Welcome to the Family (A Supernatural Saga Book 2)

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Welcome to the Family (A Supernatural Saga Book 2) Page 8

by Caroline F Levy

  Hands cover my waist as we fall into a steady rhythm, our bodies slapping against one another. My rapture building within the pit of my stomach, working its way down towards my vagina. My body feeling like it will explode at any moment.

  Moaning in response to the pressure building, Jack pushes himself against my back. Teeth latching onto my shoulder as he does. Biting down, as his fingers slide rubbing my clit as I cry out. Muscles clenching at the ferocity of my orgasm, I can barely stand. One final thrust and Jack joins me shuddering as he climaxes.

  Leaving the shower after a wash, Jack was so gentle. The contrasts of this man are astounding. One moment he can be fierce, then a split second later be so gentle.

  Reality hits, I do not know anything about Jack.

  The hollowness forming in my stomach is surprising, my skin feeling as if I have been pushed into a freezer. Never having felt it before, this has to be shame. He has given me the precious gift of being my partner through the blooding and I do not know anything about him. I promise to get to know him better, but for now, I need to sleep. I am exhausted.

  As we fall into the bed, Jack spooning me, he whispers how proud he is of me. I managed to keep my teeth under control when he did his best to make me lose control. I am not sure whether I should be mad at him for that, or proud of myself for being able to keep control. I fall asleep with this thought going through my mind. I will reserve judgment on this until later.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Heart sinking, I wake to an empty bed and the smell of food cooking. Stomach growling, I realize I am famished. Getting out of bed I arrive at the bedroom door, expecting to walk into the clear wall, only to almost fall through. I just manage to stay on my feet, I can hear Jack laughing at me. Turning I give him my I-am-not-amused-look; he does not push it any further. I am glad I can leave the bedroom, it has only been a few weeks, but they feel like an eternity.

  Walking to the breakfast bar of my kitchen feels good. This is the first time I have been in here. It is open and modern-looking, like something out of one of those showplaces. All I see are white cupboards and black marble surfaces with built-in electric appliances. A quick glance, I would say every gadget I could ever think of is in this kitchen. Jack is standing by the cooker, frying two steaks.

  I gaze at him in wonder, “Are you sure, steak for breakfast?”

  “Your metabolism will have sped up. Plus, just because you have only just woken up, does not mean it is breakfast time.”

  I glance at the clock and see it is eight in the evening. I cannot believe I have been asleep for most of the day.

  “Angela, you are going through many changes, you have many years ahead of you. Stop trying to fly before you can flit.” I swivel towards Jack as he laughs. “Sorry, sweetheart, I could not resist. We cannot fly I am afraid, but some call how quickly we can move ‘flitting’. You will discover that if you do not feed properly, you will start sleeping more than you need to. I should have made you feed before going to sleep. I apologize for not doing so.” Jack looks guilty, but I am feeling groggy, so I let it slide.

  I do not want to hurt Jack’s feelings. Nevertheless, I am wondering how to broach the subject of when I will be, what they consider stable enough to start living my life again.


  The voice un the distance becomes more urgent. Realizing Jack must have been talking to me. I snap out of my musings.

  “Angela, are you okay? I was just saying it will not be much longer before you go through the final stage of metamorphosis. The sleeping is not just from lack of food, you are also going through the final change. I had the doc come in and check on you.” The plate of food smells incredible, the crimson blood pooling on the stark white plate has my mouth watering and my teeth tingling. Pouncing on the meat I unashamedly suck the juice out of the wonderful morsel. Chortling at my noises of appreciation, Jack settles down on the stool next to me with a plate of his own.

  Silence descends on the room, okay, apart from my noises of sheer bliss at eating such delicious food. The tranquility interrupted by a ruckus going on outside. The sound echoes as the door slams into the wall as it is forced open, the hinges groan with displeasure, as Roger comes storming into the flat. He is on the verge of a full-blown turn. He is a real sight to behold. Fork clattering onto my plate the food is soon forgotten. In a flash, I am across the room, with my heart hammering. The anger radiating from him makes it skip a beat as I start to hyperventilate. I stop in front of Roger. “What has happened? What is wrong?”

