The Sheikh's Tempted Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 13)

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The Sheikh's Tempted Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 13) Page 6

by Cara Albany

  Zaheer went to the door and pulled it open. Becca popped her head out and looked up at him. "Good morning," she said and smiled at him.

  Zaheer felt a surge of emotion upon seeing her step out of the limo. She stood facing him and Zaheer ran his gaze down the length of her body. She was dressed in a plain white dress and low-heeled matching shoes. Her blonde hair was tied back in a bun, which only served to highlight the delicate oval shape of her face. Her blue eyes shone in the late morning sun.

  Becca glanced up at the sky. "Picked a nice day for it, didn't we?" she said and gave him a cheeky smile.

  "Where are your bags?" Zaheer asked glancing inside the limo.

  The driver went around to the rear of the vehicle and opened the trunk. He lifted out one medium-sized blue bag and looked at Zaheer.

  "That's all you're bringing?" Zaheer asked.

  Becca squinted at him. "It's enough for a short stay." She peered up at him. "Have you forgotten how little I had the first time I went to Qazhar?"

  Zaheer smiled. "I remember," he said. "You had nothing."

  Becca nodded and glanced at the plane. "So this is your private jet. Is that the same one as before?"

  Zaheer shook his head. "It's new," he said realizing it sounded like an arrogant, off-hand statement. The kind he would have made before.

  Zaheer slid an arm around Becca's back and started to lead her toward the small jets open door. She glanced at him but didn't do anything to refuse his touch. Maybe that was a sign of things to come, Zaheer told himself.

  They stepped inside the jet. There were four brown leather seats and a long divan which stretched along the side of the luxurious interior. A long table faced the divan.

  Zaheer escorted Becca to one of the seats. She sat down and looked up at Zaheer. "Comfy," she said with a mischievous grin. She looked like she was determined to enjoy herself, he reflected. The driver placed Becca's bag in a small hold and left the jet.

  Zaheer moved to his seat alongside Becca. They both strapped their safety belts across their middles.

  Soon, the pilot had taxied out onto the runway and the jet lifted up into the sky.

  As he looked out the small window, Zaheer felt a surge of excitement. He was taking Becca back to Qazhar.

  This time he was determined it would all end differently. It was his own second chance at happiness. And he wasn't going to mess things up.


  Somewhere over the Atlantic lunch was served by the solitary female cabin staff member who had emerged from the front of the jet after takeoff. Zaheer had instructed the attractive, elegantly dressed woman in his own Qazhar language, and then Becca and Zaheer been left alone for the last couple of hours.

  Becca remembered the last time she'd flown like this with Zaheer. That had been a different kind of adventure. Back then, there had been no thought of the future, no worries about impending proposals, or family problems. It had just been about a crazy, impulsive decision to have as much fun as she could.

  Her life had been so much simpler then, Becca reflected.

  This time there was a purpose to the journey. But there was just as much of the unknown as before. Only, this time, there was a whole lot at stake. Not just her own life, but the future of her cousin.

  After the lunch, Zaheer went to the front of the plane to talk with the pilot, leaving Becca on her own for a short while. Becca sat on the divan and twisted around, leaning so that she could look out at the shimmering sea far below.

  She recalled the last two days. How she'd managed to contact their aunt, Gina, who had agreed to come stay for a few days and support Abby. Becca had decided to be as honest as she could with her cousin. She'd never lied to Abby, and Becca wasn't about to start doing that now.

  Becca made the choice to tell Abby as much as she could about Zaheer. Abby already knew about Becca's wild fling in Qazhar three years before. At least some of it. Becca had spared her cousin a lot of the detail.

  Abby had squealed with excitement when Becca had told her about the upcoming trip to Qazhar. Abby had enthusiastically encouraged Becca to enjoy herself. To treat it like a well-deserved break. Abby's generosity made Becca feel really bad. If anyone needed the break it was Abby, Becca had reflected.

  Becca had felt a huge wave of guilt about leaving Abby and the baby like this, but she knew aunt Gina would help Abby.

