Welcome to the Family (A Supernatural Saga Book 2)

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Welcome to the Family (A Supernatural Saga Book 2) Page 1

by Caroline F Levy


  to the


  A Supernatural Saga

  Caroline F Levy

  Welcome to the Family Copyright © 2018 by Caroline F Levy. All Rights Reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  Cover designed by Caroline F Levy

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Caroline F Levy

  Visit my website at www.carolineflevyauthor.com

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing: March 2018

  Independently Published

  ASIN B079R3RD94


  My darling daughter, Lauren, thank you for being as patient as a teenager can be. Although I did not hear too many complaints on take-out nights. *Grin* There have been many a day when I have not surfaced from my PC, and you have supplied me with coffee along the way. You are, and always will be, my sunshine. X

  Next would be a few ladies, who have encouraged me so much. Kristie (Smooches). With every snippet, you have given me such honest feedback, and the odd kick up the backside to get on with it and to stop playing online. Lindsay (Tempy). You are one of the sweetest people I have had the pleasure to meet, but do not fool yourself, you are far from innocent! Miranda (Mirry). You have been a rock all the way through. You were the first author to reach out to me online, and for that, I will be ever grateful <3. Tara (Totes). You have a way with words, especially the sexy scenes, one day I hope to be able to achieve them as smoothly and effortlessly as you do. Last, but by no means least. Trish (Sparkles). What a massive and kind heart, and yes, she sparkles with every kind but honest word of encouragement. You wonderful girls have been my rock. Encouraging me when I have been down, and you know this year had a rough start. Without you I may have even given up, you would not let me, and for that, I love dearly.

  This is from the original acknowledgments, and although it is a few years since I originally published Welcome to the Family, I did not wish to change the credits. They may seem dated now. They were heartfelt at the time, and still are!


  My closest friend, losing you was a massive loss. You have always been there, throughout the dark times, like a shining star. We had so much fun together and I am grateful for those precious memories. My fellow bookworm and chief mischief-maker. I miss you so very much, but when I look up and see the brightest shining star, I will smile. I know you are with me in my heart, that warm feeling of having known your friendship will never leave. May you rest in peace, my most beautiful friend.

  Eve Louise Baker





  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  About the Author

  How to contact me

  Books in this series

  What’s next in the Supernatural Sagas?


  Do you believe in things that go bump in the night?

  I always thought I had an open mind. When confronted with the reality of Vampires and Were-animals existing and living their lives alongside humanity is mind-blowing enough. Finding out I belong to them is the least of what I must deal with.

  I have so much to learn in a limited time. The complexities of their daily lives, the rules they uphold, not to mention the conflicts, and of course why it has taken until now to find all of this out.

  Chapter One

  Ithink an introduction is in order. My name is Angela Smith. I could have been a Jones or any other surname, but the social worker who registered my name did not have much of an imagination.

  A young priest called Father Gerald found me on the steps of his church. I was but a few hours old, noisy, and hungry. The note pinned to the blanket wrapped tightly around me asked whoever found me to take care of me and that my name is Angela.

  Apart from that, no one has ever been able to find out any information about me. Where I came from, or most importantly to me, who my parents are. The only clue I have is the blanket. It has a crest with two crossed swords on.

  I grew up in an orphanage. I did not want to live with foster parents, although the social workers tried repeatedly to place me with a family. I always had this dream my mother and father would come looking for me. They would tell me how terrible it had been without me in their lives. I would have my family, brothers, sisters, and grandparents. Therefore, anytime I was placed with a foster family, I would run away.

  As the years passed my reputation as a troublemaker grew, eventually the foster families stopped asking me to stay. It was too late when I realized the likelihood of my dream coming true was unrealistic. The disappointment made me rebel against everything and anyone who had ever tried to help me. I would deliberately get into trouble, nothing too serious, I was still hopeful for a reasonable future. I would bunk off school; smoking cigarettes and drink the odd bottle of cheap cider. The usual teenage antics as far as I was concerned. Luckily for me, I managed to stay away from the gangs and serious trouble. In the back of my mind, I was always careful not to hurt anyone, that is apart from me.

  As I turned eighteen my life took on a whole new challenge. There would be no more orphanages. Finding myself with my mega belongings and a small amount of money. The reality of being alone hit me. I could have gone to a couple of places my social worker recommended, but the rebel in me did not want to listen, so I ended up on the streets.

  My money and luck soon ran out. The hostel I had been staying in had become overcrowded and some nights I could not get a bed. This is when I ran into a guy called Troy. The local Pimp-come-drug-pusher. He was well over six feet tall, with a greasy ponytail pulled to one side. His attempt at covering up he was going bald. The chunky jewelry and cheap suits gave away exactly who he was.

