Slay Belles & Mayhem: A Medley of Dark Tales

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Slay Belles & Mayhem: A Medley of Dark Tales Page 20

by Dani René

  His movement captures my attention as my gaze falls to his hand. He’s no longer touching me. Instead, he’s removed himself from his pants. The warmth within me spreads further, hotter, as I watch him gently stroking himself.

  Just then, the sound of the front door opens. My head turns in the sound's direction and I push Henry’s finger from between my lips.

  “Harry! Henry!” I hear before enormous feet stomp up the steps to the next floor.

  It’s James.

  My heart beats with terror and I feel like a child caught doing something wrong. I panic.

  “We must finish this later,” Henry whispers.

  “Perhaps for dessert,” Harry adds, licking across my collarbone and up my throat.

  I’m unable to move as they leave the kitchen. Stricken by shock, I don’t know how long I stand in that spot. Eventually, I get my legs to work again and glance at the clock. The chicken has been cooking for twenty minutes. I remember that I was getting ready to set the table before Henry and Harry interrupted me, so I pick up the plates and enter the dining room.

  My heart is still racing through my feverish-like body by the time I’m finished. I exit the kitchen through the door leading into the garden. Hopefully, the chilly night air will help calm my body.

  “There you are.”

  I look up from the grass beneath the log that I am sitting on to see Benji leaning against the door jam.

  “I’m sorry, my Lord.” I stand quickly. “I was just getting some air while supper cooks.”

  “It’s alright. It’s not as though we can’t find you when we need you,” he says, nodding to the cuff around my ankle. “All we need to do is follow your leash.”

  His words send a sharp pain through my heart and I hang my head. I can’t get a read on Benji. One moment he’s sweet, the next he’s cruel. I don’t think I was meant to overhear his conversation with James this morning, but I did. He was the one who fought to get others to agree to keep me around.

  For what?

  To keep me safe?

  Or to deliver his own punishment for me?

  I’m near to the point where I don’t care which it is, I just need him to be consistent about it.

  “Anyway, I came to tell you that it’s nearly seven. James will be in the dining room any minute.”

  “Thank you, my Lord.”

  He walks back into the manor. I take one last look at the night sky. It feels like weeks have passed since I left my home. I wonder what Mother and Father are doing. And my ladies. I’m sure they’re worried, but they mustn’t be.

  I am with my family.

  Handing the carving knife to James, he cuts into the chicken that I’ve placed in front of him. I stand back from the table, as my stomach growls. The delicious smell of the meal I’ve prepared adds to the pride I’m feeling for this accomplishment. Silently I wait, trying to keep my excitement to a minimum.

  “What the fuck is this?”

  Shock shoots through me as James speaks. My gaze flies between his and the chicken on the table in front of him. He cuts into it further, revealing a very uncooked bird beneath the top layer.

  Throwing the knife down on the table, James is at my side in a flash, gripping the back of my neck. Pain erupts from my face as he forces my cheek down on the hard, wooden surface of the table.

  With his other hand, he tears a chunk of meat from the chicken and shoves it in my face.

  “Is this what you call cooked? Are you trying to poison us? Kill us so you can get free?

  “No! I swear!” I scream as hot tears pool in my eyes. “I’ve never—”

  “He sent you here, didn’t he? To get rid of us once and for all?”

  My ear rings loudly as James shouts into it.

  “What? Who?” I plead with him to answer.

  I barely notice the cold draft of air lick across my ass before a sharp sting burns my skin. A horrific realization comes over me. He’s spanking me as if I were a small child. Instinctively, my hands move to cover myself, blocking another swat before he has a chance to mar my bare skin again.

  Taking my wrists in his grip, he holds my arms against the table, above my head.

  “Grab her!” he shouts, looking at Harry and Henry who are sitting on the other side of the table.

  They don’t hesitate, leaving James’ hands free once again. He resumes his grip on my throat.

