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York Page 12

by Susan A Bliler

“Because I want you to…”

  “NO!” she cut him off. “You don’t want me and that’s the problem.” She eyed him with icy disdain. “You want my sister.”

  “Sky,” his tone and expression softened, “I don’t.”

  Behind her she heard the Sentry clear his throat, “Uh, Ma’am, if you wouldn’t mind….”

  This time York didn’t simply snarl, his eyes—glinting with fury—sliced to the Sentry and he opened his mouth, loosening a deafening roar.

  “Damn it, York!” Sky lifted both hands to her throbbing ears.

  “Leave us alone,” York snarled.

  Behind her, she heard a beeping noise and then the Sentry speaking. “Mrs. Reigns. This is Marko at the front gate. Your sister is here. Please have Leto escort you down.”

  Damn it! Sky’d wanted a reprieve from York, not to see him in close proximity to her sister, the apparent object of his affection. “Get out of this vehicle or I will,” she threatened, trying to fight down the panic that rose with the mental image of he and Shy engaged in a warm embrace. How close were they? Had her sister missed him? Had he missed her?

  The fear was too much, and Sky jerked the handle of her door, hopping down from the vehicle. “Fine. You stay.” She made it four steps when the Sentry reached for her.

  “Uh, Miss…”

  Then he was sailing through the air, accompanied by a vicious roar. She winced when the poor guy hit the ground with a heavy thud, the air whooshing from his lungs. Car lights illuminated the scene, and she knew Shy had arrived. Turning to York, his chest still rumbled with a growl as he reached for her. Instantly, an insane terror seized her. Any second now, Shy would exit the vehicle and York would flash that smile that Sky had foolishly believed was reserved for her alone. In mere moments, she’d have to witness her own heart’s demise. Her world was about to be ended by the two people she thought she lov...

  Eyes wide with horror as she stared at York, she jerked back, holding up a hand as she screamed, “DOOOON’T!”

  The forest fell silent.

  York’s rumbling instantly ceased, and even the Sentry on the ground stopped moaning to stare at her.

  Nobody moved, and the only sound was the soft wind through the darkened forest and Sky’s ragged breathing. She flattened a hand on her chest in an attempt to slow her breathing. Blinking, she felt tears slide down her face and was startled to realize she hadn’t even noticed when they’d filled her eyes. Her dazed expression was centered on York’s chest. What’s wrong with me?

  “Sky?” York’s voice was a near whisper as he took a step closer to her.

  Jerking her hand back, her gaze slid to his.

  “What’s wrong, Angel?”

  How did she tell him? How could she tell him that she was terrified of watching his eyes light with longing when he looked upon her twin? Would she read sexual desire there? The thought had her belly churning. Would it be reciprocated? A hand flattened on her belly as she nearly retched.

  Silently, she shook her head as her body began to tremble from the cold. Funny, she hadn’t noticed how cold it was until her breath left her in a great white puff. She needed to figure this out, this fear that seized her, making it painful to breathe.

  “Sky?” she heard Shy’s worried voice behind her, and she braced as she watched York’s expression. She was waiting to watch his eyes seek her out. To see his relief at finally being near the female he truly wanted. Relief never made an appearance on his face. In fact, his concerned gaze never left hers. What did it mean?

  Her control was tenuous at best. She knew she was going to snap, and she didn’t want to. Not here, not like this…because of this.

  A masculine voice spoke behind her. “York, let me take her to our home. Let her sister soothe her.”

  York’s eyes finally left hers, but it wasn’t so they could flit to Shy’s with any form of longing. No, his green eyes suddenly glittered; his face flushed with anger as he snapped, “She’s mine!”

  Sky peeked over her shoulder and saw a large man with flowing black hair step up and wrap his arms around Shy. Leto? Her eyes shifted lower and locked on a fuller version of her sister. Shy! She lost it then and rushed to her sister, tears surging forth. Her sister’s mate barely had time to release Shy before Sky was crushing herself into her sister’s embrace. Shy. Something familiar. Home!

  Behind her, York’s tone was imploring. “Tell me what you need, my heart.”

