Remember Murder

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Remember Murder Page 7

by Linda Ladd

“You’re the only woman in my life and have been since the day we met.”

  She had the distinct impression that she had offended him big-time. He was not smiling and that really, really happy thing they supposedly had wasn’t going on at the moment, either. Truth was, though, she was rather pleased as punch to hear him avow his fidelity. That is, if he didn’t speak with forked tongue. Time to make nice, summon that smile to come hither.

  “Well, doctor, I do like to see how you smile when you see me coming. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.”

  That did the trick. He did grin, all white teeth, dark tan, and arctic-blue eyes. “Well, Claire, maybe that’s because I like to see you coming.”

  Wow, what a guy to have panting after her. Sure wished she knew more than his name. “Well, then, how did we meet, Mr. True Blue and Faithful to the End?”

  Claire could actually see him relax. He took a leisurely sip of tea, and then put down his glass and picked up his fork. “Well, I can see you haven’t lost any of your spunk, Claire. That’s a good sign that you’re definitely still you somewhere inside there.” His next words, however, shocked the hell out of her. “Truthfully, Claire? We met because you thought I had murdered a woman. You went after me hard, bound and determined to bring me down, lock me up, and throw away the key, come hell or high water.”

  Absorbing all that, Claire took a moment and unwrapped the first Snickers of the ten or so that she planned to enjoy. “And that turned you on, I take it?”

  “Damn right. Especially when you frisked me and slapped me in cuffs.”

  Claire felt the beginning of a smile. “Did I really?”


  “Damn, wish I could remember it. That must’ve been fun.”

  “We could do it again, if you want.”

  She laughed at that thought. “Well, I frisked and cuffed plenty of guys when I worked at LAPD. I do remember that. It didn’t turn me on all that much. Them, either.”

  After that exchange, they ate lunch and stared at each other some more, and she could see in his eyes that he was about to get all sappy and sentimental. Finally, he came out with it. “It’s been a long time, Claire. If I don’t get to kiss you soon, I’m going to lose all control. I’m not sure what might happen if it comes to that.”

  So he did have a sense of humor, after all. She considered all the ramifications of doing what he wanted. No, she did not remember him. Would letting him kiss her be a nasty and grotesque thing to endure? She thought not. “I don’t remember you. It would be like kissing a stranger.”


  “So I’d feel awkward.”

  “That won’t last long; I’ll make sure it doesn’t.”

  “I’m not sure, but I don’t think I make a habit out of going around and kissing strangers.”

  “I hope not.”

  “I doubt very much if you’d do it, either, if you were in my boots. Or would you?”

  “If it was you, I would, damn right.”

  Tempted was she, oh, yeah. Then again, she was still a little shaky on all cylinders. Kissing somebody like him might throw her off and make her do something stupid and needy. “I’m sorry, but I’m just not ready for playing kissy face with you. Not yet.”

  “Then I guess we’ll have to start all over. Get acquainted, go out, fall in love again. I’ll just have to make you want me as much as I want you right now.”

  That wouldn’t take a ton of persuasion, not the way her pulse was reacting to this highly titillating conversation. “You mean you want to woo me, take me out on dates, and all that crap?”

  “No, but if I have to, I will. Just so we eventually end up together. I love you, Claire. I need you back, I really do. Watching you lie in that bed, near death, was not exactly easy.”

  Feeling absurdly silly about the whole conversation, she was somehow pleased, too. Claire wasn’t sure what she should say. She had told him the truth already. She wasn’t ready to go to bed with him, a complete stranger. It just wasn’t in her. “I’m sure I probably love you to pieces, too. It’ll be interesting to find out. Someday.”

  He was calm, observing her, all relaxed and loose-limbed again, and waiting. Yep, he was a psychiatrist, all right. She was pretty sure that she hated psychiatrists. “Yes, very interesting indeed,” he agreed. “Someday.”

  They chuckled together, both realizing the utter absurdity of the whole situation, and that mutual amusement relieved the building sexual tension. But then he grew serious again. “The people we discussed, your friends? They’re planning to come see you. You know all of them well. I’m hoping talking to them will help you come back.”