  “James, they didn’t,” I hear Benji respond, but his words fall on deaf ears.

  Mother and Father. Oh, God. James thinks that I’m here to kill them on their behalf.

  “No one sent me! I swear!” I plead. “I’m not here to hurt you. I just wanted to get to know you!”

  James releases his grip on my throat only to cover my mouth.

  “No more fucking talking. The only sounds I want to hear coming from you are your screams.”

  Fire erupts from my ass once more as James’ palm lands hard on my skin again. The sting of his palm on my skin doesn’t ache as much as my heart does, knowing he thinks I’m here to hurt them.

  He begins moving behind me and my eyes catch Benji’s from his place next to James. Silently I plead for him to help me, knowing that he won’t.

  “Look here, brothers,” I can hear the sadistic joy in his voice. “Father has sent our dear sister to try and kill us, like he wanted to do years ago. If only he knew that she’s our newest whore.”

  A tiny splatter from James’ spit resonates through my head like a gunshot, seconds before I feel something wet at the secret place between my thighs.

  “I may have to risk going back there, just so I can see his face when I deliver the news. I think I could die happy knowing that I ruined his perfect, little Princess.”

  James’ fingers breach my entrance and fear takes over me. I was content to give myself over to my brothers, but to be taken like this isn’t something that I was prepared for.

  Just breathe.

  “Look at her.”

  James fists my hair, pulling my head up so the others can get a good look at me. As a painful burn radiates over my scalp, I stare at Harry and Henry through tear-filled eyes. They look at me as they did in the kitchen earlier.

  “You couldn’t fool us. And we don’t forget why we’re here. We don’t forget the reason they drove us from our home, stripping us of our titles, stealing our kingdom and our lives from us nearly twenty years ago.”

  A twinge of pain erupts within me as James callously thrusts his fingers inside of me.

  “We don’t forget the ease at which they cast us away, the way they regarded us as if we were nothing more than bastards. All because of you; a stupid, insignificant, little girl.”

  The harsh rhythm of his fingers matches that of his words. He crushes my body against the table. Gasping for air that seems impossible to inhale, the heavy weight of James’ body lays over mine.

  “So, now you know,” he savagely utters in my ear. “Now, you know why we don’t take kindly to women. Now, you know why I am going to delight in breaking you, in tearing you apart from the inside out.”

  Chapter Six


  James’ rough skin scratches unpleasantly against my insides. Attempting to breathe through it, I silently thank him for at least using lubrication. I can’t imagine how much worse it would feel if he had used none, and I concentrate on being grateful for that.

  I need to do something, say something, to make him realize that I am not here to hurt them.

  “I’m here on my own! I swear!” I scream.

  He eases up a bit, but doesn’t remove his fingers.

  “Why would you come here?” he demands.

  “Once Mother—”

  He steals my breath with a hard strike upon my ass. Tears stream harder down my face.

  “Don’t you dare mention her, him, any of them, ever. You got it?” James scolds me.

  “I’m sorry,” I begin again. “Once I was told what happened, I couldn’t stay there anymore. I had to come find you. I always f
elt like pieces of me were missing. When I found out about all of you, I ran away that very night.”

  I don’t know what I expected from James once he found out the truth. In a perfect world, he would have let me up off of that table. Maybe they would have shown me how to cook the chicken properly. While we waited for it to finish cooking, we would finally start getting to know one another. They would tell me stories about their life and I would tell them I wished I could have grown up here, with them, instead of at the castle. We would laugh and carry on late into the evening.

  But it’s not a perfect world, and there’s nothing that could have prepared me for what happened next.

  “What a wonderful sob story. Too bad I don’t give a fuck about what you went through growing up.”

  My hopes are further dashed when James strikes my ass again. This time, one after the other in quick succession. I remember back to a time that one of my ladies—the same, loose one from earlier—told me about a Duke who invited her into his bed. She told me how good it felt when he threw her over his knee and spanked her while they were being intimate. I’d be lying if I said if I wasn’t a little intrigued by her story.

