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Hold Page 6

by Jayne Blue

  A knock at the door at 6:55 meant Bess would be able to give Craddock the once over. Bess took it upon herself to answer.

  “You’re early, that’s a decent quality,” she remarked as she surprised him at the door.

  “Uh, hello, thank you.” Craddock had to practically duck to fit in her small apartment, and with Bess there it was like three people in a broom closet.

  “I’m Bess. I’m an expert marksman, so please be very careful with Cassidy — if you know what’s good for you.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Ma’am. Crap, it is ma’am, isn’t it?” Bess said to no one in particular. “Have a nice time kids, and again, my squad of assassins know where you work out, so watch it buddy.” With that Bess made her exit.

  “What was that? She’s too young to be your mom? Your sister?”

  “I suppose more like that. She’s my social worker.”

  “Social worker?” Craddock asked .

  Cassidy didn’t normally tell anyone that. It weirded people out that she was an orphan, that she was a foster kid, that she was who she was. For some reason, she decided to see if she could scare Craddock with her story.

  “I grew up in a series of foster homes. Some wonderful, some okay, some awful. Bess got me through it all.”

  “Where are your parents?”

  “Dad killed mom and then himself.” Cassidy had started this date out with a bang.

  “I’m so sorry.” Craddock was drawn in, it appeared, instead of pushed away by her hard luck upbringing.

  “Not your fault. I’m sorry, that conversation isn’t exactly date-friendly.”

  “That’s okay, I asked. And now that your warden is gone, I have to say, that dress is so sexy on you, I can’t wait to peel it off.” There it was, the Craddock that liked to shock her. It turned her awkwardness into molten heat, in an instant.


  Craddock had encircled her that fast. He’d practically swooped her off the ground with his muscular arms . The force of his lips on hers sent her reeling. This time the kiss didn’t start slow or sweet. And she didn’t care.

  She found her arms around his neck her body touching his from chest to knees. His hands pulled her into him and caressed her back, and roamed further down. It was all consuming, this insane kiss.

  His lips and rough chin moved from her lips to her jawline, down to her neck. Her body arched into him. Her hips pressed forward. She was quickly overwhelmed, lost in the sensation of him. It was as if she was on fire.

  “More,” he growled in her ear. He lifted her up to his level. The foot of height difference between them evaporated. They were now face to face as he carried her in the air as if she were nothing. She wrapped her legs around his waist, the hem of her dress hiking dangerously up her thighs. A delicious heat was building that needed something from him, anything from him, friction, his hands, whatever he would give her, she would take.

  He’d taken two big steps forward and she was, as he’d predicted last night, up against the wall and wanting more. She wanted him inside her, screw the date, wherever they were supposed to go.

  My God! She was going to let him take her, right there. Somewhere in her rational brain she pulled the emergency brake. The part of her that remembered that women probably did this for him all the time woke back up. She needed to slow this down or she’d be stripped down in a matter of seconds. It was so fast, too fast. She needed to press the stop button, or at least the pause.

  “Hold up. Wait.” Her own voice sounded unfamiliar in her ears, low, breathy.

  He pulled his mouth away. His hands, hot on her thighs, fisted the fabric of her dress, as if to try to get a grip on the moment that threatened to overtake them both.

  Cassidy felt dizzy, disoriented, and even a bit worried she’d done something wrong. After all, she’d never had a kiss like this. Did her flirting push the man too far today? Further than she knew how to handle? Doubt washed over her.

  “You’re right, I did promise you a date.” He whispered in her ear. She felt such relief when he said it. He’d regained control, maybe even more so than she did.

  “Yeah, I lost my head there.” She felt shy all of a sudden, even though they were still wrapped together.

  Craddock stared at her and she noticed his breathing was as heavy as hers. She also noticed how she affected him and it made it difficult to want to stop. She did want to see this to the end, satisfy the ache she’d had since they’d met. He took her in and she watched as his eyes scanned down to her lips, the swell of her breasts.