  “And they are?”

  “Your partner here in Canton County, for one. Bud Davis. Your boss wants to come, too, Sheriff Charlie Ramsay. Harve Lester is coming later.”

  Claire perked up at that name. “Harve’s my partner at LAPD. I remember him. I can’t believe he’s living out here, too.”

  Nicholas Black smiled at her, his eyes all warm. When he picked up her hand and kissed her palm, as was his wont, it seemed, her breath caught just a little bit, as was her wont. Wonts going on helter-skelter, it seemed. Something tugged at her then, way, way, far back in the foggiest reaches of her paralyzed mind. The two of them together in Nicholas Black’s big bed. Not platonically, not comforting her after a nightmare, unh-uh, but making love, enjoying each other. It was a mere glimpse that faded quickly, but it was the first time she had any clear recollection of him in a carnal way. They had been lovers, all right.

  “You just now remembered something, didn’t you?”

  “Sure did. The two of us together. In bed. Rolling around and having a big time. We were having sex.”

  “No, we were making love. There’s a big difference.”

  Their gazes locked for a long moment, and then Claire said, “You were kissing me, and it seemed that I was liking it well enough.”

  “Maybe we ought to go into the bedroom, have a reenactment, of sorts. Let me kiss you for several hours and see if it jogs some memories.”

  “Oh, it’s gonna jog something, all right.” But a single kiss wasn’t going to burn down the house, as they say. That’s what he wanted, and what if it did bring back their love affair? “Okay, go ahead and kiss me, and we’ll see if we’ve still got a spark. Or if that bonfire’s burned out and is done for.”

  Nicholas Black looked at her, and yes, he looked knowing and pleased and extremely self-confident. He stood up and pulled her up, too. He put one arm around her waist and jerked her tight against his chest. Then his mouth was attacking hers, no namby-pamby little peck on the cheek that, not even close. She liked it enough to open her lips under his mouth and slide her arms up around his neck. They enjoyed themselves awhile, getting all hot and bothered and breathless. At least, until she pulled away. They were breathing hard, not exactly unaffected by their little carnal experiment.

  Claire worked to keep her voice steady. “Well, now, I do believe the part about us getting along really, really well.”

  “That’s just the tip of the iceberg.”

  “It still feels strange.”

  Black was not ready to go back to his afternoon of shrinking head cases. “The more we do it, the less strange it’s going to feel.”

  “You’re pretty good at this kissing thing, Black. Makes me wonder.”

  “Wonder what?”

  “Wonder about other women.”

  “There aren’t any other women. And you haven’t been seeing other men.”

  “Just let me get back to normal. You said it wouldn’t take long.”

  “Okay. I told you we’d go along at your pace, and we will.” He stepped back, hands on hips, and sighed. “By the way, I’ve got to fly to Miami for the weekend. I’m leaving Friday morning. I thought you might want to come along with me. Enjoy the sun and surf.”

  “Thanks, but I just made plans to go out with the girls.”

  That obviously threw him for a loop. “What girls?”

p; “Monica and a friend of hers named Nancy Gill.”

  Black looked less than pleased now. “Where are you going? Somewhere here on the Cedar Bend property, I gather?”

  “You gather wrong. Monica says Nancy’s uncle has a new restaurant called Jeepers. We’re going to check it out.”

  “I’ll stay home and go with you.”

  That made Claire want to laugh. “So now you want to go out with me and the girls? Oh, puh-lease. Black, give me a break already.”

  “You just came out of a coma, Claire. You’ve bounced back better than I ever would’ve expected, but going out partying is pushing it.”

  “It’s not partying. It’s just dinner and a little fun. And your very own, handpicked nurse is going to be there with me. That ought to make you feel better.”

  “It doesn’t.”

  Suddenly, Claire felt a rush of her own annoyance. He’d done a lot for her, true, but Sir Black didn’t have any right to keep her locked up inside his castle. “I don’t like being controlled. I don’t know much about myself, but I do know that.”

  “I don’t want to control you.”

