Omega's Attorney: M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance (Baby Makes Three Book 1)

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Omega's Attorney: M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance (Baby Makes Three Book 1) Page 6

by Bella Bennet

  Henry spotted Ned making his way across the atrium and waved. They did the back slap hug of guy friends everywhere and pulled apart.

  “You were great up there. I’d swear you had been doing this your whole life.”

  Henry laughed. “You should have seen me in the car. I had to talk myself up to it for about 10 minutes before I could get out. I hate speaking in front of an audience.”

  “You did great.” Ned’s smile disappeared, and he looked around. “Listen, I want to talk to you about something. Let’s go here. I’ve only got a few minutes before I need to get back.” Ned led the way to a back area near the restrooms.

  Ned looked like he was struggling with what to say. Henry said nothing because he had no idea what Ned would say. Was he ill? Did he have a life threatening illness?

  “I heard a rumor about that Saturday night we were at the omega club.”

  Oh, okay. Well, it was good to know Ned wasn’t ill or anything disastrous had happened.


  “I know I recommended David Bianchi as your attorney, and he is the best divorce attorney in the area. I’d even say the larger tai-state area. But that’s not what I’m concerned about.”

  Henry was getting angry. He heard rumors? And he believed them so much that he thought to lecture Henry without even checking the rumors out?

  “Ned, I’m not thrilled hearing this. I don’t think rumors are anything worth believing. Plus, you didn’t even ask me about whatever you heard and you’re lecturing me?” Henry didn’t want to alienate his friend, pretty much the only friend that took his side in the whole divorce, but this was just not ok.

  Ned raised a hand. “I know, and I agree with you, but I noticed that you were gone for a long time Saturday and also noticed David was gone too. During the same time. I don’t want you to get hurt. He’s a player. He never stays with anyone for long. He does one night or a few weeks. That’s it. He’s even told guys he will never get married or bonded. I want you to not get hurt.”

  Henry was frowning so hard he was getting a headache. “I’m glad you’re looking out for me. I am. But David told me we can’t have a relationship because he’s my attorney. So there’s nothing to worry about.”

  Ned just stared at Henry. Then he shook his head. “I have to make it more clear. I care about you as a friend, Henry. We’ve been friends since high school. It sucks what Greg and his family have done to you. But you’re jumping from the only relationship you’ve had right into another one, with someone that is a known player— "

  “We’re not in a relationship! He’ll lose his license if he does anything!”

  Ned held up his hands. “Ok, ok. I get it. But waiting for him, are you sure that’s the right thing? To go from one committed relationship to another? And do you know why he’s so concerned about how ethical he is, and how it would look?”

  Henry narrowed his eyes. He didn’t want to hear anything bad about David, yet he also agreed with Ned. He had wondered himself why David was going overboard about this attorney client thing.

  “Have you heard the name Bianchi before?” Ned looked concerned, and was looking out for his best interests, so he humored him.

  “They’re a brand of bicycles, right?”

  Ned smiled. “Not quite. I’ve heard nothing about David himself, but there’s a reason he’s so concerned with appearing ethical, above board and most of all not committing any crimes.” He gave along stare to Henry. “I’ve gotta go. I’m proud of you Henry, you’re doing great work donating money. Be careful and know what you’re getting into.”

  Henry watched Ned walk away. He didn’t like being told to stay away from something for his own good. No one did. But Ned raised points that Henry had thought of himself. What was Ned hinting at? If David had done anything illegal or unethical, he would have been disbarred. From his few visits into the office, David was very busy and Penny was booking clients out for months if they could wait that long. David didn’t have to go looking for work, it came to him based on his successes. What was Ned getting at?

  Henry walked out to the hospital parking lot with the hospital staff he had been working with. They had wanted to take him out to eat, or to do a good deal of money wasting things, well that’s what Henry thought of those ideas. He donated his money to be used for the children. He wanted nothing in return. Just a press conference and an article in the newspaper. Now that this was his third time giving away over a million dollars, TV channels had mentioned him and several stations had covered the press conference and interviewed him today.

  Henry just wanted to get out of this suit. He was so used to wearing jeans and t-shirts that the tailored suit drove him crazy. He didn’t know how David could stand it. Henry frowned thinking of David. Henry’s reticence about anyone in the legal profession which had receded since he had hired David, had come back since Ned’s talk.

  He knew the common theory you couldn’t trust someone who lied as a job. But attorneys didn’t lie, they misdirected or let someone form the wrong conclusion that benefited their client. Maybe Ned was right, maybe he should take a hard look at David, maybe even get out and be single. Should he settle for the first alpha that showed an interest?

  “You jackass!”

  Henry, started out of his thoughts, stopped on the sidewalk and turned to the yelling. He was speechless.

  “You’re giving away my money! What do you think you’re doing?”

  Greg was bearing down on him, his face twisted in anger. Henry had never seen him so angry. Greg had been irritated and frustrated with him all the time, but never had seemed to get angry before. That sure had changed.

