Welcome to the Family (A Supernatural Saga Book 2)

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Welcome to the Family (A Supernatural Saga Book 2) Page 13

by Caroline F Levy

  We sit down after grabbing a drink from the fridge. Something tells me this is not going to be a quick visit. Feeling spent already, I do not need any more major bombshells. “So, Dorian — can I call you Dorian?”

  His laughter is warm and seductive. I feel a smile breaking across my face and I have no idea why.

  “Dorian is my name, what else would you like to call me?” He regards me with a mischievous look on his face.

  An unknown sensation is forming in the pit of my stomach working its way around my body. My heart speeds up and my hands become clammy with nerves, but most annoyingly, my cheeks start to color. Damn, I am going to have to learn to control that. Coughing nervously, “I think Dorian is good with me.” Sitting back, I settle into the sofa stifling a yawn.

  “Oh, I am so sorry, Angel. I had forgotten you are so young, you need your rest.” Frowning at me. “When did you last feed?”

  “It has been a while.”

  Shaking his head. “You must remember to feed, Angel!”

  I get the feeling I am about to receive another lecture. Finding myself pinned down. I freeze, shock and excitement course through my veins. What is happening to me? I come to my senses — he has me pinned down by my throat. The room spins, I feel consciousness slipping away. Have I misjudged his intentions? Too late, I cannot even call out. My chest burns, I may have taken my last breath.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  I come to, feeling warm and relaxed. This must be heaven. I have a split-second thought, vampires do not go to heaven. I hear laughter I do not recognize. Feeling light-headed and wonderful.

  Jumping up, I hear a thud and turn to see Dorian in a heap on the floor. Running to him, I stop and crouch down. “I am so sorry, Dorian. I thought you were killing me.”

  “Far from it my lady. You must feed more often. I noticed you were slipping into an unintentional sleep. I took your pulse and it was nonexistent. I would not normally share blood with someone I am not sleeping with, or at least good friends with. I would appreciate you not telling anyone that I have. I hope you can appreciate the awkward position this could put us in.”

  Stupid. I thought he was attacking me. “I am so sorry, with everything that is going off at the –” I trail off as I remember I am not supposed to be talking about what has happened tonight.

  Dorian must notice my discomfort and changes tack. “If you hadn’t already noticed, my blood will make you feel, different for a few days. You will have to take care to not let the extra speed and strength show, or people will start asking questions.”

  I do feel good. No, that is an understatement, I am buzzing with energy, and the fatigue has lifted. I just grin at him like a lovesick teenager.

  Dorian carries on, “When we feed, we can take strength from the one we feed on. The older we get the more powerful and stronger we become. I am old, and so you will find my blood intoxicating.”

  Helping Dorian to his feet, we make our way back to the living room.

  “I do not wish to be rude, I am grateful to you for helping me, but why are you here?”

  “Junta; Archie has told me you know about your mother.”

  Holding up my hand, I rather rudely stop Dorian from saying anything further. “Okay, this is becoming rather annoying. Is there anyone who does not know my mother is alive and well?” I tap my foot on the floor to distract myself or I will start to show fang in front of – I. Wonder what his title is? A couple of deep cleansing breaths. This is so frustrating, everyone knows what is going on and I get little snippets. “Right, that’s it! I do not care who you are, I demand you tell me what is going on. I have bits of information. Archie told me he does not wish to overwhelm me with too much information is not cutting it.” My head wants to explode at the frustration of it all, plus, so much energy. I need to do something. “I need to speak to Jack.”

  Before I know it, Dorian has pinned me down on the sofa. He says through gritted teeth, “You will not be talking to Jack Jones about any of this. He is not a member of Desory. I forbid you to talk to anyone outside the clan about this. Do you understand me, Angel?”

  Pushing myself trying to get free, I feel Dorian’s body pressed to mine. As the heat builds between us, I whisper into Dorian’s ear, “I do not need to talk to Jack about this. I have another need, he said if ever I needed anything.”

