The Woodsman's Nanny - A Single Daddy Romance

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The Woodsman's Nanny - A Single Daddy Romance Page 56

by Emerson Rose

  He snorts. “No, none.”

  “I don’t think it’s going to take two months to get her on a schedule. I’d say two weeks tops, and you’ll be as thick as thieves.”

  “Oh no, you don’t. You said two months, and I get two months.”

  “The papers haven’t been drawn up yet. Why don’t we take it a week at a time?”

  “Two months,” he says standing up straight giving me the full force of his authority.

  I counter straightening my spine as well. “One month.”

  He’s shaking his head walking into the kitchen where he opens the refrigerator and removes a bottle he must have pre-made during the night. “Two months, you gave me your word, and I expect you to keep it.”

  “Are you just trying to keep me around, or do you seriously think you’ll need that much time to bond with Faye and learn the ropes of fatherhood? Because I’d say you’re doing a bang-up job already.” I spread my arms wide and turn in a circle. “You’ve bought out the toy store.” I stop and point at the bottle in his hand he’s now warming under hot water in the sink. “You taught yourself how to make a bottle and warm it up properly. I’ll bet you’ve added her to your insurance policy and your will, too, all while I slept. Why do you need me so much?”

  “I just do.”

  I blow out a frustrated breath. “I have a business to run, surely you understand ambition and drive.”

  “I do.”

  “Then don’t take advantage of my good nature. If things are going well after a month, I want to go back to work. I want to help you, don’t get me wrong, but I need to look after my own life as well. You’re making me feel trapped, and I don’t do well with being trapped, I assure you.”

  “What’s going on out here, can’t a man get some beauty sleep?” Jacob says entering the room rubbing his eyes.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to raise my voice.”

  “Is everything all right, honey?” he says moving to my side protectively.

  “Yes, we are just trying to iron out the particulars of Olivia being a nanny for Faye for a while.”

  “A nanny? What the fuck? You can’t give up the dog bakery to take care of some guy’s kid you hardly know. This has gone far enough…” Jacob looks around the room, and his eyes pop. “What the hell happened in here?”

  Alex crosses the room and places Faye in Jacob’s arms. “Hey, wait a second, I’m not…”

  “We will be right back. Watch her, I’ll make it worth your while.” Jacob’s mouth falls open, and Alex takes me by the elbow moving me forcefully down the hall into my bedroom where he closes the door.

  “I do not want you to feel trapped, and I would never, ever, take advantage of your good nature, Olivia. I know you’ll think I’m crazy for saying this, but I think I may love you, and I am sure I love that little girl out there,” he says pointing at the door. He is chest to chest with me when he starts walking me backward to the bed. When I feel the mattress against the backs of my legs, he pushes me to sit and kneels between my legs as he did in his bedroom twenty-four hours ago.

  “Don’t bail on me. We have something here that I am quite sure doesn’t happen every day. What I feel for you is strong and chaotic and overpowering. I can’t not be with you, I need you with me, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you near, but it won’t be a trap. You’ll want to be here in my arms, in my life, in my world. I’ll make sure of it.”

  He reaches out and slides his hand behind my neck to pull me forward into another breathtaking kiss. I moan and gasp when he lets me up for air and pushes me backward onto the bed.

  “Birth control?” he murmurs kissing my neck.


  “Do you trust that I’m clean and haven’t been with anyone for a long time?”

  “I do,” I say with a pang of guilt because I can’t say the same. Trevon was nothing, though, and I always use a condom on the rare occasion I have sex.

  “I’m going to fuck you fast and hard because we have a busy day, and I don’t want to spend it wishing I was inside you, understand?” I nod and claw at his jeans while he scoots my pajama pants down. “I want to take my time and make you come, but we can’t. Will you be okay?”

  He’s asking if I’m ready for him and the answer is yes, yes, yes. I feel the big head of his cock nudge my sex, and I open my legs wide for him. “Ah, your so wet for me even when you’re angry you’re wet for me,” he whispers in my ear as he slides inside my body slowly stretching me until he’s balls deep.

