Welcome to the Family (A Supernatural Saga Book 2)

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Welcome to the Family (A Supernatural Saga Book 2) Page 3

by Caroline F Levy

  “Jack, you do Angela here a disservice. I know you said she is just perfect for the job. What you neglected to tell me, she is such a stunner!”

  I look at her mouth agape, and just managing to stop the snort of disbelief from escaping. I pull myself together and look ahead as if I did not hear what she had said. I can feel myself glowing again. Megan takes my hands in hers. She is all manicures and softness.

  Gently giving my hands a squeeze. “I am so pleased to meet you, it will be good to have a new girlfriend. But, first to the business at hand. Let us get down to it. We do not run as other firms. Topline Management conducts most of its business overnight. We only need you to field calls in the daylight hours. You will have the hour cross-over of an evening with me, but apart from that, you will not have much personal contact with many of the team members.”

  I feel my face drop, as I almost groan with disappointment, just about stopping myself in time.

  Megan has a look of daggers in Jacks direction. “Please tell me you let Angela know what she would be doing?”

  Jack laughs, “It must have slipped my mind.” Wiggling his eyebrows, he saunters away.

  Shaking her head as she turns to me. “Okay, shall we get to it?”

  For such a slight person, she sure can move quickly. This place is vast. You have no idea of how big it is. You would think from the outside, they would have offices with big windows.it is the opposite, the hallways are on the outside and the offices are in the middle of the building. We walk, okay, Megan glides and I trot after her trying to keep up. Eventually arriving at an open door.

  “Angela, this is Archie’s office. We go by our first names here. We are not big on formalities. Archie is the person you will see the most, so I thought I would introduce you to him. The other heads of departments are out of town and will not be back until next week. Therefore, for now, Archie is the only person to introduce you to today. I will still show you around. It may take you a while to get your bearings.” Popping her head around the doorframe she calls ahead. “Hi Archie, is this a good time to come in? I have Angela the new day receptionist with me.”

  Entering the office, I see yet another Adonis looking at me. He is about five feet eleven, with warm brown hair. It looks as though it could be long, as it is pulled back in a ponytail and eyes to match. His perfect mouth transfixes me. He has a kind smile as he looks down at me, as a grandfather would his grandchildren. Although why I would think that I do not know. I never had a granddad.

  I notice there is a trend of the people working here are young, not to mention striking in appearance, so how I got the job baffles me. Inwardly shaking myself, I almost stumble over to him. He looks at Megan and winks. I can see more of him as I get closer, his ponytail goes all the way down his back, stopping just short of his knees. I do not think I have ever seen a man with such long and beautiful hair. He is not your typical executive, not that I know what a typical executive looks like. I am stereotyping a lot today.

  He has one of those granddad-style shirts on. I notice the two top buttons are undone, so a little chest is on display. I am almost sure I spy a tattoo on his neck, but as he glides towards me his shirt covers it. He is still smiling as he takes my hand in his. “I am so pleased to meet you, Angela.” Stepping back, he glances at Megan. “Jack was right, she is perfect.” I am starting to feel a little uncomfortable. Archie is still holding my hand. He gently squeezes it, and to my relief releases it.

  He looks me square in the eye, “I am looking forward to working with you Angela. Welcome to the family.”

  Megan grabs hold of my arm with an alarmingly strong grip. I had not noticed she had come into the office beside me. Almost yelping in pain. I know it is going to leave a mark; she hesitates for just a split second and then releases me. Looking at Archie as if he said something he should not have. I may not have found a girlfriend after all. Is that fear I see? I must be tired, I am imagining things now, suddenly feeling drained. I need to leave this room. He only welcomed me to the firm. If he wants to think of it as a family – he is the boss, so he can do as he pleases. I turn towards Megan and she takes my arm, more gently this time, and guides me from the room.

  The rest of the night goes by in a whirl. I am going to need a map to remember where everything is. Megan said she would give me a list of the other heads of department’s names and details for me to learn. It turns out Topline Management run a handling service for smaller companies, giving them the security of the larger firm’s facilities. They also have a protection team called Topline Protection. I get to see that side of the business in a couple of weeks, but for now, I am happy to be going home to get some sleep. It has been a fantastic first night. I think I am going to enjoy working here.