  “You just enjoy girls’ nights out. That it?”

  For the first time since she regained consciousness, Nicholas Black looked highly perturbed. He glared down at her, but he got over it pretty quick, too. The psychiatric composure came sliding down over his flash of anger like a theater curtain on the last act.

  “Okay, go ahead, have a good time. Like you said, Monica’s going to be there if anything goes wrong. Just remember to be aware of your surroundings. Lots of crimes happen around this lake and lots of crimes happen around you.”

  “I’ll take my brass knuckles and pepper spray.”

  “Very funny.”

  Okay, they were having their very first fight in Claire’s Brand-New Alternate Universe Adventure. She didn’t like it. He didn’t, either, judging by his massive black frown.

  “Don’t think I’m not glad you’re doing this well. I just want it to continue.”

  “And you think I don’t?”

  “Then I’ll back off and give you some space to breathe, if that’s what you want.”

  “I’m not trying to offend you. You’ve been very good to me.”

  Black just stared down at her, not a happy camper, not a happy anything. “I’ve got a meeting in a few minutes. I’ll see you later. Call my private number if you need me.”

  Black left quickly to take care of business down the hall in his office wing and to cool off about her snarky little independent streak, too, she suspected. After he left, Claire sat alone and finished eating Snickers bars, feeling better now that she finally remembered something about him, a very personal something that verified his story of their love life. She could see now how she could have fallen for him, oh, yeah, she sure could. And yes, she was a bit irritated, too, that he was being so damn overprotective. So she unwrapped another frozen Snickers and took a bite. Then she ate two more as fast as she could get them in her mouth. Comfort food. And Nicholas Black provided her with all the frozen Snickers she wanted, too. Gee, what a guy. That almost made up for their first little tiff.

  Chapter Six

  “So, you finally decided to wake up and quit lazing around, huh, Morgan?”

  Claire spun around from where she was standing and staring out the big glass windows at the gloriously sun-spangled lake and thinking about the more than impressive way Nicholas Black had kissed her and the way she’d gone a little weak in the knees. A nice-looking guy with thick auburn hair cut to perfection was striding toward her. She’d never seen him before. Then when he gave her a big grin, she got some fluttery images of him that rushed up out of those dark and murky depths inside her head. They were laughing together, shooting service weapons on a firing range. The guy with the book. And his name came easily.

  “So you’re Bud, my partner. Right?”

  “Well, hell, Morgan, I’m downright hurt you don’t remember me. You spent a helluva lot more time with me than you ever did with Nick.”

  Tall and lean, tanned, he kept up with that slow grin, a very pleasant one at that, as he stopped in front of her. He was wearing a sharp gray suit with a light blue shirt and red paisley silk tie. His shoes were shined to a black gloss and his hair was well-cut and gelled up a bit on top. He looked as neat and stylish as any male model in GQ. He said, “You look pretty good, too, Morgan, ’cept for that little bald spot on your head. Tryin’ for the Bruce Willis look?”

  “Thanks, I really needed somebody to make fun of that.”

  Truth be known, she’d been a mite edgy and fearful about meeting her law enforcement buddies, especially her own mystery partner. However, this guy seemed pretty cool and easy to get along with. He just had this little wicked gleam in his eye that worried her but tickled her, too. “I do remember one thing about you, Bud. Some kind of book I got you—don’t know what kind, and that’s about as far as it goes.”

  Bud threw back his head and gave a deep, pleasant laugh. “Is that the only thing you ’member about me? That book you gave me about phrase origins? Well, now, maybe that’s a good thing.”

  “Why? We butt heads a lot on the job?” That query came out a bit on the wary side. She sure hoped that wasn’t the case.

  “What you sayin’? Nope, never. We’re like two peas in a pod, only better looking.” His smile faded and his face waxed serious. “Actually, you’re my best friend, Claire. I missed you like hell.”

  They stood there then, facing off. He was staring hopefully at her, and she was just staring at him. Uncomfortable? You bet your life. She felt like the new kid at school, all awkward and embarrassed and scuffing her toe in the dirt when somebody tried to make friends.

