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by Mel Teshco

  Galactic Burn

  Mel Teshco

  Humans have been almost wiped out. All the males are gone and only a few hundred females worldwide survived the devastation. The same deadly virus annihilated the female population of a mighty alien nation, and their three kings—Dar, Ezra and Maddox—are looking for one special female, Lillian, to capture and seduce.

  Though Lillian survived, she has no memory and struggles with the fact that three alien men have become her lovers. One by one, they take her, make her burn for release and satisfy her every sexual need. She craves their touches, their kisses, their comforting embraces while forming strong emotional bonds with each. Lillian is falling for her sexy aliens and agrees to become their life mate in a special ceremony—her three males will make love to Lillian as all the surviving alien males watch.

  But, as the ceremony nears, Lillian begins to remember. The aliens lied and covered up the horrible truth. Their happy, new life together might not be possible after all.

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing

  Galactic Burn

  ISBN 9781419935145


  Galactic Burn Copyright © 2011 Mel Teshco

  Edited by Pamela Campbell

  Cover art by Dar Albert

  Electronic book publication July 2011

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  Galactic Burn

  Mel Teshco

  Chapter One

  She woke to the icy breath of mountain air goose-bumping her skin beneath her jeans and woolen sweater. And with that abrupt realization, she had no idea who she was or how she’d gotten there.

  Her pulse skipped, and then surged into double beats as adrenaline rushed through her veins. She jackknifed into a sitting position, casting a sharp look around. From the fresh pine needles around the slight compression on the ground, she had to have been here for at least a night.

  An eerie quiet loomed in the cluster of tall trees that had sheltered her from the worst of the cold night air, but the chill that seeped into her veins wasn’t entirely from the frosty temperature.

  “Where am I?” She frowned, swiping at the pine needles digging into her neck and clinging to her long, matted hair.

  The distinctive scent of eucalyptus filled her nostrils. Massive gum trees filled the valley below.


  Somehow she knew that much, even though nothing else could be extracted from the fog of her mind.

  Her gaze shot up the steep incline, where a rocky outcrop lay a hundred or so yards above her. She clambered to her feet. She had to find safety. Other people. And the outcrop would make a perfect lookout point.

  The stillness around her abruptly shattered. A shrill whine sounded overhead. She gasped, pressing her hands over her ears. The piercing sound was unlike anything she’d ever heard before. Even muffled, her ears rang.

  She dropped into a crouch and peered up through the now crazily swaying branches. Her throat dried. The huge, rectangular underside of some kind of airship hovered in the cloudless sky.

  It must have come from behind the mountain.

  Early morning sunlight glinted off the silver fuselage as it remained poised above the cluster of trees. Looking for something—someone?

  She sucked in a breath and held it until her lungs burned. “What the hell is that?”

  She had no idea about anything right then, but she instinctively knew whatever craft hovered above the treetops was no man-made machine. It was nothing she’d ever seen.


  A flare of heat rebounded through her skull, a dazzling memory just out of grasp that sent her tumbling to her knees, groaning and clutching her head harder still.

  The noise of the craft abruptly intensified, vibrating the air above her hideout beneath the trees. She fell to her side, dry leaves and pine needles swirling around her in a whirlpool of wind that quickly gained momentum, faster and faster.

  “Get away from me. Leave me alone!” she screamed.

  The craft stayed perhaps another minute. Then in a thunderclap of sound it abruptly shot away—as if it had never been—leaving her alone but with the distinct impression she’d been examined…and marked.

  She whimpered, terrified to the marrow of her bones and wondering if she’d ever felt more alone. She couldn’t stay here waiting for whatever alien creature might come back for her. She needed to move, to find other people. Now.

  Heart in her throat, she swept another glance up and down the mountain before climbing as fast and as quietly as she could to the rocky outcrop, dimly aware that birds were now singing.

  When had they stopped?

  Was she going insane? She had no memory, couldn’t even recall her own name, and yet she’d been certain what she’d seen had been an alien aircraft.

  From her viewpoint on the highest rocky ridge, she saw a thin line of smoke. She peered harder, leaning forward and narrowing her eyes. It was smoke. People!

  “Oh, thank you God!” she breathed. She should be able to make the clearing well before the day was out.

  She soon discovered the closer she trekked toward the smoke, the thicker the tree canopy became, blocking out much of the quickly fading sunlight.

  It was almost dark by the time she stumbled onto the grassy foothill. Her feet were blistered and bleeding inside her now-ragged sneakers, her legs burning and her throat parched. But at least she’d be safe.

  Then she saw them.