  Chapter Six

  Waking from a restful sleep I find myself back in the room with the plum walls. Sitting up a little bit too quickly making the room spin. A gentle hand sliding its way up my back soon brings the room back into focus. Closing my eyes, I smile, I know that hand, I am dreaming again. May as well go with the flow. It is my dream, so my rules.

  “Is that so, my Angel?” Jack has pinned me down. Making a small show of protest by struggling, although, I am not putting much effort into getting myself free. “The lady doth protest a little too much, methinks, maybe I should stop?” I still as Jack laughs at me.

  I know it is childish, but my bottom lip forms a put, this is still my dream.

  “Okay, my Angel, which direction do you wish this dream to go in?”

  Even in my dreams, I cannot stop it, I turn a shade of crimson, damn. One kiss and I am on fire, need building deep within. The kiss is slow, a gentle meeting of lips, but within moments, we are pushing at each other, our lips crushing one another with a bruising force. Our tongues entwined, I feel Jack’s tooth scrape my lip. Abruptly stopping. I know where this is going, feeling his teeth graze over my throat, I sense the damage they could inflict. Drawing a deep breath, Jack freezes for a split second as my pulse quickens, before carrying on as if nothing has happened. I am so turned on I need to move, I am ready for Jack, I need more. As he nears my breasts I am ready to explode. Gently pushing his shoulders, for him to look up at me.

  “Not a word, Angel, I know exactly where you wish me to lavish you with my attention.” Without another word, he is working his way down my stomach, butterfly light kisses as he goes. Laying as still as I can manage, holding my breath. I have never done anything like this before, Shaun is not into foreplay.

  Stopping Jack looks at me, his lips set in a hardline. “I am nothing like that deadbeat boyfriend of yours, Angel, so please stop thinking of him.”

  I open my mouth to protest, I am not thinking of him, but before I can say anything. Jack slides down between my legs fixing his mouth over the entrance to my vagina. Licking, long, languid heated strokes. An assault of sensations I have never felt before hitting me. I want to wriggle and writhe, it is like being tickled until you can no longer catch your breath, but oh so much more. He is relentless. Jack is sucking – no, licking – no, kissing – oh my god! He is assaulting my body, sensations I have never felt before. I am putty in his hands.

  A sultry chuckle comes from the man firmly entrenched between my legs. “That is, one being I will never profess to be, my Angel.” I wriggle some more, as he pushes me into the bed. “Lay still, Angel.” It is more of an order than a request, but I do so, although it is almost impossible.

  I am struggling to stay still when Jack nips my clit. An electric shock zipping around my body followed closely by a roaring heat. It is a pain-pleasure, the pleasure overrides any pain. Just as I feel my body surrendering he stops. Shooting daggers at him. He shrugs at me. “I am not ready for you to wake up yet.”

  Whose dream is this? The sulky child is back. I turn my head away, trying not to show it. He tugs me down towards him, so he is nestled between my legs. I still, gazing deeply into his eyes; they are as dark as the midnight sky. I could explore those eyes forever.

gently comes down and places his lips on mine. “Taste yourself on my lips, Angel.”

  As I kiss him, we start the dance once more, this time more urgently. I kiss back just as hard as he kisses me. I feel a sharp tooth on my lip. It slides into my skin as if it is butter, tasting copper as my blood enters my mouth. He bit me.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Waking with a start. I notice daylight. Shaun is still sleeping soundly by my side. Felling a little light-headed I slide from the bed., trying not to make any noise as I do. Waking Shaun before he is ready always makes him grumpy. I creep into the bathroom and almost scream as Shaun walks in behind me. I did not think he was awake; my heart thumps with surprise. He leans in to kiss me, it feels so wrong, I freeze. Staring at me, a frown forms on his face. Turning away, I see myself in the mirror. I have a deep cut on my lip. I have never had a dream be so realistic before. Shaun looks concerned. “Where da’ fat lip come from?”