  “You really can’t remember me, can you?”

  Claire shook her head. “A little bit. Dr. Black said I would get everything back soon. Maybe it’ll happen now while we’re talking. Who knows?”

  “Dr. Black? Wow, that’s pretty damn formal, Morgan. He rub you the wrong way again?”

  “Actually, he hasn’t rubbed me at all,” Claire told him quickly, feeling a little guilty about that kiss. But he had rubbed her the other night, but certainly not the wrong way. It was when he’d massaged her shoulders and back after she’d awakened from one of those awful nightmares. Yes, they’d both gotten a little worked up before it was over, but it had stopped there. She felt her face grow hot and hoped she wasn’t blushing. “I don’t remember much about him, either. He’s been working with me, though. What I want is to get back to work. I feel fine. I’m bored stiff sitting around here.”

  “Well, you got my vote on that one. I’ve been doin’ all your paperwork way too long. You owe me, big-time, Morgan. Don’t think I’m not gonna collect.”

  They laughed and the tension eased. One thing she did remember was how much she hated doing paperwork. Most cops did. She felt more at ease with this guy than she did with Black. Bud didn’t seem to want anything from her except for her to come back to work. On the other hand, Black wanted everything from her, and she couldn’t bring herself to give it to him yet. Sometimes she’d look into those eyes and almost melt. Other times, she just felt smothered. “Are you working a case now?”

  “We got a missin’ person out of Camdenton. White female. Vanished a few weeks ago.”

  “Any leads?”

  “Nada. We got officers out lookin’. No dice.”

  “Okay, Bud, why don’t we just sit down and you can tell me everything we ever did together. What’d you say?”

  “Might take some time. We’ve been through some pretty hairy things.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I hear. But we’re both here, alive and well, so we must be good at our jobs.” She smiled hopefully.

  “Trust me, Morgan, you might wanna take advantage of this amnesia thing while you can. Sometimes I wish I had it.” Bud was super sober now; his eyes were large and the color of ashes. They searched her face. “You still havin’ those nightmares?”

; “Yeah. Just about every time I shut my eyes. Black thinks that’s what brought me out of the coma. Something frightened me so much I woke up to get away from it.”

  “Join the club. You remember the dream?”

  Claire shook her head. “Not everything. The dreams are different. Just a man with a gun. People killing each other.”

  “Yeah. I’ve had that one.” They shared a commiserating look, but then Bud grimaced. “I’m gonna warn you, Morgan, you’re probably gonna remember a lot of really, really bad things. That’s a given in this job.” He sprawled down on the white couch and grabbed a handful of the miniature Snickers bars off her dinner tray. “Mind if I eat the rest of these?” he asked, already poking one into his mouth.

  “Sure, help yourself. They were frozen but they’re good melted, too. So how about answering some of my questions?”

  Claire sat down across from him and watched him unwrap a second miniature candy bar and pop the whole thing into his mouth. Nobody who liked Snickers could be all bad, that was her motto.

  “Go ahead, shoot,” he said, chewing slowly. “What d’ya wanna know?”

  “So we’re partners, been together a long time, that right?”

  “Yep. Like I said, I spend more time with you than Nick does. Bugs the hell out of him, too. He likes to keep you all to himself.” He picked up another candy bar, and she watched comprehension dawn across his face.

  “You really don’t remember him? You kiddin’ me? The high and mighty Black?”

  “High and mighty? Don’t you like him?”

  “Oh, yeah, he’s a great guy. I’m just kiddin’. I meant because he’s so rich and famous, and all that.”

  “He’s famous?”

  “Yep, pretty famous. He’s a big-time shrink, you know, been on Fox News and CBS and all over the place. Larry King, too, when he was on. Writes self-help books, lots of stuff. Owns a bunch of hotels all over the place. Hasn’t he told you all that?”

  “No. He says it’s best for me to remember things on my own.”

  “Well, he’s loaded. He owns this hotel and some others, too. But don’t get the wrong idea. He’s a nice guy, really. He’s done a lot for me and some of our other friends, too. He’s not like some of those billionaires that you hear about.”


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