The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1

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The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1 Page 19

by Linda L Barton

  She gently ran her fingertip across the face of the amulet, when a familiar sensation surged through her body. “It’s you,” she said with surprise in her voice as she whirled around and faced Frier.

  “Father didn’t want you to forget Walandra. He and Mother both hope that someday you will return to us… to me,” he looked into her eyes with hope burning in them.

  Cassy knew what she wanted to say, but she also knew she must remain strong. “Thank you, King Ashlym; I will forever treasure your gift.”

  “You are quite welcome; nevertheless, my son has not told you everything the amulet will do. It will not only bring you back to us should you desire to return, but it will also return you and Aaron to your realm.”

  Cassy ran her fingertip on the face of the amulet again and felt the power trapped inside. “Thank you, I promise to guard it forever.”

  “We hope that you are not going to leave without saying goodbye, Cassandra,” Syrea said, as she and the other two Lillients appeared beside the King and Queen.

  “I would also hope our special friend Aaron does not leave without saying goodbye,” Arianna added.

  “Yes, we would truly be sad,” Brianna said as she flew up to Aaron and kissed his cheek, causing him to giggle.

  “I’m so glad you came to say goodbye. I never would have been able to complete my task had it not been for your help,” Cassy bowed to the Lillients in respect for their support during her difficult time against Alona.

  “Yeah, I want to thank you for keeping me safe. You three are the best,” Aaron bowed as well.

  “It was our honor,” the three said in unison.

  “What about me? I came all this way to say goodbye. Have you forgotten me?” Othan grinned as he stepped forward.

  “Othan, how wonderful to see you again. I want to thank you for your help and for giving me the nectar. It worked just as you promised.” Cassy leaned down and hugged Othan then kissed him on the cheek.

  Othan reached up his hand and touched his cheek. “I will forever treasure this kiss. Thank you, Cassandra.”

  Laughter broke out in the hall at the look of pure joy on Othan’s face.

  “Cassandra, I do believe that you have done the impossible. You have made that old man smile,” King Ashlym laughed uncontrollably.

  Othan looked at Cassy and merely shrugged his shoulders, this bringing another round of laughter.

  Once everyone had settled down, King Ashlym raised his arm and announced, “We have kept our friends for long enough. Cassandra, I want you and Aaron to know that you both will be greatly missed. You have given us a gift that can never be adequately repaid, but I hope that you will remember us and know that you will forever be in our hearts.”

  He reached out and took Cassy in his arms then hugged her tightly. Once he was done, the Queen embraced both Cassy and Aaron.

  The King turned to Aaron and held out his hand. “I did not know what gift a young man from your realm would enjoy, so I asked my son what he thought you might like. He informed me that you are quite taken with anything of the Dragon. Maybe this will bring you joy and help you not to forget us.”

  King Ashlym handed Aaron an object wrapped in cloth. “Go ahead and open it.”

  Aaron quickly unwrapped the object, and once he realized what it was, he shouted with joy. “This is so cool! It’s a Dragon’s scale,” Aaron smiled as he held it up for Cassy to see.

  “That is not just any scale. That is the scale of a King,” Frier laughed when he saw the look of disbelief appear on Aaron’s face.

  “Really? Thank you, your Majesty,” Aaron said as he bowed before King Ashlym.

  “It was the least I could do for the brave brother of our Champion,” King Ashlym smiled tenderly. “Still, there is something you must remember. If you were to try to show it to anyone other than Cassandra, it would return to Walandra. No one must ever know you have been here. Not your friends, not even your parents. I am sorry, but that is how it must be.”

  “I understand and I promise to obey the rules. Thank you again.”

  “Wonderful, then all is done. It is time for you two to return to your realm.”

  “Not until I get to say goodbye,” Roupert said as he stepped forward, taking Cassy in his arms and hugging her tightly. “Thank you for everything you have done. I will never forget you.”

  Cassy rested her head against his chest. “I’ll never forget you either, Roupert. Thank you for having faith in me. I never could have done it without you.”

