Altered Chords

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Altered Chords Page 11

by Kristen Echo

  He laughed. None of them were ready to settle down, except for Grant. “It will take one hell of a woman to tame one of those wild beasts.”

  A ballad played from his playlist. Bria had insisted they listen to Altered Chords for the entire drive. They had a new fan, and he had a new woman in his life. The reality hadn’t fully registered.

  “You can change your mind about this anytime.” He cleared his throat. “No hard feelings.” His heart would be crushed, but he’d let her go, if it’s what she wanted.

  She reached over and took his hand. “Why do people say that? It would hurt my feelings if you didn’t stay.” Bria placed his hand over her heart. The steady beat thumped faster as she stared at him. “I’m ready for our great adventure to continue. The only reason for you to go is if you don’t want to try. Tell me, Tyson. Do you want me?”

  He’d never wanted anyone more in his life. Everything about her made him smile and made him hard. Like the way she called him on his bullshit in a sweet and sexy way. Her curves were especially tempting. He moved his hand over her breast, squeezing the perfectly rounded globe. “Hell yeah, I want you.”

  Her mouth was too great a temptation to resist. He leaned over and kissed her juicy, red lips. “I want us. I want fucking all of it.”

  “Good. Because I want it all too. It’s been over an hour since we left the mountains. I’m not sure if it’s the change in altitude or what, but I’m so horny. I’m glad you don’t have too much stuff to move, so we can jump into bed sooner rather than later.”

  Tyson looked around the empty garage and smiled. “Who needs a bed?” He released her breast and opened his car door.

  Within a flash, he’d rounded the car to help her out. She giggled as he pulled her towards the front of her car. Her laughter morphed into moans a second later when his mouth captured hers. Her eyes grew wide when he pushed her back onto the hood and opened her legs wide. He needed to be inside her. His cock ached to feel her heat.

  He moved his hand up her thigh and cupped her bare mound. The lack of underwear granted him instant access to her dripping wet pussy. Bria didn’t shy away from sex in public places. She was game for anything. He loved that he could take her anytime, anywhere he pleased. As he pushed two fingers inside, she tore open his shorts and rubbed his shaft. Her fist squeezed him, but he needed something tighter.

  The urgency to make her come on his cock overruled everything else. He pulled his fingers out, making room for what they both needed. “Never doubt how much I want you or how much I’ll love you, firecracker,” Tyson said as he coated the tip of his cock with her arousal.

  “I love you,” she whispered into his ear. The sweetest words he’d ever heard.

  One thrust and he was in all the way. They were together. Exactly where they wanted to be. It was as if the rest of the world didn’t exist.

  “Home, sweet home,” he repeated her words from earlier as he pumped his hips.

  Her core tightened when he kissed her. Their bodies joined in every way. It didn’t take long for her to whimper and clench as she chased her orgasm around his cock. Her nails dug into his back, claiming him. He came hard, shaking from head to toe.

  She smiled as he released her lips. “Let’s go upstairs and you can make love to me all over again.”

  He pulled out and helped her stand. “Deal.”

  A long elevator ride later, they entered her place. Tyson whistled. He knew Bria’s family had money, but it hadn’t sunk in until that moment. There’s no way he could pay the rent or even a quarter of it. The weight of a bulldozer landed on his shoulders. Bria was too good for him. They were from two different worlds.

  “Our bedroom is in the back. It’s the last door on the left,” she said, placing her keys on a hook by the closet. She kicked off her sandals and headed towards a massive kitchen island.

  He set down her bags but held onto his as he looked around. The foyer was larger than his room at Brody’s. The open concept gave him a clear view of his surroundings. Everything was bright white and shiny. It wasn’t overly feminine, just clean and expensive. His feet remained glued to the welcome mat. Next to him, a crystal vase full of bright flowers provided an aromatic greeting. It made him uncomfortable. He cracked his neck, unsure what to do or where to go. Her wealth hadn’t been an issue until that moment.