  “I am not your heart,” she sucked back her tears even as more rushed forth, turning to face him.

  “Tell. Me. What. You. Need,” he stated more firmly, taking a step closer to her.

  “I NEED TIME!” She cried out desperately, then clutched her chest when she saw sadness flicker in his eyes. Tilting her head back, a painful moan escaped her as her body was wracked with a sob. “Can I just please have some friggin’ time? Things are going too fast.” She turned her back on him and whispered, “I only just met you. I can’t…I can’t love you.”

  He grabbed her shoulders from behind but didn’t turn her. “Take all the time you need. But know this. I love you, Sky. I’ve loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. I understand your love needs time to bloom and flourish like a blossom in the sun, but for me…you are the sun. Without you, I can’t live and without you, I wouldn’t want to.” He released her. “When you’re ready, my heart, I’ll be here.”

  The sound of departing footsteps was the only indication that he’d left. Dropping to her knees, she buried her face in her hands and softly wept. She’d hurt him and it wasn’t her intent, but he was pushing her too fast. She had the right to be cautious, didn’t she? It was her heart on the line.

  She heard the light crunching of snow before Shy’s slender arms enveloped her. “Oh, Sissy.” Shy kissed her sister’s head before leading her to the car.

  Chapter 26

  Sky stared out at the dismal Montana winter. She used to think the crystalline landscape was breathtaking, but not now. Her eyes were locked on York where he stood staring back at her from beneath a tall pine. Each morning for the past two weeks when she woke she found him there, and it’s where he remained until the sun set each night. He was waiting for her to make up her mind. Her mind was already made up. She was falling in love with him. In the days they’d been apart, a dull ache had settled in her chest. A void she quickly realized existed due to the absence of York. He cared for her, and protected her with dutiful diligence, but it wasn’t just the extremes she missed. The light caresses and thoughtful gestures hadn’t gone unnoticed either. If his actions were anything to go by, York truly did love her.

  Her sister’s soft voice spoke from behind her. “How much longer are you going to torture him?”

  “I didn’t tell him to stand out in the cold. He can go home anytime.”

  “No, he can’t.”

  Sky tore her gaze from York’s to frown at Shy as she held her son, Lyon, clutched to her chest and paced slowly to the fridge and pulled out a carton of milk. “What do you mean?”

  Shy’s tone was clipped with disapproval. “You’re here.”

  Sky froze, her brows furrowing in her own annoyance. “And clearly I’ve overstayed my welcome.”

  “Don’t pull that shit, Sky. You can stay here forever for all I care, but I just think it’s stupid to run from what he’s offering you.”

  “And what’s that?”

  Shy poured herself a glass of milk with one hand while brushing her lips over Lyon’s head. “The same thing Leto’s given me. A home, a family, love…completeness. He yearns to give you everything you’ve ever wanted, and you refuse to take it, and I don’t understand why.”

  “Of course you don’t understand why!” Shy struggled to keep her tone even. “You’ve never been anyone’s second friggin’ choice!”

  Shy frowned at her sister. “Language.”

  Sky threw her hands in the air. “Christ, he’s like a minute old! Plus, you said shit like two seconds ago.”

  “Don’t pi
ck your nose and change the subject.” Shy admonished.

  “What? Pick my…what!”

  “What are you so afraid of?”

  “I’m afraid of getting hurt,” Sky hissed. “I’m afraid of giving my heart to someone who’ll change his mind in a year and throw it back in my face. I’m afraid of going all in and ending up alone and with nothing!”

  Sighing, Sky’s expression softened. “It won’t happen, Sky. I promise. It can’t happen. Walkers aren’t made that way. They aren’t like human men. They’re like wolves. They mate for life. Leto says once a male Walker is mated it’s impossible for him to even get an erection with another woman, but it doesn’t matter because they’d never want to.” She smiled and her eyes filled with tears. “This is it, Sissy. The real thing.”

  Turning to eye the window, Sky shook her head and spoke softly. “We only spent a short time together. He doesn’t even know me.” She frowned over her shoulder at her sister. “He doesn’t know that I hate to cook, or that my idea of a great Saturday is watching MMA at home with cold beers and pizza.”

