The Sheikh's Tempted Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 13)

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The Sheikh's Tempted Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 13) Page 9

by Cara Albany

  But, she'd never expected to see him like that. Utterly exposed. She'd met Karim in the corridor and he'd politely guided her toward where Zaheer's suite was located at the opposite end of the palace from hers.

  And she'd knocked. Zaheer hadn't answered, so Becca had just blithely walked in.

  And caught him standing there.

  She should have known that seeing him naked like that would reignite familiar sensations. But not like that. Her entire being had gone into almost complete meltdown on seeing his standing there like that.

  Becca picked at her food and tried to force her attention back to the present.

  Zaheer sat across from her at the dinner table. Every once in a while, as he politely picked at his food, he smiled across at her. On either end of the long table, facing each other, Erin and Karim were continuing to conduct themselves impeccably. They chatted casually, and there was plenty of laughter.

  Becca tried to join in, but the image of Zaheer made her want to be somewhere else. Anywhere, if it meant she could avoid Zaheer's questioning looks from the other side of the table.

  Becca felt privileged to be a guest in their home. She'd be sad to see them leave this evening. But that sadness would be completely offset by the promise of being virtually alone with Zaheer. There would still be servants in the palace, but Erin had reassured her that they would keep a discreet distance from the visitors.

  Still, in spite of that, Becca was troubled by the intensity of her reaction to seeing Zaheer like that. It had shaken her to the core. The same core that had warmed uncontrollably as she'd stood in the middle of the room, looking at the rear of Zaheer's naked, still wet body. He'd been facing the mirror, drying himself.

  For a few blissful seconds, she'd known he had been completely unaware of her. And those moments had given her a chance to savor the sight of the man she was contemplating accepting as a husband.

  They'd been the longest few seconds of her entire life as she'd gazed in wonder at the sight of his wide shoulders, his long, muscular back and his perfectly formed rear. She'd marvelled at the way his muscles rippled as he towelled himself dry, completely unaware that she was watching him. How could she have forgotten the power that lurked in his body? The promise.

  Even sitting at the table now, thinking about it again, she was sure her face colored, betraying her secret thoughts. Her appetite had completely deserted her. Perhaps she had an appetite for something else entirely, she told herself, looking across at Zaheer.

  Zaheer glanced across at her and gave her a puzzled look. Was he guessing her thoughts?

  Eventually the meal came to an end. Karim and Erin prepared to leave. Karim explained that he and Erin had been planning to stay until the following day, but there was something that needed Karim's urgent attention back in Qazhar. So they had to leave.

  After the servants cleared the dinner table, bags appeared at the doors in the hallway and Becca and Zaheer were standing on the steps out front getting ready to say goodbye to Karim and Erin. It was dark now, but there was a full moon which lit up the distant landscape. The island looked dreamlike in the silvery light.

  "You have a lovely time," Erin said, hugging Becca. "Our home is your home," she added.

  Karim nodded and shook Zaheer's hand. "I guess we'll see you in Qazhar in a couple of days," he suggested.

  Becca saw Zaheer nod. "I'll be in touch."

  Then Karim and Erin got into the car which would take them down to the airstrip. Becca and Zaheer stood alongside each other as they waved goodbye to the real owners of the incredible palace where she'd be spending the next couple of days.

  For a long moment, Becca and Zaheer stood quietly, watching the tail-lights of the car head off toward the airstrip. Then they couldn't see the car any longer. Zaheer turned to Becca. "Join me on the terrace for coffee?" he suggested.

  Becca sighed. "Sure," she replied curtly. Could he see she was still preoccupied by what she'd witnessed a couple of hours ago?

  Becca followed Zaheer back into the palace. He spoke quickly with one of the staff, then led Becca through the sitting room and out onto the long, broad terrace which faced out over the cliffside. A soft breeze brushed against Becca's skin, and the sound of the crashing waves far below was rhythmic. Hypnotic.

  There was a soft divan set against the outside wall. Becca sat down and Zaheer eased himself down, close to her. He rested his arm against the back the divan. Becca glanced at him and he smiled back at her, saying nothing.

