The Sword Of Angels eog-3

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The Sword Of Angels eog-3 Page 35

by John Marco

  ‘Soon,’ she told herself.

  The oasis Dahj had promised her was close. It had to be, because she had done just as he had advised, following the sun until it rose for three hours, then heading north toward the mountains that never seemed to grow closer. She knew the location of the Eastern Skein where Aztar and his camp waited, but she also knew that her father would send men after her, and they would head directly for Aztar. With twelve hours or more to beat them there, Dahj and worked out an alternate route for the princess. Hoping that the winds had buried her tracks, Salina followed Dahj’s instructions perfectly, timing her progress with an hourglass. She could still see the distant mountains on the horizon. The stabbing sunlight forced her eyes into slivers. She had no map to guide her, only Dahj’s instructions and his promise that the oasis did indeed await her.


  Leaving Ganjor had broken Salina’s heart. Afraid but determined, she had stolen out of the city like a thief, looking back with tears in her eyes as Ganjor slowly faded away, the giant desert swallowing her whole. She knew her father would come after her, but strangely she no longer cared. He, too, had broken her heart. In his world, the world of men, she was nothing but a girl. All her life Salina had seen girls stoned to death in public for incomprehensible crimes, but she had never imagined she might be one of them someday.

  ‘Why?’ she asked herself. Remembering she was alone, she raised her face to the sky and shouted, ‘For what?’

  This time there were no tears, only a crushing frustration. Hearing her cry, the condors flew away. Confused, Salina licked her dry lips and squinted at the mountains. She had been awake for almost a day, and her body ached for rest. There would be water at the oasis, she knew, and shade for herself and the drowa. The enormous beast could go days without water, but not without rest. Already the drowa’s pace seemed to be slower, weary from the long day in the sun. Salina fixed the gaka around her face, alarmed by the growing wind. The sand struck her face, forcing her to turn away. She fought to see past the blowing dust, desperate now to locate the oasis. The hour glass that hung from her belt was nearly empty again, a sign that — according to Dahj — she was very close.

  ‘Hold on,’ she told her drowa. ‘Just hold on.’

  Looking south, she saw the wind whip the dunes into a rolling cloud of dust. The cloud spiraled closer as the wind intensified. The sight startled Salina. Frightened, she urged her drowa on more quickly, wondering how best to avoid the coming storm. When she was younger, she had ridden with her father and his men through the desert many times, but they were always close enough to home to avoid the witch winds. Now she recalled the stories the men told, of how the winds could blind a man for hours or blast the skin from his bones. Panicked, Salina looked for a place — any place — to shield her. Suddenly, she wished she had gone north with Dahj.

  ‘No!’ she hissed, gritting her teeth. She had come this far, risking everything to reach Aztar. She would not be silenced by the wind. Determined, she took hold of the drowa’s reins, tucked herself behind its hairy neck, and kicked her heels against its flanks. With a load shout, she drove the beast forward. Urged on by her cries, the drowa galloped across the sands. Salina kept her eyes as open as she could, searching desperately for shelter, a rock or stand of trees that could stave off the winds, but only the distant mountains were visible, too far away to be any help at all.

  Then, through the swirling sand, Salina saw an apparition, blurred by the dust. The tops of trees peered up above tall rocks, bending as the wind pulled at their broad leaves. This time, Salina knew it was no mirage. Like a saviour from the storm, the oasis beckoned her.

  ‘Thank Vala!’

  Renewed, she raced toward the oasis, watching as it grew out of the storm, filling her vision with its rugged outline. Just as Dahj had described, the oasis was more than a mere watering hole. As Salina entered its outskirts, she at once noticed its scale, with looming rocks that could shield her from the wind and swaying palms erupting defiantly from the cracked earth. Salina quickly led her drowa toward the largest rock near the centre of the oasis, then paused the beast to look around. Behind her, the witch wind rolled inward, threatening her. She could hear its eerie shriek tearing at the dune. She studied the rocks and the trees, trying to determine the best place to hide. Nearby, a spring bubbled up from the stones, soaking the ground with muddy water. Spears of flowering plants blanketed the soil, but the birds that remained quickly fled as they sensed the coming storm.