  “Hey, what about me?” Aaron crossed his arms in protest.

  Roupert released Cassy then grabbed Aaron and pulled him close, hugging him tightly. “I could never forget you, my brave warrior.”

  “Hey, you’re crushing me,” Aaron laughed as he struggled to free himself from Roupert embrace.

  Once he had freed himself, Cassy looked at Aaron. “Are you ready to go home?”

  “I guess so,” he said with sadness in his voice.

  Cassy felt Frier take her by the hand, and when she turned to face him, she saw tears in his eyes.

  “I do not want you to leave,” he pleaded.

  “I know, but I must; I’m sorry.”

  “May I kiss you one time before you go?” The look in his eyes showed her the deep sorrow he was feeling.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  He smiled then leaned down and gently pressed his lips to hers.

  Time seemed to stand still as they shared the kiss they both knew would be their only one. Cassy felt her resolve begin to waver, so she stepped back, ending the dream of love unfulfilled.

  “Okay, we’re ready,” she said, keeping her eyes transfixed on Frier.

  Cassy reached for the amulet and held it in her hand. She glanced over at the King and Queen, who both nodded, offering their encouragement. She then reached for Aaron’s hand and pulled him close to her.

  Her heart was screaming in pain, as she held the amulet. Suddenly, a strange fog seemed to appear in the room, hiding everyone from her sight.

  “What’s going on?” she said, but no one responded.

  “Do not fear, Cassandra. It is I, Keira.”

  “Keira? Have you come to say goodbye? If so, why all the mystery?”

  Keira appeared in front of Cassy, with a look of seriousness in her eyes. “I have come to tell you something of great importance. It is about the amulet the King gave you.”

  “Okay, what else do I need to know other than it will take me home and bring me back here should I decide I want to return?”

  “Do you remember the intense emotions you felt when you held it for the first time?”

  “Yes, I felt Frier. It was as if our hearts had become one and not in the I love him way, but something deeper, something, almost spiritual. Am I making any sense?”

  “Yes, I understand, and I know the reason why you felt that way. You see, the King has no idea what Frier did and it must stay that way.”

  “I don’t understand. What did Frier do?” Cassy suddenly felt overpowering emotions well up inside of her.

  “You are aware of how when a Dragon falls in love that they will love that one person for all time, correct?”

  Cassy nodded her head, letting Keira know that she understood.

  “Frier has freely given his heart to you, Cassandra. When the Blood Key chose you, it opened a doorway between your hearts. You may never fully understand what that means, but you have a great future ahead of you. Frier realized that fact and wanted to ensure that you would be able to fulfill your destiny. He knows there will be forces who will want to prevent you from doing what you are to do. He also knew there was only one way he could give you the power you would need.”

  Cassy’s eyes grew wide with fear. “Please don’t tell me he did it.”

  Keira nodded her head, “I’m afraid he did. It was out of his love for you, Cassandra. The amulet you hold in your hand contains a drop of Frier’s blood, so as long as you wear it, your hearts shall be as one. You will share h
is power to protect yourself from any who would do you harm. In spite of this, be warned. Should you lose the amulet, you will curse Frier to the Land of Shadows forever. Do you understand?”

  Cassy looked at Keira through tear-filled eyes, and merely nodded.

  “Good. You still have the Blood Stone to give Abigail, correct?”

  “Yes, it’s in my pocket,” Cassy reached inside the pocket on her robe and pulled out the Blood Stone then held it up.

  “Remember to give that to Abigail as soon as you return.”

  Cassy put the Blood Stone back into her pocket then looked back at Keira. “Do you think I can really do this? Can I live up to everything I’m supposed to do?”

  “I have faith in you, Cassandra. You just need to have as much confidence in yourself as Frier does.”

  Cassy knew she was right, and she said a silent prayer that she would not betray his faith in her.

