The Visitor_The Final Ride 1875_1928

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The Visitor_The Final Ride 1875_1928 Page 23

by Barbara Svetlick

  Meeks stirred the sugar in his coffee and sat back. “So, you want to go to Europe and this concern with your mother’s feelings is a ploy to convince me to agree to this?”

  Sara smiled. “We’re always concerned about mother’s feelings but we think we have been good and deserve a trip to Europe.”

  “Well, how about you talk Garnett and James into taking you to Europe.”

  “But we want to go with you.”

  “Please. We have been so good.”

  Meeks nodded. “You have been very good children. I don’t believe I could think of one thing you have done that would disappoint me. Did you talk to your mother?”

  “Cassie did.”

  “I’ll have to give it some thought because frankly I wanted time alone with your mother.”

  “Soon you will have all the time you need because we’ll be gone.”

  “Tell me Sara, what is it you plan on doing now that you have turned down every proposal of every young man who has crossed your path?”

  “I don’t plan on marrying a man just because I am eighteen. This isn’t the old days where women are expected to marry and settle down.”

  Meeks raised his eyebrows as Cassie giggled. “You won’t get an argument out of me but you still haven’t told me what you plan on doing.”

  “I want to start a ranch to raise sheep.”

  “That won’t be real popular with the ranchers.”

  “Well, I have already talked to most of them and informed them that they will not roam the open land and will always be fenced in on my property. I want to bring in Shropshire Buck and Merino Ewe so I can cross breed them. It will give me the heavy good fleece for weaving and mutton which is growing on the market as desirable meat. I can get ten to fifteen cents a pound and it will only cost me three to five cents to produce. And that has nothing to do with the cost of the mutton.” She leaned forward. “Denver right now cannot get enough of either the wool or the mutton.”

  “You seemed to have done your homework. Where will you get the money to buy the land, build on it and bring in the sheep?”

  “My inheritance from granddaddy.”

  “You can’t touch that before you turn twenty-five.”

  Not expecting that answer, Sara sat back and watched her father. “Then how am I going to follow my dream?”

  “Well, you could find a nice young man and get married hoping he will share your dream.”

  “Father, you wouldn’t suggest that I…”

  “No I would not because if I did your mother would probably hit me. If you want your inheritance, put together a proposal for James and see if he’ll give you advice.”

  Lizzie was sitting quietly listening. “Daddy?”

  Meeks thought it was endearing that both Lizzie and Cassie addressed him as their father when they were alone with him. “Yes Lizzie.”

  “We would miss you terribly if you were gone for so long.”

  “And I would miss all of you but like your sister, I think you need to consider what you want to do in life because you will soon be seventeen.”

  “I want to be a concert violinist.”

  “Do any of you plan on getting married?”

  Sara gave him a stern look that was so much her mother. “Mother says that we don’t have to get married until a man sweeps us off our feet. She said that love can sometimes be disguised if we don’t have our eyes open and that our hearts can be stolen by men who wish to take advantage of us.”

  “Your mother said that?”

  “She did. She has instructed us in the ways of the world and the problems that will seek us out if we are not smart and on our toes.”

  “Did she include bears in that advice?”

  “Of course. That’s why we all know how to shoot to kill.”

  “Try not to shoot any men if you can avoid it.”

  “Daddy that is not really good advice.”

  “Then try not to shoot me.”

  They all laughed as he paid the waitress and told them to get into the wagon. Cassie climbed up and put her arms around him kissing his cheek. “And kissing me won’t help persuade me.”

  “You know it does.”

  “I know your mother should have had all boys.”

  Meeks stood on the dock as they unloaded the trunks and took them to their suite. He didn’t know how his honeymoon ended up with three children, James, Garnett and Charisse. Meeks looked up as the girls called him from the railing. Mirisa came up behind them and waved down. Meeks walked up the plank and ran into James. “Everyone settled in?”

  “Everyone is on the upper deck and the girls are practicing the art of being coy but the trunks are in the rooms.”

  “As long as they don’t do that vapor thing.”

  “Meeks, you do realize they are not only attractive but old enough to catch someone’s eye?”

  “I do but I only have to worry about one which is why the rest of you are on this boat.”

  James laughed and they headed into the salon which was filled with well to do women trying to get young children up to their rooms before they became lost in the confusion. They nodded to several men as they climbed the stairs but it was more out of politeness and not familiarity. Meeks walked out behind Mirisa and put his arms around her waist. “I have reservations tonight.”

  “Is that why everyone is on the other end of the ship?”

  “It is.”

  The men on the dock yelled from one to the other as the dock ropes were thrown off the pilings, the anchor was slowly lifted as the stacks billowed white smoke and the whistle blew. Meeks took her hand and led her into the suite locking the door. She turned at the sound and when she started to say something he put his finger on her lips.

  Mirisa rolled over wrapped in the sheet when there was a knock on the door. Meeks slipped on his pants and answered the door. The server introduced himself and put the silver tray on the table in front of the doors that looked out from their suite. He picked up the bottle of Champaign turned over the crystal glasses. Mirisa laughed when she heard the cork pop. He came into the room and handed her a glass.