  His hands and eyes are all over me. “I heard the doc had to come to you,” Roger glares at Jack with what can only be described as pure hatred, “Has he hurt you? Let me look at you, are you okay?” The room spins as I am forcefully spun around, turning with such a force I fall into him.

  I start to laugh at the joy of being near him. I stop when I notice he is serious. “I am fine, better than ever. I just overdid it a little.” Glowing with what is becoming my trademark shade of red.

  Jack saunters over wrapping his arms around me, engulfing me and breaking my connection with Roger.

  Deep rumbling growling rattles throughout the room as Rogers' hands start to change.

  ” Go away, Bear, you are not supposed to be here. The lady is fine, and it is our time to be together.”

  As abruptly as it started the growling stops.

  Is this happening? Pushing away from the two men almost beating their chests like cavemen. I stand, my hands placed squarely on my hips, glaring from one to the other. The testosterone levels are through the roof. “If you two are going to act like children, then I’m out of here.” The door is hanging on its hinges, making a run for it – slamming straight into the invisible wall.

  The force of it knocks me straight onto my ass. I sit there and check myself over physically, no broken bones. Might have a few bruises though. I was not expecting a barrier to be there.

  Howling laughter starts behind me. Turning to see both Roger and Jack in fits of hysterics.

  “Glad you found that funny. I thought we were past all this.” I wave my hands up and down at the invisible wall to make my point.

  Standing there pouting, they both eventually quieten down.

  Jack is the one to answer me, “The wall has moved. I am sorry my Angel, I should have warned you.”

  My foot tapping trying to calm myself. They are trying not to smile. It is probably me being so annoyed; rather than how funny I must have looked running into an invisible wall.

  Roger chimes in. “It is there for everyone’s protection, as it was back in the bedroom.” My mouth opens but he cuts me off. “I know you think you are past, not being in control — you are remarkable, most new vampires take two months to get where you are — However we cannot risk it, Angela. We have families living in the tower.”

  Families, as in children, stops my train of thought.

  “I will be outside your door. I have been the whole time, it seems that you are okay. I must leave you with Jack. I am not supposed to be in here.” Shoulders slumping Roger turns to leave.

  It is obvious he does not wish to leave. Limping stiffly over to him, I give him a hug. Sweeping me up, I kiss him on the cheek. Whispering, “I love the fact you care so much.”

  I see Roger’s cheeks color as he tightens the hug for a moment, before carefully placing me back down and leaving the flat.

  Feeling a little bereft at the loss of the contact between us. Roger’s hugs always make me feel so safe and loved.

  Jack comes up behind me sliding his arms around my waist. “What are you thinking, Angela?”

  Turning so I can see him. “Why does Roger have such a problem with you?”

  “It is not me per say. Roger will have a problem with any man in your life. It is what comes naturally to him. He needs to be careful, anyone can see he has feelings for you, and he will never be able to act on them.”

  His features change, he looks sad. “It is terrible to not be able to follow your hea
rt.” I may not know Jack that well, but in that moment, I have much respect for him.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  The past couple of days have gone quickly. Jack has gone to work during the day, leaving me in the apartment by myself. Well, almost. I have Tammy here. It turns out that we get a career-come-personal-shopper while going through the last part of the change. I ask Tammy if this is the norm.

  The smile she has on her face does not reach her eyes, “For someone like you, yes, it is.”

  This leaves me with more questions than answers. There is something not right about her, but I cannot put my finger on what it is. I try to push it to the back of my mind. I have always been distrusting. It is how I survived the children’s’ homes and living on the street. She must be okay; otherwise, she would not be here.