  “I don’t think— "

  Greg walked right into him and shoved him backwards so hard that Henry stumbled and tripped off the edge of the sidewalk, falling back onto the hospital’s lawn. Henry looked up shocked and happy to realize that he felt no emotional pain over Greg anymore. Physical pain yes, he had landed on his left elbow. In all the years he’d known him, Greg had never been this irate. That wasn’t true, Henry just remembered him throwing a fit when he didn’t get into his top college pick.

  Greg was standing on the sidewalk, fists clenched and his face bright red. He seemed to fight with himself, trying to keep himself from saying or doing anything else. Henry wasn’t sure moving was a good idea until Greg was far, far away. Henry wouldn’t be watching him if he tried to get up. He heard people yelling and footsteps approaching. Henry wanted to look but knew he couldn’t stop keeping an eye on Greg. He looked unstable.

  “Hey, get away from him! You can’t assault people, especially our big donor!”

  Greg spun around and pointed his finger at someone. “That’s the problem! That’s my money! I worked hard for it! He can’t give it all away! It’s my money!”

  Henry worried that if he got anymore surprised, his eyes would pop out of his head. Then he saw the TV reporter that interviewed him, along with the cameraman run over, stop and continue to keep the camera pointed his way. Henry looked back at Greg. His back was to the camera. Henry wanted to smile. He wasn’t sure if this was enough to prove that he had planned the marriage and divorce just to get Henry’s money.

  A security guard reached Greg, and he tried to push him away. When that didn’t work he kicked the guard. The security guard pushed Greg on the ground and handcuffed him. He was still screaming.

  “I worked hard for that! It’s my money! I earned it! I had to put up with you to get it! It’s mine!”

  Now Henry was sure they had enough evidence. He wanted to feel sad, and he could feel part of himself was sad. But then he realized that he was sad someone he knew was having a psychotic break. He was glad to find he still felt nothing for Greg. He made his bed, it was time for him to lie in it.

  Someone reached down and helped him get up. People were wiping dirt off of him, apologizing, asking if he was hurt and trying to pull him into the hospital to be looked at. Henry stood his ground and put his hands up.

sure I’m fine. My attorney would want me to not say anything.” Henry smiled and then realized the staff wouldn’t think it was funny. They were probably anxious he’d sue. He wanted no problems, and he would not sue just after he donated money. He didn’t want the hospital to use his donated money in a lawsuit that wasn’t even necessary.

  “Listen, I’ll get my elbow checked out, but first let me talk to the reporter —" At that there were audible gasps. He held his hands up again and shook his head. They were worried about him suing.

  “I want to ask them for the footage for a reason not related to the hospital.” He put his arms down but they still look worried. He didn’t want to air his dirty laundry. Henry looked up to the sky and closed his eyes. Henry was glad he now had proof of Greg’s plan for his money, but he still hated that he was in such an awkward position.

  “That was my ex. I’m going through a divorce. I would like the footage from the reporter to use in the divorce. I’ll be right back.” Henry turned and wished again he could just leave, but now that his adrenaline had worn off, his elbow was sore.

  “I’m sorry this happened, who would have expected that?”

  Henry looked over. One of the hospital staff that helped him with the donation was walking next to him. He was nice, looked around Henry’s age and was cute. Maybe he should take Ned’s advice and not jump into a relationship so fast with David.

  Chapter 6

  David was feeling nervous. Henry was coming in to sign the divorce papers. All David had to do after this was just routine clerical matters. After showing the TV reporter’s footage to Greg’s attorney, he gave up everything. David had to imagine his attorney wasn’t getting paid enough to deal with him. It wasn’t easy, but the police arresting him for assaulting Henry might have helped make things clear in his head. Henry lost nothing, not the house, the money, nothing.

  He knew he should celebrate another win, but David was sure something wasn’t right with Henry. He had the distinct feeling that Henry had been avoiding his calls. Henry wouldn’t even take Penny’s calls. Penny had to leave messages only for Henry to call back within minutes. It was obvious he was screening his calls.

  What had happened? David thought all the stars and planets had aligned that night at the omega bar. He thought for sure they were on the same page. It was the most erotic experience he had ever had, and that was saying something. It was all due to his strong feelings for Henry.

  David shook his head and grabbed his phone and then set it down again. No, he would not look for the millionth time today to see if he missed a call or text from Henry. He knew he hadn’t. David was climbing the walls. Penny was so sick and tired of him that she yelled at him yesterday. Penny never did that in the office unless he was being a dick. The large bouquet helped this morning, but David knew he had to get those divorce papers signed so he was free and clear to pursue a relationship with Henry. Whatever had happened, David could fix it. He needed to talk to him.

  Penny opened the door and raised her eyebrows. Her long stare let him know he wasn’t out of the woods yet for being a dick the last two weeks, but he was sure things would be fine soon. Especially with Henry here. David couldn’t help the smile of anticipation. He couldn’t wait to hug Henry or even just touch his arm.

  David walked in the room and stopped. He managed to not scowl by the barest margin. Henry was not alone. It wasn’t their mutual friend Ned, but some smarmy looking young professional. David wanted to punch his teeth out. It was times like these that David had to remind himself that his family’s way of dealing with issues may seem a great idea at the moment, but they always caused more damage than intended and lots of regret.