  “I don’t plan on letting you out anytime soon.”

  “Then I hope you ordered strawberries and chocolate.”

  “I didn’t. I ordered cherries and white chocolate.”

  There was a knock on the door. Meeks put his glass down and answered the door. The server came in carrying two vases of red roses before he brought in three vases of white roses before picking up a large vase of yellow roses. He put them around the room as Meeks tipped him and told him to bring dinner up at 8:00. Meeks picked up the bowl of cherries and walked back into the bedroom. “I put a sign on the door that we’re not to be disturbed.”

  “Do I smell roses?”

  Meeks took his pants off and crawled into bed with her. He slowly unwrapped the sheets and his desire ran so hot in his veins that he forgot about the chocolate as he kissed her neck moving down her until she begged for him to stop teasing.

  He left her in bed sound asleep as he answered the door. James stepped in and looked around the room. “There are more flowers here than in a church. Someone would think you are romancing her.”

  “Are the girls settled down?”

  “They are getting dressed for dinner but I noticed that you are not eating in the dining room. Do you plan on staying locked up the entire voyage?”

  Meeks opened the bottle of whisky and poured two shots. “Hopefully but we both know that she loves sharing adventures with the girls.”

  “It’s a nice ship.”

  “I think my sister is the only one who has been in Europe.”

  “I don’t think I ever saw that one coming.”

  “No one did but she seems to match him well. Are you going to be the only hold out?”

  “Well, you know I patterned myself after you and you up and got married. Dominic tried marriage and he’s single again.”

  “How’s the new girl working out?”

�She speaks very little English, keeps a great house and is great when the lights go out.”

  “Haven’t figured out how you went from blondes to an oriental girl.”

  “I think its Dominic’s influence.”

  Mirisa came out wrapped in the sheet and crawled up on Meeks lap looking at James. She took her foot and ran it along James’ leg as he tried to talk to Meeks. It was so light that she knew it would drive him crazy. James grinned as he grabbed her foot running his finger down the underside making her jerk. Mirisa kissed Meeks and went in to take a long bath. There were vases of flowers around the tub and every type of oil and salt in the world. Mirisa filled it up and pulled out a rose and dropped the petals in the water. It felt so good that she closed her eyes and sunk down in the water.

  The touch of his fingertips on her nipples felt like silk in the oil that coated the top of the water. “Would you like to take a stroll on deck?”

  Mirisa slowly stood as the rose petals clung to her skin. Meeks peeled each one off as she kissed him. Mirisa put on a summer dress and walked out onto the deck with her husband. They hadn’t made it two feet before they turned to the sound of the girls. She smiled as they ran toward her. She loved the new styles the girls were wearing.

  “Mommy, we love the boat. Are you eating dinner with us?”

  Meeks laughed. “We’ll have dinner with you tomorrow night but tonight your mother is mine.”

  They all kissed her cheek and walked down the stairs as she looked over the banister. “Where is James?”

  “He said if we needed him that he would be playing cards and that we were not to fall overboard, shoot anyone or talk to strange men.”

  “Check in with him every half hour to make sure he isn’t losing too much money or picking up bad women.”

  “We will.”

  Meeks took her elbow as she straighten up. “You are very evil.”

  The voyage was calm and by the time they docked outside of London, everyone was ready to enjoy the adventure. Two coaches were waiting for them at the pier and they settled into the Savoy which was having its grand opening. It was the first luxury hotel in Britain, introducing electric lights throughout the building, electric lifts, bathrooms in most of the lavishly furnished rooms, constant hot and cold running water, and had a wonderful chef. Charisse and Mirisa spent the first two days shopping with the girls leaving the men to fend for themselves.

  While the girls were out buying pastry with James, they came upon an old man playing the violin. They stopped and Lizzie asked him if she could play. He handed Lizzie the violin and after a few minutes of testing and tuning it she started a melody that would make you cry. Lizzie handed it back to him, thanking him for being so sharing and asked James put money in his case. He thanked her for sharing her exquisite talent and told her she would go on to become a first class violinist as he winked at her.

  “I’ve never heard you play the violin that well. That was absolutely beautiful who composed it?”

  “I did.”

  “Really. I am very impressed. Does your father know you play that well?”

  “No, I want to surprise him when I get very good.”

  “Well, I don’t know if you can get much better than that.”

  “Oh, I not only can but I will.” James looked at her serious little face. She was so much like her father.

  James talked to Mirisa when they got back to the hotel. They had planned her birthday party for the day before they were to leave for Paris but he didn’t know if anyone had thought about buying her a new violin.

  “Garnett bought her one in New York after she fell in love with it. It was a very, very old expensive violin. He said she picked it up, asked for new strings and played as though she were playing for God.”

  “Have you heard her play?”

  “Both Garnett and I have but she doesn’t know that. She’s very much a perfectionist and very insecure in how good she is but hopefully she will outgrow that.”

  “She played on the street today and it was so beautiful I can’t even describe it.”

