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York Page 8

by Susan A Bliler

“He fought with another,” Rohm cut in. “Another creature we haven’t encountered before. I gave aid.”

  Fatal’s eyes narrowed on York.

  “Enemies,” York explained plainly. “They are called Megalya. Creatures with no true abilities other than savagery. They desire our gifts, so they hunt us.” He didn’t want to give too much away, lest these Keepers follow the Megalya's example and attempt to drink his blood to gain his ability to shift. “Rohm’s help is appreciated, but the Megalya will not forget.”

  “You’re saying that by helping you, we’ve made an enemy of them?”

  “I’m suggesting you assume so. Once they discover your ability to project creatures, they’ll begin hunting you too. It’s their nature. If they see a rare gift, they want to take it for their own.”

  Fatal was silent, eyeing York for long moments, a ring of Keepers circling him. “How many are you?”

  Eyeing the growing circle, York nodded with his head toward Fatal. “More than that. There are hundreds of us.”


  He didn’t want to answer, unsure whether or not these creatures were friend or foe. “I cannot divulge that information.”

  “You fear my intent.” It wasn’t a question.

  York didn’t bother lying. “Yes. Trust must be earned.”

  The answer seemed to please Fatal. “Are you the ruler of your Skin Walkers?”

  “No,” York shook his head. “My dominant is called Tyce Steele.”

  Fatal crossed thick arms over his broad chest. “Take me to him,” he challenged.

  Sky stirred in York’s arms, and he broke out in a cold sweat. Not now, my heart. He shifted her, praying she stayed out. “He isn’t here. We reside across the sea.”

  Fatal’s shoulders hunched and his eyes narrowed. “Take. Me. To. Him.”

  Shit! Sky moaned in his arms and rolled her head.


  “Take. Me. To. Him.”

  They were the first words that greeted Sky as she fought for consciousness. There was a sense of urgency in the back of her mind, but she couldn’t place the exact source. She simply knew she needed to wake up and do it quickly.

  Her eyelids fluttered, and she moaned at the headache that greeted her with her attempt to force herself awake.

  “I’ll need approval from my Dominant.”

  The voice. It sounded familiar, and safe. A heartbeat later it registered. York! Sky twitched her fingers, willing her body to respond. Something was wrong with York. York’s hurt!

  The battle came rushing back in a flash and had fear induced adrenaline surging through her. Her temples pounded as she forced her eyes open, blinking to get her vision to focus. York, he was holding her.

  She rolled her head to the side, and her body tensed. She noticed that her muscles ached, and her throat was sore. She felt as if she was suddenly coming down with the flu.

  Sweat beaded on her forehead, and her arms trembled as she struggled to keep from going back out. She was wiped. Exhaustion pulled at her, beckoning her to relax back into York’s warm embrace, but she couldn’t. The tense lines around his mouth told her something was wrong. They were still in danger.

  She lifted a hand to rub at her sore throat when her fingers brushed a cold band. The necklace. York had given it to her before she’d passed out. Funny, she had thought she’d handled seeing Rohm and York do what they’d done with great bravado. Apparently, it affected her more than she’d imagined, because she’d fainted right there in York’s arms.

  Taking a deep breath, Sky quickly took stock. She was tired and felt a little queasy. Her head hurt.

  “Then you’ll need to prove that if I permit you to leave in order to gain permission, you won’t return with an army to attack us.”

  She didn’t recognize the voice, but it didn’t matter right now. She knew York was injured and was carrying the burden of her weight.

  “Put…” her voice came out scratchy. “Put me down.”

  He looked at her, and she could see his indecision.


  Slowly, he lowered her feet to the ground and used his hands on her hips to steady her. His expression softened when he cupped her face. “You okay?”

  She nodded and pulled her face from his hands. “You’re hurt.” She reached for his shoulder, but he caught her hand.

  “I’m healing.”

  Her eyes cut to his body, and she was startled to discover that he spoke the truth. His wounds were now simple red lines in his skin that had sealed shut.

  “Trust must be earned, Walker.”

  Sky turned to the source of the voice and gasped. They were surrounded.

