Welcome to the Family (A Supernatural Saga Book 2)

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Welcome to the Family (A Supernatural Saga Book 2) Page 10

by Caroline F Levy

  I hear Roger sigh. He holds me up like a small child in front of him. “I was beginning to think you would never ask.” He does that loud belly laugh I love and puts me down on the bed. Screwing up his nose.

  Gasping. I had all but forgotten about our heightened sense of smell. “Oh my, I am so sorry. Give me a minute, I will go shower.” Feeling myself blushing as I turn to leave for the bathroom.

  I am stopped by Roger gently grabbing my arm and guiding me to the end of the bed. He sits next to me. “I think we need a quick chat.” Taking a deep breath, releasing it in a steady flow, he stares at me.

  “There will be times when you have fed or have been with a partner.” Roger’s cheeks flush, as I go to say something he holds up his hand. “Please, I need to say this. I am, as you know, a were-bear. And yes, I can smell what you have been doing.”

  My cheeks burn a flame red.

  “We are, I hope, going to be good friends and I also wish to officially bond with you as your protector. Which means; we will be together for a long time. Never feel you need to hide who you are from me. I respect what you need to do, to live a healthy and productive life.” Taking another steadying breath, he looks me straight in the eye. “If ever you need blood and I am with you, I will happily give it to you.” He blows out a breath and looks at me.

  Now, I know what love feels like. A lump forming in my throat. I fling my arms around Roger’s neck, and whisper, “I love you too, my cuddly bear.”

  Chuckling as he whispers back, “Yes, I do love you, but, never call me that in public.”

  Sitting there we giggle like a couple of teenagers.

  Feeling a shove on my shoulder. “Now, please go get a shower you smell of blood and sex. It is driving me nuts.” He does that belly laugh again, gets up, and saunters into the kitchen.

  I go to take a shower while Roger messes about cooking.

  Ambling into the kitchen with just my robe on and my hair wrapped in a towel. I hear him cough. Snickering. “We just had that conversation and you worry about seeing me in my dressing gown?” Grinning wickedly. “At least I am wearing one.”

  His face is a picture. He quickly turns back to the stove. Feeling a pang of guilt for teasing, I cannot help myself. I now know without any doubt that I can trust the man stood on the other side of the counter cooking eggs, to be my closest and best friend. This makes me feel good. Better than I have felt for ages, if ever.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Waking the next morning to voices coming from the living room. I make my way in, sat there having coffee with Roger, is Archie. I have mixed feelings about seeing him.

  I am not sure if I should be happy to see him or angry at the fact he has stayed away for so long. I have so many questions, even more than when I first started to turn. Like my family history, plus why does Jack keep calling me Angel? I know he is not the type to give nicknames. In addition, his parting confession of Angel is my name. Does everyone apart from me know my history?

  Emotions stirring, I decide to go and get a coffee. I need to calm down. The smell of coffee brewing had woken me, but I could do with some food as well.

  “Angela, your breakfast is on the hot plate.”

  No matter what mood I am in, Roger always manages to put a smile on my face.

  Time to relax a little and tease my cuddly bear, it lifts my spirits when I do. “You will make someone a wonderful wife one day, you know.”

  Shimmying into the kitchen with a spring in my step. I can hear him spluttering into his coffee, even Archie is having a chuckle. A cup of coffee and a plate with an assortment of fried goodies is on the hot plate as promised. Just the sight of the food makes me feel so much better.

  After inhaling the food and coffee I know it is time to face my visitors. Taking my time, I return to the living room, plonking myself down on the sofa next to Roger. “So, what is next then?” I assume Archie will tell me, but I am surprised when Roger answers me.

  “Well, the laugh is on you, babes. That big plate of food came with a price tag attached.”

  Rolling my eyes, I learned early on in life, everything comes at a price. I think it is an intervention, Archie chirps in. “After the other day, we have decided that you need to be able to protect yourself. Therefore, Roger is going to be giving you daily self-defense lessons. Just because you cannot die as easily as before, does not mean you cannot be. Plus, we may have a high metabolism, but we can still gain weight. We need to look after our bodies. They have to endure much punishment over the years.”

