The Sheikh's Tempted Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 13)

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The Sheikh's Tempted Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 13) Page 15

by Cara Albany

  Zaheer touched his father on the arm and glared at him, willing his father not to say anything else. Abbas gazed back at Zaheer, but seemed determined to continue.

  Zaheer turned to the guests, eager to see if they'd noticed the awkward situation developing up on the platform.

  And, just as he turned to look out, his heart stopped for a moment, and an icy chill ran down his spine.

  Becca wasn't standing looking up at him anymore.

  She was gone.


  Becca raced through the grove of planted trees, bending beneath the overhanging branches. She threw the glass of champagne away and staggered for a moment on her low-heeled shoes. She bent down and slid them off and tossed them into a bush. Barefoot, she ran as quickly as she could away from the crowd of guests. She didn't want to be there anymore. She couldn't listen to what was being said from the platform.

  As she ran, she felt the cool grass beneath her bare feet. She had to get away. She had to think. Her mind was a whirl of tormenting thoughts. The sounds of the reception faded the farther she ran, until they were a distant murmur.

  Of course, she'd known exactly what Zaheer's father had been about to say next. Any fool would have known what he was about to announce to the whole world.

  Was that just how things were done here in Qazhar? They simply came right out with it and declared their son had chosen a bride. Had Zaheer's father expected Becca to burst into tears and step up onto the platform as if she'd just won a beauty contest?

  That wasn't going to happen.

  How could Zaheer have allowed that? What had he said to his father that had prompted those words?

  She was thankful that no-one had noticed Becca slipping away while Zaheer's father had paused, trying to find the right words to announce who Zaheer's bride would be.

  There was only one person in the crowd who fitted that bill.

  And that was why she was running. Because, this wasn't how it was supposed to be.

  Becca felt suddenly breathless. She slowed and walked between a narrow passageway of high, neatly trimmed hedges. Her heart was pounding furiously. Would her absence be noticed? Of course it would, she told herself. Zaheer would notice. Then he would come to find her.

  But, right now, that didn't matter as much as her need to think, to figure all of this out.

  The passageway opened out onto a circular, grassy area. A huge stone-carved lion stood set in the middle of a wide pool of water. Water tumbled out of the lion's mouth. The sound of the water was instantly soothing. She followed that sound, drawn to it irresistibly.

  She sat on the wide, stone edge of the fountain and dipped her hand into the cool water. Her breathing began to slow. She closed her eyes, grateful for the sudden peace she felt. Maybe here, she could figure out what to do about all of this, she told herself.

  Becca thought about the call she'd made earlier. That had been the reason why she had been delayed coming down to the reception. Becca had called Abby, intent on telling her everything. Why she had come to Qazhar. What had brought her and Zaheer back together again. The whole plan.

  But, at the last moment she had avoided telling Abby anything. Abby had been so happy for Becca as she'd listened to some of the descriptions of life in Qazhar. To Abby it all must have seemed like a different world. A fantasy beyond her reach. She had so much to think of; so much to worry about. And yet Becca could still tell that Abby was so pleased for her good fortune.

  Because that was what it was, really, wasn't it? Zaheer had reappeared in Becca's life at exactly the right moment. Was that fate? Was that destiny in action?

  How could she deny such a destiny? One that would ensure happiness for all of them.

  Who was she to fight with destiny? Especially since she felt so much for Zaheer. Because she knew that was the truth. In spite of all the pressure she'd felt, in spite of all her doubts and uncertainties, the truth was she loved him. Had always loved him.

  Seeing him up on that platform, hearing the way Zaheer's father had described his son, Becca had realized that Zaheer was indeed a changed person. Otherwise, how would his father place so much trust in his son's hands? Zaheer was about to become the head of the family. For his father to have even considered that, must mean that Zaheer wasn't the person she had known three years before.

  Becca turned and looked down into the pool of water, seeing her reflection there. The image of herself, dressed in the white gown, shimmered in the ripples of water as she moved her hand. She had to admit she looked different, dressed in this beautiful gown.

  Becca recalled the way Zaheer had gazed up at her as she'd stood at the head of the stairs. There had been such love in that gaze, it had almost taken her breath away. She could tell he loved her.

  And, as he'd introduced her to all the guests, she'd seen the pride and adoration in the way he'd showed her off. Because that was what he'd been doing, she realized. He'd been introducing her to his own people, the society in which he had lived all his life. She knew now what he wanted. She knew he wanted her to be a part of this world. To be a part of his world. Forever.

  But that hadn't lessened the shock she'd felt as Zaheer's father had made his announcement. Looking up at Zaheer, Becca had been able to tell that the man standing up on that platform had a future ahead of him that required him to be a new man. A different man.

  Her man?

  Even as she asked herself that, she knew that he was hers. Had always been hers.

  That she was his. And would be forever.

  Becca gazed down into the pool and saw her reflection there.

  Suddenly, she knew she wasn't alone. She felt a presence behind her, heard a soft movement. She glanced down into the pool and saw his reflection over her shoulder.


