Taught to Serve

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Taught to Serve Page 10

by Jaye Peaches

  The giggling could not be helped. It was cathartic—along with the sore bottom and the intense tingling of her clitoris. As Rob thrust with increasing vigour, the engine rattled beneath her.

  “Oh my… poor…” she could not finish her sentence. “I’m coming!”

  “Wait,” he commanded.

  Casey heard his voice sink into her head. She forgot about their surroundings and her poor Mini, and she decided to do as he wished and dismiss her own needs. A glow of accomplishment burst from inside her and radiated outwards. She hoped he could feel the heat in her pussy. It would tell him she was obeying him.

  “Yes, yes!” Rob exploded and slumped down onto Casey’s back, panting. “Oh, my sweet girl.”

  Casey remained bent over, his come dripping down her thigh. He wiped it away with his folded handkerchief.

  “Your poor… clit?” queried Rob.

  “No,” murmured Casey. “Well, she is now. A little bit stuck on the cusp of pleasure.”

  His hand slid underneath and found her throbbing clitoris, and slowly he began to circle around it with a finger.

  “You can come now, Casey,” he whispered into her ear, and Casey could not ignore his request. As she came, he kissed her neck, murmuring words in her ears. She could not remember what he said, but she was sure in her recollections that they were dirtiest things Rob had ever said to her.

  It was as they regained their composure and stood upright that they reacquainted themselves with their situation. As they collected up their abandoned clothes, they noted—much to their amusement—that the car’s ancient suspension had borne the brunt of their activities and survived. Being stranded on a country lane would have been an ignoble end to the day.

  Chapter Twelve: Rob’s Great Uncle

  Collecting up the dirty dishes, Casey was conscious she was being watched. She gripped the plates tightly in her hands and carefully transferred them from the dining room to the kitchen. She washed, tidied, and returned the kitchen to a state of cleanliness. Switching off the light, she went in search of Rob. He had moved from the dining room to the drawing room and had taken up residence in his favourite armchair.

  A small footstool was by his feet, and it was on its embroidered surface that Casey gingerly placed her bottom. Rob did not comment on her discomfort. If it became too much, she would simply lie on her belly on the rug nearby and rest her elbows on a cushion. Usually the couple would read post-dinner, and sometimes they talked. The choice was Rob’s to make, and she waited patiently for him. As he had promised, he intended to discuss something of his past, and Casey wondered what she was about to find out about her mysterious professor.

  When Rob finally began his story, she listened attentively, perched on her stool.

  * * *

  He had started life in the North of the country and in an environment far removed from his current one. Rob’s father was a miner.

  “A miner!” expressed Casey with surprise.

  “Like his father and on back through the generations,” said Rob.

  A father who worked hard until he was made redundant and was sent back to the surface to live a life for which he had no preparation. His lungs were too damaged to live long, and he died, leaving his wife to bring up two children.

  “She hadn’t worked up until then. She did odd jobs, but for the most part she stayed at home.”

  Everything changed, and his mother sought any employment she could find and did many jobs. Most were physically demanding, and she had little time for her children.

  “The library was the one place she insisted we visit every week,” recalled Rob. “And the charity shops to buy cheap second-hand clothes and books.”

  His parents were book lovers, and while his mother loved biographies, his father read thrillers. The tiny terrace house had been filled with the written word, and it had inspired Rob to study hard and focus on a different future.

  “My mum left for work one day in her car and didn’t come back.”

  Casey gasped at the abruptness of his statement.

  “Nobody’s fault. It was a mechanical problem, but unfortunately she was killed in the crash. Suddenly my life changed overnight.”

  His sister had been sent to live with an aunt, and Rob was sent overseas to France to live with his great-uncle, a man he had never met and who turned out to be an eccentric.

  “I was turning into a man, but like many of my age, I was not there yet and fought with those about me. I resented having to leave my friends and live in a strange country. However, I discovered I had a gift for words in other languages.”

  His great-uncle, sensing the young Rob could become a handful and rebellious, nurtured his nephew with lengthy debates and exchanges. It was his uncle who suggested Rob should study law and use his love of words to become an expert. The older man was an author of books and would immerse himself for hours in his study.

  Somehow Rob outgrew his rebellion and adapted to living abroad. Eventually, he returned to his native country to study at university and begin his career as a lawyer.

  “My great-uncle did not live alone,” said Rob. “He had—for want of a better word—a mistress. They never married, and she lived with him as if she was his courtesan. I thought nothing of it at the time. How Maria behaved with Anton was not something I personally chose to explore. I chased the local girls and saw nothing unusual.”

  “Unusual?” queried Casey.

  “While I was away studying, Anton took ill and unfortunately died. But not before I had become fond of him and he of me. We had much in common personality-wise, and he left a lasting impression on me. In his will, he left his house and contents to Maria, but to me he left his money, placed in trust until I was twenty-one.”

  “A substantial amount, I assume.”