  Salina had little time to choose a refuge, settling on an outcropping of rock on the other side of the spring. She hurried her drowa toward it, not stopping for the beast to drink, then dismounting to guide the drowa by hand. With its reins tight in her fist, Salina examined the narrow gorge cut between the rock. It was dark but could accommodate them both, so she dragged the drowa toward it. The drowa, however, reared back in protest.

  ‘Come on!’ Salina urged, pulling on the reins. This time the drowa snapped back its powerful neck, wrenching free of her grasp and peddling backward out of the gorge. Cursing, Salina lunged for the reins again. ‘No, you have to come!’ she told the beast. ‘Please!’

  Ignoring the winds, the drowa wanted no part of the dark niche. Again it reared back, dragging Salina with it with an angry snort. Salina did her best to hold on, but the frightened animal shook off her efforts, bolting away toward the spring.

  Salina tossed her hands in the air. ‘You stupid. .’

  Once more, she went after the beast, trying to speak softly to it, cooing as she begged it to come. The drowa rolled its dark eyes at her, chewed its flabby cud, and turned away. Behind it, Salina watched as the witch wind churned closer. The leaves of the palms began snapping off in the breeze.

  ‘You have to come!’ she shouted. ‘If you don’t you’ll die out here!’

  Worse, all of her supplies were belted around the beast, most preciously her food and water. She took another step toward the drowa, inching closer, but when she was finally in reach and held out her hand, the drowa again bolted.

  ‘You stubborn monster! You’ve got my food!’

  Ignoring the princess, the drowa stayed out of reach, until at last Salina knew she had to give up. The wind began tearing at her hair and face, blinding her with the driving sand. Her ears rang with its fury. Hunching over, she tried one more run at the drowa, but the animal again sprinted off, this time all the way toward the edge of the oasis. Salina watched dreadfully as the wind grew over the drowa, darkening the sky. Panicked, the beast ran off, straight into the mouth of the storm. Instantly the witch wind caught the flailing drowa, lifting it and spinning it like a doll. Horrified, Salina fell back against the rocks, shocked by the wind’s power. She heard the drowa’s horrible cries as the wind, like a tidal wave, broke over the oasis, sweeping toward Salina. Instantly she lost sight of the drowa as the blackness of sand swallowed it. Salina dashed toward the narrow gorge. As the wind came alive at her back, she squeezed herself deeply into the niche, burrowing like a badger to escape the storm. Just beyond her sanctuary, the witch wind clawed at the rocks, screaming as it wound through the gorge. Salina put her hands to her ears and shut her eyes.

  All around her, the earth shook, dropping bits of rock onto her head and driving her to her knees. She chanced to open her eyes, and saw beyond the niche the terrible darkness of a world without sun. Though she could go no deeper into the gorge, she pressed herself against the rocks, feeling the wind grab at her clothing. Bracing herself, Salina imagined that she was safe, back at home in Ganjor. Remarkably, it was the image of her father that calmed her.

  ‘Father!’ she cried over the wind. ‘Why did you do this to me?’ She felt a terrifying urge to cry, but refused the tears, biting down hard. ‘I’m just a girl! It’s not a crime!’

  The wind answered with an irate howl. Salina stuck her face out into the tugging storm and cursed it.

  ‘You won’t stop me! You won’t!’

  Again the witch wind replied with a m
addening shriek. Salina buried herself against the rocks. All she could do was wait, she knew, and determine to hold tight. She forgot about her drowa and the food she had packed and stopped wondering how she would ever make it to Aztar now. All she could do was grit her teeth and wait for the storm to pass.

  Salina endured a dark eternity inside the gorge. And then, the winds abated.

  Cautiously, she moved away from the rocks and saw sunlight returning to the oasis. Creeping out from her hiding spot, she surveyed the damage the storm had occasioned. All around her lay scattered leaves and broken fruit. The wind had tumbled rocks and flattened trees. Salina stepped out from the protection of the gorge and saw that the little spring still bubbled up fresh water, a sight that gladdened her heart until she saw her drowa.

