The Sheikh's Tempted Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 13)

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The Sheikh's Tempted Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 13) Page 13

by Cara Albany

  Zaheer felt a chill run down his spine.

  Abbas leaned forward and fixed Zaheer with a firm look. It was a look that Zaheer recognized. It was the expression his father assumed when he was about to issue an order.

  "Upon marrying this fine American woman, you will assume all authority in the family." Abbas leaned forward and when he spoke, Zaheer felt as if a sentence was being pronounced.

  "You will become the true head of this family."


  How could he have done this to her? Becca went through the motions of being patient as Tahira showed Becca around the sumptuous suite of rooms Becca had been given for her stay. But all she could think about was why Zaheer hadn't told her she would be staying with his family for the next day of two.

  Zaheer's mother seemed to be under the impression that Becca had already known about her stay. Becca didn't want to have an awkward conversation with Zaheer's mother. Most of all she didn't want to suggest that her relationship with Zaheer was anything less than perfect. It was clear Zaheer hadn't told his parents much about Becca. And it was obvious they knew nothing about Becca's personal circumstance back home.

  Well, at least Zaheer had respected that, Becca told herself as she followed Tahira around the rooms, taking in the elegance and opulence of the furnishings and decoration.

  There was no denying the luxury of the rooms. It was sheer excess on a scale she'd never experienced in her life. Zaheer's family lived well. Of that there was no doubt.

  There was a large sitting room which led out onto a balcony. The furnishings looked like they came from the best makers in the world. It wasn't all modern, though. Typical Qazhar design added a touch of the exotic to the rooms.

  The bedroom was just as large as the sitting room. There were walk-in closets that were as big as Becca's living room back home.

  Tahira took Becca out onto the balcony. Becca was stunned by the beauty of the view. Beyond the perfectly tended garden, and the high wall which enclosed it, Becca could see the desert, shimmering golden in the afternoon heat. It was awe-inspiring.

  Becca could see that Tahira was pleased at her reactions to the suite and to the incredible vista. This truly was like stepping into another world, Becca told herself.

  Had she done the right thing agreeing to come here? Becca glanced at Tahira. Zaheer's mother was the embodiment of grace and perfect manners. There was an almost royal aspect to the woman's behavior. Was this what it meant to be part of one of the wealthiest families in Qazhar?

  Previously, Becca had only really considered Zaheer as some kind of super-rich jet set type who'd descended into her world from somewhere that seemed completely alien to Becca.

  But now Becca had seen actual families up close. Erin and Karim as well as Zaheer's parents. Both couples obviously loved and respected one another. Becca could tell that Tahira and Abbas were so incredibly comfortable with one another. What she'd seen briefly today had confirmed everything Zaheer had told Becca about his parents. They were a devoted and loving couple who'd spent the last three decades making each other happy.

  That was all that mattered, Becca told herself. Wasn't it? Was that what Zaheer was offering her? Now that she'd spent more time with him, she was beginning to see that, if they did have a future together, it would be like something out of a dream.

  Wasn't that the problem, though. Was it just a dream? One that would come crashing down once she and Zaheer started living together. Once they'd seen the reality of what their relationship was really like.

  This was the world Zaheer was trying to tempt her into accepting. And what a temptation it was! Luxury. Wealth. Privilege. Everything a woman could possibly desire.

  And on top of all that, the most incredibly gorgeous man she could ever want.

  So, why was she still unsure?

  Becca kept the answer to that question tucked away at the back of her mind as she continued to chat with Tahira.

  Finally, Tahira said she had to go and attend to something. At the door to the suite of rooms, Tahira halted and looked at Becca.

  "We have some extra outfits if you need them," she said. "I'm sure getting something your size won't be a problem," she added running her gaze down Becca's petite frame.

  "Outfits?" Becca asked.

  "For this evening," Tahira said narrowing her eyes slightly, but still smiling.

  Seeing that Becca still didn't understand, Tahira continued. "We're holding a gathering tonight. Just family and close friends."

