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GalacticBurn Page 9

by Mel Teshco

Goose bumps prickled her skin as she too closed her eyes and went with the moment, trusting her men, her instincts, and feeling uplifted, reinvigorated and touched deep within—an epiphany and an awakening all at once.

  She abstractedly wondered if by fully trusting these men she’d absorbed their emotions, or if they’d used a little mind manipulation, just as Dar had done at their first meeting.

  The chanting stopped. Her eyes opened as each of the men pressed a kiss to her throat, right over the healed puncture marks made by Dar.

  Maddox inclined his head. “It is time.”

  She swiped a hand through her hair, feeling suddenly, inexplicably nervous.

  “What…exactly is involved in this…this bonding ceremony?”

  Maddox smiled a little. “I guess you could say it’s our version of an Earth marriage.”

  She looked at Dar and then Ezra. Their expressions were unreadable. She cleared her throat. “I don’t know of any Earth women who married three men at once.”

  Maybe in their dreams.

  “Then they had no idea what they missed out on,” Ezra said huskily, his words belied a little by the possessive glint behind his stare.

  She patted her hair, wishing yet again for the luxury of a mirror. “I must look a mess. I need to clean myself up, get ready.”

  It was Dar’s turn to smile. “This is your special day. Everything is taken care of.”

  Her hand dropped. “It is?”

  All three looked past her expectantly. She turned as three aliens, each clearly from a different Carèche province, moved through the plant fronds and into Maddox’s private quarters.

  Her frown deepened. “What is this? Who are they?”

  Dar moved forward first. He cupped her chin, sliding a thumb along her bottom lip and tenderly tracing the soft flesh. “Put yourself in these men’s hands. They are our chosen, and have been specially selected by each of us brothers.”

  Before she could utter a refusal, he pressed a kiss onto her mouth, his tongue sweeping the same contours his thumb had brushed. She sagged into him, heat flaring into her pussy, her belly.

  He pulled back. “We shall see you soon, my darling.”

  Dragging his gaze from her, he nodded at the three chosen men. And in just a few strides he pushed out through the leaves and disappeared from sight.

  Ezra stepped toward her next. “Don’t be afraid, my Lillian.” He too leaned forward and kissed her on the mouth, his tongue sliding inside and tasting her, teasing her, turning her bones to mush. “Until we bond,” he said huskily, and he too disappeared through the leaves and fronds.

  Maddox was the last to approach her. He clasped her hands, his gaze searching hers. “Know that you already have my heart.” And just like that, he too disappeared through his beloved plants.

  She put a hand to her lips. “And you have mine,” she whispered. Maddox hadn’t kissed her, but he’d touched her emotionally. “You all do.”

  The chosen men moved forward then, two of them stepping to either side of her and gently taking her arms, the other moved forward and she followed in his wake.

  A little dazed, she obediently moved with them out of Ak ‘ Bella, and minutes later, down into the darkened bowels of the ship. This time she experienced the odd weightlessness for herself, and for a few moments at least, the light-as-a-feather sensation diverted her attention from the chosen men and the bonding ceremony ahead.

  She stepped onto the shield that would take her to the ground far below. The three men surrounded her, and unlike her earlier experience with her three husbands-to-be, their closeness suffocated her, made her feel they were her bodyguards, not dissimilar to the ones she’d had before she’d ran away and the virus had hit.

  Her breath heaved inward, her pulse jumping at this latest realization.

  She’d run away?

  She’d had bodyguards?

  The men turned to look at her, quizzical. But then the shield all but dropped out from beneath them, the ground rushing up to meet them.

  The thought was all but forgotten.

  They stepped off the shield and onto the dewy grass. She peered up at the cloudless dark-indigo sky, where the moon now shone high in the heavens, lighting up the countryside.

  One of the men, a short-haired, green-eyed male who was much less compelling or attractive than Ezra, swept out a hand to indicate which direction she should walk. He and the other two males had obviously not been taught English.