  For a while they sat quietly. Becca gazed up at the stars and out into the darkness beyond the bright light cast by the palace. The reality of being in a place which was completely alien to everything she'd ever known, began to sink in as she sat quietly next to Zaheer. If anyone had told her a few days ago that she would be in a place like this, Becca would have called them mad.

  But here she was. Sitting alongside Zaheer, on a island paradise on the other side of the world.

  She should have been happy. Ecstatic, even. So how come all she could feel was concern? How come she felt so uneasy?

  The staff brought the coffee, laying it out on the low table in front of Becca. She sipped the dark, hot liquid, sensing its bitter strength. She wondered if it was really a good idea to drink this so late in the evening. Wouldn't it keep her up all night?

  Becca glanced at Zaheer. Was there something else which would keep her up all night?

  Zaheer caught her looking at him. "What?" he asked as he held the cup in front of his lips.

  "Nothing," she replied.

  Zaheer lifted a brow and grinned. "I don't believe you."

  Becca snorted. "I don't care if you don't. I was just thinking about this coffee," she insisted.

  "Really?" he drawled disbelievingly, giving her a skeptical look. "An American worrying about strong coffee? I find that hard to believe."

  Zaheer put his cup down on the table and leaned back, his arm still extended behind her shoulders. She was conscious of the fact that, if he wanted he merely had to move his hand slightly and he would be able to caress the back of her neck. If he did that she knew she wouldn't be able to resist giving into the waves of pleasure it would trigger down her back.

  Becca knew he had to change the whole focus of the conversation. Anything that would shift her attention away from the fact that she was alone with Zaheer now.

  The lights of a small plane moved slowly across the sky.

  Zaheer pointed. "There go Karim and Erin."

  Indeed it must be their plane, Becca realized. Seeing the tiny flashing lights of the plane merely intensified the sense of being isolated on this island in the middle of a dark sea miles from the mainland.

  "I need to call Abby," Becca said sharply.

  "Now?" he asked.

  Becca nodded. Zaheer shook his head. "In case you hadn't noticed we're in the middle of the Qazhar Sea. There's no cell phone signal."

  Becca felt a sinking sensation. "But I promised Abby I'd let her know if I arrived safely."

  Zaheer smiled. "Never mind. There's a satellite phone inside the house. Means we don't need to rely on a mobile connection."

  Becca's mood brightened. "I need to call her, right away," she said standing up.

  "What? Right now?" Zaheer asked.

  Becca nodded and walked around the table. Zaheer stood and faced her. "I'll show you where the phone is," he told her.

  Becca followed him back into the house. He took her to where the phone was, in a small room at the far end of a corridor.

  "I'll wait for you on the terrace," he said turning to leave.

  "Zaheer," she said. He halted and turned back to her. "Thank you," she said.

  Zaheer's brows furrowed. "What for?"

  Becca paused and shook her head. "Nothing. Never mind," she said picking up the phone.

  Zaheer left the room, closing the door softly behind him.

  Becca dialled Abby's number, making sure to add the international codes. Abby picked up after a few rings.

bsp; "Hey there," Becca said.

  "Becca!" Abby exclaimed at the other end of the line.

  "Just thought I'd call and tell you I got here safely," Becca told her cousin.

  "That's great. How's Qazhar?" Abby asked. "Bet the weather's better than Trenton," she said.

  "You could say that," Becca said. "Actually, I'm not in Qazhar, yet."

  "Where are you?" Abby said sounding suddenly concerned.

  "You're never going to believe this, but I'm on an island just off the coast of Qazhar."


  "And, it's like the most amazing place you'd ever see," Becca said. "There's a palace on the island, and a beach and we've got servants and a private jet that will take us anywhere we want at a moment's notice."

  Becca heard Abby squeal with delight.

  "How's the little one?" Becca asked.

  "Oh, you know. Keeping me up at night. That's something I have to look forward to tonight," Abby said. "You know how it is," she added, a sad tone creeping into her voice.

  "And Aunt Gina? Is she behaving herself?" Becca asked.