  We are a perfect fit if there ever was one. He starts slow and works up to a frenzied pace. I come without warning once, twice, and I’m on the verge of number three when he explodes inside of me. Digging my fingernails into his shoulders, I arch my back and turn my face into the wadded comforter next to me to muffle my cries.

  “Oh God, Olivia, I will never get enough of you. The only thing on this planet that could keep me from fucking you all day long is that baby in the next room.”

  “Not even your billion-dollar lawsuit?”

  “Not even that.”

  I like that I can make him lose his mind. Having power over such a powerful man is intoxicating.

  “How long do you think Jacob will wait before he starts pounding on the door?”

  As if on cue, Jacob knocks on the door. “Hey, lovebirds, this single, gay model needs to go back to bed for another twenty minutes. Come get your kid.”

  “I’ll be right there,” I call out trying to wiggle out from under Alex.

  “Okay, thanks for not saying, I’m coming,” he yells through the door and walks away laughing.

  “Smart ass,” Alex mumbles sliding out of me and standing up. He offers his hand to help me up.

  “I’m going to shower,” I say, and he starts to follow me. “Alone,” I say turning to press my palm against his chest. His lips form the most beautiful pout, and I nearly cave. I know better, though. We will never get to work if he follows me into the shower.

  “What about the baby? You should take her in with you. I’m sure she’s dirty, and I could help.”

  “Oh no, you don’t. I’m onto you. We will have a lesson in bathing tonight after work.”

  One side of his mouth lifts in a sexy smirk. “I’ll be counting the seconds.”

  I roll my eyes and give him a chaste kiss on his swollen lips before heading into my bathroom to shower.

  An hour later, I’m on my way out the door, and Alex is looking confident and relaxed holding a sleeping Faye on his shoulder. “I’ll see you at ten-thirty. If you need anything, Jacob will be here for a little while, and I’m only a phone call away.”

  “I know. Thank you for everything,” he says with a twinkle in his brilliant eyes.

  I walk away with a little extra swing in my hips and call over my shoulder, “You’re welcome, for everything.”

  I don’t even get in the front door at the Bark Avenue Bone Bakery when my phone rings, and it’s Alex. “Hello?”

  “Faye wants to know if you like seafood.”

  I smile to myself. “Oh, she does, does she? How did she communicate that to you?”

  “It’s a fatherly bond thing you wouldn’t understand.”

  “I see. Well, you can tell little miss Faye that yes, I happen to love seafood. Do you think she’s planning dinner for tonight?”

  “I think she is. She mentioned lobster and New York strips.”

  “Wow, she’s got expensive taste.”

  “Well, she is my daughter. I’m sure she has inherited a few things from me.”

  “I hope she didn’t inherit how to be a bugaboo.”

  “That sounded like a snarky comment, watch it, sweet girl.”

  “Or what?” I know I shouldn’t ask, but I can’t help myself.

  “How do you feel about spankings?” Spankings? Is he kidding? I have a feeling he’s not.

  “That depends.”


  “Are you threatening to spank me?”

ening, no. Promising, yes.”

  “Oh. Well, in that case, I think I feel good about spankings as long as they are appropriately delivered.” He chuckles, and my belly flips with anticipation. I take off my coat and stow my purse under the counter.

  “I give good spankings, I assure you. The delivery is a perfect blend of pleasure and pain.”

  “Where is Faye?”

  “Sleeping in her playpen, why?”

  “I just wanted to make sure you weren’t talking about pleasure and pain in front of her delicate ears.”

  “Are you sure you weren’t trying to change the subject?”

  “No, why would I do that?”

  “No reason. I’ll let you go. I have to make some uncomfortable calls before you come back.”


  “Funeral arrangements and calls to Lilly’s family in France. They hate me already, so this will be like pouring acid into an open wound.”

  “Do you think they will try to get custody of Faye?”

  “Not if they’re smart. She’s my daughter. I didn’t plan on having her, but I’m sure as hell not letting those nitwits raise her. She’s a Wolfe, and she will be raised by a Wolfe.”