  “Is that what you’re worried about? That he’ll see the real you and not want it?”

  “I just…I just don’t know what his deal breakers are.”

  “He has none.” Both Sky and Shy turned at the masculine voice that entered the conversation.

  Dressed in his winter camo BDUs, Leto stood hulking in the doorway.

  Smiling, Shy crossed to her mate and tiptoed as he lowered his head and captured her lips in a passionate kiss before beaming and reaching for their son.

  Sky watched in envy before Leto finally lifted his adoring eyes from his family and addressed her. “Walkers have no deal breakers because there isn’t anything about our Angels that we are not only willing, but eager, to accept. York more so than anyone else.”

  Sky knew it must pain Leto to speak favorably of York considering their history, so for him to do so now meant a great deal.

  “He’s waited for you. Searched for you. He’s wanted his mate more than he’s wanted anything else in his life.” Leto crossed to the window holding Lyon and scowled out at York. “Christ, give the guy a break. It’s been two weeks. He can’t go much longer without eating or drinking.”

  Shock laced Sky’s voice. “What?”

  “You didn’t tell her,” humor was evident in Leto’s tone.

  “No.” Shy shook her head. “I didn’t want to sway her decision.”

  “What do you mean he hasn’t had anything to eat or drink? It’s been two weeks. He’d be dead if…” Worry hit hard and had her mouth suddenly going dry.

  “It’s part of the affliction,” Leto explained. “He’ll forego eating, drinking, hell even sleeping until he’s fully claimed you. I’m certain he visits Dr. Houlton nightly to receive nutritional supplements and to be drugged to sleep, but it’s not the same and it certainly can’t last much longer. He’s like an addict going through withdrawal. The only thing that’ll make him better is you.”

  “For that to be true, he’d have to be addicted to me,” she scoffed. “Besides, he’s already claimed me.” She lifted a hand to the halo around her neck.

  “No. He hasn’t. He’s bound you. That’s only part of it. He needs to…” Leto flushed and turned to Shy.

  Smiling, Shy sidled up to her husband, hugging her Walker’s waist over her large belly while eyeing her sister. “He needs to consummate while binding you with his halo or sometime after gifting it to you. Otherwise, you’re not truly his.”

  Sky paced to the window and stared out at her Walker. He did look tired and maybe a little wane. She knew the feeling. She hadn’t slept much either and her appetite was non-existent. She’d been queasy each morning as the first thoughts that greeted her were of York. She feared chasing him off, but she feared accepting him even more. If she let him in, he’d only hurt her. Wouldn’t he? There was only one way to find out. Turning with a renewed vigor, she stalked to the door, snagging her coat from where it hung on a hook.

  Exiting the front door of Shy and Leto’s cabin, crisp winter air assailed her and temporarily stole her breath. Ignoring it, she tromped down the few stairs and toward York, who was already making powerful strides toward her.


  Watching Sky exit the cabin, York knew what he’d do before he even took his first step toward her. He’d given her time, but it had been a mistake. She didn’t need time. She needed him! For weeks, she’d tormented him. They’d spent the days staring at each other, her from the safety of Leto and Shy’s home, and him from the cover of the forest. It irked him that Leto was the one to provide a roof and protection for his mate. Of all the Walkers, why did it have to be Leto? Poetic justice he supposed, but eating up the ground to get to his Sky, he was done allowing another to care for his mate.

  He wanted her home, back at Apex, but knew he’d relocate to StoneCrow in a heartbeat if his Angel wished to live closer to her sister. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her, now he just had to prove it.


  Sky shrieked when York finally reached her and instantly scooped her off her feet and turned to stalk with her towards the manor. “We need to talk. What are you trying to do to me?” she yelled.

  His response to her question was simple. “I’m trying to love you, Sky.”

  “Put me down, damn it!”

  He ignored her, stalking through the trees that thinned the closer they got to the manor.

  She kicked her legs as he tromped through the snow, sinking to his knees in some spots. She wondered if he’d lose his footing and drop her.