  “Yes. His brother was my mother’s father. She spoke little of her family history, and I believe she married against the wishes of her father. It was a match of love between a working class man and a girl whom he met while she travelled. They did love each other dearly. They argued, naturally, but my sister and I never doubted their commitment to each other.”

  “Did Maria resent you taking the money?”

  “What?” asked Rob, taken aback. “No. She was always generous, and though she never attempted to replace my mother, she certainly wasn’t distant or unwelcoming. She was… different and unique.”

  Rob reached over to the table next to his chair and held in his hand a leather bound book. “Anton’s journal. His memoires. He left them to me, and I read them after he died. Then it all made sense to me. I learnt much from those writings, and I found he exemplified the life I wished to lead.”

  Once Rob was established in his career, he had gone on to seek his own path, and using his uncle’s writings as a guide, he sought out and found people he preferred. His chosen company were kindred spirits in thoughts and actions.

  “You are not my first lover,” said Rob carefully. “You must realise that?”

  “Of course. Neither were you my first. Though I never expected to find so much about myself by being with one man.”

  “However, you are the first to ever live with me. Just as Anton chose Maria as his lover.”

  Casey blushed at his compliment. “So, you grew up with such a mix of experiences while mine were locked into one place. I had to break free from it, and I think I have brought the baggage with me.”

  “I have had to reconcile all that I saw as a child—my impoverished parents, the wealth and lifestyle of my great-uncle—and come to terms with it all. I live a life of luxury these days, but I know what it is to have very little. My parents may not have provided me with worldly goods, but they did broaden my mind. My uncle built on that to show me how to grow and develop.”

  “And now you are sharing it with me?”

  “To the best of my abilities. I’m not perfect.”

  “Maria—she showed you what it was to be a submissive?”

nbsp; “Not me. They were discreet. But when I went back to visit her once after Anton had died, she showed me his collection. His toys, implements, and things. Other things too, like his private library of books. By then I had entered into my own version, and she and I were quite comfortable talking about it.”


  “She gave them to me. All the things I have lovingly spanked your bottom with belong to Anton. She had no need of them, and so I brought them here.”

  Rob opened a passage in Anton’s journal. “Let me read this to you.

  “Maria came to me today, troubled. Weeping and distressed. I asked her why she was so emotional. She confessed she could not do anything right for me. If I asked for black, she came with white. If I said this way, she went the other way. None of it was deliberate, we both knew that, it was simply that she could not provide what I requested. Wiping her tears away, I pointed out that I was not distressed or upset by her actions. From my perspective, she was trying very hard to do as I asked, and it was not her fault things conspired against her.”

  “I settled her across my lap, and she asked for me to set her right in her head. I did so with many things which she considered her most favoured. She had no difficulty in fetching and bringing these things. We spent some time with each until she began to slip apart, and then I held her steady in my embrace. While she lay naked across the chaise longue so I could adore her flesh and admire her many marks, I reassured her she was everything to me and that as long as she kept trying, it did not matter if things were not perfect. If we stumbled backwards occasionally, then we would find a way to stride forwards again.”

  “I took my time to reach her, moving slowly and carefully. Divesting myself of impediments—my clothes and inner thoughts—I entered her, and she greeted me with a smile of delight. This to me reaffirmed everything, and she gave me such pleasure that night. Tomorrow will be a better day for her. For us.”

  Rob closed the journal and returned it to the table. For a few minutes, he and Casey were content to hold hands and feel a pulse cross between their fingers. It merged into one, and he signalled to her. Like Rob’s uncle and lover, Rob spent some time reaffirming what Casey meant to him. By the time he had finished, Casey too lay naked on the sofa with her own set of marks, and she did not have to wait long for him to join her.

  Chapter Thirteen: Ending a Contract

  Since Rob had revealed his past life, his relationship with Casey entered a new stage. No longer sequestered in his house, they went out with increasing frequency to restaurants, the cinema, and the theatre. They explored the nearby countryside in hiking boots and rucksacks, had picnics in ruined castles, and took strolls hand in hand in the local parks. They even came upon the park bench where they had first met and took the opportunity to sit there again. This time, they sat close to each other and joked about her former predicament of being made unemployed.

  It set a train of thoughts going in Rob’s head. A future was being painted in his mind, and he knew one important issue had to be resolved. The conversation began innocuously after a meal. He invited her to sit in a chair next to him in the sitting room. She seemed to sense something in the air and appeared pensive.

  “When was the last time I spanked you?” he asked. “By that, I mean, when did I last discipline you?”

  Casey thought hard. “Oh gosh, some three weeks ago. It was mild compared with previous misadventures.”

  “Yes.” Rob recollected she had forgot to send a parcel. She had rectified the error the next day after he had taken her over his lap and administered a brisk spanking. Such moments had become increasingly infrequent. For the most part, Casey maintained a good level of focus, and the days of her inattentiveness were long gone.