  Becca whirled around and looked up at Zaheer. She gasped as he reached down and took her hands and lifted her up to stand before him. His gaze was soft and filled with love.

  "I thought I'd find you here," he murmured.

  Becca shook her head. "I needed to clear my head a little," she explained.

  "I missed you," he said softly.

  Becca glanced away. "I know," she replied.

  Zaheer drew her closer to him and she gazed up at him. "Don't ever do that again," he said. The corner of his mouth creased into the hint of a smile. He lifted a brow. "Okay?"

  Becca gazed into his eyes, seeing the emotion in the darkness. She tried to smile, but it just wouldn't come. Her heart was pounding, feeling overtaking her, thoughts racing as she tried to figure out what to do next.

  Somewhere, deep inside, she already knew what to do next.

  "Zaheer, I need to tell you..." she started to say, but he interrupted her, placing a finger gently on her lips. He shook his head.

  "I'm the one who needs to say something, Becca," he declared.

  Becca felt her mouth open, as she wanted to defy his interruption, felt an urgent need to continue. But she could see the seriousness of purpose in his gaze.

  His hand went to her side, holding her gently. "You heard what my father said back there?" he asked.

  Becca nodded. "I heard it all."

  Zaheer shook his head. "You didn't hear everything," he said.

  Becca frowned at him. "What do you mean?"

  "You didn't hear what I told the guests," Zaheer said.

  "I know what your father was going to say," Becca challenged. "He was going to tell the guests that it was time you chose a fine Qazhar woman to be your bride. Someone who understands Qazhar ways," she declared. "A woman all your friends and colleagues could accept."

  Even as she spoke she could see his brows furrow, the darkness in his eyes intensifying.

  "Wasn't that what he was going to say?" she asked.

  "No!" Zaheer exclaimed. "That's not what he was going to say, at all."

  Becca squinted at Zaheer. "It sounded like it," she retorted.

  Zaheer drew Becca closer to him. He shook his head. "You still do
n't get it, do you?"

  "Get what, Zaheer?" she replied.

  Becca felt his hand press firmly against her side, saw the intensity in his gaze. Zaheer smiled. "You're the one he was talking about, Becca," Zaheer murmured. "My father was telling everyone that you're the one who should become my bride."

  Becca felt color drain from her face. She saw Zaheer take in the sight of her disbelief, his eyes narrowing as he tried to judge the strength of her reaction to that news.

  "Me?" she gasped.

  Zaheer nodded. His other hand eased to her waist. She felt him press against her, felt the firmness of his body. He gazed down into her eyes. "You're the one I choose to have by my side," he said quietly.

  Sensation flooded through her body as she heard those words. She didn't know what she could say in response to that. For now, she simply peered up into his dark gaze, waiting for him to say something else. Anything that could help her make sense of all of this.

  "It was always going to be you," Zaheer continued, holding her tighter now. He smiled at Becca. "Everyone else can see how much I love you," he said.

  Becca drew in a sharp breath as Zaheer added: "I do love you, Becca."

  Becca's heart raced and her pulse quickened. She gazed into his eyes, seeing the look of sheer adoration in them. Was it true? After all they'd been through.

  "I need you," he growled, absolute sincerity filling his voice. "I want you by my side. Forever." His eyes brightened. "You know that's true."

  And, in that instant, she did know his words were true. Hadn't she always known? Even though she'd tried to convince herself that this had all been some kind of game.

  Hadn't she known, deep down, in the still, quiet part of her soul that she belonged with Zaheer. That she always would belong with him. With this Zaheer, the one who was so different from the one she'd first met; the one she had ran from.

  "I love you too, Zaheer," she said. It felt so good to say those words.

  Zaheer reacted by holding her even more firmly against him, as if he never wanted to let her go.

  The words came easier than she would have predicted. But now that she'd said them, she knew it was true.

  Still, even at a moment like this, treacherous doubts hovered, remnants of past times.

  "I don't know, Zaheer," she gasped, turning her face away from him.

  He took her chin gently and moved her face back to him. "I think you do know, Becca. I think you know we're meant to be together. That we were always destined to be together."

  Her breath quickened and then his head dipped and he kissed her, his lips tender. Becca lifted her head and savored every moment of the kiss. Pleasure swept through her entire being. When he wrapped his arms around her, she let her body soften against his, allowed herself to be consumed by him.

  Delight filled her soul as she slid her arms around his shoulders and stretched up on her toes, seeking more, wanting the pleasure to continue forever.

  Finally, their lips parted and she gazed at him. "But what will everyone think?" she asked.

  He lifted a shoulder. "Didn't you see? Everyone already accepts you." Seeing her puzzled look, he continued. "Because you're the woman I have chosen to be mine. The woman I love."

  The sound of his words sent a wave of delight coursing through her body.

  "My family loves you," he stated.

  "Already?" she said sounding incredulous.

  He nodded. "They love you because they know I love you," he stated firmly.

  Zaheer drew her closer. She could feel the heat of his body through the fabric of her dress.

  "Becca," he murmured. "I want to ask you something. The most important thing I've ever asked anyone."