  Tammy helps me pick out some items to splash a little personality into my new home. It does not take long before there is a huge list; of what Tammy reassures me are essential items. Personally, I have never needed much.

  I try saying something about the cost, but she holds up her hands. “You have a budget for this, and clothes budget as well, which is the next task that needs addressing.” Tammy gives me an amused look. “I understand the comfort of jeans and trainers, but it will not be correct to be out in public dressed this way.”

  Before I can argue, Tammy holds up her hand again, “I have been told to tell you; if you have a problem with this, take it up with Archie.” I am beginning to dislike Tammy. My gums itch as my irritation rises; time to be somewhere else, anywhere but with her.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Irose this morning to the news that I will soon enter the final stage of the metamorphosis. It will only be a matter of days now, and my change will be complete. Jack has warned me that in the last stage of the change I will go to sleep and not wake until it is complete. I will have nightmares, that will seem real. He has promised he will stay with me while I sleep. He needs to step out for a work-related reason, and then he will return and stay with me until my sleep is over. After I go through the final change, he will have to step aside for Archie to start my training. Roger will be with me during the daylight hours, which I am looking forward to; I have missed his big cheesy grin and bear hugs more than I thought I would.

  I am nervous about trusting someone else to care for me, but I have built the bond with Jack. Nothing like have with Roger, but nonetheless, it is something I cannot describe. Maybe it is all in my mind and it is just the change. Whatever it is, I am going to have to break a habit of a lifetime and trust them to look after me.

  I cannot wait for these changes to be over with. I want to get back to controlling my own life. Although I have a suspicion, I am going to have a few conflicts with doing that along the way. I know that leaving here will never be an option. I have never felt so safe or at home in my life, so I would be a fool to want to leave. However, the independent stubborn girl that I am cannot live off the back of others. I will have to see about getting back to work. I am not fooling myself, I know I cannot afford this place, but at least I can try to earn my keep.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  All is quiet in the apartment. There has been no sign of Tammy for about an hour. I had forgotten how good solitude can feel, I am enjoying it. The fuzziness creeping into my vision is annoying. I have curled up on the sofa with a book and some sweets that Tammy delivered this morning. The book is one that Archie sent over for me to read. It could be that making me drift, it is not the most exciting book. I would normally choose a fiction book. This is all about our history over the last few hundred years. I need to know the politics and rules if I am going to be in among my own kind. Archie attached a note to the book, they will allow me time to integrate as I did not grow up with my own kind. However, after a few weeks, if I mess up, I will have to face the consequences.

  The book is important, but I cannot keep my eyes open. All I want to do is go to sleep. Reaching for my phone, as I know Jack said if I get these feelings, to let him know. I am not to be alone when the final stage of the metamorphosis happens. I will be vulnerable. In his words. “You may have grown up in the wilds of the human world. But once the sleep happens you will not be able to defend yourself. You are not infallible.”

  The room starts to spin violently. I do not remember Jack saying anything about this. Trying to reach for my phone I fall from the sofa the world fazes in and out, it feels like I have had too much to drink.

  I see Tammy stood over me, with a smile on her face. I relax and push myself up. “Am I glad to see you; could you pass me my phone please?”

  Tammy glances over to the table, taking my phone and dropping it to the floor she stamps on it. “I personally don’t see what’s so special about you, but Junta wants you, and I am going to be paid well for this.”

  I see Tammy’s foot coming towards my face. I have a sinking feeling she has drugged me.

  The world goes black.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Coming to in the back of a car. I open my eyes, to find I am staring at the back of the seat. I have no idea where I am. Feeling disoriented, I try to sit up, only to find my hands and feet are tightly bound. Pulling at the ties, I bite my cheek as the pain of them tightening in and cutting into my skin is excruciating. I can hear voices in the front of the car. I recognize Tammy's voice, but the male is someone I do not know. My throat feels so dry and my tongue feels like sandpaper.