  “And just how exactly do you expect me to earn it?” York’s chest tightened in trepidation. When Fatal’s eyes moved to Sky, York stepped in front of her and snarled, “NO!”

  Chapter 17

  Sky had no idea what had just happened, but her fear spiked and her hands fisted in the back of York’s shirt. She couldn’t see around his broad shoulders, and she didn’t want to. The leer of the Keepers was unnerving and had her wishing she was somewhere else with York, anywhere else! “Y-York?”

  “She is mine, Fatal!”

  “No one challenges your claim, and it is why leaving her with us is the perfect show of your trust.”

  What! York wasn’t seriously considering leaving her with them, was he? Panic assailed her, and she pressed her body closer to York’s back, wrapping her arms around his waist to anchor herself to him as she buried her face in the back of his shirt and whispered, “Please, don’t leave me.”

  One of York’s arms reached back to hold her against him. His hand splayed on her lower back, pushing her impossibly closer. She hoped it meant he had heard her and wasn’t planning on doing as Fatal asked. He’d just declared that she was his. The declaration went against her independent streak, and it nettled her because she wanted it to be true. He’d prove it….wouldn’t he?

  “My first duty is to my Angel,” York explained. “I cannot leave her undefended.”

  “She has no need for defense. She is safe among my kind. We’ll keep her protected until you return.”

  Sky shivered at the ruling Keeper’s tone. It sounded goading, almost entertained. He was laughing at their predicament. He knew he was pushing York to do something he knew York didn’t want to do, but would have to do in order to prove his good intentions. Part of her knew that what she was witnessing was highly significant. A species she hadn’t even known existed had just confronted one they hadn’t known existed. Alliances needed to be formed, and first impressions would either make or break the relationship. Future generations of each species would rely on this moment, on whether or not she was willing to be a sacrificial lamb.

  Sky swallowed hard. She knew she needed to man-up and permit York to leave her with the Keepers, but for some reason, her mind and her mouth weren’t working in accord. Nor was her body she realized, as it began to tremble and tears quickly filled her eyes. What if he doesn’t come back? She argued silently with herself.

  York dropped his hand and peeled her off his back before turning to face her.

  “Stop!” He wrapped an arm around her while his free hand gripped her jaw and forced her head up. “I. Am. Not! Leaving. You. Here.”

  Sky could only nod, too afraid to try to speak for fear of sobbing. Relief flooded her. Maybe the Skin Walkers didn’t need this alliance.

  Still holding Sky, York turned to snarl at the ruling Keeper. “You are frightening my Angel. I understand you’re accustomed to dealing with mere humans. I am not one. Stop threatening what’s mine before the scent of her distress forces me to action.”

  Turning to peek at Fatal, Sky couldn’t stop the shudder that wracked her body at his sudden loss of amusement. She burrowed closer to York’s chest, finding comfort in his warm embrace.

  Fatal slowly inched closer. “We Keepers also do not take kindly to having what is ours threatened. You expect me to permit you to walk out of here, pos
sibly to return with an army of your kind, on faith alone? We haven’t existed this long by trusting others with our secret, Walker. You want trust? You earn it by giving yours. You’re afraid to trust your mate with us, just as I fear you walking out of here with knowledge of my kind. I know I can ensure your mate’s safety. What I don’t know is if I can trust you both to walk out of here with information you’ve gleaned from this meeting.” He tilted his head to the side. “Concessions must be made.”

  For some odd reason, Sky believed Fatal. She trusted that if he vowed to keep her safe that he would. She pushed off York’s chest. Balling her tiny hands into fists, she drew in a calming breath as she fortified her resolve. She could do this.

  Turning, she opened her mouth to agree to Fatal’s terms when York spoke instead. “I’ll stay.”

  Sky’s head jerked up to stare at him.

  “You don’t need her. You just need a body. I’ll stay, and she’ll…”

  “What? NO!” Sky’s resolve crumbled. Those…things were out there, and while she didn’t want to stay, she certainly couldn’t leave without York. She wasn’t the only one who remembered.

  Fatal’s grin was smug. “You won’t trust her with me, but you’ll trust her with the Megalya?”

  “If I could use a phone,” York began but was quickly cut off.

