Loving A Highlander

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Loving A Highlander Page 9

by Wells, Aileen

  Isabella’s eyes widened in surprise as she heard the note of jealousy laced through Gerard’s words. “Believe me,” she said testily, so that only he could hear. “I have no designs on the laird.”

  Gerard studied her for a minute. Then, as if deciding she was telling the truth, nodded. “Aye, lass, I can see that now.”

  “Does it matter to you?” Isabella asked, staring up into his handsome face. Their gazes caught and held and she could feel her heartbeat quicken.

  Gerard reached out to trail a finger lazily down her cheek. “You know it does, Bella,” he said, in a voice rough with emotion. “The only man I want those pretty blue eyes of yours focused on and those long legs of yours wrapped around, is me.”

  Isabella opened her mouth to respond, but he was already striding away from her across the expanse of deadened grass to rejoin the men. “You are a handsome man, Gerard Mackenzie,” she whispered softly as she watched him. “And any woman would be lucky to win your heart.”



  Isabella followed the sounds of laughter that echoed down the corridor. She turned a corner to find the laird playing with his son outside of the nursery. A smile lit Rowan’s face as he rolled a wooden toy back and forth on the floor with his son, Nicholas.

  Anne twirled excitedly around them as she watched her father and brother play. She sang a little song as she danced and then giggled when her father reached out an arm to give a hug.

  “Anne, stop.” Rowan laughed, as he released his daughter and she began spinning again. “It is making me dizzy just watching you.”

  Isabella smiled as she took in the cozy scene. The laird was a man who loved his family dearly, that was evident for all to see. She only hoped that someday she would find a man who would be a good husband and father. And then she might once again have a family to replace the one she had lost.

  Maybe you already have found such a man. A voice inside her head whispered, but Isabella brushed it aside. Gerard Mackenzie’s station in life was far above hers and it would be best if she didn’t forget it.

  Lost in thought, Isabella walked down the corridor leading to the solar. She jumped when a man stepped out of the shadows, blocking her path.

  Errol, the laird’s constable, gave her an oily look. “You don’t belong here, lass,” he said, as he looked down his long thin nose at her. “You are taking advantage of the laird’s kind heart and I intend to put a stop to it.”

  Isabella looked around for help. Usually this particular corridor in the castle was bustling with activity at this time of day, but this time it was deserted.

  She tilted her chin and prepared to sweep passed the rude man, but a vicelike grip closed around her forearm and he tugged her into an unused bedchamber and shut the door.

  Errol pressed her backward until she was against the wall. His hand slid up to fondle the globe of her breast through the thin material of her gown as he bent his head to bury his face in her cleavage.

  “Ah, you are a pretty little thing, aren’t you?” he rasped, as his tongue snaked out to lick the indentation between her breasts. “I’m beginning to see why the Captain of the Guard is so fond of you.” He gave her another lick as she squirmed. “Why he warned all of his men to stay away from you.”

  Isabella fisted a hand in the man’s greasy hair and gave it a sharp pull.

  Errol raised his head and glared at her. “What’s wrong with you? My coin is as good as the next man’s. I will pay you well for your services.”

  Bile rose in Isabella’s throat and using all of her strength, she pushed him away from her and bolted for the door. She reached it just in time and managed to slip through with Errol hot on her heels. Unlike before, the corridor was crowded now and several heads turned in their direction.

  “Leave me alone,” she hissed, as she glared up at the constable, who was regarding her with a look of pure hatred. “Or I will tell the laird about your behavior.”

  The constable gave a short laugh. “What are you going to tell him? Anything you tell him, I will just deny.” His eyes glittered. “I have known the laird for many years. I can assure you that he will take my word over yours.” He pressed close her. “You are nothing but a filthy little whore and it would be wise if you remembered your place. The Captain of the Guard might have taken a fancy to you, but he will soon grow tired and you will have to look elsewhere to earn your coin.” His gaze raked her from head to toe. “I’m certain my advances and my coin will be welcome then.”

  Isabella was relieved to see Ethan turn the corner and head toward them. He frowned when he spotted the constable and sent a questioning glance her way. “Is this man bothering you, Isabella?” he asked, spearing the constable with a dark look.

  Isabella could feel the weight of the constable’s stare. “No,” she lied. “Everything is fine. I was just on my way to the solar and the constable stopped to have a word with me.”

  “Ah,” Ethan said, stepping aside. “If nothing is wrong,” he said, shooting her another questioning glance, “then I will let you proceed.”

  Isabella turned without another word and with her heart in her throat, continued down the corridor to the solar. She could feel the weight of Errol’s stare on her back and when she reached the solar door, she turned. Errol was standing where she had left him, but Ethan was nowhere in sight. As she watched, the constable reached up a hand to drag a finger slowly over his throat.

  It was a chilling warning to her that she had better keep her mouth shut and with her heart pounding, Isabella opened the solar door and slipped inside.

  Eva was seated by the window, taking advantage of the weak light as she worked on her embroidery. She looked up as Isabella entered.

  “Has something happened, Isabella?” she asked, as she sat her project aside. “You look frightened.”