  “I just wanted to talk. I’m not giving in. Where are you taking me? Put me down before I…” She didn’t know what she’d do.

  “I’m taking you to our suite,” he replied calmly. “I knew you’d want to be closer to your sister. They’re securing us a cabin. For now, we’ll stay at the manor.”

  “W-what about Apex?”

  “My home is where you are. You want to be here, so I want to be here.”

  She let the words sink in and was dazed that he’d give up his life so easily for her. “Put me down,” she whispered.

  He didn’t respond but quickened his pace until he hit a plowed road that ran just behind the manor.

  YORK!” she shrieked. “Put. Me. Down! You can’t just manhandle me like this.”

  “Yes.” He didn’t look at her. His eyes were fixed the manor with a fierce determination. “I can.”

  “Well you shouldn’t!”

  His lips tweaked. “More of your threats, my heart?”

  “Stop calling me that!” She pushed at the wall of his chest with no result. “And no! I’m done threatening you.” She stilled and crossed her arms over her chest, turning her head to avoid his amused gaze. “You’re too thick-headed to understand a threat when you hear or see one.”

  The statement earned her an outright laugh that died just as quickly at her next words.

  “I meant you shouldn’t manhandle me because I…” she swallowed hard. “I didn’t want to rain on Shy’s parade, but…” The next words left her in a rush, “I think I might be pregnant.”

  Chapter 27

  York’s feet stuttered to a halt. For long seconds the only sound was the whistling wind that blew crystalline snow across the quiet Estate. Sky was afraid to look at him. She was worried about his reaction to the news.

  “W-what did you say?” He stared at the side of her face, willing her to look at him. He noticed when her eyes welled with tears, her jaw working furiously.

  “I said you can’t manhandle me because of the baby.” She shook her head, seeming angry as her voice dropped to whisper. “I’m pregnant, York. You got me pregnant,” her tone was accusatory. “I was supposed to start last week. I took a test. Just one. It could be wrong, but…”

  York’s heart, which had stopped at the revelation, now thundered in his chest. Pregnant? A child? MY child! Elation filled him. He’d done it! He’d found his Angel, mated her, and had
forged a family! It was all he’d ever wanted in life, and now it was his. It was all his. She was his!

  He dropped to his knees and Sky shrieked, throwing her arms around his neck and clinging to him. When she realized he wasn’t going to drop her, she attempted to wrestle out of his arms. “Let me go, damn it!”

  Still stunned, York could only blink as he knelt, slack-jawed, still trying to absorb Sky’s revelation. It wasn’t until she emitted a frustrated sob that he turned his attention to her and realized she didn’t appear to share in his glorious jubilation.


  She punched at his chest as tears streamed down her cheeks. “Put me down, you…you…you idiot!”

  “What’s wrong, my heart?” York set her feet on the ground and steadied her hips before releasing her. On his knees, his head was level with her chest. “You aren’t happy with the news?”

  “Happy with the news?” She spun on him. “I just met you! We slept together once! I can’t have your baby. I lost my apartment! I don’t have clothes, food, a place to sleep, and yet I’m carrying a child!” Tears were flowing freely. “I’m not ready for this. I just wanted… I just wanted more… time!”

  Distressed at his Angel’s tears, York’s expression darkened at her words. “You are mine, Sky. My food is your food; my home is your home. I’ll care for you and our child.”

  “Okay, Mr. All-The-Right-Answers,” she swiped angrily at her tears. “What about time, oh great Wizard! Have you got anything in your bag of tricks that can give me that?”

  “Sky.” He reached for her and pulled her onto his now upraised knee, ignoring her struggling. “I know you’re not yet certain of my claiming, but I am. You belong with me. I am more certain of that than I am the sun will rise tomorrow.” He lifted a hand to brush tears off her cheek. “I understand your fear of trusting what you don’t know or understand, but trust in me. Trust that I know and understand.” His chest puffed as his eyes hardened. “I am strong enough to protect you, and I will do so for both you and my child. I will never stop, I will never tire. No animal or man on earth can keep me from my duties to you and our family.”


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