  He has a grin a mile wide, I have a sinking feeling Roger is going to enjoy this a little too much for my liking.

  “I promise to go gentle, but just for today, mind you. I need to pay you back for the wife remark. On a serious note, if I am going to be able to protect you properly, you need to be able to follow my lead.”

  I hear Archie clear his throat. “I will be back in two hours. Please be ready to go out with me, casual wear will do for today.” With that, Archie stands bows to me and leaves us to our training.

  Well, if that was taking it easy, I am in trouble. Roger called it a leisurely training session. He will let me train this way for the next couple of weeks until I build my fitness and muscle tone to a good standard. I am worse than he first suspected. I honestly did not think I was that unfit. I have never been what I would say overweight, but after just twenty minutes of jogging, my legs felt like jelly. The idea of calling it jogging is a joke too. Even jogging, we are faster than a human would be when running flat-out.

  Then, it is time for the self-defense. It is a good job I heal quickly, otherwise, I would have bruises everywhere.

  I am so pleased when I hear, “That’s enough for the day, go hit the shower, midget.”

  “Midget –”

  Laughing at what is probably the look on my face. “I have no clue where that came from, but I think I like it.” Giving me that cheeky grin that makes his face light up. “Looks like we both have silly pet names now.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Less than an hour later I am sitting in a coffee shop with Archie. It has a modern but eclectic looking style to it, all the mod cons as they say, but it is full of antique furniture. I would have thought they would worry about it getting damaged. Then again looking around at the clientele, I am beginning to understand why they would not have those concerns. Even though the place has a relaxed feel to it, and the dress code is casual, the place has an air of the wealth about it.

  Comfortable sofas have been arranged to maximize the space, but also privacy. The floors are natural to show their original patterns in the wood, and the walls are a rich, warm red. There are many styles of paintings adorning the walls, I am no art critic. The oil paintings have people wearing eighteenth-century clothes. Knowing that a supernatural probably owns this place. It would not surprise me if they are people they have known. The watercolors are beach scenes, such a contrast between the two, but somehow, they go well together, I like them. I lean forward to whisper, “This place is lovely.”

  “Thank you.”

  My face must look a picture, I should know better by now. Laughing loudly a few of the other patrons’ attention is momentarily drawn in our direction. “I bought the place as I like good coffee. What better way is there to make sure I can get one whenever I wish.”

  I view Archie with more curiosity than ever. No matter how casual the occasion, it would seem he dresses faultlessly, even in a pair of jeans and T-shirt he looks as if he would be able to get into a black-tie doo. He catches the eye of nearly every girl in the place without even trying. Having had some real dagger looks I realize why. The way Archie behaves it is as if he has no idea, or, maybe that is what is so attractive to the women here. We sit quietly waiting for our coffee to arrive. Fidgeting with my hoodie tie, I cannot resist any longer.

  “Archie, have you not noticed? You are popular with the ladies.”

  Smiling at me in that grandfatherly fashion he uses when he is about to explain something obv
ious to anyone else. “I have noticed, but it would be unfair to blatantly choose a young lady to take home. I will get Sally to take a polite note with an introduction, to any woman who catches my eye.”

  His mischievous grin has my jaw dropping. I think I like this side of Archie.

  “I will explain. Take this as the start of your lessons. The humans in here know we exist, if we are attracted to them and them us, we can arrange to meet. There must be an agreement made before you meet, about what you want from them and what you are willing to give them. What happens is always up to the individual you meet with; we never force ourselves on any human. We will have an agreement drawn up before the assignation, so it does not feel like a business transaction when we meet. Remember, Angela, with a human it should only ever a business transaction. We should never have a relationship with them, in my experience, it always ends badly.”


  Archie reaches out patting my hand. “This is all part of your training, Angela. I would imagine Jack told you we only ever feed on humans in an emergency.”

  I nod.

