Wildcat and the Rock Star (The Lone Pine Lodge Book 3)

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Wildcat and the Rock Star (The Lone Pine Lodge Book 3) Page 4

by Haley Jacobs

  Barbara went in a side door toward the back, and found the Bride’s Room. She knocked on the door. Molly answered.

  “Barbara!” said Molly, giving her a huge hug. Barbara had only known Molly for a few days. She was already becoming a good friend.

  “Hi, Molly!” said Barbara. “How is everybody doing?”

  “It just couldn’t be better!” said Julia, standing in her bridal gown. Suzanne, the Mother of the Bride, was busy straightening Julia’s dress.

  “You look absolutely stunning!” said Barbara. “And I’m not just saying that as your future sister-in-law.”

  “Thanks!” said Julia. She was beaming. “Are we ready to start?”

  “We will soon,” said Barbara. “I’ll check on Jake and see how he’s doing. Then we’ll get you two hitched.”

  The Ballroom was filled with friends and family. The energy in the room was one of total joy.

  “This will be easier than we thought,” said Barbara’s cat.

  “I think it will!” said Barbara. She walked up the side aisle to where Jake and Gaston were getting ready, when her cat suddenly tensed. A rattling roar came from outside, the sound of an old, broken-down car. Barbara startled as the engine backfired and ground to a halt.

  “That’s weird,” said Barbara. Not many cars drove the treacherous road from Grinsburg Springs to the Lone Pine.

  “I don’t like this,” said her cat.

  “Neither do I,” said Barbara.

  Barbara shook it off. She scanned the room and found Ryan. He was sitting on the end, near the front. He would tell her if there was a problem. Barbara put a hand on his shoulder.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked. “My cat’s sensing danger.”

  “Something’s up, but I don’t know what it is,” said Ryan. “I think it’s all right, though.”

  “Thanks, Ryan,” said Barbara. “Will you keep me posted in case something develops?”

  “Sure,” said Ryan. “So far, everything seems to be okay.”

  She continued up the aisle to a room at the right of the stained glass window. She looked up at the window again. Its beauty was as shocking as its content. She turned toward the door and knocked. Gaston answered.

  “Barbara!” said Gaston in a thick French accent. Gaston was the chef at the Redwood Grill, and Jake’s Best Man. Over the past few days, she had seen Gaston and Molly fall in love. The Lone Pine had that effect on people. Countless numbers of people—shifters and nonshifters alike—had met and gotten married at the Lone Pine. The old hotel had magic, to be sure. “Are we ready to go?”

  “Julia’s ready,” said Barbara. “Are you ready, Jake?”

  Barbara’s breath caught in her throat as she looked at Jake in his tuxedo. He looked exactly like his identical twin brother on Ron and Barbara’s wedding day.

  “I’m ready!” said Jake.

  Barbara pulled herself back together and led Jake and Gaston to the front of the Ballroom. Molly stood at the front of the Grand Ballroom’s stage to the right of Barbara. Jake was on her other side, next to Gaston. Barbara caught Molly and Gaston sneaking looks at each other.

  “You guys are way too adorable,” said Barbara.

  Julia stood at the back of the Grand Ballroom, looking absolutely ravishing. Her dress was speckled with pearls that shimmered in the sunlight streaming in through the windows. Julia’s dad took her arm and walked her down the aisle. Since Gus had broken his wrist, there was no music. People stood as Julia walked by.

  Barbara began the ceremony.

  Ellie the Lotus sputtered as they drove up the steep hill. Ron and Alf could see the Lone Pine Lodge.

  “C’mon! C’mon! C’mon!” said Ron as he pounded the steering wheel with his hands. Ellie growled unappreciatively as she lurched along.

  “It’s 3:00 PM now,” said Alf. “We’ll make it! Don’t you worry.”

  The car roared just as they reached the drop-off area in front of the Lone Pine. Ellie shuddered and gave one final BANG! as she shivered and ground to a halt in a cloud of steam.

  Ron patted the steering wheel. “Good girl.”

  Ron flew out of the car and ran up the steps to the porch and stopped. He turned back and ran toward the car as Alf was getting out. Ron grabbed Suzy.

  “What the hell are you doing with Suzy?” asked Alf.

  “We can’t just leave her in the car!” said Ron.

  Ron ran up the steps with Alf close behind. Ron looked at the huge lobby, turning one way, then the next.

  “I don’t know where to go!” said Ron.

  “I got this,” said Alf.

  Alf calmly walked up to the woman at the front desk. Her name tag read “Sally.”

  “Excuse me,” said Alf. “But you wouldn’t happen to know where the Richardson wedding’s at, would you?”

  Sally eyed Alf suspiciously. “Are you on the guest list?”

  “Ron Richardson,” said Alf. “Plus one.”

  Sally checked the list carefully. Alf pointed to Ron’s name at the bottom.

  “Grand Ballroom,” she said. She pointed across the lobby to a large set of double doors.

  “Thank you, ma’am,” said Alf.

  The two men ran toward the Ballroom.

  Alf and Ron burst through the double doors, and into the hallway, just outside the Grand Ballroom. Ron straightened up and got himself ready. He cracked open the door and took a peek.

  Ron gasped. There was Barbara, his mate—his one true love—officiating the wedding ceremony. She hadn’t changed. Her hair was a bit shorter and her face looked even more beautiful than when he had last seen her. Ron’s heart beat like it was trying to break out of his chest.