  As they had stood on the sidewalk outside Abby's house, hugging each other and saying goodbye, Becca promised to keep in touch and let Abby know how she was doing. She also promised she'd be back within a week. On hearing that, Abby had lifted a brow and told Becca that she never knew what might happen.

  Getting into the car for the drive to the station, Becca couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination that she would do whatever it took for her cousin. Seeing mother and baby wave goodbye just hammered home the reality of what she was doing.

  When Becca had seen Zaheer standing alongside his jet she'd felt a rush of pleasure. No, it had been more than that, she realized. It had been relief to be back with him again.

  She'd spent plenty of time thinking about him over the last two days. And almost all of her thoughts had focused on how good she'd felt while she'd been with him in that restaurant. And in the limo afterwards.

  Since takeoff, Zaheer had been the perfect host; courteous, thoughtful and considerate of her every need. He'd been so anxious to make sure she was comfortable that, at one point, she'd laughed and told him to stop making such a fuss over her. That had simply prompted the remark from Zaheer that this was just the beginning, and that he intended to spoil her as much as possible over the next few days.

  Becca had allowed herself the luxury of having a single glass of white wine with her lunch. She knew it broke the rule she'd made with herself about alcohol, especially when she thought about how she and Zaheer had both chosen mineral water two nights ago. But, Becca figured she deserved to relax a little.

  In any case, she was still feeling nerves about this whole trip. It wasn't just apprehension, she also felt a little uneasy about the next few days. There was so much riding on it, that she knew she didn't want to mess it up.

  The last time she'd been in Qazhar, it had been Zaheer's conduct which had been the source of trouble. This time, she was determined that, if things didn't work out, it wouldn't be her fault. If she failed it wouldn't be for her own lack of trying.

  The door to the cockpit opened and Zaheer emerged. He smiled at Becca and sat down next to her on the divan. He'd taken off his jacket and was dressed in a plain white shirt and dark pants. The top few buttons of his shirt were loosened, and Becca could see tiny curls of dark chest hair. The sight of that triggered a warm glow of appreciation. She felt familiar desire tug at her.

  Could he still affect her like that? It seemed like it, she admitted, turning quickly away and looking out the round porthole window.

  "It's so beautiful," she said gazing out at the azure blue sky. Far below, wispy white clouds eased slowly past the jet.

  She looked at Zaheer and saw he was paying no attention to the sight out the window. He was far more interested in Becca. "It is," he murmured. "But, it doesn't hold a candle to you."

  Becca smiled at Zaheer and her heart quickened, pulse racing at the sound of his words. Zaheer's gaze was steady as he waited for her reaction. She shifted nervously on the divan. Desperate to change the subject, she peered around the inside of the cabin. "This is really comfortable, Zaheer. How often do you come to America in this?"

  His brows furrowed slightly. "I haven't been to the US in three years," he stated.

  Becca stared at him. "You mean, you haven't been back the States since we met?"

  Zaheer shook his head. "Why would I have gone back?" he asked.

  'But, I thought you had business interests there," she said.

  He shrugged. "Everything can be handled from abroad, these days," he replied. "I had no need to go back there." He leaned forward and peered into Becca's eyes. "Until
now, that is."

  Becca glanced away, but she could still almost feel the heat from his gaze.

  "So, what do you use the jet for, if you don't go to the States?" she asked. She knew it sounded like a desperate attempt to keep the conversation polite, but there was nothing polite about the way she was feeling right now. Not with him looking at her with that hunger, that visible appreciation.

  Zaheer seemed surprised at her question. "I spend time in Europe in other parts of the region close to Qazhar." He ran his gaze around the cabin. "It has its uses," he announced.

  "Must be expensive," she probed.

  'Everything has a cost," he replied and shrugged nonchalantly.

  "What do you do when you're in Europe?" she asked and then regretted asking him that. It sounded as if she was prying, probing him to find out more about his recent life. His relationships.

  "I have many friends there," he said casually. He seemed suddenly tight-lipped.

  Becca nodded and resisted the impulse to ask for more details. Right now, it was none of her business what he got up to in Europe. There were still boundaries they hadn't crossed, and she wasn't about to start digging into his recent private life. Not just yet.

