Kraven (VLG Series Book 2)

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Kraven (VLG Series Book 2) Page 8

by Laurann Dohner

  “Give them to me. I’ll wash them in the river and they should dry fast if I squeeze out the water. They’re thin enough, it shouldn’t take long.” He held out a hand.

  She hated the blush that heated her cheeks when she dropped the waded material into his outstretched palm. He fisted her panties and shoved them inside the back pocket of his jeans.

  “We should get back to camp.” He met her gaze, a grim look on his face. “I’ll eat before we need to start moving again.”

  Kraven yanked his leather jacket off a smaller rock and put it back on. He pulled up the collar to his throat. She figured it was his attempt to hide the mark she’d left on him. It irritated her. That was a player move, only there were no other potential women around to hide it from.

  She’d just nailed a lunatic playboy sort. Yeah, I can sure pick them. She sighed.

  “What’s wrong?” He stared at her a little too intensely for her comfort.

  The color of his eyes seemed to darken. She knew it had to be just a trick from the light. The sun had sunk low enough in the sky to explain it away; it wasn’t possible otherwise. “Nothing.”

  “Do you want me to carry you or can you walk?” He glanced down at her bare feet. “I don’t want you getting hurt.”

  The offer made her opinion of him soften just a tiny bit. He might be a player but he seemed concerned about her, even after getting what he wanted. That was new. “I can walk. I don’t enjoy being thrown over your shoulder and now I have to be careful not to flash my goods.”

  He grinned. “I don’t wear underwear. You’ll survive.”

  “You’re not wearing a skirt.” She tore her gaze from his to carefully watch the ground, to avoid stepping on anything sharp.

  He suddenly invaded her personal space and she halted, her chin rising. He cupped her face with his hands. They stared at each other for what seemed a long time. His thumbs slid down her throat, gently caressing her.


  “Why what?”

  His gaze narrowed.

  She licked her lips. She understood that he was asking why she’d hit on him, and even sympathized with the confusion he had to be feeling. She was experiencing it herself. No one had ever made her madder, yet hotter, than Kraven. She breathed in his masculine scent, her body responding again, and she fought the urge to climb the guy to get closer.

  “Concussion? Maybe I’ve lost my mind.”

  One hand released her to trail down her throat, over her shoulder, and lowered to her waist. His big hand curved there, holding her. “Maybe not. Your Lycan blood is dominant. You’ve probably never been near a male Lycan and your body must really yearn for mine.”

  She closed her eyes and jerked her face out of his hold. “Right. God, what was I thinking?” She opened her eyes to stare at him sadly. “I so wish you weren’t a nutjob.”

  He yanked her tight against his tense body; the hand on her hip dove lower and he grabbed her ass. His other hand cupped the other side, both palms gripping her through her skirt, and his face buried in her neck.

  “You want proof?” He growled low and his mouth opened against her throat. “Explain this, Hellion.”

  He nipped her throat, growled again, and Bat clutched at him. He kneaded her ass, grinding his body against hers. His hot, wet tongue teased her skin. Desire shot through her at an alarming rate. Sweat broke out all over her body and she moaned. Her fingers gripped his short hair. She ignored the feel of the gel he had to use to make those spikes that weren’t really styled anymore, more of a wild mess on his head, yet still made him appear sexy.

  He bit her skin, the sharp nip of pain making her cry out. She could feel damp desire on her thighs. Her nipples tightened, ached, and her belly had funny butterfly feelings fluttering there. He lifted her to her tiptoes, bent his knees, and his hard cock rubbed against the cradle of her thighs through their clothes.

  “Kraven,” she begged, lifting her leg. She hooked it around the back of his thigh and tightened her arms, trying to pull him even closer.

  His mouth left her skin and he lifted his head. She stared deeply into his sexy eyes. Passion flushed his handsome face and his lips pressed together tightly into a near frown.