  He must think it has happened the evening before. Yet again he was out late, and I had gone to bed alone. If I did not know Shaun any better, I would think he was seeing someone else.

  I tell him I must have had a bad dream. I cannot elaborate any more, there has been a barrier forming between us since I met Jack. It feels as if I do not know Shaun at all. “I must have bitten my lip.”

  Being a Saturday, we have the whole day to spend together. I want to go and see Annie, as I have not seen her since I started the new job. However, Shaun insists we spend quality time together. Therefore, he drags me off down to the local club for a drink, and yes, his mates just happen to be there. I could swear he only wants me there to keep an eye on me.

  Chapter Seven

  Three weeks have flown past and I am doing well with my training for the new job and loving every minute of it. Escaping from home is a plus. Shaun is becoming more and more agitated with each passing day. I have no idea why as life is going great for him. One of Archie’s businesses is a garage. He kindly arranged an interview for Shaun and he got the job. You would think he would be happy, but he is quiet and almost sullen, he has even stopped going to the club. I keep telling him to go see his mates, but he is insistent that he wants to spend time with me. The trouble is, all we do is sit in silence or argue. I need to fathom out what the problem is.

  Arriving at work there is an unusual amount of hustle and bustle going on. I am surprised how many people work here. I am slowly getting to know the layout. However, the people are still a mystery. The management work overnight. It is a large firm running worldwide, I suppose it makes sense with all the time differences. The calls I take throughout the day are names and numbers of the people making contact. I just take note of whom they wish to contact and pass the message along. I do some of Megan’s filing for her, for which she always smiles and tells me I do not have to, as she has people to do that.

  Tonight is going to be a little different. Anxiety and excitement have my stomach rolling. I get to see the other side of the building kept for the protection part of the business. I see people coming back and forth at shift change. Believe me. They must have a you-have-to-be-hot-fit-and-stunning policy to work over there. Then again, they protect many high-profile personalities who are in the limelight. Their image must be as important as being able to protect.

  The receptionist from over at Topline Protection is meeting me. I know her name is Titania, but apart from that, I have no clue what to expect. It has come to my attention, it is the norm here.

  As Titania walks through the door joining the two buildings together, I can see she is tall, athletic, and yes striking to look at. She has short, cropped midnight black hair, and as she gets closer I notice she has beautiful electric blue eyes. She is wearing a tightly fitted black suit, but everyone over there does. The only color I can see, apart from her eyes, is the blood red lipstick she is wearing.

  With a name like Titania, I had thoughts of someone from an exotic country and imagined her having a foreign accent, with a glamorous outfit to go with it. I will admit I am a little disappointed. Her accent gives no hint where she is from.

  Following her through the door to the other side, I am shocked at how different it is. The windows are clear and open. It has a wonderful, welcoming feeling to it. There are plants everywhere and not a pot in sight; it is as if the garden is growing inside. Titania waits patiently for me to take in my surroundings.

  “You like the garden then?”

  Nodding., I notice she is no longer waiting for me. “It is lovely.” Picking up my pace, I follow her down the hall. Turning the corner and entering a cavernous room full of sofas.

  The smell of coffee and sweet sticky cakes hits me, and so does the sheer amount of people who are roaming around. Sweeping her arm in an arc in front of us. “This is the briefing room.” My facial expression must show my surprise, she smiles telling me that while the look on this side of the building is different, the ethos of a relaxed working atmosphere is the same. Therefore, that means no desks or whiteboards. There are rooms for formal meetings if needed, they are just down the other end of the hall.

  Following Titania further into the room, a hush falls. Pardon the cliché, but you could hear a pin-drop. Leading me towards the front of the room and an alarmingly massive man. He must be at least six and a half feet tall and just as wide. As he turns to greet us a pair of green eyes are looking me over, soothing eyes. I am not sure why I think that, but that is my first impression. He covers the distance between us in a couple of strides.

