rock solid contract.” Gladys winked at Carrie and solemnly moved her right hand in a big X across her rounded torso. Then she moved closer to Carrie and asked, “Can I hug you, sweetie? I’m so glad to meet you!” When she saw Carrie’s nod, Gladys wrapped her arms around Carrie and snuggled her to her soft bosom. “You’re going to be very happy here,” Gladys promised and stepped back. “Alright. Carrie, I want you to stand up and show me that beautiful dress I sewed for you.” She waited for Carrie to stand by the kitchen table and when Carrie smoothed the dress down over her body, Gladys made a motion for her to turn around. “Would you show me your ruffled panties, Little one? I had so much fun making those for you!”

  Carrie lifted her dress up around her waist and turned around again so Gladys could see the ruffles all across her bottom. Carrie felt Gladys rub her bottom and pat the cushioned panties.

  “They fit just right over your diaper, Carrie. I think we need to make some more of those. Would you like that, Carrie?” Gladys asked smiling as she turned Carrie back around.

  Carrie smiled back at Gladys. It was impossible to be threatened by this friendly woman. She felt so much better. “I love my new clothes, Gladys. You are very talented. Thank you.”

  “You are so welcome. Mr. Covington, why don’t you take this warm bottle into the nursery and let Carrie settle into her new home? Dinner won’t be for a couple of hours. You could bathe this Little girl and get her in her new jammies so she can relax for the evening.” Gladys suggested with a big smile.

  “Brilliant idea, Gladys.” He took the bottle with a large red nipple on the top filled with a white liquid. “I’m sure Carrie would like to have some of your special formula to rehydrate her after a long day in court. Let me carry you, sweetie, to the nursery. I hope you’re going to love your new room.” Thomas scooped Carrie back into his arms and swiftly exited the kitchen striding up a large curving staircase and down a beautifully decorated hallway to the master bedroom.

  Carrie blushed at the large bed in the center of the enormous room but Thomas didn’t stop there. He went through a connecting door to a room unlike anything Carrie could have imagined.

  “You’ll always be right next door to me, Carrie. Sometimes you’ll sleep with Daddy and sometimes you’ll sleep in your own bed. Here, let’s sit down in this rocker and you can drink your milk.” Thomas sat down in a double-sized rocker that was padded deeply. Cradling Carrie in a semi-reclining position, he instructed, “Open your mouth, sweetheart,” and inserted the large nipple of the bottle firmly in Carrie’s mouth. When she struggled again having the nipple in her mouth, Thomas added, “Breathe through your nose, Carrie. Suck and the liquid will flow into your mouth. That’s a good baby,” he crooned as Carrie began to suckle at the bottle.

  The warm milk, spiced and sweet, flowed into Carrie’s mouth. She didn’t like the feel of the rubbery nipple in her mouth but the mixture was delicious. She began to draw strongly on the nipple as she looked around curiously. The room was filled with adult sized children’s furniture. In front of her was a wooden crib. Over there, a table stood with a mobile dangling above it and all sorts of bottles and jars next to it. A large drawer was under the padded surface and Carrie saw many diapers neatly stacked on a shelf below the drawer. Carrie realized that it had to be a changing table. A deep tub was built into the corner on a raised platform. The top of the tub would be at waist level for an adult standing. She couldn’t see what was behind her but she was amazed by the decorations in the room. Every wall space was adorned with flowers and baby animals drawn and painted in bright, cheery colors. Carrie sucked the last of the milk down as she looked up at Thomas.

  He looked fondly down at her as he withdrew the nipple from her mouth. He’d watched her face as she had looked around the room fascinated by the set up of a room he’d designed for a very special Little girl. “What do you think of your new room, Carrie? Do you think you could be happy here?” Thomas questioned with a smile on his face.

  “It’s beautiful and amazing. How did you ever find all of this?” Carrie struggled to sit up so she could look around. Suddenly, she felt a little dizzy. Carrie put her hand to her head swaying.

  “I think your medicine is starting to kick in, Carrie. Does the suppository in your bottom feel cold anymore?” Thomas questioned looking carefully at her.

