Salem Charm: Book 3 of Colson Brothers Series

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Salem Charm: Book 3 of Colson Brothers Series Page 8

by Madison, Reese

  Myles stepped around the table before I could catch up and figure out what he was doing. “I’ll say there’s something wrong.”

  I jumped up and ran to get in Myles’ face. “Wait, it’s not like that. He’s never touched me, I swear.”

  He looked down at me. “Are you sure? Because I can rip him apart right here.”

  “I’m sure. I’d tell you if I wasn’t sure, you know that.” I reminded him.

  He nodded, “Alright. I’m going down to gamble a months salary away.” He looked at Lou, “Keep your hands to yourself.”

  Lou lifted an eyebrow at him before turning it on me, “Would you mind telling me what that was all about?”

  “I made the mistake of complaining about you using me as you human body pillow. He took it wrong. I said it wrong. Whatever.” I threw my hand up in the air and went back to the sofa. I give up.

  Lou sat down beside me after shedding his leather and kevlar. “He’s right though. I overstepped the boundaries.”

  “Yes, you did.” I agreed.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what gets into me, except I have this need to be close to you. To hold you. That, and you smell really good.”

  “I smell like cheap hotel body wash.” I argued.

  “Not that smell, your smell. Everyone has a distinct scent, one all their own. Yours is intoxicating.”

  “There you go, saying all these sweet things again, muddling my brain.” I topped off my wine and sat back to look at the television.

  “Maybe tonight isn’t the night for this kind talk.” He decided and sat back too.

  “What kind of talk?”

  “The talk where I tell you I love you and you’re stuck with me.” He said so simply it took me a second.

  “You can’t possibly love me Lou, you barely know me. besides, you hate everything about me. My snobby way of talking. My fancy spoiled rich bitch clothes. About the only nice thing you’ve said about my appearance, involved curves I am none too proud of.”

  He exhaled in frustration and scratched the back of his head. “Boy, you are on fire tonight.”

  “I’m just pointing out the truth. I’ve grown to like you, maybe you’ve grown to like me a little, but that’s all it is. Not only that, but my life is about to go into a tailspin. I have no idea what I’m in for with Paulie and my father’s companies.”

  “I have a pretty good idea what you’re in for, which is why I’m not leaving you alone to deal with it.”

  “I have Myles.” I argued.

  “Myles is a body guard, he specializes in security, a lot like myself, but he can’t help you sort out the business.”

  “And you can?”

  “Maybe I can, maybe I can’t, but I know who can.” He assured me.

  “Maybe you were right. We should discuss this another time.”

  “Excellent.” He reached for my wine glass, downed it, and set it on the table. Then he scooped me up like a bride. “I have a better idea anyway.”

  “What exactly do you have in mind?”

  He tossed me on the large bed then turned back to close the doors.

  I scrambled back on the bed. “Lou?”

  He pulled his shirt off and tossed it on the chair. Then he leaned over and grabbed my foot dragging me to him. I fell on my back as he crawled over me.

  I put my hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes. There’s a burning need in those eyes I’ve never seen before. “This can’t be a good idea.”

  “Oh, it’s a very good idea.” He teased me by nipping along my jaw. “A very good idea.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  He touched his lips to mine suddenly. “I’m going to kiss you until you agree to marry me.” His mouth crushed mine halting the ‘What??’ I was about to scream.

  Damn him. This man has my number, and all he’s doing is kissing me! Oh, he’s so yummy. Ah screw it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and found his hair to be very soft between my fingers. Now this is the kind of distraction I can sink my teeth into.

  I wallowed in his kiss because this is so much better than the last week of my life. He’s making everything go away and replacing it with himself. His loving eager kisses that are leaving me breathless and aching in places I’ve never ached before.

  I pushed on his chest so he lifted up. “Wait. I can’t breathe.”

  He smiled and moved my hair off my face. “You are even more beautiful when you’re flushed and panting.”

  “I think we should stop.”

  He looked playfully confused, “Oh really? Why is that?”

  “You know why.” I tried to sit up but he didn’t budge so I laid back down. “Lou, don’t.”

  “Is there a problem?”

  “Yes!! I don’t know what to do… with… this.” I pointed to him and then to myself and back again.

  “Ah. It has nothing to do with that ache between your legs?”

  I covered my face. “How can you know that??”

  “Easy, I have the same ache.” He took my hand away. “I can take it away, without taking your virtue. Just a touch, and I can make you sleep like a baby.”

  Oh God that sounds really good. “I… don’t know.”

  “Okay, tell you what. When you want me to stop, just say stop. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.” He promised.

  “What are you going to do?”

  He rolled off to his side and flipped the top button of my jeans open. “Just touch.” He slid the zipper down and that ache came back ten fold.

  “Barbara, look at me.” He insisted softly.

  “I’m so nervous.” I lifted my knees and leaned them to my left.

  “That’s okay, just try to relax a little. Put your legs down.” He slid down, took my boots off, and then grabbed my jeans pulling them completely off. He climbed back on the bed between my legs and lowered his head. Then he inhaled right on the top of my panties!! “You smell as sweet as you look.”