  David smoothed his tie, a nervous habit of his, and smiled at the two men. “Henry, congratulations. It’s a big day for you.”

  Henry was bent over the table flipping through the pages and signing. David kept seeing Henry’s hand on his cock. This was not the time or the place for a raging hard on. He looked at the other man and his semi died faster than that Real Housewife of Atlanta’s singing career. The smug look on his face had David grinding his teeth while smiling and holding out his hand. It wouldn’t do to make Henry mad while he was trying to figure out what went wrong.

  “I’m David Bianchi.”

  “Chad Myers.”

  He wanted to grind the guy’s knuckles together, but handshake power plays were for immature putzes. Of which he would be one unless he got a grip on himself.

  Henry finally stood up and looked at David. Henry flushed and looked to the side. David felt better that Henry looked guilty. He had to be dating the smarmy Chad. Henry looked back at David and seemed to have gotten himself under control.

  “Thank you for all your help. Penny said, um, she said this was it and I could go.” Henry tugged at his jacket and ran his hand through his hair.

  David knew he had his intimidating stare on, and it was working. He wanted to know what was going on and why. And damn Henry, but he couldn’t ask anything with this maybe not so innocent bystander. And there was no way he was asking Henry for a moment and pulling him aside. That would scream relationship issues faster than anything else he could think of. So David smiled.

  “Thank you. And congratulations again. You should be able to have a happy and fulfilled life with a family and caring alpha now. I’ll let Penny guide you out.”

  David went out the door, into his office and remembered to close the door. But then he walked to the bookshelves, pulled up the door on one section, grabbed the Nerf balls inside and threw them. He used to be a baseball pitcher in high school and college. The balls may be Nerf balls, but they were the right size as a baseball and David let out all his frustrations of the last few weeks. After three rounds of throwing all the balls against the far wall, picking them up, and throwing them again, Penny opened the door and walked in.

  “What the hell did you do to screw this up? You guys were putting out so much heat and lust the last time I saw you that I almost broke out my vibrator at work.”

  David looked at Penny and shuddered. “I could have gone my entire life without knowing that.” David looked back at the ball, wound up and let another Nerf ball fly.

  “How could you have screwed this up? It was a sure thing. I swore you’d be bonded by the end of the month.” Penny flounced into one of the leather chairs, crossed her arms and glared at him.

  “I have no idea. None. We had a terrific time at The Greek omega bar. I thought we’d be moving in with each other the second the divorce was final. Your guess is as good as mine.”

  David turned to Penny with a frown on his face. “And who the hell was that smarmy asshole with Henry? I wanted to wipe my hands after touching him.”

  Penny shrugged. “I don’t know but he seems more into Henry than Henry was into him. I’d say something spooked him. You need to go straighten this out.” Penny pointed a finger at him. “I have never, ever seen you so happy. You weren’t even dating or getting any and you were walking on air. Get this fixed before I have you committed for being a crabby dick.”

  David snorted. “You haven’t done it yet. That’s an empty threat.”

  Penny swiveled the chair to face him and stood up. “If you fuck this up, and I don’t get to be an aunt, I will make your life miserable.”

  With that she strode out of his office and closed the door. None too gently either. Well, she wasn’t the only one upset and confused. He would find out what the hell was going on. If Henry wouldn’t take his phone calls, or return texts, then he’d just have to go to him.

  David pulled onto Henry’s street and noticed two people on his driveway. He pulled into a spot on the street and watched the performance. And what a performance it was. Greg was standing on the driveway waving his arms around. He wiped his face off and then his shoulders were shaking. Fake tears or real? David would bet they were fake. But would Henry know that?

  David had his hand on the door handle before he realized that he was not Henry’s protector. He wasn’t
Henry’s alpha; he wasn’t anything to Henry. And that ticked him off. So he sat in his car and waited for him to leave. He was an idiot if he was harassing Henry at home after assaulting him on tape.

  Henry pointed at the street and it looked like he was telling him to go. He pulled his phone out with his other hand. Greg screamed that Henry was a dick and sucked in bed. He was so loud that even David heard it a few houses down from them. He snorted. If he thought that would make Henry give him money, and he was sure that was Greg’s reason for being there, then he was even dumber than he had thought.

  Greg slammed the door to his car and sped down the road. David turned his head away. He didn’t want Greg to recognize him on Henry’s street. Even though he wasn’t Henry’s attorney anymore, Greg would be the type to get him disbarred and to make it look like they had a relationship. What a piece of work. Unfortunately that’s all he saw in his line of work.

  David frowned as he watched Henry walk back inside. This wasn’t the best time to stop by and say hi. Or was it? People broke down and told the truth when they were intoxicated or angry. And Henry was already angry. David chewed on his lip and thought. Well, he was already here. And he could offer his services about Greg if Henry needed them. But most of all, David missed Henry.

  He started the car and drove the short distance to Henry’s driveway. David shut off the car and got out. He could pretend he pulled up and had no idea what had just happened. David brushed his hair back, checking his teeth and straightening his tie. He felt like a teenager picking up his first date. David squeezed the steering wheel and wished he could be so lucky. How to fight to get someone back when you don’t know what went wrong?


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