  “I want to take you out soon and celebrate the first time, our anniversary,” he said.

  “The first kiss?” she asked, bemused.

  “No, my sweet, the first spanking.”

  “Oh, was it a year ago?”

  “We’re moving on, Casey,” said Rob carefully. “You have changed, improved, and become a very effective administrator.”

  Casey visibly beamed at his words.

  “However,” he tempered, “I don’t wish you to be my personal assistant any longer.”

  Her basking glow was extinguished and replaced by the pale colour of alarm. “Don’t want me anymore!”

  “Relax, I don’t want you to be confused about your role in my life. You are my girl, my lover and companion. I don’t want to employ you.”

  “How will you manage?” she asked. “I mean, if not me, who will help you?”

  “I’m sure I will manage,” he reassured. “You will be here, you can help with the occasional task, but I’m ending our employment contract.” He emphasised the last two words.

  “Just that?”

  “Of course,” he said with a smile. “Why would you think otherwise?”

  “So the other agreement, our other contract, remains?”

  “Most definitely. You do wish that?” he asked.

  Casey nodded vigorously. “What will I do?” she said, flustered.

  “You should seek a new job,” said Rob, leaning back in his chair. “You’re a social creature, and being cooped up within these walls is not good for you. Since you have been my assistant, your administrative skills have improved, you stay focused, are courteous, well-prepared, and polished in your attitude.”

  Casey glowed again at his accolades. “What job though? Not retail,” she said hastily.

  “No,” laughed Rob. “Perhaps you could work in the back office of a large department store. You know the front of shop trade. Take responsibilities. Manage people, or work in procurement.”

  He could see her mind racing with possibilities, and her eyes darted about the room as she visualised them.

  “Yes, I could, couldn’t I?” It was a rhetorical question; they both knew her capabilities had vastly improved over the last year. “Will you still spank me?”

  “Come here,” he summoned her over to sit on his lap. “Not as your employer. During the day you won’t be here, will you? However, I think that now and again you will probably make some minor error, and then I would probably take you over my knee. Just to remind you.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder and snuggled against him. “In the bedroom?”

  “I see no reason why anything should change in the bedroom,” he said and felt her sink deep against him.

  * * *

  It did not take long for Casey to find suitable vacancies. She targeted various jobs and found herself with two interviews in quick succession. One was for a job she truly wished to be offered. The telephone call arrived the morning after her interviews, and she bounded into Rob’s study gleefully.

  “I got the job!” she announced.

  “Which one?” he asked, putting down his pen.

  “The legal firm, the general office manager.” Casey could not believe her luck. Her connection to Rob’s professional expertise had paid off; they had been impressed with her legal knowledge and even suggested they would sponsor her to become a paralegal.

  His words of congratulations were quickly turned into smothering kisses of delight. “I want you,” he murmured into her ear as his hands roved over her body.

  “Please,” she said in answer.

  “Go up and wait for me,” he said, patting her bottom.

  She waited in her customary place, knelt naked by the bed. Though it was daytime, she felt it was appropriate and needed. She so much wanted to show Rob her appreciation, to reward his efforts in taking her on as his assistant and teaching her so many wonderful lessons.

  Opposite her was a chest of drawers, its contents well known to her. It was where he kept his favoured toys. Not the discipline ones that he stored in his study but the sensually divine ones he used on her in the passion of lovemaking. She hoped he would open one of those drawers.

  His footsteps could be heard cre
aking up the wooden staircase. She kept her eyes off the door as he swung it open. She dare not look at him, fearful she would swoon for him and lose her composure. Patiently, she waited as he had taught her over the preceding months. His jacket was hung up, his socks removed, and his shirt tossed in the dirty laundry basket. Then he moved to the drawers, and pausing, he tapped a finger on the top of the chest. Her heart thumped in time to his beats. He was considering his actions.

  He chose a flogger, a favourite one made from the softest of suede. Her insides twirled into a knot of excitement.

  “Two pillows.” He pointed at the bed, and Casey positioned two pillows on top of each other in the middle.

  “Over,” he said next, and she complied, lying over the pillow with her bottom raised high and slightly bent. She had the audacity to spread her legs slightly, allowing him to see her. He chuckled but did not complain.

  “I’m going to flog your tender hind,” he said softly, swinging the flogger about in the air, creating a breeze above her body. “You can come when you want. I will flog you until you come.”

  A thousand butterflies were released in her body. They zipped about, and she pulsated with their movements. He had never instructed her to come before. She normally asked him when she was ready, and he generally gave her permission without hindrance.

  It took no more than twenty strokes of his flogger for her to cry out and writhe about. As he lashed down on her bottom, she lost control, and her orgasm was strong. Rob chortled in delight, and she relished him witnessing her uninhibited pleasure.

  “That one was for you,” he said, beginning to remove his clothes. “The next are for me. For me, Casey.”

  “Yes!” she squealed in delight as she felt him move behind her.


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