  “We have no technology in our den. We need none.”

  York was tempted to admit that a team of Skin Walkers were already en route, but that’d only go against the trust he was trying to build if he admitted he’d called for back-up. Plus, he’d still need Monroe’s permission to set the meeting.

  York’s gaze fell to the ground as he shook his head once and tightened his fists. Sky watched York’s muscles bunch and flex as he weighed his options. When his eyes finally sought hers, his look was filled with mournful resignation. He would not send her out into Megalya hands.

  Sky silently stared at York, reading the anger and regret in the taut lines of his massive frame. She swallowed hard and nodded her consent, her eyes closing.

  She felt his hand cup her cheek. “Listen, my heart. He’s right. I can’t let you walk out of here alone with the Megalya hunting you.”

  His voice got closer, as if he’d lowered his head to her ear, but Sky kept her eyes closed. He’s leaving me!

  “It’s safer for you here. If the Megalya take you, your fate is sealed.” He glanced up at Fatal then back to her. “This way we have a chance. The Keepers have proven they are willing to protect you from the Megalya.”

  They’ve also proven that the one…Rohm, wants me. She didn’t speak the words. She knew that she and York needed reinforcements, and she was an acceptable casualty.

  York kept caressing her cheek. His second hand cupped the other side of her face, and his thumbs brushed aside the tears that had slipped free from her eyes. “Look at me, Sky.” His tone was imploring, almost heart broken.

  Sky opened her eyes and blinked before staring at him. Honestly, what had she expected? She didn’t know him, and he owed her nothing. She was collateral damage in the war between Skin Walkers, Megalya, and Keepers. So much more was riding on this than the fate of one mere woman. Mustering all the courage she could, she plastered on a false smile. “It’s okay, York.” The last word escaped her on a strangled plea. “Go.”

  If he didn’t leave now, right this second, she was going to clamp onto him and beg him to not to leave her.

  “I’m coming back, Sky!”

  She nodded and backed out of his reach. She needed him to leave.


  She turned her back on him and lifted her head. With borrowed courage, she walked as confidently as she could toward Fatal.

  The bastard had the nerve to smile as if he’d won some triumphant battle. Maybe he had.

  “I want her protected. Fuck that, cherished! If so much as one hair on her head is out of place…” he didn’t finish. His voice had deepened to the point where his words were barely distinguishable.

  Fatal nodded. “I’ll cherish her as if she were my own.”

  “NO!” York closed the distance between them in seconds and fisted his hand in Fatal’s shirt, drawing several Keepers out of the darkness. He didn’t care.

  “You’ll protect her as if she is my own. If you harm her, if you touch her, I swear to all the Gods that I. WILL. bring war on your kind.”

  Fatal gestured with his head toward the door. “Go! Consort with your ruler and see if he is willing to form an alliance. I’ll keep your female safe. I will not touch her.”

  “What’s in it for us,” York couldn’t help but sneer.

  “We’ll help defeat your enemies.”

  “Then what’s in it for you,” York tossed back just as quickly.

  Fatal dipped his head and his eyes narrowed on York. “I think it’s time my Keepers and I came out of the shadows. Your ruler can help us in that effort.”

  York’s sneer softened as he turned his head to eye Sky. She looked so defeated, with her head bowed and her arms wrapped around herself. He hated the sight of it. His little fighter looked like she’d given up. “Sky?”

  She didn’t look at him, simply rubbed at her arms. He took a step toward her, and she backed up. Part of him wondered if he should just go, complete his task, so he could get back to her. His inner beasts snarled in rage. No! We’re not parting like this.

  In two long strides she was in his arms. He crushed her to him and murmured in her hair, “You are mine, Sky. I’m coming back for you. I swear it on all that I am.” It broke his heart that she stayed rigid in his arms. He needed her to believe him, to trust him. “My heart…”

  Sky pulled from his embrace and frowned at his chest. “I’m not your heart. I’m not your anything. Just…just go.” She turned and walked to stand beside Fatal. “Where am I being kept?”

  The ruling Keeper turned to exit the room with Sky following slowly behind him. York could only watch as his heart was taken from him. The scent of her anguish filled the room and had his beasts demanding he do something. His shoulders slumped. There was nothing he could do. Sky would be safe with the Keepers while he conferenced with Monroe.