  It lay at the edge of the oasis, its body twisted and unmoving. The packs had been ripped from its back, taken by the wind. There was no chance it had survived, and Salina knew it. She stared at its battered carcass, trying to comprehend what it all really meant.

  ‘Gone,’ she whispered.

  Her food, her blankets, even her transportation. Now she was stuck in the little oasis, her tracks erased, with no chance of rescue. The stupidity of what she had done struck her like a second storm.

  ‘I’m trapped.’

  The word terrified her. She glanced around, at once wondering what she might be able to salvage, but could find nothing of the things she had packed. Alone, defenseless, Salina slumped to her knees.

  That night, Salina slept within the crack of the gorge, continually awoken by the sensation of insects on her skin. She had spent the rest of the daylight hours scouring the area around the oasis for bits of her belongings, lucky enough to find two of her food packs and a blanket that had miraculously been blown into a tree. With the blanket rolled like a pillow beneath her head, Salina waited for the morning to come, unsure how she would escape the oasis. Sleep came to her in brief little fits, ruined by worrisome dreams and the terrible realities she faced. With her drowa dead, she had only her legs to carry her to Aztar’s camp in the Skein. Because she had taken a circuitous route to avoid any pursuers, she was further from Aztar’s camp than she should have been, at least a full day’s ride by drowa, and she had never heard of anyone successfully walking such a distance through the desert. The oasis provided water and some food, and these were good things, but Salina knew she could not remain forever in the little refuge. Sooner or later, she would have to leave.

  She awoke the next morning to a sun already burning hot. As she emerged from her dark niche in the rocks, a salamander skittered past her hand. After a night spent with bugs, the lizard barely startled her. Driven by thirst, Salina went at once to the spring, kneeling down in the warm mud surrounding it. She saw her reflection in the cool water bubbling up from some miraculous source, and realizing how horrible she looked, gasped at the sight of herself. The storm had teased her hair in every direction and lines of dirt smudged her face. To Salina, she looked old, as if she’d been wandering the desert for decades. She spread her hands through the water to clear it of debris, then cupped a drink for herself, dribbling the water into her mouth. This she did again and again until the burning left her throat. Then, satisfied, she leaned back on her haunches and looked around. There was fruit to eat and the things she had managed to salvage from her packs, but fear had mostly banished her hunger, and all she really wanted was a drowa to take her home.


  Could she go home any more? Or would her father hang her the way he had Kamag? It was her father’s sternness that had driven her away, his absolute unwillingness to see the goodness in what she’d done. He had imprisoned her, but that wound had already healed. Rather, it was the deep cut of his willingness to side against her that hurt the most. And though Salina longed for the safety of the palace, she knew she could never return there. She had cast her lot with the desert, knowing all its many risks.

  ‘I have to go on,’ she told herself. ‘Somehow.’

  She looked south, the way the storm had come. There were no roads in the desert, but there were established passes that the kreel riders of Jador used in the days when they frequented Ganjor. The passes were mostly abandoned now, because the Jadori no longer came to Ganjor and because Aztar’s war on the northerners had frightened others off. But to Salina, the southern routes seemed her only hope. If she could come across a caravan. .

  Her odds were nearly hopeless, but Princess Salina of Ganjor refused to cower. She could die in the oasis, long and slow, or take her chances in the Desert of Tears, where the condors might feast on her by nightfall. With only a sliver of hope to bolster her, Salina made her decision. She rose from the spring and made her preparations, first using the blanket as a sling to gather all the fruits she could. The fruits were full of water, she knew, enough to keep her alive. When she had filled the blanket full, she tied it like a sack. She then took the bags she had salvaged from her drowa, wondering if either of them could hold water. Emptying them both of their food, she dipped the first into the spring, filling it with water before lifting it up. The test failed at once as the leather bag quickly leaked its contents. The second bag, more sturdy then the first, fared better. The water held — mostly. Salina watched as it soaked the dark leather, saturating it then starting to drip slowly from the bottom.

