Serving Sera

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Serving Sera Page 5

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  Rather than tucking her into bed where he’d be tempted to join her, he gently laid her down on the sofa. After covering her with the afghan thrown over the back of the couch, Chance lightly trailed his fingertip over her brows, down her cheek and finally across her bottom lip.

  He inhaled, shocked by the desperate need surging through him. The air thickened again. He could smell his mate’s approaching heat and the longer he was in her company the harder it would be to control his desire. His wolf pressed against his human skin, demanding he take her, mark her as his while she was too exhausted to fight him.

  Clenching his fists, Chance backed away. He would not do that to her. He may be an animal, but he was no beast. He could wait. He would wait. The closer Sera came to the beginning of her heat cycle, the more her wolf would pressure her to give in, to mate with them. He and Noah just had to bide their time and she’d come to them.

  With one last lingering glance at his mate, Chance turned and headed toward the door leading to the cellar. Perhaps standing in the freezing basement would curb his libido. Somehow though, he didn’t think that would happen.

  Chapter Seven

  The smell of fresh stew woke Sera from her nap. Surprised to find herself on the couch, she quickly scanned the cabin looking for her mates. She doubted they’d just left after she’d fallen asleep and was gratified to see she was right when she spotted Chance staring out her living room window and Noah filling bowls at the stove. By the Goddess, they had luscious asses. Their jeans molded them like a second skin, leaving nothing to the imagination. She wanted nothing more than to strip them naked and touch every inch of their skin. She had no doubt their bodies were perfect beneath their clothes because they didn’t appear to have an ounce of excess weight anywhere.

  She must have made a noise to alert them that she’d woken because both men turned in her direction almost simultaneously.

  “Good, you’re awake,” Noah said as he placed two of the bowls on the table. As Noah went for the third bowl of stew, Chance approached her. Holding out his hand, he waited for her to take it.

  Despite her inexperience with men sexually, she knew Chance and Noah were not as calm as they appeared. The air in the cabin was thick with pheromones, theirs and hers. The more she breathed in their scents, the more her body seemed to prepare for mating.

  Her panties, soaked with her juices while her skin felt stretched taut, every nerve alive with sensation. Her nipples grew diamond hard, so sensitive they hurt as they pressed against her soft flannel pajama top.

  Tossing off the blanket, she took Chance’s outstretched hand. Their fingers entwined and she gasped. Fire and heat streaked through her body. Her clit throbbed with need and more moisture dripped from her swollen and aching pussy. Goddess, she needed to be fucked, long and hard. She needed to come and a vibrator just wouldn’t do, not this time. How would she survive the night with them?

  As Chance pulled her to her feet, Sera looked everywhere but at them. Her cheeks heated because she knew they could scent her arousal, probably knew that her heat was already upon her. She thought she had a few more days, but apparently, being in the presence of her mates had forced her heat upon her sooner than expected.

  Sera swallowed the panic that threatened to overwhelm her and allowed Chance to escort her to the table. Noah placed three glasses of milk on the table as Chance pulled out her seat. Sitting down, Sera looked around the table bemused. How had this happened? The last thing she remembered was sitting at the table while she waited for them to come inside.

  By the look of the darkened sky outside her kitchen widow, she’d slept for many hours. Clearing her throat, Sera looked from Noah to Chance, sharing her table. “What are you two still doing here?” she asked, not sure she really wanted to know. Her brain still felt muddled from sleep and her body seemed to have a life of its own. She wasn’t sure what she’d say if they said they’d stayed because she was in heat. Just thinking that had her cheeks heating with another blush.

  Noah shrugged. “By the time we finished wrapping the pipes in the cellar, the storm had moved in. There’s nearly nine inches of white stuff out there.”

  Sera quirked her brow. Did they think she was stupid? “You guys drive a huge SUV. I doubt the snow was so deep that you couldn’t get through.”

  Chance took a bite of his stew before answering. “That was after we found out who those men were that cornered you yesterday.”