  I hear Dorian swallow, and he releases his grip on me. Nevertheless, as he moves I notice his arousal.

  Air escapes my lips. What is it with the men around me wanting to get up close and personal?

  “Angel, you are a most beautiful woman. Even more than that, you are going to be a powerful vampire. We can sense this, and it draws us to you.”

  I slide up Dorian’s body a little more until I am sitting upright. Dorian releases my hands.

  “Damn! Will you please stay out of my head?”

  His amusement is infectious, I cannot help smiling. Jeez, this man is irresistible. I wonder how old he is.

  “Tut-tut, my dear, that is a personal question.”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I pout. This man is so maddening, so why do I feel so drawn to him. Then again, I was to Jack as well. There is something dark and dangerous about these men, it has to be why I find them so attractive. Shaun is a faint memory, such a child in comparison.

  “You are growing into a woman, Angel, and yes, you will see humans in a different light. Give it a few hundred years and the knowledge we pick up along the way and you will find humans childish but fascinating at the same time. There will be the odd exception, unfortunately, this is a fact you will have to grow used to. A little advice; steer clear of humans and try to avoid getting attached. They are fragile creatures, the flame burns fast and hard for them, but all too quickly it is extinguished.”

  I am feeling a little deflated at the thought of outliving my friends.

  I feel a pair of arms surround me and pull me in, but instead of trying to be the independent person I have been until recently, I snuggle in and breathe in deeply. I smell a wonderful musky, male scent. I feel his heartbeat skip before going back to its steady rhythm. I snuggle into the hug, snagging a couple of the buttons on Dorian’s shirt, breathing in the wonderful scent and gently rubbing my cheek across a now bare chest. I hear Dorian’s breath hitch.

  A smile ghosts across my face, he must have felt it, as he pulls me up and slides our bodies closer together until we are face-to-face.

  “Do not play games you know nothing of Angel. You will find we do not play coy. If we are attracted to someone, we do not play childish games.” He is so close I can feel his breath on my cheek, his lips trace across my cheek before he pulls away.

  I swallow hard, which makes him grin. I feel more of his body pressed against me, and I can feel his attraction to me. Apart from the massive hard-on, he is sporting, his breathing is shallow, and his skin is hot to the touch. I imagine us naked and sweaty. I shake my head. Where did that come from?

  “Sorry, that was me.”

  It is my turn to take a deep intake of breath. “No! I could see – thoughts?”

  He clears his throat. “Hmm – I will have to watch you. I had no clue you can see what people are thinking, I did not bother to hide them. You are a most remarkable vampire, my dear.”

  Sitting back so I can see his face and look him in the eye, I ask, “Is this the only reason you have sought me out?” I instantly regret saying it, as I see the hurt on his face, even if it is for only a fleeting second. I start to apologize but feel a finger on my lips.

  “Hush, I can understand why you would ask. You have grown up in a world where it is everyone for themselves. Although I will not lie, vampires also have agendas, but we are more open about what we are doing. We know deviousness and lies will always catch you in the end. We live for a long time, so there is no point to it.” I still have a finger on my lips he is not removing it. “I am here because you are new and not just any new vampire, we have had many new vampires come into the world over the years, but you hav
e grown up outside the clans. I have to admit I was curious to see if this had an adverse effect on you.”

  Moving back from Dorian. “So, you are just curious about the mutt from out in the human world?”

  He winces and shakes his head sadly. “You have such a low opinion of yourself. I do hope that you will soon learn you are most certainly not a mutt! First, you come from one of the most powerful and prestigious vampire clans in existence. Second, since the first time I laid eyes on you back in the reception of Top-line Towers, I have found myself drawn to you. I wanted to guide you through your metamorphosis but knew if I did, you would have been in more danger than you are already. I am going to get to know you Angel Desdemona Ladislav. The next time we meet, you will not say no to me.”

  Slumping back in the chair, flabbergasted. Will I ever get used to people thinking I am more than I see in the mirror?