  ‘Good enough,’ she determined, and cinched the bag closed. Finally, she gathered her things, tying them around the belt of her robes and closing the gaka around her face. Because it was still morning the sand remained cool. Salina knew she could travel three or four hours before the heat turned unbearable. How far could she get in that time? She grimaced at the question, for she knew that on foot she would not get far before the sun slowly roasted her.

  ‘No fear,’ she told herself. ‘No fear. .’

  She took one last look at the oasis, then proceeded southwest across the sand, confidently walking away from the only refuge she would see for miles. She walked south because that’s where the passes lay, and west because Aztar’s camp was west, somewhere in the Skein. According to Dahj, the Skein was a full day’s ride from the oasis, and there was no way of knowing where in that scrubby patch of tangled trees and rocky earth Aztar’s camp was hidden. With her packs and blanket full of fruit wearing her down, Salina conserved her energy as she walked, avoiding soft spots in the sand as best she could to keep from getting bogged down. Luckily, she found the sand beneath her feet firm in places, enough to keep her going. And as she walked she scanned the horizon for witch winds, knowing that if another came she would not survive it.

  After nearly an hour of walking, though, Salina was already exhausted. Her back ached from carrying her supplies. Her feet burned with blisters. The oasis had long ago disappeared amidst the dunes, and the mountains on the western horizon — the ones that never seemed to get closer — remained hopelessly out of reach. Salina paused to catch her breath, taking a fruit from her pack and biting into the sour citrus. The juice made her mouth pucker but quenched her thirst, and she quickly devoured the fruit before again setting off, tossing the rind over her shoulder. Up in the sky, the condors that had accompanied her the day before returned, eyeing her hungrily. Salina raised her hand in an obscene gesture.

  ‘You won’t eat me today,’ she spat. ‘Maybe tomorrow.’

  She went on for an hour more, not stopping again, blindly ignoring the pain growing in her body. Beneath her gaka her face began to sweat, soaking the fabric of her wraps while the sunlight grew intensely on her back. The sand shimmered with the mirage-making light, dazzling her eyes. Salina kept her head down as she slogged through the sand. The minutes passed with tortuous silence, slowly slipping from one to another. Her unchanging surroundings began to madden her. Fear kept constantly at her heels, nipping at her, driving her on, and though she did her best to banish it she could not help but feel its grip tightening around her throat. When an hour more had passed and the sunshine became unbearable, she wished she had never left the o

  Exhausted, she dropped to her knees for a rest. From her knees she fell onto her back. The relentless light stuck her covered face, steaming through her closed eyelids and making her see spots. She licked her lips and felt how dry they were, already cracked, and with effort took the pack from her belt that had all along been dripping water. She had drunk from it slowly but continuously, and now she opened it fully, letting the water flood her mouth.

  Don’t, she told herself. Not too much. .

  But she could not stop herself. The delicious water felt so good, and she was so thirsty. Convincing herself it would leak out anyway, she finished the water in a glorious lapse of judgement. When it was empty, she left the leather bag at the side of her head, using it to cool her cheek.

  ‘I won’t make it,’ she whispered.

  She opened her eyes and saw the condors circling, spiraling closer. The horrible sight snapped her dread.


  With all her strength she rose from the sand and stood, steadied herself, and proceeded on again with renewed vigour. Her skin burned but it did not matter. Her feet screamed but she ignored them. Only the horizon kept her focus, and she nailed her eyes to it firmly, refusing to look away.

  And then, amazingly, she saw something.

  Salina kept walking, but slowly now. What looked like drowas moved across the vista. When she was sure there were people atop them, she stopped.

  ‘Here!’ she cried, her voice painful and hoarse. ‘Look here!’

  If they heard her, the distant riders paid no heed. Forgetting her exhaustion, Salina dropped her blanket full of fruit and ran toward them.


  Their names were Fahlan and Rakaar, and in their dark gakas Salina had quickly realized what they were. She had seen Aztar’s Voruni men come to the palace many times, and because they dressed so unmistakably Salina had not been surprised by their accents. When she had run to them, they took care of her. But when she questioned them, Fahlan and Rakaar were silent.


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