  The men standing bare-chested around the small fire appeared to be human, but she knew immediately they weren’t. A decidedly inhuman air clung to them like an aura and each of the huge beings sported waist-length dark hair, tied back at the nape by leather clasps.

  Fear skittered goose bumps all over her skin, alarm bells clanging in her head and screaming run. But she couldn’t move. She froze like a stunned fish impaled on a spear as she gaped at the scene before her.

  There were no women, human or otherwise, and the men turned and watched her like wolves, their hungry yellow eyes glowing eerily in the lengthening shadows. Only, these men weren’t hungry for food. She could see the lust in their stares as clearly as she could hear the growing murmur of their odd, lilting language.

  They were arguing. Over her?

  “Holy shit!”

  Her limbs suddenly decided to cooperate and she b
acked away. Alone, she’d been frightened. Right then there was a churning in the pit of her belly that went way beyond petrified. With a strangled squeak, she turned—and rebounded against the biggest, hardest expanse of chest she’d ever encountered.

  She reeled back. A huge hand wrapped around her forearm, easily keeping her upright and pulling her close to all that muscled heat. She sagged, weak-kneed with fright while her pulse thundered in her ears as she looked up…and up.

  The man towering over her had to be close to seven feet tall and all primitive power. His long, mocha-dark hair was also tied at the nape by a leather clasp.

  For one fleeting moment that felt like an eternity, she gawked. Another alien. But oh so different from the others. Bigger, more commanding and powerful. Magnetic.

  She swallowed hard and dropped her gaze from his piercing golden stare. Her eyes skittered along the bare expanse of his torso and rippling abs before she paused on a strangled gasp of air. The alien’s skin-colored pants, made of some kind of delicate, stretchy material, clung to his burgeoning cock like a lover’s caress.

  She forced herself to breathe, to drag her gaze away from his cock, which was surely much bigger than any human’s.

  “You came to me,” he said in English. His deep, lilting voice was oddly erotic, entrancing, and caused unwelcome shivers to pulse down her spine.

  “No. Don’t be insane! Of…of course not! I’m looking for my people.” She turned her head, searching for an escape route. But running was impossible. The other aliens had surrounded them, their yellow eyes gleaming with carnal need.

  “Then you’re wasting your time. All of your men are dead. And only a few hundred of your women survived.”

  “What?” There was a roaring in her ears. Dizziness assailed her. Her pulse surged into a gallop. “No! That’s impossible.”

  In one effortless move, he swept her into his arms, snapping out his incomprehensible language to the other men as they moved within touching distance around them. The aliens stepped back with obvious reluctance, their eyes narrowed slits as he carried her toward a large, domed building made of the same or a similar substance as his pants.

  In that moment she hardly cared where he took her.

  Most of the human race dead? It was inconceivable and yet, somehow she knew it was true. But why had she been spared? She swallowed. “What happened to them? To…to my people?” she asked hoarsely.

  His eyes, much more golden than the other aliens, studied her face. “Nearly all your people died of the same virus that killed all our women and a good many of our men.” He shrugged. “It seems, in your race, it’s the women who have a much stronger resistance to the virus than men.”

  She closed her eyes, faint with the knowledge that she was one of only a small number of human females left. She grew fainter still from the unmasked need etched into every line of his handsome face.

  She should be afraid of this man, and she was, to an extent. Only, something much more powerful pulled at her senses—a fascination that overrode fear.

  “The virus will have wiped your memory,” he said matter-of-factly, ducking his head a little to shoulder his way through the hanging double doors. “But once your immune system kills the virus, most of your memories will return.”

  “Most?” she asked weakly.

  “Yes. The ones you want to remember.”

  Oh. Why did she get the uneasy feeling she wouldn’t have too many recollections she’d want to dredge up?

  She only absently noted the flimsy hangings of assorted colors that seemingly parted before them as he carried her inside and which she guessed were room dividers. She was all too aware of his exotic scent, something vaguely citrus and earthy, woodsy, that sent warmth through her blood and to places she didn’t want warmed.

  Her heart was pumping hard when he set her on her feet. She swallowed hard. “Who are you?”

  “In your language my name is Darrius Yethala Merle. You may call me Dar.”

  “Dar.” Such a simple word, and yet it made her think of something erotic. It made her think of sex. “You…speak English.”

  He nodded, explaining, “It took us many years to travel to your Earth. In that time our…airwave transmitter-receivers allowed us to learn your language.”

  Her mind whirled. What did he mean, exactly? That they had some kind of satellite dish to listen in to humans’ televised programs and radio shows?

  “So…what…what do you want?”

  His eyes smoldered, almost replicating the color of the leaping flames atop the tall wooden spikes that were their only light source. “You know what I want,” he said softly. When she shook her head, vehemently rejecting his claim, he cut in, “No need for denial. I feel your interest. And soon you will wish we had found you much, much earlier.”