  "Kinda, I guess," Abby said. "I had to stop her from playing with Lisa all day. You know how she is with kids," Abby said.

  "Right. Some things never change," Becca said, recalling just how much Aunt Gina loved kids.

  Becca and Abby talked a while longer. Becca wanted Abby to know that everything was okay. In fact, Becca knew that didn't come close to describing the place she was in at the moment.

  It was beyond okay. It was perfect.

  She knew Abby would probably be a little jealous, so Becca tempered her own enthusiasm as much as she could. The most important thing was, that everything was okay back home.

  She hung up the phone, making sure that Abby knew Becca would call her again the next day.

  As she made her way along the corridor, Becca felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She knew Zaheer would probably still be waiting for her out on the terrace.

  For a moment, she hesitated at the foot of the stairs, wondering whether she should go back out onto the terrace. Did she really want to run the risk of being so close to Zaheer, right now? Because, there certainly was risk involved in going out there now. Especially after what had happened earlier.

  Images of his body hovered in the front of her mind. Those images triggered instant desire, heat in her core, made every nerve tingle with anticipation. Thoughts of what would happen out there invaded her mind. She could just imagine what he would be feeling like. Particularly since she'd forced herself away from him on the pretext of making the call.

  He must be impatient, she told herself. Maybe it was the right moment to make a gesture. Send him a signal. Everything was moving too fast. She felt like she'd been caught in a tornado and that Zaheer was the force that was driving that storm.

  Giving into impulse, she started up the stairs. Regret tugged at her. It was common sense that was compelling her to climb the steps, intent on getting to her room as fast as possible. But, at the same time, emotions were swirling around inside her.

  How would he react when he discovered that she had retreated to the safety of her room? She didn't know, but she wasn't prepared to wait around to find out. She needed time to think things through.

  Becca reached the top of the stairs and started down the corridor, head bowed, the sound of her shoes echoing along the marble corridors.

  Almost at her room she finally lifted her gaze and froze. Her legs felt suddenly weak and butterflies tumbled in her middle.

  Zaheer was leaning against the wall right next to her door, his arms folded across his chest.

  He was smiling at her, one brow lifted casually. "Going somewhere?" he asked.

  His voice was deep and seemed to carry all the way along to the distant end of the corridor.

  "What are you doing here?" she snapped.

  Zaheer turned, leaning his shoulder against the wall.

  "I guessed you might not come back out to the terrace," he said. He smiled. "Seems I was right."

  Her gaze drifted down to the loosened buttons at the top of his white shirt. At the tempting curls of dark chest hair; at his broad chest; at his powerful arm muscles. Her throat tightened. This wasn't what she'd wanted to happen. Not at all. Didn't he realize that?

  She took a step toward her door. "I just felt a bit tired after talking to Abby."

  His gaze filled with concern. "How is she?" he asked.

  "Fine," Becca said. "She's fine," she added, feeling slightly impatient.

  "That's good," Zaheer said nodding slowly. She thought he sounded as if he really meant it. Maybe he did. She had to admit he'd been a gentleman about everything so far.

  There was a long pause and Becca took another step toward the door. Zaheer shifted, stepping away from the wall.

  Becca halted and looked at Zaheer. "Look, Zaheer. I don't want you thinking I'm trying to avoid you, or anything," she said. Even as she said the words, she knew they didn't have the ring of truth about them. Could he tell that?

  "Why would you want to avoid me?" he asked. She thought he sounded slightly offended.

  Becca sighed. "I didn't mean it like that."

  He took a step closer. "Then what did you mean?"

  He was so close now that, if she wanted to, she could reach out and lay a hand on his broad chest, holding him at bay. But, did she really want to do that?

  Didn't she want to feel his body crushing against hers? Didn't she want his lips on hers again?

  His gaze darkened slightly now that he was close to her. He was still waiting for her answer. She didn't know what to say. Just as she'd told herself downstairs, she knew that if she gave in to him there would be no holding back the tidal wave of desire she felt. The promise of what that would mean enticed her and worried her, both at the same time.