  His hand engulfs mine as we shake hands, it is surprising how gentle he is when doing so. Hearing a laugh from somewhere in the room, he turns his head for a moment his glare alone might kill. At whom I do not know. Turning back to me with a heartfelt smile. “Hi, Angela, I am Hank. Head of this here – rabble.”

  I smile back at him, feeling small and a little intimidated. It must show, as he looks at me amusement dances in his eyes.

  “I had heard you are a bit on the small side, but hey, good things come in little packages, and I have only heard good things about you, sweetheart.”

  I let the sweetheart remark slide. Titania steps in with a polite cough, looking a bit sheepish.

  “Now you have caused quite a stir, I think it is best we get you out of here.”

  I am wondering why I would cause a stir, confusion showing on my face. She clicks her tongue at me.

  “So, it is true, you have no clue." Rolling her eyes. "That will make some of these guys chase you even more.”

  I snort with an if you say so and look at Titania as if she is mad.

  She walks away, mumbling, “One day you will come to see what a stunner you are.”

  As I am walking out of the door, I spy a familiar face. It is Brent from the coffee shop. He was one of my regular customers at Auntie’s cafe. Without fail, every shift I worked, he would come in for a coffee to go with whatever sticky bun would be on offer. He does not notice me, even though I walked straight in front of him. Feeling a little disappointed. I thought we were friends. My mistake, he must have just been being polite. We carry on walking down the hall in silence. I am a little confused. I must have read Brent wrong. I have always trusted my instincts. I thought he liked me.

  Just as we come around the corner, I walk into a wall. Embarrassed, I was not watching where I am going, I glance up to find it is not a wall, but a man. I see big, hazel-brown eyes looking down at me. I am getting a crick in my neck. He must be at least seven feet tall, with muscles on top of muscles. I step to one side as he does the same sideways step, he bursts into laughter, a deep warm rumbling sound.

  “Hi, my name is Roger. You must be Angela.”

  Titania tells him to stop flirting with me, adding, “You are late. You had better get moving if you don’t want to get on the wrong side of Hank.”

  Roger winks at me, turning towards Titania. “I am on my way, little lady.” Roger does an old-fashioned bow towards both of us. Catching my eye, “Angela, I will catch you later, babes.” With an unusual speed
for a man of his size, he is gone.

  “I will give him ‘little lady’ next time we spar. I will knock him on his ass! Then we will see who is the ‘little lady.” Titania crosses her arms and gives me a warning. “Angela, you are going to have to watch out for that one. He is a real player, and –” I snort aloud this time, forgetting where I am. Titania studies me and giggles. She never gets to finish what she is going to say to me, as Megan walks up to us.

  Scowling at me, she has been waiting for over ten minutes. Looking at her questioningly. I have never seen her in this mood. Megan takes a steadying breath and apologizes. “We have the boss coming in later. I would love it if you could help me out in the filing room, please.” It is the first time I have ever seen Megan look so flustered, so I agree to work over. I just hope Shaun does not throw too much of a wobbly when I call him.

  All I know about the boss is his name — Dorian Winters. He calls in to inspect Topline once a year. I am in the filing room when I hear a commotion going on. Poking my head out, I see a group of people marching down the hall towards the reception. It is then that I see him.

  It must be Dorian Winters. People are waiting in a queue for him to notice them. He is tall, I would say six-five, slim but muscular, long braided ash-blond hair and piercing purple eyes. I have never seen eyes like them, even from this far away they are striking. I do a double take, he is young to be the boss – even by Topline standards. That is when I see Archie staring at me, the look of. I am not sure if it is one of shock or horror on his face. He quickly schools himself when he notices I have seen him and tries to steer Dorian away in another direction.

  I giggle to myself, I have always thought of Archie as tall, but stood next to Dorian he looks short. Trying to steer his boss into another hall, looks comical. They must have heard me giggle, even though I thought I had been quiet. Dorian does an about-turn, and in a blink of an eye, he is standing in front of me. Breath hitching in my throat, how did he get to me so fast? I look up into those purple eyes they are beautiful, almost hypnotic. They are even more intoxicating this close-up.


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