  Mirisa smiled and told him that he was a wonderful person and father even if he fretted too much and it was no wonder that the girls loved him as much as she did. They made arrangements to go to an afternoon concert for her birthday and dinner afterwards.

  The morning of her birthday, Meeks found Lizzie curled up in a chair reading a book. He squatted down next to her and handed her a little box. She smiled shyly and put her arms around him crying.

  “Happy birthday darling.”

  “Thank you.” She opened the box and took out the little gold band that had musical notes going around it. He took it out of her hand and she put out her foot as he slipped it on. It was the seventh ring.

  “You have your mother’s feet.” She smiled because that was about the only thing she had except she had her ability to cry no matter whether she was happy or sad. He kissed her forehead and asked her what she was reading.

  “Mom’s poetry book. I didn’t realize that James gave her most of her books."

  “Your mother and James could get lost in old bookstores for days before coming out for air.”

  “She says some of them are too old for me to read but I think there are enough to keep me happy until I am older.”

  “You’re a beautiful young lady.”

  “Why are you always so good to Cassie and me when we’re not really yours?”

  “All of you are mine.”

  Lizzie put her arms back around him and put her head on his shoulder. “I love you so much.” Meeks smiled and pulled up her face running his thumb across her eye lashes. He never thought his life would be so enriched with women so beautiful and so innocent.

  “Where are your sisters?”

  “James took them out to pick up my birthday presents but I’m not supposed to know except none of you realize there are no secrets between the three of us.”

  “Oh, I think we figured that one out a long time ago.” Mirisa came in and put a cup of hot tea and crumpet down on the table next to her. She bent over and looked at the ring.

  “Mother, I love my name. I love that you gave me your whole name. Did I do something special to get your name?”

  “You were the most difficult to deliver.”

  “That made me special?”

  “That made me realize that you had your father’s stubbornness.”

  Lizzie laughed. “But why do I have your name?”

  “Because you have my birth mark.”

  “The moon?”

  “The moon. Your father wrote the Crescent Moon for me after he saw the birth mark.”

  “How did he see it?” She blushed as soon as it came out. Mirisa told her the story of the snake bite which Lizzie thought was the most amazing story she had ever heard. Meeks loved listening to her tell the stories because they were always so romantic and full of such color and fanciness. He leaned over and kissed her sweetly. “If you two love each other so much why did you have me and Cassie? Why didn’t you just keep having your own children?”

  “Because neither your father nor James wanted to settle down and get married. Your mother thought the least they should have was a child to carry on their legacy.”

  “Well, I think it is wonderful that you did and I think it is wonderful that our family is so large and so loving. I love Aunt Charisse and she seems to love my father.” They both smiled as tears filled her eyes. They left her to read her book.

  The men were standing at the bar off the lobby of the hotel waiting as had become the custom when it involved Mirisa as well as her daughters. They were all dressed in short tuxes which was their custom for birthdays with the girls.

  When Meeks smiled, James and Garnett turned toward the staircase as they descended. In front of Mirisa and Charisse, each of the girls was trying hard to gracefully float down the stairs without falling over their hems. Mirisa remembered the first time she came down the stairs at the Plantation thinking she was going to fall. She clos
ed her eyes for a moment and saw Dominic's face as though she was there. The impact of her love for him always took her off guard.

  Sara was dressed in a deep green silk gown that was so stunning it took their breath away. Lizzie was wearing a royal blue gown in taffeta that was fitted to her bodice and waist like it was painted on her. Cassie was wearing a shade of blue lighter than Lizzie’s but with her long blonde hair and blue eyes she was riveting.

  They took an open coach to the theater which was an outdoor shell in the park. The upper seating was covered for those guests who could afford the luxury or for royalty. The entire lower part was made of carved stone as was the shell where the musicians played.

  It was a large orchestra which they enjoyed immensely. Near the end, the musicians sat down as a young man with a violin stepped to the front. He put his violin under his chin raising his bow straight up as he seemed to go into himself. He brought his bow down slowly across the strings and the violin sang like nothing that they had ever heard.

  Lizzie sat forward closing her eyes as the melody slowly floated toward her. Garnett looked over at her and realized her eyes were closed. He touched Mirisa’s hand and she looked at her daughter. You could tell that she was not only taking in every note but she was memorizing them, analyzing them and loving them.

  When he finished the piece, Lizzie opened her eyes and there were tears in them as she stood and clapped. The young man looked up at her and bowed then bowed to the audience before stepping back. Lizzie turned and threw her arms around her father and Charisse thanking them for bringing her to London.

  They went to a restaurant across from the park where the girls were allowed for the first time to drink wine with their dinner. They started with a deep red wine and had white wine with the dessert. All three girls said they much preferred the white wine which didn’t surprise anyone at the table. As they were leaving the restaurant, they walked back toward the park.

  “Why are we going back when the concert is over?”

  “Because your birthday is not over yet.” They walked up to the shell and James climbed up on the stage and Garnett lifted her up to James. Mirisa sat down with the Charisse, Sara and Cassie in the front row. Meeks climbed up and lit the candles. Lizzie watched them wondering what they were going to do.


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