  His Adam’s apple bobbed when he swallowed hard, turned his head away, tucking it to hide his features, and took a deep breath. His voice came out so deep it didn’t sound human as he spoke.

  “Damn. I shouldn’t have done that. I could throw you on the ground to fuck you and you’d let me. You’d want it as much as I do.” He cleared his throat, took a few deep breaths, and then glared at her. “I bet that pisses you off. You’re a hotshot attorney and I’m just some crazy bastard. Explain to me how I can do this to you. Take a deep breath, Hellion. It will only make you want me more. Your scent drives me insane. I’d drop to my knees and fuck you for days in every way imaginable if I had the time. We’d go at it like two animals. My Lycan side attracts yours. No human would turn you on this much.”

  She released his hair but couldn’t pull away from him. She’d love to tell him he was full of shit but she couldn’t deny the truth. She’d let him do anything he wanted at that moment. She hurt for him again, wanted him more than her next breath. She didn’t understand why. No guy had ever affected her the way Kraven did.

  “Let go,” he ordered.

  She didn’t want to but finally dropped her leg. It took real effort to force her arms to lower from around his neck. He pulled back as he eased her onto her feet, releasing her ass. She fought the urge to throw her body back against his.

  Something was seriously wrong with her. She should slap him, yell, tell him he was full of shit…but he hadn’t lied. She not only would agree to him taking her on the ground, she wanted to find out what his imagination could come up with and how many ways he could think of to fuck her.

  Kraven backed away more, staring at her with a hungry look. She didn’t miss the way his chest rose rapidly as he seemed to be having a hard time catching his breath. One glance down to the front of his jeans assured her he was as turned-on as she was. The hard bulge of his cock couldn’t be denied.

  “It’s the Lycan inside you. It wants the strong male in me…craves me.”

  That statement made her mind snap back into functioning mode again. “You’re full of shit. I don’t have any dog in me.”

  His lips curved into a chilly smile as some of the desire cooled in his gaze. “You were just full of me. Want it again?” He growled. “For that dog insult, you can beg me to fuck you. I’ll take you like a bitch, from behind on your knees, and show you just how much of a dog I am.”

  It was an emotional slap. “Asshole.”

  He turned away. “I’m hungry now.” He sniffed the air. “Let’s go.”

  Bat hated the way tears filled her eyes but she blinked them back. It stung that he’d talk to her that way after what they’d shared, as crazy as that seemed. She had hurt his feelings, but he’d hurt hers too.

  She trailed him back to the nearby fire. He did walk slow enough that he was easy to follow. He could have just left her to find her own way.

  It took every ounce of Kraven’s control to keep his back to Bat. His dick throbbed and he wanted to fuck her again. The taste of her blood on his tongue was torment. He’d bitten her throat when he’d grabbed her that last time, too curious to know just how much other she really had inside her. Her blood seemed mostly human with a tiny bit of Lycan. But it was enough.

  He’d tasted her—and it had changed everything.

  Now it made sense why he was attracted to her…and he didn’t know how to deal with the reality of the grim situation.

  I just had to taste. He cursed himself for doing it. Her reaction to him wasn’t a mystery anymore. He’d resisted biting her while he’d been balls deep inside her pussy but the urge had been there, strongly. He’d fought it until he had to know if it was just Lycan attraction or more. Now he knew.

  Nature could be a cruel bitch at times.

  He crouched, e
ating the cooled meat quickly to sate at least one hunger. He needed to be strong in case they ran into any of Decker’s clan. The bastard wasn’t about to allow his granddaughter to slip through his fingers when he had plans to give her to the GarLycan leader.

  No fucking way is Aveoth getting Bat.

  Kraven dared to glance at her. She resumed her seat on the rock but avoided looking his way. That was fine with him. He needed a clear head to evaluate the situation. He studied her neck where he’d bitten her, happy to see it nearly healed. His saliva could do that. She seemed unaware of the mark.