  She marched away from the direction of Dar’s dwelling, through saplings and larger gum trees. Before long she was slipping and sliding as the ground gave way to a downhill slope. One of the men indicated that she should climb on his back.

  “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me?”

  His stern face told her he most definitely wasn’t.

  “Wouldn’t it have been easier to have the mother ship transport us to wherever it is we’re going?” she asked, wishing they understood.

  By the time she’d been given over to the third man’s broad back, who strode effortlessly down the steep and rocky incline, she realized just how physically strong these men were. Yes, she was light, dancers usually were. But she wasn’t a feather by any means.

  The incline abruptly leveled out and they broke through the bush and into the bottom of a tiny gorge. A waterfall gushed into a small, crystal-clear pool of water, the sky almost obliterated by a circle of trees rearing upward. Next to the water’s edge, a large, bulging, canvas bag awaited.

  My wedding dress? The thought made her giggle, a nervous, frayed sound that reminded her just how out of her depth she was.

  She wished now that Dar had had a chance to tell her about the bonding ceremony—any of the brothers, really. It just hadn’t occurred to her to press the issue when she’d been otherwise engaged much of the time.

  The long-haired male used hand gestures to indicate she undress. She frowned. Did the brothers know about this? Of course they did. And these men showed no real interest in her, unlike what she’d experienced under some of the other alien males’ stares.

  These three aliens were probably some of the many who preferred their own gender. She smiled at Dar’s chosen. “Okay.”

  She stepped out of the dress. The men kept their pants on as they led her into the water, where the cool depths lapped past her thighs, her pussy, and finally her breasts.

  One of the men, whose appearance resembled Maddox, moved to the water’s edge and opened the canvas bag. Next thing she knew they had her dip beneath the water, keeping her afloat then as Maddox’s chosen returned and began to shampoo her hair.

  At first she was stiff and a little embarrassed. Unlike the immediate attraction to each of the brothers—the apparent trans-alien hypersensitivity—she felt no connection to these men. But their sure hands soon had her loosened up and even enjoying the attention they bestowed.

  The pair who held her abruptly flipped her onto her back. She yelped, but they shushed her—a universal language?—and she subsided, closing her eyes, determined that she could handle their treatment.

  After all, there had been plenty of men hairdressers and beauty therapists on Earth.

  One of the men began to soap her front, paying particular attention to her breasts that undoubtedly jutted out of the water. Her breath hissed, and they shushed her again, soothing her.

  She swallowed hard and stilled.

  Somehow, despite herself, pleasure slowly built, blooming outward with their ministrations. She squeezed her eyes harder still when the water gently rocked her up and down as one of the men moving toward her feet and then massaging her soles with slow, measured strokes.

  She surrendered with an unsteady sigh.

  She wasn’t sure of the exact moment the male at her feet turned his attention to her calves. But suddenly her legs were spread wide as he moved between them, his clever hands kneading ever upward.

  Her pussy throbbed. And she imagined it was one of the brothers rubbing her open legs as her own hand moved down, al
most of its own volition, prepared to ease the ache in her wet cunt.

  One of the chosen grasped her wrist, stopping her hand. Her eyes jerked open, and the long-haired alien shook his head, denying her the self-gratification. She glared, enraged at this injustice, this taking away of her liberty.

  Her glare became a frown. Why had she reacted so strongly? Had she been stripped of her freedom once before?

  The silent trio waded back toward the shore, carrying her between them. Placing her on the large, flat rock with its caltronian fur, they pressed her facedown onto the red pelt, and proceeded to massage scented oil along her nape, her spine, her buttocks.

  She groaned, wishing fervently for Dar, Ezra or Maddox right then to ease the ache between her trembling thighs.

  Her muscles like putty, the men gestured for her to roll over and sit. She obeyed, drowsily wondering at their skill as they proceeded to comb out her hair, pulling it straight from root to tip until the soft ends brushed just above the dimples of her ass.

  Using hand gestures to instruct her to again lie flat on her belly, they managed to communicate that she not move before the three of them abruptly departed.