  Sera stilled. Dammit! She had known who they were because she’d lifted their identities from their mind when she’d probed their memories to find out why they were after her. It would have been easy enough to wipe their memories of ever seeing her, giving her enough time to escape, before they could report to their boss. But Grakis surely knew by now exactly where she was and who was with her when the three thugs had located her. How could she have made such a stupid mistake?

  “Oh?” she asked, knowing she had to say something. Her mind raced. With the storm outside, she couldn’t exactly run and, now that her attackers had seen Chance and Noah, they had a target painted on their backs as well.

  “It seems the prisoners were after you to collect a reward.”

  “A reward for what?”

  Chance reached over and placed his hand on top of hers. “That’s what we were hoping you could tell us.”

  Sera’s thoughts raced. What should she tell them? She couldn’t just escape because Grakis would come after them whether she was with them or not, just because they belonged to her and she to them.

  “Tell us, baby. The truth. All of it,” Noah demanded. “You are our mate.”

  Sighing, Sera ran her hand through her hair before dropping her gaze to stare into the bowl of stew in front of her. But all she saw was the past. Her voice was low, measured as she began to speak. “Grakis Darksbane is after me. He’s been hunting for me for nearly two years.”

  Both Chance and Noah growled. The hair at the nape of her neck stirred and goose bumps pebbled across her flesh.

  “Why is he after you?” Chance asked, his voice filled with undisguised fury. As Hunters, they would know all too well the vampire’s reputation.

  “He heard me singing at a club one night. He sensed the power in my voice and investigated me.” Sera slammed her hands against the table. “I was so fucking stupid. I let outsiders, humans and Supernaturals hear my voice, feel the power in it, something my mother has warned me against since birth. And because of this, people have died whenever they’re near me.”

  Chance nodded but didn’t say anything, allowing her to speak at her own pace. Noah however had the look of a very impatient man. His knuckles were white as he gripped his fork in his clenched hand. “Go on,” he ordered. “Finish it.”

  Sera pushed her bowl away and folded her hands in front of her. “My mother is a vampire, my father an Alpha wolf shifter. The two species aren’t supposed to be able to breed. Apparently, the scientists were wrong about that because here I am.”

  She glanced up and met their gazes for the first time since she began explaining her past. Both men look stunned. She decided to continue laying it all out because Noah was right. They were her mates and deserved to know what they were getting in to if they pursued a relationship with her. “I inherited all of my parents’ strengths and none of their weaknesses. I can walk outside during daylight, can withstand silver unlike shifters, and Black Magick seems to have no effect on me.”

  Chance whistled and sat back in his chair, while Noah ran his hand over his shaved head. And Grakis wants you why, exactly?” Noah asked.

  “Because if he ingests my blood, he’ll share all my abilities. Imagine such a creature with no apparent weaknesses. He’d be more than a vampire, more than a shifter. Can you imagine how unstoppable he’ll become?” Sera shuddered. She’d rather die at her own hands than let him have one drop of her blood.

  “So, that’s the last of it?” Chance asked. “You’re not holding back anything else?”

  Sera shook her head. “Isn
’t that enough? I’ve had to leave my own family for two years. I couldn’t even chance calling them for fear he’d trace the call.”

  “And these men last night?” Noah asked.

  “They’re bottom feeders. They are humans who heard about a reward for info on me. They called it in before they approached me. What they know, he knows. He’s probably on his way here now. I completely forgot to check and see if they’d had a chance to tell him about the two of you though. That was my mistake.”

  Noah shook his head. “Sheriff Marcum said that they did call in to report their location and needing to be bailed out of jail, but no mention was made of anyone else.”

  “And that could be to our advantage if he does decide to show up since he won’t be expecting you to have company.”

  As the men talked, among themselves the aroma of the warm stew finally penetrated her mind. Her stomach rumbled. Embarrassed, she lowered her head and began to eat. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was until her tummy had protested. Now that she thought about it, it had been over twenty-four hours since she’d eaten. No wonder she was starving.