  Clearing my throat, "Tammy. Why are you doing this? What did I do to you?"

  "So, you’re awake. You didn't do anything. Poor little rich bitch doesn't even know how good she has it, never wanting for anything."

  I laugh she has it so wrong. “Sorry to break it to you, Tammy, there is no money. I grew up in a home. That apartment came with a job I was lucky to get-"

  I hear the man sneering. "Stupid little cow hasn't a clue."

  I try to move again and cry out; the ties are cutting into my flesh. I can feel the blood trickling from the cuts.

  "Stop struggling, those ties are designed to get tighter. They stop the likes of you from getting free. In addition, you’re bleeding all over my car!"

  "Oh, sorry about that. You kidnapped me. What do you expect me to do, lie here nicely and wait to die?"

  I hear the guy guffaw. "She hasn't got a clue."

  "Shut up, Frank. You know we aren’t supposed to even be talking to her."

  "Clever. You just told her my name, stupid cow."

  They start to argue. I take the opportunity to try to move over towards the door. The haze has lifted slightly, probable adrenalin. I need to do something before the drugs can kick back in. If I can just open the door, I can roll out. Wait, who am I trying to kid? My feet are as restricted as my hands. I give the tie a wiggle, wearing jeans has come in handy. No contact with my skin. I feel it give a little. Kicking hard it snaps. Unfortunately, it causes Tammy to turn and see me struggling.

  "Lay still, stupid. You cannot get out of the ties, so why bother. We are not here to hurt you; we are being paid good money to deliver you unharmed. So, lay still like a good little girl."

  Well, that is like waving a red flag to a bull. I decide to move so I am nearer the door, and with my feet now free, I manage to wedge myself against it. I can hear we are getting into some heavy traffic. If I am lucky, we will have to stop at some point.

  As I struggle, Tammy sticks me with a needle. “I warned you. If you can’t keep still, this will help stop your antics.”

  It has to be now or never; the world is going fuzzy around the edges once more. I push up with all the strength I have left, slamming the door handle. Another piece of luck — it is an old car. Therefore, it has an old-fashioned pushdown door release. Shoving with as much energy as I can muster, the handle moves, and the door flies open. Hoping for the best, I jump.

  I never thought it possible, but I roll and end on my feet. I am up and running like the wind. It must be one of the benefits of being a vampire.

  I hear the car stop and shouting, but
I am not going to wait around to find out what they are saying. I need to find somewhere safe, I can feel whatever Tammy injected me with beginning to work. I notice an alley with boxes set up in it. Where there are boxes, there will be places to hide.

  I enter and the memories of being homeless for that short time, the worry of going to sleep and not getting robbed; or even worse. The alley looks tidy. No rubbish bags spilling their contents or used needles. The sound of people running brings me back to my senses.

  Running down the side of the alley, I spot an older guy sat there. It is otherwise empty no one else in sight. I stumble and manage to fall over in front of him, landing heavily on my side. I am taking a risk, but I hope he is one of the good ones. I am good at reading people. I have one of my I can trust them vibes. Although, I do not have much choice. I can hear Tammy’s screeching voice shouting.

  "Are you okay, luv’? Can I help you?”

  I stare at him, all I see is kindness in his face.

  “I need help. I have people after me. Can I hide in your place, please?”

  A quick nod of his head and a smile, the type where your whole face lights up. “Come on, wee one. Quickly, behind me, I will hide you. How could I refuse, when you asked so nicely? Make sure to tuck your feet in. I can hear them approaching.”

  I curl myself up behind this unknown man. I am surprised. I thought the smells of the street would hit me as I get into his little shelter, my senses have heightened of late. However, I can only smell fresh laundry. I must be going mad, or whatever Tammy injected me with is knocking me sideways.

  I just about manage to tuck myself in when I hear Tammy and Frank come into the alley. Tammy shouts at Frank that if they do not find me, they will be in trouble.

  “Erick is going to be so pissed off.”


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