  And just like that, she was left alone. Frustrated.

  She shivered a little. The moon had reached its peak in the sky and was slowly descending, marking the chill of predawn. The men had told her not to move but she seriously contemplated pulling on what she assumed was a wedding dress in the canvas bag just yards away.

  Movement caught her attention. She let out an unsteady breath. Though she couldn’t see who approached, she knew there was more than one—knew exactly who they were.

  Trans-alien hypersensitivity made her more than aware.

  Chapter Seven

  “Close your eyes,” Dar murmured from afar.

  She did so hesitantly, keeping them closed when three pairs of hands encouraged her to rise to her knees. She perceived it was Ezra who moved behind her, obviously naked as his cock brushed hard and insistent against her back.

  She leaned against him, letting out a restless mewl of need. His hands massaged her shoulders, her spine, his mouth worshipping her nape, his breath hot against her ear.

  Dar had moved to her front, and her mouth opened under his as he kissed her with a skill that actually took her breath away. He cupped her heavy breasts, his thumbs skillfully kneading until her nipples pebbled hard.

  But it was the touch of Maddox’s mouth between her cunt lips that had her eyes popping right open, her mouth tearing from Dar’s.

  Maddox lay beneath her parted legs, his head elevated as he looked up at her with wolf-like intensity.

  “This isn’t right,” she said weakly.

  “Human rules no longer apply,” Ezra murmured huskily into her ear.

  “But—” she gasped aloud as Maddox parted her folds, his mouth latching on to her clit and jolting her with enough pleasure to make her forget right or wrong, good or bad. This was a new world, with new rules. And these men were soon to be her husbands.

  This was their moment. Together.

  By the time she noticed the silent tread of alien men approaching, moving around their love nest with avid interest, she couldn’t have stopped the act even if she’d wanted. And she really, really didn’t want…

  “They’re our witnesses,” Dar groaned, aware of her apprehension even with her heightened state.

  Wedding guests?

  Despite herself, the voyeurism turned her on, added to her near-unbearable arousal. She could only imagine the sight they made, all but fused together on the rock. And she, like a virgin goddess to the three men worshipping her body.

  All thought fled as Maddox’s mouth suckled her into instant, delicious climax.

  Dar and Ezra kept her upright as they continued to play with the nerve endings all over her body. As her orgasm ebbed, her three lovers moved to stand before her.

  She swayed on her knees, grateful her aliens’ strength kept her propped up. Each of the men placed a hand over hers—over her wedding ring—and began to chant something in their own language, a musical high and low that held her enthralled and still while they drew the ring from her finger.

  The captain stepped forward, a cup of liquid in one hand. The chanting stopped. And in that moment of absolute silence, the three men dropped her ring into the cup. The liquid inside fizzed loudly for a brief moment, then, like a match to gasoline, it whooshed into flame. Hot and searing.

  Dar stepped forward alone. As he laid her gently on the fur spread over the rock, somehow she forgot about the alien men who witnessed this act. All her focus was on the way Dar covered her body with his own, his long hair brushing her collarbone, her breasts.

  Dar’s yellow stare held hers for a beat, his cock nudging between the slick folds of her pussy. “Ose mau’et leiu,” he said hoarsely.

  She didn’t need a translator. “I love you too,” she whispered.

  He pushed inside her with controlled force and she gasped at the delicious friction, her eyes locked onto his.

  Somehow the eroticism of the three magnificent men, along with the thrill of the voyeuristic crowd, sent her needs to a whole new stratosphere. Their coming together was beautiful, transcending all human morals and codes.

  Dar rocked into her hard and fast and without mercy. She groaned, her inner muscles quivering. When she tightened up around him on the edge of sweet gratification, his cock immediately pulsed with a current of pleasure, hitting her G-spot dead center before ricocheting straight to her womb.

  “Dar!” She came instantly, falling apart around him.

  He arched back, his fangs in evidence. And as he surged hard into her pussy, his hot seed spewing deep as he convulsed inside her again and again, he slid twin fangs into her neck, marking her as his.