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Rising the next morning I feel good after a long chat with Dorian. He is so easy to talk to, I feel so relaxed with him. Who would have thought? Only a couple of months ago, I was living in a flat with a man I hardly knew. The fact I walked out of the flat covered in bruises confirms that. Thinking of Shaun makes me wonder why I have not heard from him. It surprises me he has not been here looking for me. Although thinking of it, if he came face-to-face with any of these people he would scurry away like a coward. Time to forget he even existed and carry on with my life.

  Enough dwelling on the past I have a busy future ahead of me. If only I can sort through the family stuff. It turns out that Dorian had heard through the grapevine it had been against my father’s wishes that my brother Erick has decided that I needed to be disposed of. I am the cause of my father not accepting him as his heir. I now have a price on my head, wonderful.

  Okay, time to get my ass out of this bed. I have training today with both Roger and Archie, and knowing I have a price on my head is a good incentive to get on with it. I can smell bacon cooking. I am sure Roger would have called out when he arrived.

  Roaming from my bedroom into the kitchen, I come on an older looking woman shuffling around my kitchen. “Good morning, Miss. My name is Nancy. I know you, but you do not know of me. Did you get the note from your mother I left on the desk?”

  This stops me in my tracks.

  Turning, she gives me a warm smile. “You have grown into a most beautiful young woman, so like your mother. I remember the night you were born. Such a wee thing, broke your mother’s heart having to give you away, you know.”

  I stand in the middle of the kitchen, frozen to the spot.

  “Well, don’t just stand there. Come on, sit, eat. I am just sorry I was not here when you first arrived. I take one holiday a year and you had to come then.” She shuffles over to the sink, I hear her chuckle. “No matter, I am here now and do not plan to be going anywhere soon. Now I will not repeat myself, come eat, you must be starving.”

  After the most wonderful breakfast I have ever had, I go to my bathroom to find a bath ready to jump into, and a towel warming on the rack. Nancy follows me with a pile of clean clothes, ready to put away. “Nancy, did you do this?”

  She nods making a shooing gesture with her hands. “Go have your bath. I will tend to your room, I think I have a handle on what you like to wear. Your clothes will be ready for you on the bed.” I start to protest, she puts her hands on her hips. “Now you listen to me, Angel Desdemona Ladislav. I took care of your mother, and I made a promise to her on the day of your birth. The moment you arrived home, I would take care of your needs, so please do not make me out to be a liar.”

  Hearing my full name used like that shocks me. Trying to argue with Nancy is a no-brainer. I can see I will never win. I go into the bathroom, thinking to myself, I could get used to this, as I slide into the bath.

  “That’s a good girl. Time for someone to look after you. That is how it should have been in the beginning.”

  So many people caring about me is overwhelming, although I am sure some of them are not supposed to be. I have a lot of thinking to do. I need to decide who I can trust and who has an agenda.

  I think it is time to worry about me, learning about how to protect myself for one. It will soon be time for me to appear in front of the vampire council, to prove I will be a good little vampire and not rock the boat. Archie has reassured me I will be fine. I am literally putting my life in this man’s hands. Can I trust him? With only a letter from my mother to prove that he is who he says he is. I suppose the one advantage I have is that my mother is coming home; I have so many questions to ask. At least I now know she did not give me up willingly.

  It is time to go and meet Archie for – I am not going to call them lessons. I think they are more like chats. Therefore, it is time to go have a chat. The difference is, today I am going to be asking the questions. Instead of sitting timidly like the frightened child I have become lately.

  As I leave my apartment, I shout my goodbyes to Nancy. I find Roger patiently waiting for me. Knowing what the answer will be, I cannot resist. “Why are you waiting outside?”

  “You must be kidding. You have met Nancy. She is a tyrant for such a tiny woman. She scares the bejeezus out of me.”