  Protective instincts gripped him until his body felt made of stone. He needed to get her to the village. Safety was in numbers. Decker wouldn’t dare send his men to go against those kinds of odds. His father would offer Bat and her sister protection, since their grandmother had once been part of their clan, but now there was a second reason.

  She’s my mate. Fuck!

  He could deny it but it was pointless. They hadn’t sealed the bond, but he certainly planned to. It seemed daunting, though. She wasn’t even aware of his world, and she lived in the human one. She’d have to give up everything she knew to be with him. Nothing with her would be easy.

  He glanced up at the sky, guessing they needed to get going. He’d keep moving all night but she’d need his warmth to survive. It was too cold for her, and her Lycan bloodline was too weak. He’d have no choice but to stop once the temperatures dropped. His brother would have the same problem with her sister.

  “I’m sorry about the dog remark.”

  He arched an eyebrow when he looked at her. It was odd that she’d apologize, but nice. He still felt leery.

  “I was angry.”

  He blew out a breath. “I see.”

  “I feel kind of guilty about having sex with you too.”

  That really confused him. He hadn’t smelled another man on her and she didn’t wear a ring to indicate she was attached in a serious relationship. Humans did that. “Why?”

  “Are you even capable of saying yes or no? I mean, there’s a valid issue of consent with your mental state in question.”

  He snarled, enraged. His anger flamed high once more. “Shut up, Bat. I know where this is heading, and don’t go there.”

  “I’m an attorney. I know better. I mean—”

  She gasped when he suddenly lunged to his feet, stormed around the fire, and jerked her to her feet. In the next instant, he sat on a log away from the flames—with Bat facedown over his lap.

  He molded his hand over her skirt. “I’m going to redden your ass if you imply I’m not competent enough to say yes or no to sex.”

  She struggled on his lap but he held her down. One hand flattened on her back to push her stomach and chest tighter to his spread thighs, and the hand on her ass slid down her skirt, fingers fisted the edge and jerking it up.

  “Let me go! I’m not wearing underwear. Kraven!”

  He was more than aware. He never should have grabbed her, but damn, the urge to show Bat that he was her male was too strong to resist. He took deep breaths, trying to calm.

  Then his gaze landed on her very tempting ass…and he was lost.

  He had to touch it, consequences be damned.

  Chapter Six

  His palm landed on her ass.

  Bat jumped. Kraven didn’t hurt her but the feel of his firm touch was enough of a threat. She froze, afraid to even breathe. Fear gripped her. Would he really spank her? She wasn’t into pain.

  “Please don’t.”

  The hand on her ass held still for seconds before he traced it down the curve of her butt. She sucked in air when his fingers rubbed her inner thigh. It rose higher, until he fingered the seam of her pussy, breaching it enough to make her aware he could fuck her with his finger if he wanted to.

  “I hate the smell of fear coming from you.” His husky voice did things to her. “You’re not into too much roughness but you enjoy being controlled. I’m learning more about you each time I touch you. I won’t spank you, since I realize you won’t enjoy the bite of pain.” His finger slid into the slick entrance of her pussy, then out, and he ran the tip of his digit down until he located her clit. “There are other ways to teach you not to insult me.”

  He tapped the bundle of nerves and she tensed on his lap. Her fingers gripped the leg of his jeans. With her bent over his lap, it was all she could reach. He rubbed her clit and she moaned, the pleasure instant.

  “What does it for you, Hellion? The thought of how much stronger I am than you? I could restrain you and do anything I want to your body. I could tie open your thighs and fuck you with my fingers or my tongue. I could play with your pretty little pussy for hours.”

  Desire shot through her and Kraven softly growled. His hand pressed against her thigh and she spread them to give him more access. A whimper passed her lips when his thumb pushed against her pussy, rubbing the fresh proof of what his words did to her.

  “You’re getting so hot for me.” His thick thumb slowly breached her, just barely going inside, and paused. “Apologize as if you really mean it.”

  She was tempted to tell him to go to hell but he could still smack her butt. “I’m sorry.”