  As is sensing her reaction, he said: "Maybe one day I can take you to Paris. You'd love it there."

  "Paris? Sounds nice," she said nodding.

  "Nice?" he replied. "It's more than nice. It's the most romantic city in the world. I should know."

  Becca peered at him. "How would you know that?" she asked.

  His face colored slightly and she knew she'd stepped over an unspoken line. Come to think of it, he hadn't asked her about the last three years. Whether she'd had any other relationships. Did he just take it for granted that she'd been alone all this time? Did he think she'd spent the last three years pining for him? She knew that wasn't true, but the few brief relationships she'd had in the last couple of years could hardly be put on the same level as that month in Qazhar with Zaheer.

  "Everyone knows Paris is the city of lovers," he said awkwardly. The way he said that last word caused an instant reaction in her, and she swallowed nervously.

  Becca turned away from him. "Common knowledge, I guess." She glanced at him. "Didn't you once tell me there was nothing more romantic than being out in the Qazhar desert?"

  "Did I say that?"

  Becca squinted at Zaheer. "Yeah, you did." She rolled her eyes and made as if she was trying to remember something he'd said a long time ago. "Let me see. You said that a woman knew nothing about love until she'd experienced making out in a desert encampment," she teased.

  He frowned. "I don't remember saying that," he snorted. "And, in any case, I would never have mentioned "making out". Isn't that one of your quaint American expressions?"

  Becca pouted at him. "I was paraphrasing what you said." She lifted one shoulder dismissively. "Never mind. You didn't give me a chance to find out, did you?"

  He moved closer. His gaze darkened and he lowered his voice. "Would you like to see if it's true?" he asked.

  Becca laughed quietly and shook her head. "I haven't even arrived yet," she said gazing around the cabin. "You seem to forget, this isn't what I'm used to."

  "But, that's why I'm bringing you to Qazhar. To give you a chance to see what you've been missing these last three years. What life could be like for us," he murmured and reached across and placed a hand on her upper arm. "Isn't that right?"

  Becca felt a delicious tingle of sensation ripple through her as he touched her arm. Even through the thin material of her dress, she could feel the rough touch of his fingertips as they slowly caressed her arm.

  Becca peered into Zaheer's dark eyes. There was a brooding expression there, the hint of a desire awakening. His full lips looked suddenly very tempting. She saw that he had noticed the way she'd glanced down at his mouth. Zaheer seemed to take that as a signal. His head dipped and his lips settled softly upon hers, their moist fullness sending a shiver of delight coursing through her.

  Becca moaned briefly, and that sound triggered a strengthening purpose to his kiss. His attention became more insistent, fierceness building, and she felt his other hand settle on her thigh. Heat flared at her core and she lifted a hand up, thrusting in into his thick, dark hair. She savored the feel of the hair as she snaked her fingers through it.

  Becca felt his tongue probe gently, teasing its way into her, searching for more pleasure, wanting to give her more sensation. Becca moved her body closer to his, turning slightly, opening herself up to him. His hand drifted up her thigh, closer to the focus of her need.

  Zaheer's arm eased around her body and gently pulled her closer to him. Her legs shifted, and she felt herself crushed against him, all awkwardness banished for the moment as they both submitted to the fierce want they both so obviously shared.

  Sensation rippled through her as she heard him growl into her mouth, a feral sound that awakened something vital inside her. She felt the vibration of his voice echo throughout her being. It was like being claimed by some elemental force. It reminded her of Zaheer's strength, his sheer animal passion. Memories of what that could mean seized her mind, filling it with images and sensations she'd held at bay for years.

  Becca's hand slid down to his shoulder and onto his chest. She felt the hard power of his chest against her open palm as she pushed against him, curling her fingers into the soft fabric of his shirt. Becca felt the tight strength of his muscles there. He seemed to like that, because his reaction was instant, visceral. He drew her body even harder against him.

  She groaned as she felt the firmness of his desire against her. Heat flamed even warmer at her core, and she began to wonder where all this could be leading. Then she felt his hand drift in toward her core, easing into the space between her slightly open thighs.