  Seeing this towering hulk of a man, genuinely concerned about what this one woman could do to him. “Why would you be worried?” I cross my arms over my chest, trying to look stern. “Should I be concerned? Are you sure you are up to the job of being my protector?” Poor Roger, the color drains from his face. He starts to stutter a response. I cannot hold it in any longer, as I splutter with laughter. “Lighten up, cuddly bear; I would be disappointed if you did not see Nancy that way.” Whispering, “She scares me too.”

  Snickering comes from a way down the hall, followed by a rumbling growl from Roger. Realizing my mistake as I see Mac snickering at Roger’s nickname. Lowering my voice, I apologize to Roger as I Turn to Mac, “Watch it, or one of these days I will think of a suitable nickname for you.” Stopping instantly, as Roger’s eyes light up as he wiggles his eyebrows at Mac, thankfully without any further delay we are on our way to see Archie.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  “Archie, you need to give up the goods on Erick and my father. I need to know what I am up against.”

  Not happy comes to mind as he paces the room, I would go as far to say he is agitated. “Your father is not the threat right now. Erick is. He has put a price on your head. His reasoning must be, with you out of the way he will become number one. The problem with that is he is a half-breed. He is one of a few, we do not have exact numbers but there is one, if not two, other siblings. As far as we know, all half-human. As far as we are aware, you are the only full-breed vampire.

  I have heard the tale of another child born on the same night as the Desory came to be. However, as far as I am aware, both mother and child perished. Which in turn makes you Gideon’s sole heir.”

  “I know it is wrong that Erick wishes to kill me, but I sort of understand where he is coming from. I grew up not knowing about my parents. To grow up knowing exactly who your parents are, only to be shunned must be devastating. I am not sure how I would feel if I knew and grew up isolated and unloved.”

  Archie stops in front of me and grips me by the shoulders. “Do not to feel bad for him. He has chosen his path. He has killed vampires in the name of Junta. He is a cold-blooded killer with no emotions.”

  “I have to disagree, Archie. If that is the case if he has no emotions, why would he be so intent on killing me?”

  Archie shakes his head at me. “Your father is a rich man. You would do well to remember that. Erick wants the money, the power that comes with having money is a good enough reason for him. There is no excuse for the way he behaves. Damaged by a bad childhood or not. He needs stopping.”

  I cannot get him to budge. Archie will not tell me about my father.

  “Archie, you have told me everything else. Why do you insist on not speaking of my father?”

  Shrugging his shoulders, �
��I do not know him, so I will not comment. All I know is in the Desory reports and, it is different from the public image he keeps. There is nothing I could say, that will be of interest you. The person to ask is your mother.”

  I petulantly stamp my foot, and sound like a toddler who wants sweeties, “But she is not here.”

  “Your mother will be here the day after tomorrow. Against my better judgment if you ask me, but after hearing about the attempt on your life, she has decided to come home now.”

  I am not sure how I feel about this piece of news. My stomach churns. Is it nerves? What if I am a disappointment, my shoulders slump as Archie looks at me intently.

  “Your mother is going to be so proud of you. You have nothing to worry about. She will expect you to be answering to your given name, and not the disguise we made for you.”

  Stepping back and crossing my arms over my chest. “Well, considering most of you call me Angel anyway, it is not that big of a big deal anymore.” I see Archie relax. “Archie, does my mother scare you?”

  Surprised, he replies, “Your mother is a formidable woman, and a remarkable vampire. As I have already told you, the big boss, as you would say. Therefore, yes, she can make me feel a little nervous at times. Now, my dear, we have much to be getting on with for the return of your mother. Come on. Let us get to it; you have lessons to be completing.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Today is the day I get to meet my mother. I have butterflies in my stomach, sweaty palms and a pulse rate I cannot control. Along with my fangs at times.

  The place is on alert, there is so much going on around me. No one will have noticed if I slip out, or so I thought. Only to have Roger bump into me. Well, that makes a change, it is normally the other way around. I thought I had managed to escape.

  “One of these days I will get some me time, and I mean when I am awake.”


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