The Wicked Prince

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The Wicked Prince Page 29

by Wood, Vivian

  I’m being tested. And by god, I will pass muster.

  “And lastly, I would like to make an announcement that comes straight from Prince Stellan and the future Duchess herself. This gala is open to the public. Everyone is welcome, of every race, sexuality, ability, and economic status. The couple hopes…”

  He pauses, frowning ever so briefly. “That everyone will mix, mingle, and find their next charitable cause right here tonight. And toast the happy couple as they…” Finley fights a disdainful look. “Begin their lives in an act of service, forming a line of people serving hot food to all who come.” Prime Minister Finley looks up, clearing his throat. “Hear hear.”

  The audience applauds, some more wildly than others. I look up at my husband-to-be.

  “That’s our cue,” I say, wiggling my eyebrows. “Let’s stop by the bathroom on the way downstairs so I can take off these heels, okay?”

  His smile is warm. “As you wish, Princess Margot.”

  Turning around, I am immediately brought up short by the Queen Mother, Lady Ida. I almost trample her and then step back so fast that Stellan has to catch me to keep my balance.

  “Queen Mother!” I blurt. “It’s a pleasure to see you again, ma’am.”

  She smiles wanly. “Hello, Margot.” She looks between me and Stellan. “I hope you two are doing well?”

  Stellan slides his arm around my waist. “We are, thank you.”

  The Queen Mother seems pleased. “Wonderful. Margot, I wanted to borrow you sometime this week to talk about the wedding. There are so many Danish royal traditions to consider. Would you mind if my secretary reached out to…” She pauses, cocking her head. “Well, whomever is in charge of your schedule.”

  My heart thuds against my ribs. “Of course. I would be honored, ma’am.”

  She gives me an odd little smile. “You are going to treat Stellan well, won’t you?”

  Blushing, I nod. “I will, ma’am.”

  She nods back, looking at Stellan.

  “Very well. Run along now, the press are probably foaming at the mouth to ask you questions.”

  She turns and heads off toward the prime minister. Stellan guides me toward the door, but of course his grandmother was right.

  It’s an absolute mob scene. Flashes go off. Questions are hurled at us.

  “Margot! Margot!”

  “Stellan, when is the wedding?”

  “Margot, who are you wearing?”

  “Are you two happy to be engaged?”

  I close one eye, raising my hand against the bright camera lights. “We’re thrilled.”

  A young man steps close to me, thrusting a microphone is my face. “Margot, your letter in Politiken has made you insanely popular with the whole of Denmark. How does it feel to be so universally loved?”

  I burst out laughing. “Are you planted by the royal press office?”

  He looks a little confused. “No. I’m from the Daily Tribune.”

  Stellan steps in. “Alright, alright. Move back a little and give us some space. Margot is unused to being so popular, ja? She is adjusting quite well.”

  His answer makes me want to kiss him. Instead I just pull at his hand. “Everyone, could we all start to move downstairs? You can ask your questions while we serve everyone food.”

  With a little bit of tussling, we make it down off the dais and into the hallway. A nameless assistant is there to hand me a change of shoes. I slip away from Stellan and push the door of the bathroom open.

  There is no one inside, so I hurry into the fancy bathroom. As I sink onto the embroidered, overstuffed ottoman, I let out a sigh.

  It’s blissfully silent.

  Taking off my heels with a clatter, I rub my feet for a second. “God damned beautiful heels. You are absolute murder on my feet but you look so pretty.”

  The bathroom door opens and I look up, a little startled. There is Anna, looking sleek and sophisticated in her knee-length black cocktail dress.

  “Ah. There you are, Margot. I was hoping to catch you alone.”

  My eyes narrow. “What? Don’t tell me you’ve come to yell at me some more about the newspaper? I don’t know if anyone told you, but I quit two weeks ago.”

  Anna cocks her head and gives me the most saccharide smile. “I came to apologize.”

  I squint at her. “What?” I look around. “Who made you do that?”