  “Oh my God!!” I don’t know whether to beg for more or try to run.

  He laughed and slid up alongside me. He looked down into my eyes. “Keep your eyes open. I want to see you.”

  “What do I do?” I asked nervously.

  “Nothing. Have you ever, you know, taken care of things yourself?”

  “What things?”

  He closed his eyes, “You have got to be kidding me.”

  “What??” Is he disappointed?

  He looked at me again with some kind of primal need. “I’m going to touch you now.”

  I nodded. “Does it hurt?”

  “No, not just touching. When I take your virginity it will hurt a little, but we’re a ways from that. Just enjoy yourself.” He took that wandering hand of his and ran his fingers just under my panty line. “I think we’ll make this one quick.”

  He slid his hand over my mound pushing my legs apart. He held his hand firmly over me and something jumped inside me.

  Then he brought his hand back like he was going to leave me, but he stopped. I don’t know what he did, but suddenly he’s rubbing me and the anxiety in my belly exploded into a million pieces radiating to every limb and caressing it gloriously.

  “Oh sweet Geezus.” Lou’s fingers found me wet, very wet. “Oh baby, let’s see if we can get another one of those for ya.” He started again and the explosion slammed into me so hard I screamed and grabbed the bedsheets to keep from floating off into space.

  I felt him slow and move his hand lower. His finger gently probed without entering me. The pumping continued and I felt that need for release building again. How many times can a person do this??

  Turns out four is my limit. “Okay, you win!”

  He laughed and set me free of his glorious torment. “I love you B
arbara Whitmore, more than you will ever know.”

  I looked up at him as he kissed my forehead and rolled off the bed. “Where are you going?”

  He lifted the covers. “Roll over here. I’m going to take a cold shower. You get some sleep.”

  “A cold shower? Why would you do that?” I slid over so he could tuck me in between the sheets.

  “Because I’m a gentleman Miss Whitmore, and you’ve had enough for one day.”

  “Oh.” It suddenly hit me why men take cold showers. “Sorry.”

  He kissed my forehead and both cheeks, when I tried for a real kiss he shook his finger at me, “No more for you tonight. I’m a man, not a saint.” He tapped my nose. “Sleep baby.”

  I closed my eyes and thought back to the wonderful things he’d just made me feel. Well, now I get what all the fuss is about! The thought made me smile as I fell blissfully into a dreamless sleep.


  When I woke up Lou was once again draped all over me. This time I laid still and touched his hair. “What am I to do with you?” I whispered as low as I could.

  He groaned, “I told you, marry me.” He replied softly.

  “I am in no condition to marry anyone. What brought all this on anyway?”

  He kept his head on my chest and nuzzled me with his nose. This is the closest he’s gotten to my breasts since we’ve been ‘sleeping’ together. I should be bothered, but I’m too comfortable.

  “I think it was a gradual process. The more I touch you, and kiss you, the more I want. I like just sitting in the same room with you too, watching the way you move so gracefully, it’s like you’re made of water.”

  “Well, the human body is 80 percent water.” I tugged his hair, “I need to use the restroom.”

  He lifted up and looked down at me, “Will you come back?”

  “I think that would be a bad idea right now. I need to figure things out Lou.”

  “About us? Or about your father?”

  “I think both.”

  He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Alright, but just so you know, I’m not going to be so easy for you to toss aside. I see how you look at me. You have to see what you’re doing to me. I’ll make you my bride if it’s the last thing I do.” He warned me.

  “What makes you so sure you want me?” I asked as he sat upright to let me out from under him.

  “Everything. Your smile, your hips, your quick wit, and smart, but always polite, mouth. The way you handled Big Paulie about gave me a stiffy on the spot.” He laughed and fell on his back. “And then the way you smell, and last night. Geezus kitten, you have so much passion it’s impossible to stop thinking about.”

  “I think you might be nuts. Where are my pants?” I looked around on the floor.

  He pointed to the other side of the bed, “Over there somewhere.”

  “Will you kindly retrieve them for me?”

  He looked at me, “I’ve already seen you in your skivvies. You don’t need to be shy around your future husband.”

  “Lou… please.” I begged. “I have no sense of humor before coffee.”

  “Nah. You want ‘em, you get ‘em.” He’s enjoying my torment.

  I grabbed the blanket and pulled, but he’s laying on it. I slept under the covers, he slept on top, as usual. “Now look.”

  He’s laughing.

  I grabbed a pillow and smacked him in the face, “Go get my pants!!”

  He’s laughing harder now as he steals the pillow and tosses it to the floor.

  “Lou!!” Now I’m laughing despite my frustration at this suddenly childish man.

  He reached out and started pulling the blanket slowly away from me. “Are you shy little kitten?”

  “Yes!!” He looks so playful and sweet I can’t help but feel like a kid myself.

  He finished pulling the blanket away and then the sheet. Then it turned into a wrestling match that was quite fun! I’ve never wrestled with anyone except Myles, and that was self-defense training, not play. Nothing like this. He tickled my sides and put exaggerated kisses all over my neck making me squirm. If it wasn’t so much fun I might be humiliated.