  Isabella took a shuddering breath as she tried to calm her racing heart. She could hear the constable outside the solar room door as he spoke to one of the noblemen.

  “Nothing is wrong,” Isabella said, straightening her shoulders. There was no need to get the laird’s wife involved in a situation she could easily handle herself.

  Eva gave her a look that said that she clearly didn’t believe her, before turning to the other women in the room. “Would you mind giving us a moment of privacy?”

  She waited for the other women to gather their things and exit the room before folding her arms and fixing Isabella with a determined look. “I wasn’t born yesterday, Isabella. It is clear as the nose on my face, that something has gotten you upset.”

  Isabella sighed and knew she couldn’t avoid the question. “I was stopped by the constable on the way here.”

  “Errol?” Eva looked surprised. “Why on earth did he want to speak to you?” She gave a mock shiver. “Between you and me, I can’t stand the man. He always looks as if he is up to something, but he is Rowan’s right hand man, so I guess he is to be tolerated.”

  “He didn’t want to speak to me,” Isabella said softly, so that her words didn’t carry through the wooden door and into the corridor where Errol still stood, no doubt listening.

  Eva looked confused. “If the constable didn’t wish to speak to you, what did he want? Oh…” she breathed, as her eyes widened. She moved to Isabella’s side. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

  “No,” Isabella said, as her heart rate resumed its normal rhythm. “He touched my breasts once or twice, but I was able to get away before he did anything else.”

  Eva gasped and then her eyes flashed with anger. “I will tell Rowan about this,” she promised. “He won’t tolerate that kind of behavior from a man who is in his employ.”

  “Please, don’t,” Isabella pleaded, as she remembered the cold look in the constable’s eyes. “It will only make things worse. I’m certain he won’t attempt it twice.”

  “I wouldn’t bet on it,” Eva murmured, as she thought over the situation. “A man like that doesn’t give up easily.”

he looked Isabella in the eyes. “At least let me tell Gerard,” she said firmly, as if she already had her mind made up. “He would wish to know about the constable’s actions.”

  Isabella nodded. The thought of Gerard having a word with the horrible man was oddly comforting and her shoulders relaxed. “Aye,” she relented, “you can tell Gerard.”

  It was later that evening when Gerard sought her out. He pulled her into the passageway leading to the kitchen and the larder beyond. “Why didn’t you tell me the constable was making unwanted advances toward you?” he growled.

  “He wasn’t,” Isabella said, as she freed her arm from his grasp. “Today was the first time and I handled it.”

  “And it will be the last time,” Gerard said in a voice laced with anger. “I have spoken to the man and warned him that if he so much as lays a finger on you, he will regret it.”

  Isabella opened her mouth to tell him that the constable had already laid a finger on her and worse, but then decided against it. She wouldn’t have the murder of a man on her conscience, no matter how much she detested him.

  “How will he regret it? What will you do?” she asked, as curiosity got the better of her. She suspected Gerard had done far more than give the man a vague warning.”

  Gerard frowned. “A little blood thirsty, aren’t you, lass? I told the constable if I find out he has harmed you in any way, I will hang him from the iron hooks on top of the tower.”

  Isabella’s eyes widened as she pictured the gruesome scene. “You wouldn’t.”

  “Oh, aye, Bella,” he said, deadly serious. “I most certainly would. Trust me, the constable didn’t doubt the sincerity behind my words.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “I can rest easy now, knowing that there won’t be any strange men creeping into my bed chamber in the middle of the night.”

  Gerard gave her a half smile. “The only man I want in your bed chamber in the middle of the night is me.” He leaned down to place a kiss on her lips. “Don’t you forget it, Bella, you are mine.”

  His words echoed in the passageway long after he had departed. Isabella sighed as she prepared to follow him, but was stopped by a tap on her arm. She turned to find a scullery maid standing behind her.

  Isabella had seen the young woman before and had even said hello to her a time or two, but that had been the extent of their conversation. The young woman was gazing in the direction Gerard had gone. She wore a soft smile on her face and would have been pretty if her cheeks hadn’t been streaked with dirt as if she had been crying.

  “I heard you talking to the captain of the guard, m’lady,” the young woman whispered.

  Isabella nodded, curious as to why the woman wished to speak to her. Clearly it had something to do with Gerard and her interest was piqued.

  “Aye, I was speaking to him,” she replied, wondering how much of the conversation the woman had overheard.

  “You were speaking about the constable,” the woman continued.

  Isabella inclined her head. “We were.” It was a known fact that the constable wasn’t well liked among the help. He was quick to find fault and would often trap the maids in dark corners of the castle.

  The maid cast a worried glance toward the kitchen before continuing. “The constable is an evil man.”

  “Aye,” Isabella said softly, looking around her for the subject of their conversation. The constable had a habit of lurking about and always managed to pop up at the oddest moments.

  “You would be wise to stay far away from him, m’lady,” the maid whispered.

  Isabella briefly wondered if the woman standing in front of her had been one of the unfortunate. “Did the constable hurt you?” she asked, as her anger began a slow burn. She would like nothing better than to track the constable down and give him a swift kick where it would hurt the most, but she knew Gerard would be furious if she went against his orders.