  “Maybe I should stay at a hostel or find something downtown.” He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

  How the hell was he going to make this work? He loved this girl, but she was so far out of his league it wasn’t even funny. She was from the top one percent and he was from the bottom. He’d been so focused on the emotions he hadn’t been thinking straight.

  A warm hand cupped his chin. “No way. This is going to be great. I want you here. Tyson, I’m glad you’re moving in,” she said, running her free hand down his chest and over his stomach. Her fingers danced along the top of his shorts. His dick responded, rising to greet her.

  He opened his eyes and gripped her waist, pulling her closer. He breathed her in. The truth of their situation had to be addressed. “Bria, I can’t afford to live here. Even after I find work, something like this just isn’t in my budget.”

  Her soft chuckle melted some of his resistance. “I can’t afford this place either. It belongs to my parents. They let me live here for free while I go to school. If you don’t want to live here, we can move. What do I need to do or say to make you stay?” Her hands moved over his crotch. Slow gentle strokes. “I want you to be comfortable.”

  He knocked his head against the wall. “I want to be with you, but you deserve more than an unemployed guy who can’t give you what you want.”

  She wasn’t making it easy. He groaned as she lowered the tines of his zipper, but he stopped her from going further.

  “I want you. Money doesn’t mean a damn thing. You make me happy,” she purred, resting her head against his chest and wrapping her arms around him. “I haven’t set foot in this place in ages because of Klein and his lies. You make me feel safe. I trust you. I didn’t think that would ever be possible again. Don’t leave.”

  Tyson kissed the top of her head. “Okay. I won’t leave. Sorry, I got cold feet for a second. I want you too. Let’s promise to be honest with each other. If it’s not working or you’re unhappy, just say the word and I’m gone. No bullshit.”

  Bria hugged him back. “Honesty is perfect.”

  Their mouths met as the door next to them opened. Bria’s parents entered without knocking. Fun time was over. Tyson smiled and waved. At least Bria wasn’t on her knees this time, but his fly was open. He debated adjusting it but opted not to draw attention to his erection.

  “What are you guys doing here?” Bria stepped beside Tyson, placed one hand on his chest and shoved the other in his back pocket.

  Her mother placed her hands on her hips. She looked less than pleased as she glared at them. “We wanted to make sure you arrived safely. After everything that happened, can you blame us?”

  “It’s nice that you check up on your kid,” Tyson said, placing his arm around Bria’s shoulders.

  Bria huffed. “Nice isn’t the correct term. You have no idea,” she mumbled under her breath and rolled her eyes.

  “We were expecting you to be alone. Tyson weren’t you traveling with the band?” Mr. Rosedale closed the door.

  The tension in the air was thick. Tyson could tell the guy didn’t like him. “The tour is over, and the guys headed home. Bria asked me to stay. So, here I am.”

  “She what?” Bria’s father’s face reddened. “A word. Now!” He grabbed Bria’s hand and pulled her down the hall, leaving Tyson alone with Mrs. Rosedale.

  A door slammed, rattling the pictures on the walls. “Do you plan to live with my daughter?”

  He eyed the bag on his shoulder and set it down. “Looks that way. I care for Bria, and I plan—”

  “You saved her life. For that reason alone, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. I won’t let your
tattoos or menacing appearance dictate my opinion. Your intentions toward my daughter better be pure of heart, or so help me God, I will hurt you.” Her hands balled into fists by her side.

  Tyson crossed his fingers over his heart. “I promise I won’t hurt her.”

  She exhaled. “I never trusted Klein, but I never suspected he was unhinged. She’s been through so much lately. Bria deserves to find happiness.”

  “I agree,” he added.

  “My daughter is headstrong like her father. It won’t matter what I say; she’ll do what pleases her. My husband won’t accept you so easily. No one will ever be good enough.” She smoothed her hands on her skirt and smiled. “Hang in there. He might come around if you’re worthy.”

  Bria stormed towards them and opened the front door. Her hands shook as she held it open. “Thank you for checking on me. I’m safe and sound. You can both leave now. Tyson and I have some unpacking to do.”