  Becca felt her face flush.

  Tahira seemed to notice Becca's surprise. "Didn't Zaheer tell you?"

  Becca shook her head emphatically, trying to contain the surge of indignation welling up within her. "No, he didn't."

  Tahira shook her head and sighed. "Maybe he was keeping it a surprise."

  Becca frowned. "Maybe," she said curtly. "How many people will be here?" she asked.

  Tahira rolled her eyes. "About fifty or so," she replied.

  "Fifty!" Becca exclaimed.

  Tahira seemed to interpret Becca's outburst as an indication of enthusiasm. "Zaheer's father has invited some very special people."

  Becca felt panic twist a hard knot in her middle. Maybe she could reason her way out of the reception. Perhaps blame the travel or the sudden change of scene for her decision not to attend. After all, she was just a visitor, wasn't she? Just passing through. As she looked at Tahira's enthusiastic expression, Becca knew there was no way she would be able to avoid attending.

  "I'll give you a chance to settle in," Tahira said. "Then we can look at some outfits. After I get a chance to find them, of course."

  "That sounds lovely," was all Becca could force herself to say in a weak voice.

  Then Tahira said goodbye, leaving Becca alone in the suite.

  Once the door was closed, Becca groaned and threw herself down onto the sofa. Who did Zaheer think he was? Why hadn't he told her about this? Did he think he had her completely in his control? That he could move her around like a puppet, constantly catching her off guard.

  Perhaps that had been his strategy all along, she told herself. Keep her in the dark. That way he would be in charge at every moment. That way he could control the outcome of this entire crazy escapade she'd foolishly agreed to. Maybe he hadn't changed that much, after all, she told herself.

  Becca kicked off her shoes and stretched back on the sofa, feeling her entire body tense. She closed her eyes, drawing in a deep breath. She needed to calm down. But right now, she wanted to just scream out her frustration.

  The prospect of attending a reception with so many people horrified her. The more she thought about it, the worse it seemed. Being the new arrival, Becca knew she'd be the focus of so many peoples attention. There would be questions. Awkward ones.

  How was she going to to cope with being amongst people like that? Of course, Zaheer's family members were wonderful. But there would others who would want to know about the new American woman. Perhaps they would think she was some kind of gold-digger intent on grabbing Zaheer for his money, his wealth.

  There was a soft knock on the door. Becca frowned. Maybe it was Tahira returning to tell her something.

  Becca went to the door and opened it.

  Zaheer stood in the corridor. He glanced down at her bare feet. ""Getting comfortable, I see," he said grinning.

  Becca glared at him and folded her arms. "How dare you!" she snapped.

  Zaheer's face paled. "What?"

  "Why didn't you tell me about tonight?" she said. She stamped her bare foot on the cold marble floor. "And why didn't you tell me we were staying here with your parents?"

  Zaheer glanced down the corridor. "I didn't..." he started to say, but she interrupted him.

  "You didn't think it would be worth telling me?" she blurted out. "Is that the reason? Maybe because I might have refused to come here?"

  Zaheer advanced, but halted the second Becca glared once again at him. Indignation surged through her.
r />   "Can we talk?" he asked, desperation suddenly in his voice. "Can I come in?" he asked glancing over her shoulder.

  Becca shook her head. "Uh uh," she stated firmly.

  Zaheer frowned and seemed, for a moment, uncertain how to react to her flat out refusal. Of course he wasn't coming in, she told herself. She knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to talk her down, calm her with soothing words, just like he'd done before. He wanted to do what seemed to come so naturally; use his obvious and very familiar charms on her and win her over to his way of seeing things.

  He wanted to get his own way.

  Emotion flashed through her. She wasn't going to let that happen.

  Becca tried to shut the door, but Zaheer jammed his hand against it, holding it firm. Becca pushed harder, glaring at him, but he held it steady. His gaze was unflinching as she pushed one last time.