  Her smile widens and when she talks, it’s through her teeth. “No one. I just realized… that I was wrong. And I should have been much nicer to you. If I had realized who you were— “

  Standing up, I shake my head. “No. No way.”

  Her smile goes flat. “I think you should listen, Margot.”

  I slip my flats on my feet, picking up my heels. “You shouldn’t treat people the way you treated me, Anna. And you definitely shouldn’t be here apologizing to me now.”

  Anna clears her throat. “Yes, I am coming to understand that. I was hoping that we could work together because… you know, I know you…”

  I give her a funny look. “And you don’t think Pippa knows me better?”

  She looks down at her hands. “Well, I just thought since I am an editor and Pippa is a bottom level journalist, you would want to speak with me.”

  I let out a sharp bark of laughter. “Yeah. No thanks. It was… interesting… running into you. I’m due to serve food to whoever wants it.” I pause. “Maybe you should do some shelter work. It teaches you to be humble and kind. That would be my advice to you, take it or leave it.”

  Striding out of the room has never felt quite so good. To my surprise, Stellan is standing just beyond, waiting.

  When he sees me, his smile lights me up inside.

  “Ready?” he asks, offering me his arm.

  I surprise him with a kiss. “I really, really love you. Don’t forget that.”

  He kisses me, smoothing his hand down my back. “I love you too, skatter. That’s what my ring on your finger symbolizes. It means that I will love you until the end of my days.”

  My lips curl up. “Forever?”

  He chuckles. “Forever.”

  I link hands with him and let him lead me downstairs, toward whatever lies ahead. I know in my heart that I will get through anything as long as he holds my hand.


  Want to get a little more of Stellan and Margot? You are cordially invited to their private wedding ceremony… sign up for my mailing list and get this exclusive scene right now.

  Chapter Forty-Eight


  Dusk has just fallen over the beach, coating everything in sight in a dusting of shadow. The ocean looks dark and intense as the last rays of light disappear over the horizon. Our enormous beach house is the only structure around for miles and its back patio spills right out onto the dunes of sand that lead down to the water.

  Other than the twinkle of tea lights on the patio, it’s quickly growing dark. I open my arms to the unbelievable spread of the night sky. The stars wink down at me.

  Maybe tonight is the night.

  My best friend Kalindi looks over at me from her beach blanket, looking beautiful as ever. She has light brown skin and dark eyes, with hair as thick and lustrous as a raven’s wing. She leans back, adjusting her pink bikini.

  “What would you think about me snagging your brother?” she asks. Her accent is a mix of British and Indian influences, and her voice is melodic. But her words make me pull a face.

  “Which one?” I ask. “Don’t say Stellan. All my life, my friends have been asking me whether he is single.”

  She shakes her head with a soft smile. “No, Annika. I’m talking about Finn.”

  My eyebrows rise. “Finn?” I glance back toward the house, at the picnic tables where the older guys and their friends are sitting, Finn included. “Are you sure you mean him and not Anders?”

  Kalindi wrinkles her nose. “What’s wrong with Finn?”

  I scrunch my face up. “Nothing. He’s just… odd. Remote. You
are a beautiful ray of sunlight and I wouldn’t want him to dim your vibrancy, that’s all.”

  She rolls her eyes. “I just mean a casual make out, nothing serious.” She turns and looks at the group again, wrinkling her nose as they get up and head for the house. “I think I’m going to go inside and change my clothes. This bathing suit is cute but itchy.”

  “Okay.” I sit back, noticing that a lone figure walks by us out toward where the water laps at the beach. With his ruggedly good looks and his blond hair, I can spot Erik easily though it’s dark. “I’m going to stay for a while.”

  Kalindi shakes her head. “You shouldn’t like him, Nika. He’s almost ten years older than us.”

  Pouting, I look down at my sun-kissed skin in my tiny black bikini. “Erik is only eight years older than me, first of all. And second of all…” I look up at her. “It’s just snagging, as you say.”