  “I’m sorry if I hurt you,” he whispered in her ear. She shivered as his tongue slid along the puncture wounds of her neck. “But I had to mark you again. Had to make it clear you are mine.”

  She managed a shaky nod. As he slid his cock free and stepped away, she had no time for any sense of aloneness.

  Ezra immediately took his place. He effortlessly flipped her onto her belly, kneeling between her outspread thighs with his cock pushing insistently against her cunt lips. “My turn, my sweet,” he murmured hoarsely. “Are you ready for me?”

  Incredibly, she was. She was turned on in ways she couldn’t even begin to describe. Her body throbbed with eagerness, with stark invitation as she angled her pussy toward him.

  Ezra slid inside her like a hot knife through butter, meeting little resistance. She groaned long and loud, unable to put a lid on the pleasure building so quickly within.

  Chin propped on her forearms, eyelids sweeping low, she was all too aware of Maddox and Dar.

  Maddox watched her with burning eyes, his cock thick and long, his forearms bunched as though ready to leap into the fray and take over as Ezra moved inside her with long strokes.

  Dar watched, clearly fascinated and turned on despite his climax just moments ago.

  Having each of her men watch her fuck the other was the biggest turn-on imaginable. She reveled in the voyeuristic bonding in ways she could hardly fathom.

  She jerked, crying out at the electric charge pulsating through her wet channel. Ezra slid out then pushed deep inside her again, hitting her with another jolt that sent her into immediate, shuddering orgasm. He swooped low, his canines sinking into her throat to inject his pheromone marking.

  Another climax hit her hard, and she bit into the top of her forearms, stopping a scream of joy—even as Ezra bellowed something in his own language, his seed jetting into her convulsing pussy.

  Ezra licked the stinging pinpricks at her throat and murmured softly, “Ose mau’et leiu.”

  “And I love you,” she whispered, thoroughly sated. Thoroughly wet.

  Her inner muscles protested as he slowly withdrew.

  Maddox moved to her side. He ran a hand along her jaw, brushing back her hair. “I
t is customary for the Carèche intended to perform a different position with their spouse.”

  “Oh,” she breathed.

  “It is considered good luck,” he added huskily.

  She sat, feeling nubile and incredibly beautiful—more so with all the eyes watching their joining. “You want me on top?”

  “That is my wish.”

  Her core clenched. “I would like that.”

  He moved onto the fur spread out on the rock with nothing short of lightning speed, his hungry smile unabashed as she straddled him.

  She ground her pussy over the length of his shaft, allowing all the cum from Dar and Ezra to lubricate his cock that lay flat on his belly. He groaned, filling his hands with her breasts, his thumbs dragging over her hard nipples until they were points.

  She heard one of the men in the crowd groan approval. Her womb clenched. Was it the performer in her that fired her up? She was so ready for this, her body a finely tuned instrument for her men to play.

  She lifted her hips and took hold of the base of his cock, aligning the head to her slit. With a hiss of breath she impaled herself on his length. She squatted over him, her feet flat on the rock on either side as she began to bounce up and down on his cock.

  She increased her speed as pleasure spiraled within her, aware she was going to pay for this joining come morning.

  Maddox’s ice-blue eyes glowed almost silver as he shot her with a current of wild energy that zapped her straight into climax. She ground her clit over his shaft, heightening her own pleasure as her inner muscles contracted around him.

  He came suddenly, wildly. On a guttural roar he clasped her roughly and pulled her down low, biting her throat with his canines to mark her as his.

  She gasped, jerking at the pleasure-pain that fueled yet another climax.

  She slumped against him, smelling the coppery tang of blood even before she realized her neck was sticky with warm wetness from the marking of her men.

  Maddox was still embedded deep inside her when Dar approached. She straightened and he leaned over, kissing her open mouth. Ezra followed immediately after, his green eyes pinning hers just before he kissed her hard, his tongue dipping into her mouth.


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