  This, however, is nothing like that.

  This is vicious, this is untamed, this is feral.

  It’s eighteen years of pent-up anger and aggression finally being released upon its intended target.

  “Please,” I sob, “I can’t take any more.”

  I can barely get my words out, but it doesn’t matter. My pleas go unanswered. James’ fiery-hot palm connects with my ass over and over again sending searing pain over my body. I wish I could take James’ punishment like I took Benji’s punishment when he kissed me this morning. Like I took my punishment from Henry and Harry when they explored my body in the kitchen. As wrong is it was to like the punishment they delivered, I would choose that over this brutality again and again.

  Finally, he stops and I couldn’t be more relieved. Until I hear him speak.

  “Benjamin, you’re next.”

  “Wait! James, please!” I beg, but James doesn’t remove his fist from my hair.

  He simply moves to the side, as Benji takes his place behind me. Slowly, he runs his fingers over my burning, raised flesh. Gasping in pain from his touch, I can picture him running his finger along the outline of the bright red handprints that I know are there.

  Distracting me with the hand tracing my backside, I don’t realize that his other hand is about to strike. I jump from fright at the sudden blow. Tensing, I expect the blows to continue rapidly as James’ did. Instead, he begins slowly rubbing the cheek that he just hit. Then, another blow lands on my other cheek. Again, I tense up waiting for the onslaught. Carefully, Benji follows a routine of strong but careful blows to my ass. It’s not pleasurable, as my lady described to me, but it’s more manageable than James’ hits.

  Waiting for another hit to come, I feel Benji’s fingers at my entrance. He traces the thin line methodically, up and down, but never breaking through it.

  Is he going to?

  Is he all done?

  If I looked in his eyes right now, would they be full of lust like they were in the washroom this morning?

  I feel him apply pressure as his fingertip grazes my clit. Sparks begin to flicker unexpectedly, but I welcome every single one of them. The pleasure that Harry and Henry ignited in me earlier is beginning to return. Another graze sends a second jolt of electricity outward from my core. If this is his plan, then I’ll survive this torment.

  He removes his fingers and my stomach feels like it’s dropping out from beneath me. I struggle to hide the whimper that pours from my mouth. He follows with two more blows to my ass. Then, more clit teasing, over and over. Benji’s blow, blow, flick routine wreaks havoc on my body. The push and pull between pleasure and pain is enough to give me whiplash. This goes on for several minutes before my head starts to spin. I’m confused, once again.

  Do I like this?

  Do I hate it?

  Is that moisture between my legs still from James’ saliva or has the pleasure Benji is teasing me with causing moisture to build?

  Two more blows and one more flick and Benji takes a step back from my restrained and fatigued body. James steps behind me once more, running his finger through my slit.

  “You’re dripping wet, sister.”

  I don’t respond, but not because I don’t want to. It’s because I can’t explain how I’m feeling or why my body is reacting so easily to their touch, even knowing we’re related. I want to tell them that I’m sorry. I want to tell them I love them. I want to tell them that I have never been so confused in my entire life. My brothers have made me feel things today that I’ve never felt before. I try to believe the lie I’ve fed to myself all day; that I owe it to them and letting them deliver my penance brings me peace.

  I’ve lived my life feeling empty. Like I didn’t belong. Like I couldn’t relate to anyone. In one day, they’ve made me feel like my life finally has a purpose. I know it’s not going to be easy. I know there will be things that I am scared to do or don’t want to do. In those moments I will be thinking about them, all of them, and how scared and brave they needed to be all those years ago.

  My thoughts leave me wondering if my brothers are as confused about their feelings toward me.

  Do they want to love me?

  Touch me? Fuck me? Take me? Break me? Keep me?

  Benji crosses behind James, standing off to the side where he stood previously. As they move, James pushes his hips into me, the erection in his pants settles between my cheeks. Again, pleasure mounts as I wait for him to continue his punishment.