  She shakes her head. “You are crazy. He doesn’t even know you’re alive.”

  That stings. I make a face. “I know.”

  She smiles. “Okay. As long as you realize. I’ll be inside, scavenging for food.”

  I nod, letting her leave. My eyes find Erik again, silhouetted against the darkened beach. He wears jeans and a plain white t-shirt, his sleeves rolled up in a way that shows his bulging biceps. He bends over and rolls his jeans up to mid-calf. He keeps walking down a little further, submerging his bare feet in the foam left by the lapping sea. Without realizing it, I stand up, brushing myself off. It’s only when I’ve pulled my shorts and black t-shirt on that I realize that I’m going to go talk to him.

  I shiver. Maybe tonight will really be the night. The night that I’ll remember for the rest of my life… The night that Erik takes my virginity.

  I’ve only been waiting for him for five whole years. It’s time.

  Brushing my blonde hair back, I take a deep breath. As I pad barefoot through the sand, I give myself a mini-pep talk.

  Just be casual.

  Don’t be an awkward weirdo.

  Play it cool!

  A few feet away, Erik turns and notices me. His expression hardens for a split second and then he turns away.

  “What do you want, Annika?”

  I freeze. This is not the reception I anticipated. Far from it, actually.

  Walking forward to pull even with him, I take a deep breath. But when I speak, my tone is petulant.

  “I didn’t realize that you had the whole entire beach booked up,” I say, gesturing to the vast darkness surrounding us.

  He looks at me sharply, but doesn’t respond right away. I take a moment to drink him in. He’s extremely tall, taller even than my older brother Stellan’s massive height. His body is perfect and muscular without being too bulky. He has a face that is made for movies, with high cheekbones and long eyelashes, and these deep hazel eyes that make me melt.

  Erik grunts. “Stellan is a fucking asshole.”

  I squint, wrinkle my whole face. “It must be hard to be best friends with the future king of Denmark. Especially when it means you basically get a free ride, wherever you go.”

  As soon as I say it, I wish I could take it back. There is something about Erik that makes me mean and petty when I really want to be sweet.

  He lets out a bark of laughter. “You are a brat, Annika. A spoiled little brat. You know that?”

  My face heats. Of course I know that.

  “No,” I say, sticking my tongue out at him.

  He scans me head to toe and then shakes his head. “Yes. You are.”

  He turns around, walking back toward the house. My heart wrenches; this was my chance to finally tell Erik that I’ve wanted him for longer than he could possibly know. Now that chance is ruined.

  I curse my mouth, which operates on its own sometimes. When Erik stops a few feet away and picks up a bottle of liquor, I raise my brows.

  He uncaps it and takes a long pull, letting out a gasping sound when he’s done. He turns back to me, holding the bottle out to me.


  A breeze blows, making me shiver as I jog the couple of steps toward him, taking the bottle from his hand. He casts another glance at me as I uncork the bottle.

  “You should be inside,” he murmurs. “Where it’s warm and safe.”

  I take a sip of the whiskey and wince as it burns its way down my esophagus. It’s half a minute before I can speak. “Safe? Safe from what?”

  Erik looks at me, smirking a little and shrugging. “I don’t know. Give me the bottle back, brat.”

  I narrow my eyes at him, handing it over. Our fingers brush, our gazes collide. His hazel eyes are shadowed so I can’t read his expression exactly, but for a split-second I swear there is a carnal interest there.

  That, or I’m just imagining what I want to see.

  Erik’s eyes dart away. He takes another long slug from the bottle. “This whiskey is bullshit.”

  I wipe a couple of drops from the corner of my mouth, not really knowing how to respond. I’m eighteen; it’s not like I have a ton of whiskey tasting experience.

  “It’s better than some,” I come up with at last.

  He eyes me skeptically. “Ja. It will get you drunk, which I guess is what counts.”

  I study him. “Are you? Drunk, I mean.”