  “You’re sexy as hell, Cassidy Parker, and you don’t even know it.” He put a gentle kiss on her lips and it was all she could do to unlock her legs from him. He suppressed a laugh because he still held her up against the wall and her feet didn’t touch the floor.

  “Can you put me down, please?”

  He gave her the sexiest smile she’d ever seen and gently lowered her to the floor. He kept his hands around her hips to be sure she was steady on her feet, which she wasn’t at first.

  “If we don’t leave on our date right now, I cannot guarantee that won’t happen again.” He said.

  “I do want it to happen again. But let’s try for a date first to see if I want more than your body, Craddock Flynn. Plus, if I don’t like the way you chew or something, that’s a total deal breaker. Best to know now.” And with that she side stepped him and grabbed her small bag and coat. She wound a scarf around her neck and opened her door.

  “After you?” Somehow she’d taken control of the situation, but she knew he was right. They needed to be in public so she could have a chance at the seventh date of her entire life.

  Chapter Five


  He knew “breaking the seal” was not the right term, but he had no other way to describe what had happened in the moments since they’d gone from a kiss to nearly doing it up against the wall. He’d felt how soft her skin was, what she smelled like when she was turned on, how she sounded, and it was like a drug. He wanted constant contact with Cassidy Parker.

  As she locked her door, he held a hand on her hip while she did it and she let him. He held her hand as they walked to his car. He got behind the wheel and was annoyed that he couldn’t tell her to unbuckle and curl up in the crook of his arm. The less than ten-minute ride to the restaurant was torture, eyes on the road, and hands to himself. Jesus, he was glad he chose to take her to Danny’s Supper Spot.

  Danny’s was a safe place to go. He wouldn’t get tongue tied on the menu and they’d treat her like a Queen. That was key. Also, maybe she’d eat something more than her tiny cup-a-soup.

  They pulled in to the parking lot behind the neighborhood Irish restaurant. It was home to him, or used to be, when his dad owned it. She started to undo her belt and reach for the door.


  “Something wrong?”

  “No, I’m trying to show my gentlemanly side. Stay right there.” He got out and came around to her side and opened her door. He put out a hand, and thank the baby Jesus, or whoever the patron saint of hot women was, she put her hand in his. Cassidy got out of the car and he kept that hand in his as he shut his door.

  “Danny’s, eh? I’m going out on a limb here and saying Irish dinner?” She said it in that deeper then you’d expect voice of hers. His blood rushed south when he remembered how husky it got just a few minutes ago at her place.

  “You’re a regular detective aren’t you? Yes, I’m going to see if I can fatten you up.” He dragged her to his side and they started walking in.

  “Not a fan of my shape, eh?”

  “Oh I’m a fan, I’m a big fan. But you need to carbo load.”

  She decided to let that comment slide, but her raised eyebrow made him laugh out loud. God she was damn cute.

  He opened the door for her and put a protective arm around her waist as they stood at the hostess station. Angela Burkett was there and he knew she’d be nice. She was his second cousin and that was th
e kind of girl he could run into without trouble. A lot of places could be potentially awkward for him on a date. He wasn’t, as they say, born yesterday.

  “Hey there! Good to see you Crad!” Angie was warm and welcoming and not an ex. She came from around her hostess podium thing and gave him a hug. He felt a physical pain when Cassidy stepped aside to make way for Angie. After Angie let him go he pulled Cassidy in as close again.

  “I even made a reservation. Angie this is Cassidy, Cassidy, Angie, my cousin and hostess of the best authentic Irish supper place in Grand City.”

  “Nice to meet you. We’ve got the table you wanted all set.” Cassidy laid a smile on the friendly Angie, shit she needed to smile more it was fucking devastating. Or maybe less. That was a conflict his brain would need to deal with at a later time.

  They sat at a small table in the corner, just the way he’d planned. Angie left them menus.

  “Can I make a suggestion?”

  “Could I stop you?” She had his number already, for sure.