  He tried to get me into a world I had no wish to join. At first, he used the, I can make life real easy for you line. After a few attempts to compel me into his world without success, he became more insistent. As if I had no choice in the matter No one said no to Troy. I had a feeling he wanted to show me what I would be doing for this easy life, and of course, he would happily show me the ropes. He kept saying how good he could make it for me. I shudder at the thought. That was his opinion, not mine.

  I have managed to avoid Troy and others out there like him for a c
ouple of months, but for how much longer I would have been able to I am not sure. I dread to think what would have happened if fate had not literally taken me running straight into the path of Father Gerald. The same priest who had found me that night.

  I have managed to keep myself clean to a certain extent, but the washing machines at the shelter had stopped working. I must have looked a mess, but being the good person, he is, he took me back to the church. As I now had nowhere else to go, and having no other choice, for now, I let him.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Father Gerald has taken me under his wing, believe me, it is the best thing that could have ever happened to me. He straightened me out. Finding me a place to live, and a part-time job waiting tables at the local café, Auntie’s.

  He even managed to talk me into enrolling in a course at night school. It is as if this had been planned for me all along. The fates can take you in many directions. I feel lucky they have taken me away from the streets and a life that would have probably been short and not so sweet.

  An older couple runs Auntie’s; they are Joe and Annie. A lovelier couple you would be hard pushed to find. They have two sons who are grown. Both serving in the military. This takes them away from home. Annie frets every time they leave. I believe they took me in as it gave her someone to fuss over. I have willingly given in and let her. They are not my family, but they are the next best thing to having one, and for that I am grateful.

  It has been just over a year since I started working at Auntie’s. I love the day-to-day happenings. We have regular customers who come in at set times, most even have a regular place to sit. I was about to go on a break when he walked through the door. I ask Annie who he is. Surprised at her abrupt reply. That is Shaun Scott, he is bad news. You should steer clear of that one, he has been in prison. Not a nice boy at all, it was for assault and battery.

  Looking him over, I wonder if Annie has the right information. He is taller than me, but I am only five feet, five inches tall, so most people are. He has short blond hair and lovely green eyes. They are as green as a quiet lake and look just as calm to boot. I could drown in those beautiful eyes if I am not careful. I would not say he is muscular, but he is stocky. He is wearing a faded pair of blue jeans and a black biker jacket, and big chunky boots to finish the outfit. He looks like the boy-next-door as if butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. He is obviously going for the bad boy look but he is trying too hard. Which in turn made him look like the boy next door dressed up. You would never suspect he has a violent temper.

  Asking me to go on a date was a bold move, he looked so lost while doing so. What else could I do? I had to say yes; much to everyone’s dismay, especially Annie’s. We have been a couple since then. Shaun is like me in many ways; he has no clue about his family history. He was in-and-out of foster care. However, unlike me, only out of pure luck mind you. He was in and out of juvenile detention as well. Petty stuff, mainly fighting. He has also helped by Father Gerald, and he is doing a lot better now. Although, sometimes he slips back into his old habits. He will pick a fight, especially if someone pays me any attention that he thinks is out of order, his words not mine. One time I remember standing at a bus stop. This poor man only said good morning to me. Within a split-second, Shaun was in his face telling him to back off.

  I did the total opposite of what any sane person would have. I moved him into my flat, so he would feel more secure in our relationship. I know it is not the best reason to live together, and yes, he is hard work. I am hoping when he finds himself a job it will get better. I am the main breadwinner for now. Which he thinks is wrong, no matter how much I reassure him it does not matter to me.

  Finishing my course is going to bring about changes. I now have the qualifications to look for office work. As much as I love my job at Auntie’s. I need to move forward with my career. Being encouraged to do so by Joe and Annie makes me feel wanted for the first time in my life. I never had a family upbringing. I realized a while back that was my fault for not letting anyone near me. However, luckily for me, I think Joe and Annie have come to think of me as the daughter they never had. I will miss working at Auntie’s. Okay, I will miss Annie fussing over me as well. I have promised to stay in touch when I get a new job.

  After applying for a few jobs over the last couple of weeks. My first, ‘you have mail’ notice pops up. Opening it up, I find an application form for a job as an assistant within a large firm. It was an unusual one, no details. Just a short message. ‘Follow the link provided and send in a copy of your current curriculum vitae with this form’ I have no clue how they got my email address as I do not recognize the company name. I am not going to ignore it, even if it is a mistake. They will probably choose someone with work experience, but what do I have to lose? Sending my CV and a covering letter to them with their rather unusual forms. It is now a waiting game. Meanwhile, I will carry on going to work and looking at the other job opportunities out there. I am still covering my shifts at Auntie’s. They have kindly said the job is mine for as long as I need it.