  When she finished, she looked up, and pushed her bowl aside. Reaching for her glass, she sipped her milk, staring at the men beneath half-lowered lids. They were so beautiful to look at. Now that one hunger was sated, another was rearing its head again.

  Sera had been aroused all day and now that they were effectively trapped together because of the blizzard raging outside, her body seemed hyperaware of their every movement. She could smell their arousal, feel their lust battering against her senses. Her heat grew worse. Her legs trembled. No way could she spend the night with them in the tiny one-room cabin and not succumb to her desire. What was she going to do? Wait for them to approach her? Or should she take control, lead the seduction?

  Her clit twitched, moisture soaked her panties, and her empty pussy clenched in need. Her nipples were diamond-hard, rubbing against the material of her pajama top which sent shards of aching fire from her nipples directly to her cunt. She couldn’t stand being dressed much longer. She had to make a decision soon or her wolf would make it for her. All day her arousal had simmered below the surface but, as soon as the snow had come and she’d realized they’d be stuck together in her den, all sense of caution had disappeared.

  She knew she should avoid them, that she should do everything in her power to keep from mating with them, but every second that passed decreased her desire to do so. They only had to look at her with their heated glances, or speak to her in their deep, mesmerizing voices to seduce her into wanting to submit to them. It had always been easy to deny her wolf but tonight, tonight it would be impossible.

  Sera bit her lip, looked from Noah to Chance. There was such a contrast between them in looks. Noah, dark skinned, his head shaved bald with eyes as black as pitch. And Chance, blond and muscular with bright blue eyes. Yet, in personality, she could feel the similarities. They were both prime Alpha males, dominant, protective and absolute control freaks.

  She knew without a doubt they would satisfy her every need. They made her feel very naughty, something her wolf embraced despite her own embarrassment at the desperate need roaring through her. They were practically strangers and yet she was ready to throw herself at them.

  She couldn’t back down from the challenge in their eyes because she was just as Alpha as they were. They’d have to force her submission. She needed to know if they could handle her strength and independence. If it turned them off, she wanted to find out now before succumbing to them.

  Glancing around the table, she noticed that both Noah and Chance had cleared their plates. No time like the present to get their attention.

  Laying down her fork, she reached for the buttons on her flannel pajama top and slowly began to release them. Noah’s eyes flared with heat. Chance’s grin flashed in feral amusement.

  “Be careful what you do. We won’t walk away if you take this step,” Noah warned. When she continued to unbutton her top, showing the swell of her breasts, he glanced at Chance. “It looks like Sera’s ready to claim us as her mates.”

  Sera shifted her eyes to witness Chance’s reaction. He sat in his chair, his body tense, his hands fisted on the table top. Leaning back in the chair, he raised a brow in challenge. “What now?” he seemed to ask. She didn’t really know, but so far they seemed to be winning this silent standoff. That she couldn’t accept.

  Neither man made a move to touch her. She watched their reaction closely and it surprised her that they didn’t seem angered that she’d taken control. Seeing the interest and heat in their eyes gave her a heady sense of power. Perhaps mating with them wouldn’t be all bad. She had to admit, at least to herself, if Grakis had not been in the picture she wouldn’t hesitate mating them. Were they right? Could they really handle Grakis? Everything inside her prayed it was so because she couldn’t deny them, couldn’t deny her wolf its mates.

  She couldn’t help but wonder what it would take to make them lose control, to take her with all the passion she could feel thickening the air.

  Raising her hands, she slowly edged the pajama top to the side and cupped her bare breasts. Her thumbs flicked her hard nipples. She had to hide her smile when they both grimaced, sat straighter in their seat. It shouldn’t take long to push them over the edge at this rate.

  “You’re playing with fire, baby,” Chance cautioned.

