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York Page 5

by Susan A Bliler

  “When are we going home?” she moaned, plowing both hands through her hair in frustration. Two weeks and York still refused to let her leave the suite.

  “I’ve told you a hundred times, baby. I’ve got some work to do here before we can go back home.” He hadn’t explained that Monroe had tasked him with tracking the Megalya he’d seen, as well as attempting to discover if they had a lab here similar to the one they’d found in Canada. The thought of Walkers and innocent humans enduring what Leto and Shy had was all the incentive York needed to accept the extended mission.

  “I’m not your baby!” Sky frowned at the endearment. He’d been cycling through endearments for the past two weeks as if searching for the right fit. She crinkled her nose. Baby sounded wrong and she certainly wasn’t anyone’s baby. Sighing, she stopped pacing. “I’m bored!”

  They’d already eaten dinner and she knew that at night he waited her out until exhaustion claimed her before leaving their suite to do his “work.” One night she’d feigned sleep then attempted to sneak out, only to be caught by him and hauled back to the suite where he’d jabbed one of his damn needles into her ass and knocked her out again. She hadn’t attempted a repeat.

  “Find something to do,” he waved at her absentmindedly while studying his e-pad in an oversized chair.

  Really? Find something to do! It had been a hard two weeks. Being in close proximity with the Adonis had the sexual tension at peak levels. Too many coincidental brushes combined with close quarters, and secluded confines had her eyeing him more and more frequently like he was a juicy steak that she desperately wanted a taste of. Hell, even watching him now had her breasts growing heavy like ripe fruit. She ran her eyes over his tattooed forearms and marveled at the thickness of them. His whole body was thick, with well-proportioned muscle mass. His fiery mane was pulled back into a tight braid, and she wondered for the hundredth time what it would look like hanging free as he lost all control and ravaged her. She studied his full lips and wondered if he knew how to use them to please a woman. Heat pooled between her legs. She saw his nostrils flare and his head slowly rose. His eyes locked on hers before she turned her back on him and went to their room.

  Their room. Another contributing factor to the heat that now rolled through her. While his suite was large, it only boasted one bedroom. For the first few nights, she let him sleep on the sofa in the sitting room, but finding him sprawled out one morning on the too tiny piece of furniture had her offering him the bed. He’d refused, but she couldn’t sleep knowing he was uncomfortable in a suite he was paying for. She’d threatened to sleep on the floor if he didn’t give her the couch and take his bed. In the end, they’d finally reached a compromise. They’d share the bed. His side and her side. Good in theory, but not so good in real life. Nearly every morning she woke in his arms. Hell, once he’d had a hand slipped under the front of her shirt while he spooned her from behind. She’d woken to heated arousal as he palmed her breast. Her nipple hardened in his hand, and she swore she’d felt an erection grind against her ass before she’d pulled his hand free and sprung from the bed.

  Alone in their room now, she pushed off her jeans and kicked them across the room angrily. She was restless and horny and friggin’ sick of the Philippines. No! She was sick of being holed up in this damn suite.

  “Find something to do,” she mimicked sarcastically as she walked from one end of the room to the other clad in her little shirt and pink panties. I know what I’d like to do! She wasn’t an ingénue and knew the frustration riding her was sexual in nature. She needed a release. She could take a shower and pleasure herself, but… Turning she eyed the door and a slow grin curled her lips.

  This was the perfect time and place to scratch a long irritating itch. She hadn’t been with a man in more years than she could remember, and here was Big Red all tattoos, muscles, and brooding bodyguard. The combination had her juices flowing.

  She went to the bathroom and ran a brush through her hair before touching up her make-up with cosmetics York had taken her out to purchase. Smiling, she reached up inside her T-shirt and stripped off her bra before dropping it on the bathroom floor. Using both hands, she rolled her nipples between her fingers until they grew erect. Thrusting out her chest, she eyed her tight fitting white shirt in the mirror and knew there’d be no ignoring her now.