  “Benji, take her hands. Henry, Harry. Come.”

  “I won’t fight back,” my voice cracks.

  My body is crushed under James’ weight, once again.

  “You wouldn’t be able to even if you tried,” he whispers menacingly into my ear.

  The twins both glance my way as they round the table. I can’t decipher the blank stares on their faces.

  Are they mad at me?

  Do they think that I’m lying to them?

  That I came here to betray them?

  Once they lay their hands on me, I have my answer. There is no spanking, no sting of pain to my already tender skin. Instead, they caress the area, massaging each cheek gently.

  “Come on then, give it to her,” James eggs them on. “She tried to poison us.”

  “I didn’t,” I plead, weakly. “I swear…”

  I can’t see what’s happening behind me, but as their hands stop their careful movements, I inhale a deep breath, readying myself for another round of spankings. I can almost feel the tension between the twins and James. I don’t think they want to hurt me, but they can’t disobey direct orders.

  As their hands leave my ass, I tense up. This is it. More blows are coming. But when they touch me again, it’s to lift my bottom half up onto the table as well. I cry out in pain because my legs hurt from being in that position for so long.

  In my new position, I’m on my knees on the table top. My ass, perched high in the air. My torso is flat against the table and my arms are still stretched out in front of me, secured in place by Benji. Tears begin to fall again when they part my legs, exposing even more of me to them. Shame overcomes me as my dignity is ripped away. I ready my aching body, once more, for the pain it’s about to endure.

  However, instead of pain, the twins only deliver pleasure. Just like in the kitchen, they run their hands over my skin as if they’re massaging away the pain. They’re gentle on my cheeks, but rub my thighs, hips, stomach, and calves with a pointed fervor.

  Their touch is relaxing and exactly what I need after my first day here. If not for the relief I feel from being tense all day long, but because with every squeeze and every rub, they’re letting me know that they accept me; that they love me. It’s in stark contrast to James’ brutal touch and Benji’s… I’m still not sure what to think about Benji. His treatment of me was ver
y hot and cold, exactly like his behavior has been since I got here.

  After a little while, one of them reaches between my open legs and skirts a finger through my slit. Sparks fly once again, and I’m brought back to the kitchen where the three of us stood not even an hour ago. Again, I try to hold my moan in, but I’m too weak to stop it. I feel hands everywhere. Closing my eyes, I try to pinpoint my pleasure. It feels good everywhere. On my legs, my clit, my ass. A hand snakes further underneath of me and gives my nipple a gentle tug.

  “Does our whore sister already have you guys wrapped around her pathetic little finger? You’re supposed to be punishing her, not getting her off.”

  I wait for them to respond, to tell him off, but nothing more is said. I don’t want any of them to feel that way, like I’m trying to manipulate them.

  “It’s okay, you can... spank me,” I barely manage to get out.

  It’s hard to talk between my position and the depletion of my mental and physical energy.

  “I don’t want to cause any trouble for anyone.”

  No one speaks.

  “Please, you have to believe me.”

  I try sitting up, but Benji isn’t letting go of my arms. Finally, I give up and a feeling of utter sadness and exhaustion overcomes me. Through more tears, I plead with them to believe me.

  “I’m not here to hurt any of you. I swear. I just learned about what happened and I knew that I needed to find you. I knew that I belonged here and not there. I won’t be any trouble for you, I promise. I’m not planning on trying to run away, either.”

  The twins have stopped rubbing me at this point and Benji’s grip loosened. I drop onto my side on the table top and curl into the fetal position. Wrapping my arms around my body, I try to hold myself together. I try to keep the pain I feel from tearing me apart. I need them to believe me. I need them to want me here. I’d rather them kill me than tell me that I’m not wanted.

  Several moments go by without any sound other than my sniffling. I want to look at them, I want to see their reactions, to know what they’re thinking, but I’m too afraid.


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