  He turns to stare stonily out at the waves. “Maybe.” He squints. “I’m on vacation. I almost never get to relax.”

  He sounds defensive. I shrug my shoulders.

  “I’m not judging. I was just curious. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drunk.”

  He looks at me again, screwing his handsome face up. “Ja, okay.”

  When he offers me the bottle again, I shake my head. “No. I like champagne, not whiskey.”

  He lifts a shoulder. “Suit yourself.” Tipping his head back, he drinks.

  I watch his neck as he gulps the liquor down. I notice his lips then, looking plump and perfectly kissable. Licking my own lips, I let my gaze wander down his body. His arms are both bare and impressively muscular. I can see the definition of his abs in his tight white t-shirt.

  Before I realize it, words are leaving my mouth. “I changed my mind. I want some.”

  Erik raises his brow. “All right.”

  He takes a step toward me, handing me the bottle. I let the bottle drop to the ground, putting my arms around his neck. He gives me a startled look.

  “Wait— “

  I am too close to finding out what his lips taste like to stop now. I push up on my tiptoes and press my mouth against his, hesitating once my lips touch his. He seems frozen for a second, his brain taking a moment to catch up to reality. His eyes sink closed.

  Then his hands find my lower back, drawing me against the firmness of his body. At the same time Erik deepens the kiss. No more peck on the mouth; his kiss is rough and dominant, his lips working against mine.

  I open my mouth to him and he takes every inch I give him, sweeping his tongue inside my mouth like a man staking his claim on unchartered territory for the very first time.

  A rugged rumble leaves his chest. If I weren’t kissing him, I would have missed it. But it spurs me on, makes my hands spear into the back of his short blond hair.

  That’s all it takes to make him push me back a step. His eyes fly open, shocked.

  “Fuck,” he says. “Oh, fuck. That… that should not have happened.”

  My cheeks go pink. “Erik— “

  He shakes his head, cutting me off. “No no no. That… I mean, you’re barely eighteen! You’re my best friend’s baby sister.”

  I shrug. “So?”

  He looks horrified. “So? So, your brother will kill me if he ever finds out. It doesn’t matter that I’m drunk…”

  I bite my lower lip, looking at him. “I won’t tell. It’ll be just between us.”

  Erik shakes his head. “This is bad. This… this can’t happen again.”

  And with that, he picks up the whiskey bottle and starts running back to our beach house. I
stare after him, touching my still-warm lips with my fingers.

  Despite everything that Erik just said, my lips still curve upward.

  He may think that he can resist me. But I haven’t even tried anything yet. Not really.

  I stand amongst the sand dunes, as the moon comes out to light the night with its soft glow, and make a silent resolution to myself.

  Erik will be the one to take my virginity. I just have to convince him that he wants to fuck me as badly as I want him.

  A smile plays on my lips. It shouldn’t be that hard.

  Shivering against the breeze, I stroll back toward the house, plotting my next move.

  Want to find out what happens next? Grab HIS FORBIDDEN PRINCESS on pre-order for August 17th.

  About Vivian Wood

  Vivian likes to write about troubled, deeply flawed alpha males and the fiery, kick-ass women who bring them to their knees.

  Vivian's lasting motto in romance is a quote from a favorite song: "Soulmates never die."

  Be sure to follow Vivian through her Facebook page or join her email list to keep up with all the awesome giveaways, author videos, ARC opportunities, and more!

  Vivian’s Works

  The Prince and His Rebel

  The Wicked Prince

  His Forbidden Princess (August 2020)

  The Heartless Prince (October 2020)

  The Royal Rebel

  The Reckless Prince

  Same World, Different Characters…

  Married To My Enemy

  Sleeping With My Boss

  Dirty Little Heart

  Dirty Little Secret

  Dirty Little Thing (A Newsletter Exclusive)

  Wild Hearts



  His Virgin

  His Best Friend’s Little Sister

  Claiming Her Innocence

  His To Keep


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