  “No more insults about my sanity. I don’t find it amusing.”

  She clenched her teeth, her anger stirring. She didn’t enjoy being manipulated the way he was trying to do. It was dirty and unfair.

  He sniffed at her and chuckled. “My hellion has such a temper.” His thumb slid deeper and slowly moved in and out of her as his finger pressed against her clit.

  “Fuck you,” she rasped.

  “I’m doing the fucking, aren’t I?”

  “Asshole.” She moaned when he rubbed a little faster, letting his thumb drive into her deeper.

  Then he pulled his hand away, withdrawing from her.

  Bat wanted to groan. Shame hit her as he released her back and his thighs drew together until her knees touched the ground. She grabbed at him to push up and got to her unsteady feet, backing away from him. She glared as she shoved her skirt down and hated the way her body ached for him to finish.

  “Such a dirty mouth.” He rose to his feet and reached for the front of his jeans. “Who taught you how to speak? Did you hang out on docks? You must have been around a lot of sailors.”

  “Go to hell.”

  “I’m there. Trust me.” He unbuckled his belt and unfastened the snap of his jeans. His finger and thumb pinched his zipper, slowly drawing it down.

  “What are you doing?” She stared at Kraven.

  He lowered his zipper enough for his cock to spring free. It stood straight out, thick, and he kept hold of his pants as he slowly backed to a grassy shaded area under a tree. “Follow me.”


  “You ache for me the way I do you. I’m going to use my mouth on you.”

  Her knees weakened at just the thought and her gaze locked with his. “You want to go down on me?”

  “We’re going to put our mouths to good use. I want to taste you, and I want that mouth of yours wrapped around me.” A soft growl came from his parted lips. “I could eat you alive.”

  “That’s unsanitary.”

  He had the nerve to grin. “Did you really just say that?”

  “We had sex,” she reminded him. “We need to clean up first or something.” She wasn’t really opposed to the idea of oral sex. She was curious—and turned-on.

  “Who the hell have you been fucking, my little hellion? It sounds boring. Unsanitary isn’t in my vocabulary. Sex is supposed to be dirty and hot. Come here.” He backed up a little more.

  “We need a shower first, and condoms.” She bit her lip. “I don’t go down on men without one.”

  His mouth parted and he looked shocked.

  “What? It’s less messy that way.” She floundered because he was looking at her as if she’d lost her mind. “It is,” she insisted.

  He recovered and scowled. “Now you’re making me feel sorry for you.
Are you afraid of tasting yourself? Me? What we did together? I didn’t peg you for a coward or a prude.”

  “God, I don’t like you.” She took a step to follow him though, and then another. “I’m just letting you know. This is temporary insanity. That’s my defense.”

  He chuckled. “Always the attorney, aren’t you? It’s kind of hot.”

  “I’ll tell that to my shrink once I’m rescued. She’ll love that part.”

  He snorted. “You see one?”

  “The firm demands we do. We deal with a lot of shit.”

  He lowered to the grass until he was stretched out on his back. He lifted his hips enough to shove his jeans down to mid-thigh, exposing more of his body, and he pulled his shirt up to show off firm abs. The sight of them made her want to touch him. He was beautiful; so in shape, he had to have the best body she’d ever seen. He lifted a hand to urge her on.

  “Come on. Live a little.”

  She stepped next to him.

  He gripped her ankle. “Sixty-nine.”

  Bat only hesitated for a second. “You get bottom. You’re too heavy and big.” Her gaze locked on his impressive cock. “You’d choke me.”

  “I know.”

  The smirk on his face irritated her. She suddenly pulled out of his gentle grip and instead of taking the position he’d demanded, she straddled his thighs, trapped together by his lowered jeans.

  His head lifted and he frowned. “You’re supposed to face the other way.”

  “Payback, sweetheart.” Her hand wrapped around his shaft as she licked her lips. “I may have a submissive streak but I’m nobody’s bitch.”


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