  Surely he could tell just how this was affecting her, she thought to herself. Surely he knew he was leading her to the edge of losing control. Of course he did, she told herself. And, right now, she didn't care. All she wanted was more of Zaheer, more of his touch, more of his heat, more of his scent.

  Becca's breathing quickened and her pulse roared in her ears. Or was that something to do with the pressure of the cabin, or even the small amount of wine she'd drank?

  Becca cast those thoughts aside abruptly. She knew how she was feeling, and it could be put down to only one thing.


  The way Zaheer was kissing her, holding her, touching her. It was all down to him and his expert attention. His fingers eased even closer to her and she gasped as he gently touched her core. He knew exactly how to ignite her passion. He hadn't forgotten anything about Becca in all these years.

  Zaheer pressed his body against hers and she felt suddenly as if she was being possessed and claimed in primitive way. Sensation flooded her as he touched her.

  And then she felt herself shift suddenly to one side, and in an instant she and Zaheer were thrust apart. The plane dipped sharply, and Becca was almost thrown off the divan. Zaheer grabbed hold of her just before she fell to the floor.

  Becca yelled and grabbed at the back of the divan, desperately trying to steady herself as the jet seemed to drop.

  Zaheer's eyes widened as he wrapped his arm around Becca and forced himself to remain on the divan.

  "Turbulence," he exclaimed.

  Becca curled her fingers tightly onto the back of the divan and nodded. "Seems like it," she observed as the jet continued to buck around.

  Zaheer glanced at the seats. "Might be a good idea if we strap ourselves in."

  "Maybe we're in for a bumpy ride," Becca joked. She saw that he didn't see the funny side of her remark, because he was already edging carefully, grim-faced, over toward their seats while holding onto Becca's hand. She allowed herself to be led to the seat and settled down onto the softness of the padded leather chair.

  The jet bucked again, and Becca watched as Zaheer clung onto the back of her seat. He released her hand and looked down at her, taking
the seatbelt and tying it around her middle. As the jet shifted sharply, Zaheer stood defiantly steady as he leaned down toward Becca.

  She took hold of the buckle. "I can do it myself," she said looking up at him.

  "No," she heard him say. Zaheer gently pushed her hand aside. "Let me do it," he ordered, and she heard the click of the buckle closing.

  Becca squinted at him, but he was already settling down on his own seat and buckling his seatbelt.

  For a few minutes the jet was thrust from side to side as it rode an obvious wave of turbulence. Becca reflected on the fact that their own turbulent encounter had just been interrupted by one of nature's very own making. Was that what it took to keep her and Zaheer apart? An intervention by nature?

  "Are we going to get more of this before we get to Qazhar?" she asked.

  Zaheer looked suddenly thoughtful. He paused a moment as if trying to find his next words. "That's something I was going to tell you. We're not exactly going to Qazhar. Not yet, anyway."

  "What?" Becca asked. The plane shook once again and she felt a sinking sensation in her stomach. "Where are we going?" she managed to ask as she grasped the side of her seat.

  "There's an island just off the coast of Qazhar. It belongs to a good friend of mine. And he's kindly allowed me to borrow it for a couple of days."

  "And island? But, I thought we were going to stay at your palace," she retorted.

  "We will. I just thought we could have some quiet time away from other people." His gaze softened and he reached a hand across, curling his fingers around her hand. "Just the two of us."

  Becca felt her mouth open slightly and she knew she must look shocked at this revelation. She was going to be alone with Zaheer on an island miles away from civilization? How did she feel about that? Why hadn't he told her?

  "Did you know about this before we took off?"

  Zaheer smiled. "I wanted it to be a surprise," he said.

  Becca nodded. "And we're going to be alone on the island? Aren't there other people living there."

  Zaheer shook his head. "Strictly private. You'll love the island. It's beautiful. Very luxurious. I've visited it a few times myself. There's a palace on the cliff overlooking the sea. You're going to love it," he said. Becca could tell he was enthusiastic about the idea. The problem was, she wasn't sure how she felt about it herself.


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