  "Let go," she demanded.

  Zaheer shook his head. The corner of his mouth curled slightly into the beginnings of one of his defiant, confident smiles.

  "Becca, please. We need to talk," he said.

  Becca peered into his dark eyes, seeing the firmness of his intent, the sheer power of will in those pools, the same ones she'd drowned in so many times before.

  "I don't want to talk to you," she stated, even though she already knew that there was so much she really wanted to say to him.

  Becca heard a noise of footsteps somewhere far down the corridor. She glanced toward the sound and Zaheer's gaze followed hers. They couldn't talk like this. Not here. The last thing she wanted was someone witnessing their disagreement. Because that was what it was really, when she thought about it. No sense in making it public, she told herself.

  Becca swung the door open and stepped to one side. "A few minutes only," she told him.

  Zaheer strode into the room and she hurriedly closed the door behind her.

  Zaheer stood in front of Becca. She remained at the door, arms folded defiantly. Now that he was inside, she could see that, in spite of their disagreement, there was something different about him. He seemed almost pleased about something. More secrets, she told herself. When would he stop hiding things from her?

  "Why didn't you tell me about all of this?" she asked sharply. "Were you trying to surprise me? Or are you just doing what you've always done."

  His eyes narrowed instantly, as if he was surprised she was still angry with him. "And what's that?"

  Becca took one step toward him and sighed. "You haven't changed at all have you?"

  "How can you say that after the last couple of days?" He breathed in deeply and added: "After last night?"

  "Don't mention that," she gasped.

  He came closer, but she glared at him and he froze. "Why not? It was the most incredible night ever," he murmured. "Wasn't it?"

  Becca tightened her jaw and stared at him, determined not to respond.

  Zaheer came closer. Now, she realized, he could reach out and take hold of her. If he wanted to. But he didn't. His eyes were dark with sudden desire. The brightness of a few moments before was gone, replaced by his now familiar steady, determined expression. That look meant he wanted something. Wanted her.

  Becca felt warmth in her middle as he looked at her.

  "You should have told me what you had planned," she complained.

  "And ruin the surprise?" he asked softly, with a hint of a smile.

  Becca narrowed her eyes at him. "Since I got here, I've discovered I don't much like surprises," she told him.

  Zaheer moved a little closer. Images of last night flickered into her mind; his naked body; the way he'd touched her; the way he'd held her close; the way he'd gazed into her soul with those dark eyes of his.

  Sensation flamed into life and she tightened her arms around herself, determined that he wouldn't notice the effect he was having on her.

  But he had noticed.

  She could see that in the way his gaze ran down the length of her body, all the way down to her bare feet. She felt suddenly vulnerable, as of all the fight of moments before had vanished now that she was alone with him.

  "What can I say?" he asked gently.

  "You can tell me about tonight," she ordered.

  "I had no idea about that, until my father told me downstairs."

  Becca frowned at him. "There are going to be so many people." Becca gasped. "I just don't belong. I won't fit in," she said, emotion cracking her voice.

  Zaheer closed the final inches separating them and took her softly by the shoulders. "Don't worry. I'll be with you every moment."

  Becca looked up into his eyes. "Is that supposed to reassure me?"

  Zaheer tilted his head. "I thought it might? Doesn't it?"

  Becca shook her head emphatically. "Tonight is going to be a family occasion." She peered into his eyes. "For your family."

  Didn't he realize that family was something she'd never really had? Not like he had, anyway. Didn't he know that she had no clue how to handle herself in a situation like that?

  Zaheer leaned closer. "I thought we talked about that," he stated.

  "About what?"

  He smiled. "You being part of my family." His head dipped even closer and she could feel his breath, soft against her skin. "That you belong here. With me," he growled.

  Her heart raced and her pulse quickened in spite of every effort she made to tell herself that those were just words. That they didn't mean a thing. That she was still an outsider. But, even as she thought that, she knew it wasn't true. Because he had brought here to this place, and seemed determined to draw her into his world. Just as he'd promised he would do.