  Turning, grim determination gripped him as he stalked out of the room and into the corridor. He shifted, and his sleek raven’s form was practically swallowed up by the darkened hall. He followed the path Rohm had led them along, and when he saw the light indicating the alley, he burst free with a surge of speed and strength that shot him high into the sky. If the Megalya were waiting on him, he wanted to lead them far from Sky.

  Circling back, he flew over the street and followed the road, making it as easy as possible for any Megalya to follow him. When he was finally a good distance from the Keepers’ den, he soared high into the sky where he shifted amid the clouds to a white hawk, virtually disappearing as he soared high above the city and sought out the nearest hotel. By protocol, York was required to contact Tyce first because Tyce was his direct Dominant. Fuck Tyce! This mission was assigned by Monroe; therefore, he’s the one York would call to set up the meeting. Besides, the odds of Monroe accepting the meeting were astronomically higher than Tyce doing the same. Tyce wasn’t like Monroe. His mind was on money while Monroe strove to secure Walker existence, which meant protecting themselves from the Megalya. Any ally in that battle would be welcomed by StoneCrow’s dominant.

  Chapter 18

  Sky’s heart felt like it had hardened to stone. York left her behind. Her feet shuffled along as she followed several feet behind Fatal, weariness still tugging at her. She was only vaguely aware of Rohm following not far behind.

  “It’s not too late to change your mind,” Fatal spoke without turning to her.

  She looked up, his words drawing her from her self-pity. “Change my mind about what?”

  “Rohm would like to claim you. A Keeper would never leave his female behind.”

  Sky felt compelled to defend York’s actions. “It wasn’t safe for him to take me. He’s coming back.�

  Fatal chuffed a laugh. “No Keeper would ever trust another male with their unmarked female.”

  Confusion knitted Sky’s brows. “Unmarked?”

  Fatal stopped and Sky almost ran into his back. He turned to stare down at her. The ruling Keeper was devastatingly handsome. His hair was long and impossibly dark, reminding her of a raven’s wing with near blue highlights glinting in the minimal light of the corridor. His eyes glittered in the darkness. The color reminded her of York’s, but held none of the softness that her Walker’s eyes held when he looked upon her. High cheek-bones and a square jaw enunciated his masculinity, while his full lips—set in an ever-present frown—beckoned for attention. Fatal was handsome, yet Sky was surprised to find no real attraction to the ruling Keeper.

  York! Her heart squeezed with the desire to be near her Walker. “What do you mean unmarked?”

  Fatal’s eyes dipped to the band around her throat, and she reached up to tentatively finger the gift from York.

  “Your mating is not yet complete.”

  “Mating? Wha…” she didn’t get to finish.

  Fatal’s eyes lifted from hers to look over her shoulder. “Take her. See if you can change her mind.”

  Suddenly, she was grabbed from behind and panic consumed her. “What? Wait!” She struggled in Rohm’s hold. “YOU PROMISED!” she screamed, terrified of finding out how Rohm intended on changing her mind.

  “I promised not to touch you. I promised to care for you. I am not touching you, and I’m caring for you by giving you the opportunity to accept a male who is better suited to protecting you. Clearly, these Walkers are weak.” Fatal stepped closer and lifted his head in haughty arrogance, “Keepers are not!” He jerked his head toward Rohm. “Take her, but ensure you have her permission before you seed her.” He dipped his eyes back to Sky with a sinister smile. “That way I will have kept my word.” Then he turned and stalked down the hall.

  Seed her? Sky wrestled to be free of Rohm’s firm hold as she yelled, “I DO NOT CONSENT! I’LL NEVER CONSENT!” When Fatal disappeared into the darkness Sky hissed over her shoulder, “I’ll never be yours! I belong to York!” His name came out on a sob as despair filled her. Would Rohm rape her? Would York come back? They should have never trusted Fatal. They, she scoffed dejectedly. York had been the one to trust her with the Keepers. Blame didn’t matter now. She’d fight to the death before she allowed Rohm or any of Fatal’s Keepers to touch her!


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