  Before she lost her nerve, she walked out to the sitting room. York didn’t look up from his tablet, so she jerked it out of his hands and turned to sashay back to the bedroom, making sure to pronounce each step with a sway of her hips so that her ass shook as she walked away from him.

  In the bedroom, she set his tablet on the dresser and crossed to the other side of the bed. Then, she waited.

  A few seconds later and York poked his head into the room before slowly entering. His eyes dropped from hers to the front of her shirt and then lower to her panties.

  “Get on the bed.” She was surprised when her voice came out much huskier than she’d intended.

  York’s eyes lifted to her, and he crossed to the bed to stand facing her. “Why? What’s going on? Are you alright?”

  Her lips tweaked at the huskiness in his voice. Good. I’m not the only one. “Sit,” she pointed at the bed.

  York sat, but turned to watch, following her with his eyes as she stalked slowly toward him. When she finally stood in front of him, she brought up a hand and rubbed it up his throat, lifting his chin. His head titled back slightly. “Lay down.”

  He did and she smiled, noting that the front of his jeans was tented. The bed dipped as she placed a knee by his hip and climbed on the bed, lifting the other leg over him until she was straddling his hips.

  “What are you doing, Sky?” He didn’t sound amused.

  “I’m finding something to do,” she teased. Bracing her arms across his chest, she leaned forward until their noses were inches apart. “Kiss me,” she challenged demurely, but he pulled back.

  His voice sounded pained. “We…we should wait.”

  Wait! The suggestion had Sky smiling. If he was attempting to be chivalrous, it was earning him huge points, but that didn’t mean she’d take him up on it. There was nothing to wait for. When she left the Philippines, she’d leave him too and this night would be just another exquisite memory to look back on. The thought emboldened her and had her acting wanton in ways she’d never imagined she could. If York McDonnough thought she’d be denied, he was wrong. She was up to the challenge and knew for a fact that no man could resist being seduced.

  She splayed her hands on each of his pecs and pushed herself to a sitting position, moaning as she used the opportunity to rub erotically against the iron rod she could feel beneath his jeans. He hissed, and she smiled again.

  Licking her lips slowly, she held his eyes and wanted to giggle at the tension straining his features. It was obvious he was fighting hard against what they both clearly wanted. Time to play dirty. Crossing her arms in front of her and gripping the hem of her shirt, Sky slowly lifted the material inch by slowly agonizing inch, watching his face flush the higher she went. When she felt air hit her bare, sensitive nipples she felt York’s body tense beneath her thighs. Oh, this is going to be child’s play.

  Pulling the shirt free she tossed it aside. Just as York lifted his hands to rest them on her thighs, she brushed them aside with a slight shake of her head.

  “Sorry,” he offered and made to sit up.

  Damn it! One step forward and two steps back. Quickly, Sky leaned forward and pressed her chest into his to keep him from getting up. “You said if I needed anything.” Satisfied when York relaxed back against the bed, she sat up and continued. “I had but to ask.”

  When he responded, his voice was so deep and animalistic it was nearly unrecognizable. “Anything.” His eyes kept dipping to her breasts.

  Sky turned her head and looked down at one of her hips. Her eyes flicked to his to make sure he was watching. Her small hands gripped the whisper of pink satin and pulled. The material tor
e, and a growl rumbled from York’s chest. She made short work of the other side and then lifted slightly onto her knees, pulling the torn satin out from between their bodies before tossing it to the floor.

  She looked at him, “I need you. Inside me.”

  Chapter 11

  She felt his cock jerk beneath her pussy. He was breathing hard and again his hands slid up onto her thighs, but that’s as far as he went.

  “I want you, York.” Gently, she grabbed one of his wrists and forced his hand to smooth up the plane of her thigh, through the bend in her hip, up over her tummy, to rest between the valley of her breasts. She didn’t take her eyes off his as she lowered her chin and parted her lips, lifting his hand and using her own to curl his fingers until his first two slid into the satiny heat of her mouth. Her intention was simply to wet the fingers, but when his body jerked, she decided to taunt him further.