  “Oh yes, once you return to your realm, the book you were reading will appear as the book Abigail’s grandfather brought her all those years ago containing the Blood Key. Of course, it will only be a false vision. For no one but Abigail must ever know what happened here. I have explained everything to Aaron in a dream. I have also cast a spell over him to prevent him from sharing the tale of the two of you coming to Walandra. If knowledge of your travels between the two realms ever reached those who would do you harm, it would be dangerous not only for you, but for Aaron as well. Do you understand?”

  Cassy nodded her understanding.

  “Good. We are done here. It has been an honor, Cassandra and I know that we will see each other again.”

  Keira reached out and gently touched Cassy on the cheek then in a flash of light, she was gone.

  “Cassy, are you alright,” Aaron said as he tugged on her hand. “Man, you spaced out for a moment.”

  Frier leaned close to her and whispered in her ear. “Are you sure you’re alright. You look pale. Do you need to sit for a moment?”

  “No, I’m fine, really. Let’s just get this over with.”

  Cassy grabbed Aaron’s hand and tightly held it in hers. “I want to thank all of you for your love and support. I will never forget you.”

  She then turned and looked at Frier. “I leave my heart with you. I love you and I always will.”

  Before Frier could respond, Cassy held the amulet firmly in her hand and in a bright flash of light, both she and Aaron disappeared.

  Chapter 27

  “What are you two doing in here?” Melissa said as she walked into their great-grandmother’s library.

  Cassy opened her eyes and saw Melissa glaring down with her hands on her hips. She then lifted her head and looked over at Aaron, who was stirring awake.

  “We couldn’t sleep, so we came down here to read,” Cassy yawned as she sat up in the large over-stuffed chair.

  Melissa reached down and flipped the book closed on Cassy’s lap. “I thought great-grandmother forbid us from touching this book.”

  “Huh?” Cassy looked down at the book lying on her lap and realized that it was the book from the glass case.

  “You’re gonna be in so much trouble,” Melissa laughed in a low and devious tone.

  Cassy quickly jumped to her feet and returned the book to the glass case. “There, no harm is done. She never needs to know.”

  Melissa walked over to the glass case and ran her finger along the edge. “True, she doesn’t need to know, but wouldn’t it be wrong to keep something like this from her?”

  Cassy looked at Melissa with fear and shame in her eyes.

  “Come on, Melissa. Stop being so mean to her. Neither one of us said anything when you took Mom’s car for a late night drive with your friends last month, did we?”

  Melissa looked at Aaron with surprise showing on her face. “How do you know about that?”

  “Come on, Sis, you may have Mom and Dad convinced that you’re sweet and innocent, but Cassy and I know better.” Aaron grinned as he glanced over at Cassy, who was also surprised by this announcement.

  “Yeah, how do you think Mom would feel to learn that her sweet, little girl stole her car to go on a joyride with her friends?” Cassy fought to control her joy at seeing Melissa put in her place for a change. Even though Cassy loved her twin sister, she was tired of her always getting away with things because their parents were convinced she was the perfect daughter.

  Melissa realized that she was in no place to push her luck. “Fine, I won’t say anything, but you better hope she doesn’t find out,” she huffed then turned on her heel and left the room.

  Once Cassy and Aaron were convinced she was gone, they looked at each other and exhaled.

  “Dang, that was close,” Aaron rolled his eyes.

  “Yeah, it was. Hey, how did you know that she took Mom’s car?”

  Aaron looked at Cassy and smiled. “You’d be surprised what I know.”

  “Dang, remind me never to get on your bad side,” Cassy punched him lightly on the shoulder.


  “Yeah,” she turned to look at Aaron and noticed the sadness on his face.

  “Is it wrong to wish that we didn’t have to leave?”

  Cassy was not sure how to answer his question. While she knew they had to come back, a part of her wanted to stay in Walandra with Frier forever.

  “No, it’s not wrong, but we both know that we needed to come home.”

  Aaron looked at her then shook his head. “I guess so. I just don’t think it will be as exciting hanging with my lame friends when I could be soaring through the clouds with a Dragon. You have to admit that Frier is the coolest friend ever.”