  Archie gives me that grandfatherly smile. “We have our own beliefs, but I must teach you about what the rules allow. The laws of the council are prime, we must follow them. Many vampires do not mix with the humans. They view them as fragile and easily broken. I, however, love humans; they are so in the moment. They have but one short life. I have found they want to experience as much as they possibly can. If I can help them with that, who am I to deny them?” The twinkle in his eye is one I have never seen before.

  I want to ask him about the rumors concerning his playroom. Just as I think I have plucked up the courage Sally arrives with our coffees. Archie slips her a note, the slightest nod towards a table on the other side of the room. Sitting quietly drinking our coffee. It is as if Archie has not just been talking about making business deals with others, or about blood and sex. I am under no illusion about what he was telling me.

  It is as if he is waiting for me to ask him a question, my mind is galloping in all sorts of directions. I have no clue what to ask first. Sally comes quietly to the table, handing Archie a slip of paper, then leaves us without a word. Reading the piece of paper, he is all smiles. “It would seem, my dear, you have an admirer. I did say to you this can be two-way. It is rare for a human to approach us; however, it seems the young man over there has taken a liking to you.”

  Choking on my coffee, much to Archie’s amusement. I take a look-see, sure enough, there is a drop-dead-gorgeous guy smiling back at me.

  Archie stands and strolls over to the hottie beaming at me. He sits down so I cannot see what he is saying. Although why I am not sure, I can hear him as if he is sitting next to me. Explaining I am a new member of the community, and although we are flattered, we will have to pass.

  Mr. Hottie looks over to me, “Another time,” and blows me a kiss.

  Archie gets up and drifts back over to me. He sits down casually, folding his leg over and sitting back. “Angela, has anyone ever told you it is rude to listen to other people’s conversations?”

  Staring at the floor with a grin on my face, I know it is rude, but these newly heightened senses rock. I just want to use them.

  I feel a finger under my chin, a small nudge and I make eye contact with Archie. “I know you are still learning, you must avoid listening to conversations had by others. Listening in may get you into all sorts of trouble, it might even end with you receiving a challenge from another of our kind.”

  I tilt my head to one side, ever-thinking as I often do, confusion settles in.

  Sitting up straight and sighing, I think I am beginning to be hard work. “I know we have so much to teach you in such a short while. I was against this from the first.”

  The knot forming in my stomach has me feeling queasy. “Archie, what do you mean you were against this? I have so many questions about me, that you may have the answers too. Oh, and while I am thinking of it, why does Jack keep calling me Angel? He said something about it being my given name.”

  Scooting back in my chair, Archie’s face is one of displeasure. “He had no right to tell you that.”

  Embarrassed, I carry on, “It was when we got intimate. He kept calling me Angel, so I asked him why. It is not his fault.”

  Archie thinks on this and nods. “It would seem our Jack has feelings for you, we do not lie to a vampire we have a close bond with. I just hope this does not complicate life for you.”

  Feeling like my head is about to explode. I can feel my teeth pushing through. Viewing me with alarm Archie abruptly stands. “I think we had better have this conversation in private if you cannot control yourself.”

  Shocked at his tone I hiss at him, I manage to retract my teeth, so no one will notice them. “You have answers to questions I have had all my life. You have stayed away from me for weeks now. How do you think I should feel?”

  Offering me his arm as if I have not spoken to him in such a manner. “Come, my dear. Please be patient. It is time to go home. I need to tell you, your history.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Sitting in my living room with Archie, as he thinks familiar settings are best for this.

  “Your given name is Angel Desdemona Ladislav. Your mother and father are alive. You may even have a brother via your father. Although I do not have official confirmation of this. I am your few times removed cousin.” Archie checks I am listening.

  What he does not know, I am trying not to let my tears fall. I have a family. I blink. “I am listening, please carry on.”