  Then his head dipped and his lips claimed hers, his kiss full of desire, filled with need. She felt sensation ripple through her as she felt the firmness of that kiss, tasted his lips, felt his tongue probe gently, seeking more pleasure.

  Her body awakened, nerves suddenly alive, her breathing instantly quicker. Zaheer held her tight and Becca grasped at his powerful shoulders, feeling the tension there.

  Zaheer's tongue probed again, even more desperate this time. Every nerve in her body quivered with pleasure. Thought came to a juddering halt, and her awareness was flooded with sensation. Feeling took over from thought; Zaheer's body pressed against hers; the heat at her core; the strength of his arms as he wrapped them around her.

  Becca's treacherous body gave in to the pleasure Zaheer was offering. When his hand eased around and touched her breast, need ignited in Becca. Even through the fabric of her dress, the touch of his fingertips was exquisite, irresistible.

  His touch was expert. He was playing with her now. That's what he was doing. A voice in her head warned her that she shouldn't let him do this. It told her nothing good would come of giving into this delight, this total pleasure.

  But, right now, she didn't care. Not when it felt so good. Not when he felt so good.

  Their lips parted and she saw Zaheer's flushed features. He glanced across the room at the open bedroom door. Shocked delight swept through Becca. Memories of the night before raced into her awareness. She was still trying to get her breath back when he started to lead her toward the bedroom. Her bare feet seemed to float above the marble floor as she let him guide her, his hand at the base of her spine gentle and insistent.

  She wanted to go there with him. In spite of everything she had thought mere minutes before. The bed was so inviting. The anticipation of what it would be like to be with him again triggered warmth in her core.

  But, as they reached the threshold of the bedroom, and just as she was about to step into the room, realization of where she was flooded into her mind.

  This wasn't the island anymore, she told herself. They weren't alone. There were other people in the palace. Even if it was massive, the idea of others being under the same roof turned her feet to ice.

  She hesitated.

  Zaheer looked down at her. "What?"

  "I can't," she said simply.

  His mouth opened in surprise. She could see the
desire written all over his features, the hunger in his gaze.

  She saw his body tense. His gaze darkened with an even harsher desire. He faced her and peered down into her eyes, seeking something that had been there moments before. His head moved, but she turned her face away from him.

  As she did so, she heard him gasp with frustration. When she turned back to him, she saw the hunger in his gaze hadn't become any less ravenous. His jaw tightened and there was a sudden flash of impatience.

  "See?" she snapped.

  His brows darkened. "What do you mean?" he asked sharply.

  "Still that same old Zaheer," she declared.

  He frowned. "Are you joking with me? How can you say that after what happened last night?"

  Becca lowered her head, desperate to avoid looking at his face. Anything so she didn't have to see that same old look of impatience, that familiar arrogance.

  She felt his fingers beneath her chin. He lifted her face up to him, his gaze penetrating her, searching for a clue, something he could probably use to manage the situation. Just like he always did, she told herself. She squinted at him and his gaze flickered slightly in response.

  Becca shifted her head so that his fingers slid from her chin. Zaheer sighed sharply and ran a hand though his hair. He turned away from her. "Sometimes I don't understand you, Becca," he snapped.

  "I would have thought it was pretty obvious what I think," she responded. "Didn't we say this was all going to be a test?"

  Zaheer frowned. "What are you saying?"

  Becca groaned and turned away from Zaheer. She felt his hand on her shoulder and she faced him again.

  "What are you trying to tell me, Becca?"

  Becca shook her head and sighed. "I don't know. I don't know what I want anymore."

  Zaheer moved to face her again. "I thought you wanted me," he murmured softly. His gaze became steady. "I thought you wanted us to work."

  Becca looked up at Zaheer. "Is there really anything between us, Zaheer?"

  His face paled slightly. He looked stunned that she would say such a thing to him. But, she knew she'd had to say it.


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