  Cassy felt tears stinging her eyes. “Yes, he is special, isn’t he?”

  “Cassy, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have…”

  “Hey, don’t worry. I just need to realize that it will never be. I need to put my feelings for him behind me and move on,” she reached up and wiped the tears from her eyes. “Come on my little warrior. Let’s get upstairs before anyone else wakes up.”

  Cassy walked over to the bedside table and opened the small drawer. She then reached into the pocket on her robe and pulled out the Blood Stone. She held it up and carefully looked at it.

  “So, this is great-grandmother’s way back to Roupert? I know he will be thrilled to have her back with him.” She gently rubbed her thumb across the face of the Blood Stone feeling a warm sensation move through her body, reminding her of the link she shared with the Dragons.

  “Stop it,” she said as she put the Blood Stone in the draw. “I’ll give it to Great-grandmother and that will be it.”

  The sun peeked through the curtains, letting Cassy know the house would soon be alive with the sounds of the service staff going about their morning duties.

  She decided to just sit in the chair by the large window overlooking the ocean and think for a while. As she rested her head back against the soft cloth, her mind wandered back to Walandra and Frier.

  “How am I going to forget you, Frier?” She whispered as a vision of his smiling face appeared in her mind. She reached for the amulet and held it in her hand, gently rubbing her thumb across its smooth surface.

  “I am with you, Cassy. You are never alone,” his voice whispered in her mind.

  She brought the amulet up to her lips and tenderly kissed it, feeling his love consume her. “Oh Frier, I miss you already. How am I going to return to my old life after my time with you in Walandra?”

  “You are strong, Cassy, much stronger than you realize. You have important things to do, and I know you will fulfill each task without question. I love you and await the day we are together again,” his voice faded from her mind, leaving her to her own thoughts.

  She knew he was right. Keira had given her an important task to do. As to anything else expected of her, only time would tell.

  Silence filled her mind when she heard a soft tapping at the door. “Cassy, are you awake? May I come in?” Abigail slowly opened the door and looke
d toward the bed.

  “Sure Queen Abigail, I’m already awake and just enjoying the view of the ocean before breakfast.”

  Abigail stepped inside the room and closed the door behind her. “Thank you, my sweet Princess,” Abigail laughed softly as she walked to other chair sitting by the window.

  “What has you awake so early this morning?” Abigail asked as she took a seat.

  Cassy looked at Abigail, and she could see the love in her eyes. “I couldn’t sleep. I just had a lot on my mind.”

  Abigail nodded her head and smiled. “How funny, I had a difficult time sleeping as well. I have to admit that I had the strangest dream.”

  Cassy looked at Abigail, curious as to what type of dream would have kept her awake.

  “In my dream I had someone named Keira come to me. She said that I was to talk to you in private because you had an urgent message for me. Strange, isn’t it?” Abigail shook her head.

  Cassy looked at her great-grandmother and realized how much she had given up in her life. To have the Blood Key take you from the one you love deeply and have the memory stripped from your mind was too horrible to imagine. Nearly as bad as having the memory of a lost love consuming your every thought.

  “No, it’s not strange at all, In fact, I do have a message for you.” Cassy held her breath as she saw the look on Abigail’s face transform from one of confusion to one of understanding.

  “All these years I thought it was a dream. I believed it to be the mindless rambling of a foolish girl.” Abigail reached up and wiped a tear from her eye.

  “Stay here, I have something for you.” Cassy stood and walked over to the bedside table where she had hidden the Blood Stone.

  Abigail watched as Cassy pulled something out of the drawer then return to the chair, holding it in her hand.

  “What is that?” Abigail asked as she felt excitement stirring up from deep inside of her.

  Cassy held out her hand.

  “Oh my, that’s the stone from my Grandfather’s book. Why did you take it?” Abigail felt her heart break at realizing that Cassy had disregarded her wishes to leave the book alone.


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