  Closing her lips around his fingers she moaned and tilted her head back, thrusting out her budded breasts. She let her eyes close and ran her tongue over his fingers before she began to suck. She heard his breathing grow ragged and pushed harder. Holding his wrist, she pushed his fingers deeper inside her mouth before pulling them out, mimicking what she’d like him to do between her thighs. Her hips rolled involuntarily, and she inhaled sharply at the scorching pleasure of the friction. She’d started this little game to get him turned on, but she wasn’t immune. Rubbing and swaying, she rode him until images of him coming over her and taking her with a savagely dark intensity had her sex weeping its incessant need.

  “Damn it, Sky!” His words were a soft growl that came out as more of a plea.

  Her hips ground into his erection, but she quickly grew frustrated at the lack of skin to skin contact. She pulled his fingers free of her mouth with one last suck and released his hand to stare down at him. Satisfied she’d gotten him worked up enough, she dropped her hands between the vee of her thighs and silently reached for the button of his jeans. When his hand stopped her she wanted to scream. I will have you!

  “Sky, not like this. I want to do this right. My halo should…”

  His words died, and she titled her head to smirk at him. “Halo? Don’t worry my little Saint. This’ll be our secret.” Then she sobered and pulled his hand from the front of his jeans. He watched her, and she could still see the indecision warring within. Time for the big guns!

  She grabbed his wrist and felt him attempt to lead his fingers to her mouth again. Her hold stopped him and she blinked softly, drawing her bottom lip into her mouth as she once again curled his fingers until only the first two digits protruded. Lifting her hips, she led his hand until his fingertips brushed her curls.

  “Sky! Don’t!”

  Too late. Lowering her body, his thick digits slid into heated honey, proof of her arousal. She arched and moaned loudly, doing with her pussy what she’d done earlier with her mouth. He’d finally breached her, but it wasn’t enough. A rumbling sound drew her from the erotic sensation of riding his fingers. Blinking, she looked down and realized the sound came from him. It was like a constant rumble in his chest, and it was sexy as hell…almost as sexy as watching the mountain of a man fighting for control. He was about to lose.

  Letting her tongue dart out and wet a slow path across her bottom lip, Sky lifted her hands and grabbed her breasts before pinning him with heated eyes to demand, “York. Fuck me.”

  She saw his flash of uncertainty and knew just how to get him. Rising on her knees, she reached down and pulled his fingers free. She guided his hand to his lips and breathed, “Taste me.” She pushed his fingers to his lips, but he didn’t open, just continued to breathe raggedly. His nostrils flared once, and she swore his pupils dilated to consume his eyes until only pure black shone through. Fierce need whipped through her, and she knew she’d do anything to belong to this man for just one night.

  Goddamn! He was going to explode and he fucking knew it. This wasn't how he’d imagined his first time with his Angel, and it wasn’t how he wanted it. He’d always vowed to himself that when he found her, she’d know fully about Skin Walkers and the Walker affliction. She’d wear his halo and consent to eternity before he ever laid a finger on her. Now, his balls felt ready to burst and his gut ached with the burning intensity. He needed to be inside her more than he needed his next breath. No. Not just inside her. He needed to be over her, driving hard and deep into her. He needed to fuck her so deeply that a part of him would imprint on her forever.

  Then she was lifting his fingers, coated with her honey, to his mouth. Watching her, he knew that one taste would be his undoing. One small lick and he’d be unable and unwilling to control the need that plowed through him with devastating force. Breathing through his mouth, he swore that satiny sweet tendrils of her essence floated onto his tongue, so he quickly switched to breathing through his nose. Big fucking mistake. The scent of her desire hit him so hard he knew he’d have staggered had he been standing. His eyes closed, and he didn’t even remember moving when suddenly the taste of heaven detonated on his tongue. Pure rapture shot through him and then he was sucking at his own fingers. It wasn’t enough.