  Bria’s mother kissed her cheek and winked at Tyson before leaving. Mr. Rosedale never made eye contact or uttered a word as he stomped out. The door closed, and Bria leaned against it.

  “Are you re-thinking your decision?” Her lower lip quivered as she folded her arms over her chest. “I’d understand if it’s too much.”

  It would take a lot more than disapproving parents to get rid of him. Tyson closed the distance between them. He rubbed her arms, pressed his forehead against hers and stared into her eyes. Pure love stared back.

  “I’m yours for as long as you want me. Your folks will learn to love me. I’m not going anywhere.” They had different backgrounds, but they wanted the same things. Happiness and love.

  “Are you sure?” Her hands covered his and her eyes filled with moisture.

  “Let me make my intentions loud and clear,” he said, lowering his mouth to hers. “I love you.” Their lips united, and the rest of their problems melted away.


  Bria ♥

  O nce school started, the days seemed to pass within the blink of an eye. University received one hundred percent of her attention during the day, but her evenings were devoted to her new relationship. She was floating on an orgasmic high most of the time. At least once a day, she’d pinch herself to confirm it was real. Other times, she’d pinch Tyson which usually ended with her pinned under him. Bria kept waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  Everything was perfect. Except for her parent’s disapproval of how fast her relationship had progressed. They didn’t dislike Tyson, but they hated him living with her. Her father believed she didn’t know him well enough to trust him. She disagreed. He’d saved her life and her heart. Moving in together made sense. She didn’t need time to prove what she already knew. He was a keeper.

  Tyson appealed to her on a primal level. The attraction was more than skin deep. Being with him felt right. She’d never had more fun than when they were together. They were opposites in many ways, but they were compatible in every way that mattered.

  “Should I wear the black or red shirt?” Tyson held both button-down, short-sleeved shirts against his bare chest. Water dripped from his messy hair and trickled down his shoulders.

  Her nipples hardened, and her insides clenched with yearning. She debated pushing him down on the bed and riding him again, but they didn’t have time. They’d been going at it since the moment Tyson returned home from his new job, leaving them only a few minutes to get ready. At her request, he’d taken an equipment operator position within her father’s company. They had plans to meet up with her friends for drinks. Tyson didn’t want to be late.

  It was an important night. Her worlds colliding for the first time since he’d moved in. “Black. Are you nervous?” Bria zipped her jeans. “You’ve never asked me what you should wear before.”

  “I don’t get nervous.” He tossed the red shirt on the bed. “Tonight is about you. To be honest, I don’t give a fuck what your friends think of me. All of us hanging out will make you happy and I aim to please you.” He covered his glistening muscles with black cotton.

  Bria sauntered towards him. “I want you all to get along, but I’ll love you no matter what.”

  Her friends had adored Klein, and they all used to hang out regularly. She missed parts of her old life, but never her ex. She pressed her hand over Tyson’s heart. The steady beat tampered her rising nerves. Bria hadn’t been hiding him from the world, but they hadn’t ventured far from home. A joint decision for the most part. The time had come to take their relationship public.

  Tyson hugged her and planted a kiss on the top of her head. “That’s a relief because they think I’m a thug. Don’t hold your breath for us to become besties.”

  A chuckle escaped. He wasn’t completely wrong. Though, her friends also thought he was a hero. She kept the last part to herself. “With my crazy class schedule, I hardly see them. I want all the people I care about to get together for a few drinks and let loose.”

  “I love it when you let loose,” he said, grinding his pelvis against her. “We haven’t been dancing since the night we met. There are a bunch of dance moves we haven’t tried yet.” Tyson twirled Bria out of his arms and pulled her back.

  Her giggles filled the room when he did it again. Their dirty dancing made her hot and horny. “I like your moves, Mr. Gilcrest. I look forward to seeing what else you have to offer.” She pushed against his chest, creating some distance. “Have you been holding back on me this past month?”