  Wow, the way he said that with such conviction, it makes me scared for anyone who crosses him concerning his daughter. “I’m glad to hear that. Already I can’t imagine my life without the two of you in it. It must be a Wolfe thing.”

  “It is, you’ll learn when you join the pack.” And there he goes again, talking about marriage.

  “You’re too much.”

  “You haven’t seen anything yet, sweet girl. I’m just getting started.”


  It was a busy morning. I was a day behind on baking after being off on New Year’s Day, so I had to bag up the older treats and put them in the clearance bin before baking new ones. Thankfully, Marissa only had one appointment in the salon with a Pomeranian. When she was done, she helped ring customers while I got caught up with the baking.

  “So, lovey, you haven’t told me about your hot date with the sexy Wolfe man, time to spill.” I wipe the sweat from my head with my forearm and sigh.

  “It’s a very long, complicated story. It’s also why I asked you to help me out today.”

  “What? You’re not taking off to shag your new man while I slave here alone in the shop now, are you?”

  “Oh my gosh no, it’s not like that. I do need to talk to you about some changes, but I’m going to be late if I don’t leave right now. Call me when you have some downtime this afternoon, and I’ll explain.”

  “Why do I get the feeling this is going to be shocking news?”

  I shrug and lift my apron over my head. “Probably because it is.”

  “Oh Lordy, you know you can’t leave me like this, it’s cruel.”

  “It’s not intentional, I promise. Call me, and I’ll fill you in.”

  “All right then.” She looks dejected when I grab my purse and coat to rush out. I give her a little wave and scrunch up my face in apology.

  I wasn’t lying, I am going to be late if I don’t hurry. I knew I was pushing it when I put in that last batch of Bark Avenue Bone Bakery peanut butter snaps. We had enough, but I have this nagging feeling that I won’t be back for a while, and I wanted to have extra on hand.

  I press the button repeatedly on the elevator in my building until the doors slide open. I tap my foot impatiently on the way up and practically peel the doors apart when it stops on my floor. I hate being late. I don’t even like to be on time. I’m an early bird. I leave extra time in my schedule for emergencies.

  When I open my door, I’m surprised to find my apartment spotless and baby free. It also appears to be Alex and Faye free, which sparks panic in my chest. Was I supposed to meet him at his house? Am I later than I thought? Did he change his mind?

  I run over the morning in my mind. No, I’m sure we were meeting here. “Alex?” I call out slipping out of my coat and tossing it on the couch. I kick off my boots and pad through the apartment to my bedroom and find Alex and Faye on my bed. His long, lean body is stretched out on his side. His feet are hanging off the end, and his legs are crossed at the ankles. He’s dressed in a navy-blue suit with a violet tie that causes his eyes to be more hyacinth than their usual cornflower blue. His beauty is startling, so much that I stop and steady myself against the doorjamb.

  Faye is sitting on one of her blankets with toys all around her, but she’s got his Rolex in her hand slobbering all over the expensive timepiece with a huge smile on her face.

  He looks up and smiles a confident heart-stopping smile, and I grip the wood around the door. My God, the things he can do to me with a simple glance. “Hi.”

  He cocks his head to the side. “Hi, are you okay? You look flushed.” I swear he’s holding back a smirk. I can’t decide if I want to kiss him or shove his shoulder for being so smug. He thinks I’m flushed because of him and not my race to be on time.

  “I had to rush to make it on time.”

  He wrinkles his nose when he uses the tip of one finger to check the time on his slobbery watch. “Mmm, yes, you’re cutting it close.”

  I snort and roll my eyes. “I think I got the short end of the stick with this arrangement today. You two seem to be cozy and relaxed while I’m sweaty from baking a couple hundred dog treats.”

  “You’re sweaty?” he says with a predatory growl. “I love it when you’re sweaty.”

  “Yeah, well don’t get any big ideas. Jacob’s gone to a shoot, and you need to be out of here ten minutes ago.”