  Eyes slamming open, he moved with a speed even he didn’t know he possessed. One moment Sky was straddling him, the next she was flat on her back on the bed. He ripped open the front of his jeans and used his knees to separate hers.

  Pale moonlight bathed her beautiful body in light, and he wanted to whimper at the sight of her, at the pleasure he knew he was about to experience for the first of a million times. His gift. His Angel! She looked heavenly spread out beneath him. Her auburn hair framed her delicate face in silken strands that glinted like fire. Her face was flushed with excitement, and her blue eyes gleamed with anticipation.

  His eyes skimmed over her full breasts. Her nipples were such a light pink that her creamy, porcelain skin appeared ethereal…enchanting. He let his gaze glide down over her rounded tummy and slide to her pussy. Trimmed, crimson curls couldn’t shield the engorged pussy that beckoned him, glistening with her honey. “Fucking beautiful,” he breathed then leaned over her and slid a hand behind her head. He pulled her mouth to meet his while the other hand gripped her hip, steadying her.

  His Sky wasn’t timid. She met his tongue with her own and kissed him with fervor that he was sure she assumed matched his own. It didn’t. She wanted to fuck, and he wanted to claim. She wanted this night, and he wanted them all.

  He pulled back and hissed when her hand slid between their bodies to grip his steely shaft. She didn’t hesitate to guide him to the mouth of her sex. He couldn’t wait either. Inching forward, he watched her as he pressed his body into hers.

  “Fuck!” She was tighter than he imagined.

  She moaned and threw her head back with a sultry, “Fuck me, York. Fuck me like I’m yours.”

  He drove into her deep, and her eyes snapped to his. He saw the flare of color on her cheeks. She liked it hard. Pulling out he slammed back into her and growled, “You.” He pulled out and thrust in again. “Are.” He repeated the action. “Mine.”

  She cried out, and he quickened his pace, his balls slapping off her ass as her breasts bounced with the force of him fucking her. He felt her tighten around him, and shudders wracked her body as she practically sobbed his name. “York!” She was close. Her eyes fluttered closed, and York growled. “Look at me.”

  She did.

  “Watch me while I fuck you!”

  Her pussy spasmed around him. She liked dirty talk too. He grinned. She was his perfect mate.

  Sliding both hands to grip the insides of her knees, he forced her legs wider, shoved himself deeper. She screamed and clawed at his forearms as her orgasm struck.

  The tight, fist-like grip that milked his cock had him following soon after as the muscles of her pussy pulled his release from him. He pressed his hips closer, his movements slowing to quick, shallow thrusts. White-hot ecstasy tore through him from his head to his toes, with an orgasm so hard his entire body strained
with the force of it as his body seized. Every muscle, every vein was firmly delineated as he roared out her name, shooting his semen deep inside her. He needed as much of his seed as far inside her as possible. Sky bucked beneath him, her head still thrown back as she rode out the ribbons of ecstasy that lashed through her.

  Chapter 12

  Pulling on her shoes in the pre-dawn light, Sky eyed the bedroom door with regret. She and York had made love all through the night until they’d both finally passed out from sheer exhaustion. He was a magnificent lover. She almost regretted having to leave him, but she was done with the Philippines. Shy was safe in Montana so that’s where Sky would go.

  Standing, she picked her jacket up off the chair and slung it across her shoulder before she tiptoed to the fridge and quietly pulled out a bottle of water for the road. Closing the door, the bottle hit the floor as Sky yelped at an enraged York who stood scowling down at her.

  “Going somewhere?”

  Shit! Why didn’t I hear him? Her eyes sliced to the now open bedroom door as she stuttered. “Y-yes. Out.”

  Reaching up, he pulled the jacket from her shoulder. “No. In!” He turned his back on her and strolled back toward the bedroom.

  “I hope you don’t seriously expect me to listen to you.”


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