  A part of her wanted to defy him, to illicit some kind of response from him. It had been days since he had taken her to his bed and she was getting tired of spending the nights cold and alone.

  The woman shook her head as tears filled her eyes. “No, but the constable was part of a hunting party who assaulted my sister over a year ago.”

  Isabella eyes widened and she waited for the woman to continue with her story.

  “The party of noble men found my sister in the forest. She was walking home after picking nuts and berries.” There was a slight tremor to the maid’s voice as she spoke. Tears streamed down her face. “The men, led by the constable, took turns with her. My sister was left bloodied and broken and with child.”

  Isabella gasped in horror. “What happened? Surely the laird punished the men.”

  The maid’s expression was sad. “There is no justice to be had for our kind of people. A noble man’s word is always believed over that of a peasant.”

  Isabella thought about the constable with his oily hair and beady eyes and her blood boiled. A man like that couldn’t be left to prey on the innocent. Something needed to be done.

  “I will speak to the laird.”

  The maid’s eyes widened and she shook her head. “You mustn’t. It will only make things worse for us. I only told you, because I wanted to warn you to stay away from the man.” The woman turned and without another word, disappeared down the dark passageway in the direction of the kitchen.

  Isabella thought about the constable. He was up to no good, of that she was certain, and was evil to the core.



  Heart pounding, Isabella crept down the corridor toward the door located at the end. A nightmare had awoken her, one in which Owen had held her down to have his way with her. It had happened enough in real life and try as she might to forget, the images still lingered.

  She shivered as her bare feet came in contact with the cold floor. An icy draft snaked down the corridor and she knew if she looked outside, she would probably see snowflakes dancing in the air.

  Isabella longed for the nights when Gerard had slept outside her bedchamber door, but ever since the laird has spilled his secret, the floor outside her room had been empty. She had checked once or twice in the wee hours, peering down the darkened corridor in hopes of catching a glimpse of him, but each time it had been cold and deserted.

  She stopped in front of Gerard’s bedchamber door and took a steadying breath. Her heart still pounded in her chest and due to the cold, she was beginning to shake. She had almost given up hope that her knock would be heard, when the door creaked open.

  “Bella?” a deep voice rumbled, before the door was flung open to reveal, Gerard, his eyes bleary from sleep. He had a thick cover draped about him, but vast amounts of his muscled chest could still be seen. “Is something wrong, lass?”

  “I had a bad dream,” Isabella whispered, knowing in her heart that she sounded like a small child and not caring.

  A corner of Gerard’s mouth quirked upward in a smile and a teasing light entered his eyes. “Aye, dreams can be scary.”

  She nodded.

  He grinned. “Do you want me to come back to your bedchamber and check underneath the bed for monsters and things that go bump in the night?”

  She shook her head.

  “Are you scared, Bella?” he asked softly, the teasing light replaced with one of concern.

  She nodded as she continued to shiver. Through his bedchamber door, she could see a fire as it burned in the hearth. She longed to feel its warmth, the fire in her own fireplace had gone out sometime in the night and her room was as cold and dark as a tomb.

  Gerard reached out and gently grasped her hand, pulling her into the room and shutting the door behind her. He led her over to the fireplace and sat down in a chair, pulling her onto his lap and wrapping the cover around her.

  Isabella could feel the heat of skin as it seared through the thin material of her shift. She snuggled closer, enjoying the feel of his hard body against hers. His arms felt protective and safe and the imag
es of Owen and the cruelty he had inflicted upon her began to fade.

  “Want to tell me about it, lass?” Gerard murmured, as he stroked a hand down her hair.

  Isabella turned in his arms and rested her cheek against the muscled wall of his chest. “I dreamed about Owen.”

  His hand stilled on her hair as he waited for her to continue.

  “I dreamed about the times he would hit me and the times he would…”

  “Ah, Bella,” Gerard held her tighter. “I didn’t realize things were so bad with your husband. I’m sorry I can’t change the past, but he can’t hurt you now.” He tilted her chin up, forcing her to look at him. “That man will never touch you again, Bella,” he said gravely. “I promise.”

  Isabella sighed with contentment. She was warmer now, thanks to the roaring fire and Gerard’s arms around her. She studied his handsome face. Firelight flickered and danced across his features, highlighting the strong line of his jaw and full lips.

  She reached up to stroke her hand down his whiskered jaw, relishing the feel of the roughness against her skin. She stopped to trace a finger around the outline of his lips.

  Gerard’s indrawn breath was harsh. “You don’t want to do that, lass,” he growled.

  “I believe I do,” Isabella murmured as she leaned forward to give him a kiss. “I want to do it very much.”

  Gerard muttered an oath as he pulled her closer. He molded her body to his and stroked a hand down her back. One of his hands slipped between them to palm the full globe of her breast. His thumb moved back and forth over the tip, causing Isabella to moan low in her throat.

  “Why don’t we go to bed?” she whispered.

  Gerard’s grin was wicked as he lifted her and freed his member from his pants. “No need, lass,” he said and with a thrust of his hips impaled her.


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