  Shivers of desire raced down Sera’s spine. She licked her lips, watched their eyes dilate.

  “Are you sure you want to take this step?” Noah asked, his voice rough, deeper than ever before.

  His eyes flared as he watched her fingers squeeze her nipples, pulling them in hard little nubs. She gasped, bit her bottom lip as the pleasure-pain zinged through her. They watched as though mesmerized, anxious for a glimpse of the rest of her. A sense of power surged through her. She felt beautiful, sexier than ever before.

  Slowly, she dropped her hands, then separated the two sides of her pajama top, fully exposing her breasts to their gaze. Removing the top completely, she tossed it over her shoulder onto the floor. Chance reached over and licked her nipple, flicking it with the tip of his tongue. When she tried to press forward, to encourage him to suck it into his mouth, he sat back in his chair.

  “Your nipples are hard, like little chocolate kisses. I’ll bet they’re just aching to be sucked, sugar,” Chance murmured. “Come here and put one of those sweet treats in my mouth and I’ll see what I can do to give you what you want, what you need.”

  Tilting her head to the side, she glanced at Noah from the corner of her eyes. He’d been silent the last few minutes and she wanted to know what his reaction was to this turn of events. He had a look of bored resignation on his face but when she looked into his eyes, they burned with passion. She swallowed, not too sure she was up to the challenge of taking them on.

  Sera stood, looked him dead in the eye, then slowly moved toward him. Before he could react, she grabbed his head, sinking her fingers in his blond hair before drawing him toward her breast.

  His tongue flicked at her nipple once, twice, before he drew it into his mouth. Her legs trembled. Grabbing her hips, he pulled her around the table, then dragged her across his lap. When his sucking grew stronger, her head fell back over his arm. She just couldn’t help it. She wanted to be strong, to hide her responses as they could, but she couldn’t manage it.

  While he lavished attention on her nipple with his lips and teeth, he used his hand to pinch and pull on her other one. She moaned, twisted in his hold. It was too much, yet not enough. She knew without looking that Noah watched her reaction to what Chance did to her and that made her arousal that much hotter, the wetness between her legs that much slicker.

  Fire streaked through her. She pressed her thighs together, her clit throbbing with the need to be touched. She growled low in her throat, not caring that she was fast losing control. Noah leaned across the table and ran his hand through her tousled hair.

want to eat that pussy. I can smell your cream and it’s making my wolf almost rabid with need.”

  Desire, sharp and desperate, roared through her at Noah’s words. How could she deny him when she wanted the same thing? Hell, why should she deny them? She wanted them, wanted to become their mates. If there were consequences of being with them, she’d face them when they happened.

  Chance lifted his head and looked around the room. “Place some bedding in front of the fire, Noah. I’ve been envisioning claiming her there all day.”

  Sera’s eyes widened when Noah nodded, then headed for the corner of the cabin where her bed rested. She could practically feel his keen anticipation. She didn’t know what surprised her more ─ how quickly this was moving or that Noah followed Chance’s direction without arguing.

  Chance’s eyes stayed on hers as his hand moved down her hips. When his fingers slid below the waistband of her pajama bottoms, she stilled. Her breath whooshed out. His fingers moved closer to her weeping pussy and all she could do was wait to see what would happen next.

  She watched as Noah quickly finished preparing their nest, throwing not only blankets in front of the fire, but several pillows and throw pillows as well. Once he finished padding their nest before the fire, Noah headed toward the table where she and Chance still waited. He lifted her off Chance’s lap with effortless ease and carried her to the pile of blankets, with Chance following behind them. As soon as he had her settled on the bedding, Noah slid her pajama bottoms and panties off, baring her to their gaze.

  Sera gasped, tried to shield her pussy with her hands. Before she could, Noah lifted her thighs over his shoulders. She watched as he lowered his head. At the first flick of his tongue against her clit, she shuddered. She didn’t know what to do, what to say. She clutched the bedding beneath her and held on for dear life.


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