  He smiled, and his dark eyes pierced hers. “What you see is what you get, firecracker. I never hold back with you.”

  His honesty was refreshing. Bria had never met anyone like him. Tyson’s passion was intense and overwhelming. She fell deeper in love every minute they were together. “Thank goodness. I love you and my friends will too.” She wrapped her arms around him, resting her head against the ridged contours of his chest. “You ready to go?”

  “Let’s rock,” he said, taking her hand and leading them out of their bedroom.

  The cab ride to the bar went quickly and the line to get in was short. A band she’d never heard before played a Rolling Stones cover tune. They weren’t half bad, but nowhere near as talented as Altered Chords. She hoped to hear their songs on the radio soon. Nathan’s voice belonged on the radio. Dancers crowded the stage as they weaved their way towards the bar.

  “Over there.” Tyson pointed to an empty table near the bar.

  The scent of beer and spilled liquor wafted through the air. This bar was a top choice among the college crowd due to the drink specials and live music. She hadn’t been often, but she loved the vibe. Graffiti covered walls and the concrete floors. The clear cube tables had blue Led lights coiled around the base, casting a romantic blue hue over the room. They sat, and a waitress took their order.

  Once she was gone, he threaded their fingers under the table. She loved the subtle possessiveness of his actions. She smiled when she felt his leg bounce to the beat. He said he wasn’t nervous, but this was a big step.

  “Do you like this band?” Bria raised her voice to be heard over the music. She scanned the bar, but there was no sign of her friends. They were always fashionably late.

  “The lead guitar is out of tune. They aren’t bad, but—”

  “They aren’t your friends,” she finished. “Do you miss working with the band?”

  The waitress returned with the drinks and Tyson paid. “Not at all. Being a roadie for my friends was cool, but I don’t miss the work. I had hoped they might tour next summer, but they are moving backwards instead of forward. It’s a tough industry.”

  Bria waved as Kelly and Tatianna entered the bar. They were dressed impeccably, looking like two models strutting down the catwalk. She glanced down at her casual attire and cringed inside. “What do you mean?”

  Tyson squared his shoulders. “Drugs, sex and groupies can change people. Make people lose sight of their priorities. There are a ton of talented bands out there and not all of them will make it.”

bsp; “You don’t think Altered Chords will hit the charts?” Bria squeezed his hand as her friends approached.

  “Not right now, but yes. One day they will be huge.” He sat back in his seat and waved. “Hey ladies.”

  Tatianna flipped her curled, black hair over her shoulder and smiled. “It’s about time you two came up for air.” She air kissed Bria’s cheeks. “There’s more to life than sex you know,” she added then walked over and hugged Tyson.

  “Don’t mind her. She’s having a dry spell.” Kelly waved to Tyson and hugged Bria.

  “Define dry spell,” Tyson untangled himself from Tat’s grip.

  Her friend took the stool next to hers. “It’s no big deal. I haven’t met a man worthy of my time in a few weeks.”

  Kelly laughed and covered her mouth. “Sorry. The Banff trip wasn’t only for you Bria. Tat hasn’t been with anyone in—”

  Tat snapped her fingers, silencing their friend. “Bite your tongue. My love life isn’t up for discussion. We are here to talk about Bria and Tyson. We want to hear what you two love birds have been up to this past month.”

  Bria laughed as the waitress took their order and left. Kelly ordered a round of shots. These ladies were too much, but she loved them.

  “We haven’t been up to much. Tyson’s been working long hours and school is insane.” She took a sip of her fruity cocktail.

  “How do you like working for Mr. Rosedale?” Kelly asked, taking the seat next to Tyson.

  He set his beer down. “He owns the company, so I never see him. I guess they like my work since there’s talk of making me a supervisor on the next project.”

  “Really?” Bria hadn’t heard that. “That’s impressive.”

  “I’ve got years of experience under my belt and they keep losing their experienced guys to the oil fields. I’ve supervised teams before, but I’m fine with working and earning my way.” He finished his beer and relaxed his shoulders as the waitress returned with their shots.


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