  A few days pass and I get an email asking me to contact someone called Jack Jones. Shaun thinks it is someone having a laugh, but I am not going to take any notice of what he says. I call the number listed in the email. I can hear Shaun still laughing at me, drumming my nails on the sideboard, I wait for an answer.

  Much to my surprise, the call connects, it is an answering service. A simple message letting me know the details for an interview the following evening at a restaurant called Antonio’s. Seven pm sharp.

  Shaun does not like the idea of me going to meet another man, but as I said to him. I am not going to meet a man, it is an interview. I did not think I stood a chance of getting this far, beggars cannot be choosers. He needs to get his jealousy under control. This could be a good opportunity for me. Besides, if he is concerned, he can always come along and wait for me. I knew telling him that would make him back off. It is the weekly pool night tomorrow, and he is never going to give up a night out at the club with his mates.

  Chapter Two

  It is the evening of my interview, I am feeling excited and nervous all at the same time. I have my Sunday-best dress on. I can call it that as I go to church. Not every weekend, but I have grown fond of Father Gerald. I go as often as I can, even if it is just to show my support. I have never put much thought into religion. One day I will have to think about what I do, and do not believe, but until then I will carry on going. Even if it is only to see Father Gerald.

  The dress is nothing impressive. A plain navy-blue shift dress and a little lilac belt with a small flower glued onto the buckle. It gives the dress some shape, plus a little color. I even have a pair of navy blue shoes that match. I found them at St Paul’s church charity shop. I have glued the same flowers to them as I did the belt, so they match. Overall, I look reasonably smart.

  On arriving at Antonio’s, I am starting to have second thoughts as I walk through the door to the restaurant, it is one of those swanky high-end places. I feel underdressed. My feet do not want to move, it is as if I have stepped in glue, I am stuck staring at the vision stood in front of me. There is a man, that is an understatement. He is not just a man, he is sex on legs. I never did understand why women say that. Until now that is. He is, tall, dark hair, dark eyes, a bit on the slight side and pale, but ever so handsome. As he heads towards me smiling, I feel like a deer caught in a car’s headlights. Wanting to take flight, but not knowing in which direction to go.

  No leaving now, too late. He is stood in front of me. Wow. One moment he is on the other side of the restaurant, and the next he is standing in front of me. How did he get over to me so quickly?

  He introduces himself, Jack Jones. Taking my hand as if he is going to shake it, he raises it to his lips and kisses my palm. Leaving me mouth agape and turning a wonderful shade of crimson. Snapping my mouth shut, I must look like I am catching flies. Composing myself, I hope I have managed to stop blushing and look a little more confident than I am feeli

  I keep saying repeatedly in my mind, he might be your boss, stop looking at him like a stupid airhead teenager. I could swear he knows what I am thinking. He has a hint of amusement on his face as he releases my hand. Taking a step back, he looks at me, starting at my toes and slowly works his way up to my eyes. Holding my attention for a few seconds longer than I am comfortable with. This makes my coloring a deeper shade of red if that is at all possible. Without another word, he walks towards a table only a couple of meters away. Pulling out a chair, suggesting that I should follow and take a seat. I almost fall over my own feet. I blame these damn shoes having a small heel on them, as I am a t-shirt and trainers’ girl. Dresses and frilly stuff are not my taste. Never had a budget for them, so never used them.

  I just about manage to make it to the chair without embarrassing myself any further. Taking a seat, I take a good look at the place. It is breathtakingly stunning. The floors are polished marble. Telling myself it must be the reason I tripped. Okay, who am I trying to kid? I have always been clumsy if anyone is going to fall over it is bound to be me. I am under no illusion, I will always be the ugly duckling waddling along, never the gliding swan. The walls are a deep burnt red. Adorning them are some of the most beautiful paintings I have ever seen. Whoever owns the place really likes sunrises or is it setting? I am not sure which, but they certainly follow a theme, and so realistic. Like a photograph, but on close inspection, you can see the brushstrokes. You could picture yourself looking into the horizon.

  Mouthwatering smells of roasting meat invade my nostrils, so tantalizing good I can almost taste it. The realization that I have not eaten in my rush to be here on time. Wonderful, the last thing I need is for my stomach to start rumbling.


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