  “Your mother’s name is Jesaray. She met your father, Gideon, while studying at university. She fell for him in a big way. He is charismatic, charming, and even though she had heard rumors of him being a bad boy. She gave him the benefit of the doubt. He managed to convince your mother they were destined to meet. She had no proof the rumors were true about him being, shall we say, not quite right. Until she discovered she was pregnant. By vampire law, this should not have happened, we keep our numbers down by only having children with our fated mate. Gideon had said he could not father children. Of course, your mother being in love trusted and believed him. When she discovered she was pregnant, she had heard that Gideon was also a member of a group called the Junta. They are a society that lives outside the vampire community. There are a few vampires who believe that humans are below us, and, should be treated as they find them, food.”

  The silence is so oppressive. I have a feeling Archie is waiting for me to run from the room screaming.

  “Carry on please, Archie.” Voice cracking. “Why did she abandon me, is it because Gideon is my father?”

  “No child, the opposite. Your father horrified your mother that she decided to hide you from him. She knew he would take you into the life of the Junta, saying it would be the best place to hide an unofficial child. She did not want that life for you. That is why you were placed on the steps of St Paul’s. You must understand, this left your mother running for her life. When Gideon discovered you had been born, he wanted you, his child, he had a right to his protégée. Your mother came to me for help. We have always been close. She needed somewhere she could hide you. I knew of your Father Gerald. The best place to hide you would be with the humans. Gideon would never think to look for you there.”

  “Angel suits you better than Angela, but I will leave it to you to decide which name you wish to be addressed by, my dear.”

  Still reeling from all the information Archie has given me. My miserable childhood was down to I have a father out there who is likely mad. I have more questions, but Archie insists we eat while we talk.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  “I need to know, Archie, where is my mother?”

  We are at Antonio’s Restaurant, which is a little surreal. The last time I came here, I was in my Sunday best, nervous as anything, waiting to see a hot guy for an interview. So much has changed in the last couple of months.

  Asking again, “Please, Archie, where is m
y mother?”

  Breathing out deeply, he runs his hands over his chin. “Your mother was running for her life. As the years went by your father gave up chasing after you, but we thought it best to leave you with the humans. Word is out, there is a new vampire on the scene. I think Gideon will have already worked out who you are. We suspect it may have been him trying to take you the other day.”

  I stop playing with the food on my plate and make eye contact with Archie. “Why would he want to kidnap me? I mean, why doesn’t he just come and see me?”

  “Your father is not welcome within the walls of any Topline building. Even though we cannot out him as a member of Junta. We know he funds much what happens within the group.”

  I push my food around a little more. I can feel Archie staring at me.

  “Angela, you are not your father. You are so much like your mother in so many ways, beautiful inside and out. You care what happens to others. Look at Mac. You come out of a terrifying ordeal. Your first thought was if he had gotten hurt.” Archie grabs my hand across the table, nearly knocking his wine over, giving my hand a squeeze. “I know Jesaray will be so proud of you. One of these days, she will be able to come home. I can tell you she is helping others who are less fortunate than we are. This is the main advantage of being a vampire. We live long enough to amass a tidy sum, and we can choose to put it to good use.” He gives my hand another squeeze and tells me he does have something for me from my mother. “Time to go home, and let you have the letter your mother left in my keeping for you.”

  Glancing at Archie, he can see me opening and shutting my eyes quickly, I swallow the sobs trying to escape. I have never been this emotional in all my life. Standing he pulls me up with him into a protective hug as we turn to the door.

  Stopping just as we get to the exit. “We cannot leave, Archie. The bill.”

  Turning to me he places his palms on my cheek, giving me a tender kiss on the forehead. Gasping for air, this is the first time he has ever been this close to me, he is so overpowering. I can smell citrus. “Angela my darling girl, we pay our bills monthly. Now come on, my dear, you have a letter to read.” Snapping his fingers in front of me. “Oh, my dear little one. I have so much to teach you, like how to shut your emotions off for one. You are wide open for the world to take advantage of; I suspected as much. You are so much like your mother it is astounding. She always left herself wide open with her emotions as well.” Leaning in he whispers, “I think that is how you came about.” He pulls me back into the hug and walking me out of the door, laughing all the way back to the car.


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