  He finally let me up even though he pretended to chase me to the bathroom. I was still laughing and smiling like an idiot when I shut the door and leaned my back against it. He really does know how to distract a girl. I’m sure he’s had plenty of practice. A pang of jealously hit me. I pushed it away refusing to let it ruin my giddy mood. I’m not sure I’ve ever been giddy before. Thank you Lou.

  Over breakfast I decided to brave a question that’s been nagging at me since this morning when he said I have so much passion. “I have a, strange question.”

  “Ask me anything you want kitten.” He said cutting into his pancakes.

  “Is it… like that, for everyone?”

  He looked up, “What?”

  “What you did to me in there, last night.” I pointed to the bedroom. “Is it like that for everyone?”

  He smiled big and wicked, “No baby. Not that I know of.”

  “Then… I’m so confused.” I laughed at myself.

  “Sex feels good to most, great to some, and from what I understand, fantastic to the few who find that connection like I found with you. When we make love, we’re really gonna lose our minds.” He promised and bit the pancakes off his fork quickly, playfully, with promises in his eyes. Wicked, sultry eyes.

  I blushed, “You make it sound like it’s been decided.”

  “In my book, it is decided. I’m not going to let you go Barbara. You will be mine, and I’m going to enjoy every second it takes to seduce you.”

  “I get butterflies in my stomach when you talk like that.” I said as my face heated up.

  “Tell me something. When you told me I could leave last night, down in the casino, would you have let me walk out that door never to be seen again?”

  I felt my heart clench around my stomach. “I…” The idea of not waking up with him laying all over me hit me hard. Right in the chest. “My pride would have let you, but I would have regretted it.”

  “That’s what I needed to hear. I’m not going anywhere baby. You need me, and I need you.”

  “What about your job?”

  He shrugged, “I can afford some time off. When things settle down for you I’ll pick up a few jobs to pay the bills. Right now I have plenty of money in the bank for us to live on until then.”

  “No, I… I didn’t mean the money. I have more money than sense. I thought you liked it. I don’t want to take over your life.” I can’t figure out what I’m trying to say.

  “The work is fine, but it’s not everything. You on the other hand, are everything. Don’t worry about me, or money. Your assets might get seized when this shit hits the fan anyway. I don’t want your money Barbara, I hope you know that.” He looked at me with scolding and daring eyes.

  “Yes, I know that. My life is about to do a somersault. I could be neck deep in my father’s illegal activities. This could be an awful mess to sort out, and in two weeks Paulie is going to start coming after me. I’ll be running for my life and trying to fight for what’s mine. Mr. Whitmore may not have been my biological father, but the people working for him are now my responsibility. If I can’t handle it, I have to see that it’s sold off to anyone but Paulie.”

  “You’ve given this a good deal of thought.”

  “A little. I want to make sure you really want to get involved in this mess. I also don’t want to fall any further in love with you only to have you leave in a few months, or ask for a divorce because it’s too much.” I finally said it! The marriage part was a little over the top as far as I was concerned, but he kept bringing it up.

  “Ah. So you think so little of me that I would just up and leave you because shit got a litt
le tough. Honey, I live tough, it’s nothing new to me. My experience as a Transporter will serve to keep you from having to look over your shoulder all the time. I’ll keep you safe, and you can concentrate on how to protect your new empire. I want to be with you, even just sitting here eating breakfast, and talking. This is all I need.” He smiled, “Now my wants are a little different story.” He flirted with a look before continuing, “All you need to know about how I feel is that I love you. And when you’re ready I’m going to put you in front of a priest and marry you. Then I’m going to spend the rest of my life riding you when I’m not riding my Harley.” He teased with a playful smile.

  I put my hand to my stomach. “Oh my. You really can’t say things like that.”

  He laughed, “It’s a biker thing. When some of us get married they throw in the vow to ride the old lady as much as the bike. I don’t know where it started, but most us get a good laugh when somebody uses it.”

  “It’s… kind of sexy, but weird.” I laughed at myself and my ignorance of his world. Which brought my head up and my fork down. “Speaking of which. How do I fit into your world. I mean, I wear dresses, not jeans and leather.”

  He sat back looking like a big playful man with a secret.


  “I just pictured you in a short leather skirt sitting on my bike. I might need another cold shower.”

  I put my hands over my face. “Oh my God! I would never have the guts to wear something like that.”

  “I bet you would. Finish your breakfast. We’ll go take care of an errand with the Vegas chapter, then I’ll take you shopping. Vegas is the perfect city for shopping.”

  Myles walked through the door, “Hey kid, you okay?”

  I blinked a couple times. “Yeah, I’m just… yes, I’m fine.” I laughed.

  Lou spoke up, “Hey buddy, we cool?”

  “Is she okay?” Myles pointed to me.

  “Ask her. We’re just having a bit of fun over breakfast. You walked in after I said something that made her blush.” He explained for me.

  I looked up at Myles and smirked, “That’s true. Do all men have such silver tongues with women?”


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