  He sighs the sigh of a man being denied his favorite thing. “I won’t be gone long. You have an interview with Kevin Harlow to be your replacement. He has done work for me in the past, and he is very accommodating and thorough. I think you’ll like him, but if not, there are countless others to pick from, so don’t worry.”

  “My temporary replacement you mean.”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “What time will he be here? I don’t like the idea of being here alone with the baby and a strange man.”

  “You won’t have to, he will meet you at my house. I’ve sent all of Faye’s things home, and a car will be here to take you both there in an hour.”

  “Why can’t we stay here?”

  “Hello, Olivia. Interview. Kevin. Alone.”

  “Oh right.”

  “I want this to be as easy as possible for you. I will take care of everything as long as you take care of Faye.”

  “Except for my business.”

  He bobs his head back and forth and looks at the ceiling. “Yes, except for your business. Listen, I don’t want anything to happen to the bakery, Olivia. I want to keep you around, but I would never sabotage your life’s work for it. As I said, I’m quite sure we will enjoy being together.”

  I’m embarrassed, but I had thought about that. He could ruin me with a snap of his fingers if he wanted to. He’s a very wealthy and powerful man. I still don’t know him well enough to know how far he would go to keep me at his side.

  “Thank you for that.”

  He stands, smoothing his hands down the front of his jacket before picking up the baby. “I can take her, you go ahead.”

  “Thank you,” he looks at me with stern and serious eyes. “I know what you’re giving up, and I am grateful.”

  “Temporarily giving up, and you’re welcome.”

  He leans into me handing off the baby and kissing me on the mouth at the same time, something I would have thought only a longtime daddy and husband could do. I have a feeling Alex has many talents that I have yet to experience, and I can’t wait to find out what they are.

  “I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

  I straighten my lips into a doubtful line. “I’ve heard that one before.”

  “You can hardly be angry at me for that.”

  “True. I’m not. I’ll see you when you’re done working. What time did you say Kevin was coming?”

wo o’clock. Text me when you’re done and let me know if he is acceptable. Dinner will be at six-thirty. We’re going out. There are clothes and shoes in my closet.”

  “I know, I saw them yesterday.”

  “There are more now. There isn’t a function you can’t dress for with that wardrobe. Dinner is at Fortitude. Wear the silver dress. I’ll see you soon.” He strolls out of my room and down the hall not allowing me to get a word in edgewise. What if I don’t want to go out to a fancy dinner? What about the baby? What if I don’t like the dress, and where the hell is Fortitude?”

  “Wait!” I yell after him just as the door closes. Dammit, why does he do that? He has to know I’ll call or text him anyway. Why not let me get what I have to say off my chest in person?

  Because he doesn’t want to argue that’s why. I slip my phone from my pocket and choose his number from my contact list. He answers on the first ring. “Miss me already?”

  Oh brother. “No, I had a few questions, but you bolted.”

  “Ask away.”

  “Are we taking Faye to dinner with us?”

  “No, I’d like to formally announce her to the press myself. Greta has offered to watch over Faye for a few hours so we can have dinner.”

  “You’re sure that’s okay? She’s older, you know? She might not have the energy for a baby.”

  “She insisted. Anything else?” He answered so quickly I scramble to remember what else I wanted to ask him. “What’s Fortitude?”

  “A new restaurant downtown. Their food is perfection, you’ll love it. Is that everything?”

  I don’t feel like arguing about him buying me clothes and picking them out so I say yes, and we disconnect the call when Faye starts to cry.

  “What’s the matter, baby cakes?” I bounce her on my hip and walk to the kitchen for a bottle. Alex forgot to tell me when she last ate, but I’m not calling him back again today. I scan the counter for her schedule and find it with two tiny jars of baby food on top and a note.

  This is what I want for lunch. I told my daddy, so he could tell you. I also need half of a bottle and a nap when we get home. Thank you for taking care of me, Olivia, I love you.

  I realize the note is supposed to be from the baby, but the last line makes me apprehensive. Why is he pushing so hard and moving so fast? All his wedding references and ‘L’ words are freaking me out.


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