  She knew what that question would be. The realization made her hesitate one last time. But, even as she paused, she knew, deep down that she really wanted to hear what he had to say.

  Zaheer drew in a deep breath. He gazed deeply into her eyes. She'd never seen such purpose, such hope and determination in his eyes, before.

  "Becca, will you do me the greatest honor and agree to become my wife?" Zaheer asked. His voice was filled with reverence, as if this was the most scared thing he'd said in his life.

  A great calm settled on Becca as she looked up into Zaheer's eyes. She saw the love there, felt her heart quicken just to see the way he was looking at her.


  There was only one answer she could give. It would have seemed an impossibility before, something unthinkable. But that now seemed already like a distant memory.

  Becca smiled at Zaheer and lifted a hand to his face, touching him gently on his jawline. She could sense he was holding his breath, waiting for her reply.

  She nodded. "I will," she said softly.

  Zaheer's eyes widened and he breathed out.

  His brows rose and he smiled. "You will?" he gasped.

  Becca smiled right back at him and nodded. Happiness surged through her, a happiness she'd never believed would ever be hers.

  He drew her even more firmly against him and kissed her. Becca sank into his kiss, feeling, for the first time, that she belonged right here, right now. She wanted this moment to last forever.

  Eventually, their lips parted and Zaheer gazed at Becca. "I promise to love you and cherish you for all eternity," he declared. "You are the light in my existence, habibti," he said. Tracing his fingers along her chin as he whispered: "My beloved."

  Joy filled her soul as she closed her eyes for a few moments and leaned her face against his fingers, enjoying the feel of his tender touch.

  Becca opened her eyes and gazed at Zaheer. She'd never felt happier, never felt such contentment. She was in the arms of the man she loved. The man who loved her.

  And she would forever be by his side.



  The marquee had been put up in the garden once again. But this time they'd had to construct a much larger one to cater for the approximately three hundred guests. The elite of Qazhar society had turned out for the wedding of Becca and Zaheer.

  Becca stood next to the marquee's entrance, amongst a crowd of guests and marvelled at the wealth which was on display. She knew the elevated status of the guests. Knew that the guest list included everyone who had influence in the kingdom.

  But, right now, there were only three people Becca really cared about on this, her wedding day.

  Abby, her baby Lisa and, of course, Zaheer.

  Becca smiled at each of them. She'd never seen Abby look so happy. She was bouncing her baby in her arm and gazing around at the guests. Standing next to her, Zaheer kept glancing at the baby, looking occasionally uncertain how to handle the way the baby was looking at him. But every time Lisa smiled at Zaheer, he smiled right back at the little one.

  Abby had flown over for the wedding. In fact, Becca had brought Abby over in Zaheer's private jet. The trip had been wildly exciting for Abby. She'd fussed and worried over the baby since it was her first trip abroad. But now Abby was settled into the palace, enjoying a well-deserved vacation. Becca had taken great pleasure in seeing her cousin so incredibly happy.

  Back home, in Trenton things had already been taken care of. The house had been paid for outright and the business put on a solid footing. Everything had turned out perfectly, even if Abby had taken a bit of persuading before she agreed to the financial arrangements.

  Now though, everything was perfect. Zaheer was looking at Becca the exact way he'd looked at her throughout the wedding ceremony.

  With sheer love.

  Zaheer wrapped an arm around Becca's waist. She shifted slightly and tugged on the long train of her white wedding dress. The dress which had taken weeks to choose and get fitted. But, it had been worth all the effort.

  Zaheer was wearing traditional Qazhar robes, complete with head dress. He looked like every woman's fantasy of a perfect, gorgeous sheikh.

  But he was her perfect sheikh, she told herself as she smiled up at him. He belonged to her. An
d she belonged to him.

  And, when he leaned down and kissed her softly, Becca pulled quickly away as she heard the sudden excited scream of the baby's laugh.

  Zaheer glanced across at Lisa. Becca could tell what he was thinking. There would be time for babies later, she told herself.

  For now, she wanted her sheikh all to herself.


  Also Available.


  Book 1 in The Qazhar Sheikhs series. Three brothers and their search for love


  A Second Chance For The Sheikh To Claim His Lost Love

  Feisty and determined, Chloe Stirling had once loved and lost Sheikh Zayed Al Kharif. But that is all in the past now.

  Or, is it?

  Chloe's work brings her to Zayed's kingdom where she must find a way to resist a former lover who will not be denied.

  Zayed is an untamed Sheikh determined not to waste this chance to possess the only woman he has ever loved. Forced to abandon her once before, he's not about to make the same mistake again. He will use everything he can to win her back, even if Chloe is determined to deny him a second chance.

  Can Zayed seize his second chance at love, and overcome the barriers to finding a happy ever after with a woman who is now so close to becoming the love of his life?

  Book 2 in The Qazhar Sheikhs series


  Enemies in public. Lovers in private.

  Feisty Ella Brant never thought that the sheikh she had come to expose and publicly shame would become more than an enemy. He would become her lover.


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