  “No, but I think you’ll like the potato soup to start. It’s so good, like my ma makes when she cooks. Which isn’t very often, but it will blow that stuff you sip on in the mug out of the water.”

  “I like my cup-a-soup, but, okay, sold.”

  They put the menus down and Angie brought them water and took their order.

  “So, Danny’s is a favorite of yours?” Her eyes sparkled. He reached under the table and realized her chair was just out of reach, so he did the only logical thing — he leaned forward and yanked it toward him so he could touch her.

  “Better. Yes, I’m very connected to this place.” He put his hand on her knee under the table she looked at him letting him know that it was okay. “And the soup here is just the starter, you’re eating more than that.”

  “We’ll see. So how important is this tournament to you, Craddock Flynn?” She was getting to the serious questions from the start.

  “It’s how I get everything I want,” he responded. No need to dance around it. Getting a 21C pro-contract was everything. “Well almost everything.” And he slid his hand under the fabric of her dress so his fingertips touched her skin. He saw her take in a quick breath and God did he want to keep going. But he didn’t, he was trying to do a proper date.

  “What do you want besides almost everything?”

  “I want to get my mom and brother set up. That’s the main thing. The money you make in the league can change your life, if you plan it right. The salary’s one thing, but endorsement deals can set you up for life.”

  “So it’s not a fast car or fancy house, it’s your mom and brother?” She raised her eyebrow at him.

  “Yeah, that other stuff would be nice too.” He usually didn’t talk this much but she was encouraging him to share. He remembered what his mom said. He needed her to talk about herself. A night of him bragging had to be boring as hell to her. Suddenly he was very curious, where did Cassidy come from? How did she land in the GWG?

  Before he could turn the tables on her, Uncle Thomas showed up at the table.

  “Well, now, who’s this lovely lady?” Thomas grabbed an empty chair and sat down with them.

  Craddock retreated his fingers toward her knee. No need to embarrass her if Uncle Thomas figured them out.

  “I’m Thomas Flynn. Craddock’s esteemed and handsome uncle, proprietor of this establishment. Who might you be, pretty lass?”

  “I’m Cassidy Parker.”

  “My date.” He emphasized the “my” in that sentence so the old dog got the picture.

  “Date, eh? Well, isn’t that a fine turn of events. Craddock here has never brought a date to the restaurant. It must be love.”

  “He should have mentioned it’s our first date.” Cassidy spoke up. She was smiling, this time at his Uncle, who was just as charmed by her as she by him. Damn that Thomas’s flirting.

  Still, he wanted to show Cassidy he at least had a respectable relative who owned a business, he wasn’t a total bum. And he knew Uncle Thomas was going a long way toward making Cassidy feel at home, she could let down her guard and be safe with him.

  “Angie tells me you ordered my famous potato soup, provided by my lovely sister-in-law’s recipe, good choice. If there’s anything else I can get for you, I’m at your service. Including but not limited to, our restaurant for your wedding reception.” Uncle Thomas patted her shoulder.

  “You must think this date is going really well.” Cassidy replied.

  “Well I’m just trying that positive visualization thing. Couldn’t hurt. You have a lovely night.” And then Uncle Thomas slapped his shoulder and said. “A ghrá.”

  “What’s that? What did he say?” Cassidy was curious. She didn’t realize Uncle Thomas dropped a Gaelic bomb in their midst.

  “Some other time. I think you’ve had plenty of Irish for one night.”

  Cassidy pouted as a response to his denial of her question. It was the last straw, he couldn’t contain himself and leaned over and trapped that lower lip in his teeth for the smallest taste.

  “Craddock Flynn, what was that for?” She gave him a shocked expression, but there was a mirth in her eyes.

  “Expect it anytime you pout. I’m going to take a bite of you.” He was dead serious. This woman needed to get with his program or he would be driven insane.

  “I see.” She leveled her gorgeous smile at him and he knew A ghrá was the right word.