  “We?” she gasped.

  His lips curled at one corner. “Our men still outnumber your women at least forty to one. An unfortunate occurrence since we’re fundamentally a possessive race.”

  She stepped back. “So what are you saying? That you…you share women?”

  His nostrils flared. “Yes.” His smile was pure seduction. “Though only the prime males of our species get to mate with Earth women.”

  Even as horror filled her mind, her womb clenched with need, her pussy moistening. “That’s not going to happen. Not ever! Bad enough one of your kind, but multiple men—”

  He stepped toward her. “It will happen,” he said softly, decisively. “We Carèche people are of the same likeness as human. You won’t be disappointed.”

  She jerked out of his reach. “So you’ll use force?” she hissed.

  He angled his head to the side, studying her. “Believe me, that won’t be necessary.”

  “What, you think I can’t say no to someone’s cock driving into me?” she said crudely. “You think I’d beg for more than one of you alien bastards to take me?”

  Dar’s head fell back, laughter spilling from his mouth like a swirl of too-sensual music. “You’ve got fire in you, I’ll give you that.” His mouth snapped shut over the glint of overlong, razor-sharp canines, his smile becoming subdued as he rasped, “My Carèche brothers and I will enjoy the taming of you.”

  “Go to hell!” She spun away and ran. But as she shoved her way through the first flimsy sapphire-blue partition, a shock wave of pain cut through her body, paralyzing her every muscle.

  She screamed. Her convulsing throat blocked all sound…all breath. Strong arms pulled her backward, and immediately she was free to breathe, to move.

  “I probably should have warned you about that, hmm?” Dar murmured, but she was all too aware of the wry humor beneath his words, all too aware of the amusement lurking beneath his yellow stare when he turned her in his arms and studied her face. “If one was to somehow pass that blue shield, the next should do the trick.”

  While he waited for her to regain her breath, her dignity, he explained, “The yellow shield emits a gas that quickly puts an escapee into a deep, long sleep. Touching the red shield pushes sharp little cells of toxin through the skin and into the bloodstream, causing symptoms similar to what you humans refer to as intoxication.”

  She barely registered his words. She was a prisoner! Rage bubbled to life within, an emotion she felt sure she was susceptible to if she could only remember. Lust also brewed, thick and strong, fighting for supremacy. Was she susceptible to that too? She suspected not.

  “Without mind prompt, the shields allow only me or my two brothers access. And though they appear fragile, the shields contain their own life force. They are forever linked to us by the meshing of our cells.” He shrugged. “It’s why the shields respond only to our subconscious. Anyone else is considered an intruder and dealt with accordingly.”

  It really was something out of a science-fiction book, only this was no fantasy, the man before her no gallant hero. “So…what now? What are you going to do with me?”

  Somehow her anger was ebbing away as other unwanted emotions r
ose within.

  “What would you like me to do with you?” he asked, his glowing stare almost hypnotic.

  She wouldn’t think about that. Yet images were filling her head one after the other, images she intended to keep locked away in a vault inside her mind.

  “You’re compelling me, is that it?” she asked weakly, feeling her resistance melt away as his head lowered and hers lifted, coming together.

  “I am,” he admitted huskily. “Just until you’re more able to face your fears and your memories start to return.” His lips brushed hers. “Though it isn’t our way.”

  So it was possible, then? “What is your way?” she whispered.

  But then their lips merged, her arms locking around his neck as she stood on tiptoe, his arms crossing behind her waist. His big hands cupped her ass and drew her forward and up, against his hard cock, which was surely too large—

  She ripped out of his arms, gasping for breath, grasping for sanity. “What am I doing?”

  He raised a dark brow, suggesting lazy amusement. His burning eyes indicated otherwise. “You humans call it kissing.”

  “I don’t kiss strangers!” Did she?

  “You’re afraid of me.” His hand scraped over his smooth chin in a gesture that was all too human. “Why?”

  “You’re not…normal! You’re not human and you’re…huge…all over.”

  Her eyes automatically slipped down to rest on his cock, which his tight pants emphasized. Heat flooded her face and she jerked her gaze back up to meet his amused stare.

  “I will make sure you are wet for me,” he said huskily.

  She squirmed a little, ashamed by how wet she’d been for him from the moment she’d crashed into his hard chest. She shouldn’t want this. She should be scared witless of him, terrified of what he’d do to her, to her body.

  Should be. But wasn’t.

  His large hand dropped to his bulging cock, his stroking fingers a promise of what was to come. “I will have you beg to have me inside you.”


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