  Before she had a chance to say another word, Zaheer crossed the remaining distance that separated them and took her in his arms. His head dipped and his lips crashed down upon hers.

  She moaned, in spite of every lingering objection. Those objections dropped away as her body softened against his, and she felt the firmness of his desire press against her. He reacted by drawing her even harder against him, hunger igniting in him.

  His lips tasted as sweet as always, but there was an urgency to his need now that had been absent when he'd kissed her on the plane.

  Becca's arms curled around Zaheer's shoulders, almost as if they had a life of their own. Sensation vibrated through her as his kiss became more fierce, even more demanding. Need flamed inside her, and she felt her core respond.

  Becca's heart pounded furiously, her pulse throbbing hungrily. Zaheer's body felt hard. She felt as if he was consuming her, drawing him into his own being in a primal way.

  His tongue probed her mouth, seeking pleasure, giving her a taste of ecstasy.

  Then he turned, moving her with him, and before she knew it, he was pressing her against the wall. She felt the cool, hard marble at her back. He eased his hand around the back of her head, protecting it from the hardness of the stone wall. She felt his fingers snake into her hair, tugging gently.

  Zaheer pressed hard against her, his kiss becoming almost ravenous, filled with irresistible temptation. She felt his breath, heavy and warm.

  Zaheer's lips moved down to her neck. She lifted her head, gazing up, wondering if she could take the sensation rippling through her as his tongue tasted her skin all the way up to the sensitive place behind her ear. Every nerve tingled as his tongue worked its magic there.

  Becca gasped and pressed herself against him. Her mind was a whirl of warring thoughts. Every one of those thoughts told her to stop, but every wave of sensation ordered her to continue, not to stop, to let Zaheer do what he wanted to her.

  Becca opened her legs wider and she felt Zaheer press his firmness against her core. Sensation rippled through her body. It was then that she knew there was no stopping him. It was then that she knew she didn't want this p
leasure to end. She needed more of it, wanted him to give her more.

  And when she felt his body turn slightly, and felt his arms slide down to her waist, she knew that his need burned as fiercely as her own.

  With a sudden move, Zaheer lifted Becca up into his arms, went to the door of her suite and kicked the door open.


  Becca felt light-headed as she wrapped her arms around Zaheer's shoulders. There was nothing that needed to be said. They both knew what they wanted. Knew that the moments for hesitation had passed.

  Zaheer strode straight to the bedroom and halted at the end of the bed. He gazed into her eyes, as if he was seeking one final confirmation that she wanted this as much as he did. Becca eased a hand up the side of Zaheer's head and caressed his dark hair.

  As if seeing what he needed, Zaheer laid Becca down onto her feet, so that she stood gazing up into his dark, brooding eyes. His gaze was thick with desire.

  Becca's hands drifted to his chest, feeling the sheer strength of his muscles, savoring the power contained there. As she touched him, she felt him draw in a sharp breath, and his eyes widened. One of his hands went to her waist and he drew her against him. His lips crashed down onto hers, hunger once again as ravenous as it had been out in the corridor.

  Becca felt the heat of his body through his thin, white shirt. She already felt as if their connection had been renewed. It had been a long time since she'd felt anything like this.

  Zaheer's head lifted and he tugged at her dress. She eased the dress off, dropping it to the floor. She stepped out of the dress, kicking it aside. Zaheer's gaze drifted down, taking in the sight of Becca dressed only in her bra and panties. She saw his nostrils flare approvingly.

  Then it was her turn to give him an unspoken instruction. She reached across and started to unbutton the shirt, but his impatience was harsh, even brutal. Zaheer gently shifted her hand away and took hold of the open edges of the shirt. With one strong tug, he wrenched the shirt apart.

  Becca was sure she heard a ripping sound as the shirt parted, and Zaheer's chest was exposed. In full view it looked every bit as tempting as she'd known it would. Up close, his chest muscles were tight, his abdominals even tighter. Seeing that dark chest hair, Becca reached out a hand and ran her fingers through it. Zaheer gasped, his gaze unwavering, watching her as she raked her nails down the front of his chest. Zaheer emitted an approving groan, lifting his head back.


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