  “So, Cassidy Parker, now you know what I’m about, what are you about? Why do you work at GWG? It’s time you answered a few questions.”

  “I need a paycheck, rent, food — you’ve heard of it? Oh yeah that’s right you’re sponsored.” He saw her tough little demeanor slide back into place, so he slid a hand just a little north on her soft thigh. Nothing too forward, but enough, for now. She squirmed a bit. But there was a smile curling at the corner of her lips.

  “Yeah, receptionist at GWG your end game? I doubt that. You’re the smartest chick I’ve ever talked to, so what’s your deal?”

  “I’m in school, online school.” She lowered her head down, shy all of a sudden.

  “See, I could tell you were smart. What kind of school?”

  “I’m getting a BSW, and then I really need a master’s to practice, but I can barely afford one semester at a time, so I’m focusing on the BSW first. The master’s will be twice as expensive.”

  “Which means what? You’re going to be some sort of doctor?”

  “No, bachelor of social work, masters of social work. I want to do what Bess does.”

  “I can see you being great at that.”

  “How do you know what I’d be great at?” She was testing him a little.

  “I have a few ideas and what is it smart guys say? Empirical evidence.” And he squeezed her thigh just a bit. Her blush was back.

  They ate, talked, and he inched closer and closer to A ghrá. And she let him.


  Cassidy didn’t have much to compare it with, but the date with Craddock Flynn was incredible. She’d been alone in life for so long and somehow everywhere they went tonight there was a little touch of family — Uncle Thomas, Cousin Angie. He had his mom, his brother. It was a new experience, since no one she knew was connected to anyone else.

  It made her feel safer than she had expected with Craddock. A guy who’s just going to pound you up against a wall and leave you doesn’t introduce you to his extended family on your fist date. Or maybe they did. Her catalog was thin in this department.

  She was keenly aware of his fingertips on her leg, grazing back and forth, the gentle pressure. She feared if he traveled up he’d discover how much she liked it. She shocked herself by how, after their kiss at her place, they’d remained physically connected. He needed to touch her and she felt the same. But she didn’t trust it. Whatever this was — heady, fun, wild, yes; permanent and stable? No, that was not possible.

  When he talked about the tournament and why he was driven to win, she saw
a change come over him. His motivation shocked her. She thought yes, he’s cocky, he’s belligerent, but wanting to support his mom? She’d never met anyone who did that. Most of the people she knew had more kids to get the DSS stipend. Well, the worst kind did anyway.

  He was right about the soup. It was so good, warm, and filling. She wondered if she’d gained five pounds at this dinner alone. As they got up to leave there were sprinklings of well wishes from various tables.

  “I’ll be watchin’ Crad!”

  “You’re hear anything about seeding in the tournament?” asked another.

  “Gonna be you and The Preacher’s Son in the finals. Get that Protestant!” Was that a priest shaking his fist?

  As they made their way to the door, Uncle Thomas presented her with a doggie bag.

  “I couldn’t possibly eat any more this week!” She protested.

  “Put it in your freezer and you have a couple of meals. At least you can feed this one if he comes mooching.” He punched Craddock in the shoulder.

  “G’night, little one,” and Uncle Thomas crushed her in a hug. “Let me know about pay per view on the tournie. You know I gotta be here, but we might get a group to watch finals if they have it.” He told Craddock.

  “Got ya. Will do. Good night.” They left the excitement of the restaurant. She figured this must sort of be what it’s like at a family function. Even before her parents died, they were quiet, closed off, and not into big displays of affection. It was as if Craddock had fulfilled a childhood fantasy of hers — a family gathering — with one dinner.

  “So, Thomas is your dad’s side?” She asked as they walked to the car hand in hand again.


  “Who is Danny?”

  “Danny is my Dad. He used to own the place before he ran off.”

  “Where is he now?”

  “I don’t know and I don’t care. What I do care about is this. Are we going to my place or your place?” He started nibbling on her ear before she could answer.

  “Which place is closer?”

  “My place is barely around the corner.”


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