  “I can’t feel it any more. I’m a little woozy, Daddy. Is that the medicine working? I don’t know if I like this,” Carrie said worriedly. She did not like to be out of control.

  “Just relax, Carrie. You need to let me care for you. Here, let’s stand you up and take off this beautiful dress.” Thomas lifted the sundress over her head and put it in a pink laundry hamper. He caressed her bare breasts until Carrie began to gasp and sway toward him. “See how good you feel when you relax, Carrie? Let’s see if you’ve wet your diaper,” Thomas removed her ruffled panties and ran a finger into the leg opening of her diaper to check the crotch of the padding to see if it was wet. “Carrie, you haven’t used your diaper. Don’t you need to go to the bathroom?” he questioned.

  All of a sudden, Carrie felt like she urgently needed to urinate. Pressing her legs together, she nodded. “Where’s the bathroom, Daddy? I need to go bad.”

  “Little girls don’t use toilets, Carrie. You will urinate and defecate in your diaper always while at home. Go ahead and wet your diaper. We’ll get you all cleaned up in the bath.” Thomas instructed nonchalantly as he moved over to turn on the warm water flowing into the tub.

  Carrie heard the rushing water flow into the tub and needed to go to the bathroom urgently. She tried to hold back but the medicine had relaxed all her muscles that she felt the urine gush from her bladder as she stood in the middle of the nursery. She was so embarrassed. She felt Thomas encircle her in his arms.

  “Let it all out, sweetheart. I know you’re embarrassed but you will be using a diaper always. I want you to let me take care of you. Changing your diaper and getting you all cleaned up is how I’ll show you how much I love you. Thank you for letting me care for your needs. Now, let’s put you on the changing table and get that diaper off of you. Wow, you really had to go. I know you’re stuck in court all day. I bet using the bathroom is difficult. Does your tummy ever hurt because you can’t go to the restroom when you need to poop?” Thomas questioned with a concerned look on his face. “We’ll ask the doctor about this but I think we’ll just plan on you having an enema on the weekend and about midway through the week.” Thomas promised seriously and then chuckled when Carrie flushed bright red. “Have you ever had an enema, Carrie?”

  “No, daddy. I don’t think I need one. I’ll be fine,” Carrie promised urgently. “I’ll learn to use my diaper.”

  “Carrie, you will have an enema if Dr. Richards recommends it or I feel you are constipated. Daddies know these things. I am very serious about taking care of your health. Now, let’s get some wipes and clean up your bottom.” Thomas began to wipe over her nether region. When Carrie began to squirm from his attentions to her vaginal opening and clitoris, he stopped. Stepping back he contemplated her curly, pubic hair. “Little girls don’t need all these curls. Lie very still Carrie while I take care of this.” He opened the drawer and Carrie curiously looked in to see what was hidden. She got a quick glance at what looked like tubes of medicine and boxes of suppositories as well as oversized thermometers and some brightly colored cylinders. Pulling out a trimmer, Thomas closed the drawer and plugged it in the wall. “Spread your legs, Carrie. No further apart. I should see all your pretty folds.” Thomas grasped both of Carrie’s knees and pressed them apart until her thighs rested on the sides of the changing table. “That’s perfect, Carrie. Leave your legs just like that.” Thomas picked up the trimmer and switching it on had just begun to cut away the curls.

  Chapter Seven

  “Mr. Covington, I’m so sorry to bother you. Your assistant is on the phone. She needs to talk to you urgently.” Gladys bustled into
the room.

  Carrie immediately panicked and covered her bare breasts with both hands while drawing together her knees.

  “Carrie, I told you to keep your knees down.” Thomas pressed her legs back apart exposing her pink core. “If you move around, I could nick your skin. Gladys, could you take over for me? I’m just getting rid of Carrie’s big girl curls. Then she’s ready to get in the tub for a bath,” Thomas added patting Carrie on one splayed thigh. “Just relax, Carrie. Gladys isn’t looking at you like a big girl. She’s looking at you like you’re my special baby. Take your hands down from over your breasts. You’ll hurt her feelings. You don’t ever have to hide from Gladys. Right, Gladys?”


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