  Ron’s twin brother Jake was there, holding his bride’s hands as they were just beginning their vows. He had never seen his brother happier. Ron and Alf sat in the back.

  “I just remembered! I don’t have a wedding present!” whispered Ron.

  “Kinda late for that, don’t you think?” said Alf.

  “Why is there no music?” asked Ron.

  “No clue,” said Alf.

  “That’s it! Music!” said Ron. “Jake deserves music at his wedding!”

  Ron reached over and took Suzy out of her case.

  “Seriously?” said Alf.

  “What do I play?” asked Ron, looking panicked. “I only know honky-tonk tunes!”

  “Ah hell, I don’t know,” said Alf. “It’s a wedding. Play the Beatles. Play Taylor Swift. Hell, play some Bach for all I care!”

  Ron put a hand on Alf’s shoulder. “Bach. Good idea!”

  Ron took a deep breath and started to play. His hands were shaking as Jake was beginning his vows.

  "I, Jake Richardson,” said Jake. “Take you, Julia Pratchett, to be my wife from this day forward, to join with you and share all that is to come, and I promise to be faithful to you until death parts us."

  Ron began softly playing Bach’s Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring.

  Julia looked up at Jake and smiled.

  "I, Julia Pratchett,” said Julia. “Take you, Jake Richardson, to be my husband, from this day forward, to join with you and share all that is to come, and I promise to be faithful to you until death parts us."

  Ron looked at Barbara. She was staring at Ron, silent and sheet white. It was the first time he had ever seen Barbara in anything other than complete control. Ron could see that Barbara’s eyes were brimming with tears. Maybe arriving unannounced and playing Bach wasn’t such a hot idea after all.

  “Holy shit!” whispered Jake to Julia. “It’s Ron!”

  Barbara looked at Ron sitting in the back playing the guitar. He still had that larger-than-life presence that made heads turn and made her heart beat faster. Ron wore mirrored aviator glasses, denim jeans, a rhinestone studded denim jacket, cowboy boots, and a Stetson. Barbara could feel a mixture of hot rage and longing burning in her chest.

  “My bear!” said Barbara’s inner cat. “That’s my bear!”

  Barbara clear
ed her throat and regained her composure. “By the power vested in me by the State of Alaska, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss each other.”

  Jake and Julia locked in a passionate kiss as everyone cheered. Barbara made a quick exit to the dressing room behind the stained glass window.

  “I’ll take care of Suzy,” said Alf, taking the guitar out of Ron’s hands. “You go get your Wildcat.”

  Ron dashed out of his seat, stopped to kiss his mother and hug his father, quickly hugged Jake and Julia, and ran after Barbara.

  Barbara closed and locked the door to the dressing room, and broke into uncontrollable sobs. She hadn’t felt so conflicted since the day she left for Alaska all those years ago.

  “MY BEAR!” said her cat. “I NEED TO SEE MY BEAR!”

  “No, you don’t!” said Barbara. “Aren’t you forgetting what he put us through? All of the pain?”

  “And all the love?” said her cat.

  There was a knock at the door.


  “Babe,” said Ron. “Open the door.”

  “It’s Ronnie!” said her cat. “It’s my Bear! Open the door!”

  “NO!” yelled Barbara. “GO AWAY!”

  “BUT IT’S MY BEAR!” screamed her cat. Barbara’s cat began to take over. She could feel herself starting to shift against her will.

  “Oh no, you don’t, cat!” Barbara said as she felt her fingernails extend into claws. Fur began to sprout all over her body. Barbara knew she was fighting a losing battle. She quickly flung off her shoes and fumbled for the zipper on the back of her dress, trying desperately to shed her clothes before the shift shredded them.

  “MY BEAR!” screamed her cat. Barbara could feel the seams stretching. Ron continued to pound at the door.

  Barbara completely shifted into a large puma just as the dress hit the floor. She yelped as her bra stretched against her swelling ribs, ripped and snapped. Her panties somehow stayed put. They were dispatched with one deadly accurate swipe of her cat’s razor sharp claws.

  Barbara, now an angry puma, yanked the door open, splintering the doorjamb and sending lock parts flying.

  Ron stood there stunned with his mouth hanging open. The cat—his cat—paced nervously around the room, never taking her eyes off Ron. Barbara’s tail swished back and forth.

  “MY WILDCAT!” said Ron’s inner bear.

  “MY BEAR!” said Barbara’s cat.

  “Uh oh…” said Ron. He could see the conflict Barbara was having with her cat. He knew the next few moments were going to be delicate. Barbara in full puma mode could be deadly.

  Ron closed what was left of the door, and took a deep breath. Barbara was still pacing.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” asked Barbara. Her voice was distorted through her cat larynx and tongue. Barbara snarled as she bared her teeth and probed him with her golden eyes.

  Ron took off his sunglasses and Stetson, and calmly set them on the table. Barbara could see tears forming in his eyes.

  “I’ve come home,” said Ron.

  Barbara snarled. “LIAR!”

  “I know this is hard to believe,” said Ron. “I’m sorry, Barbara. I’m sorry for everything that has happened. I was trying to protect you. I know I’ve made some bad choices, but I’m here now. I’m here to stay.”

  Barbara backed up, sizing up Ron. She snarled and crouched, never losing eye contact with Ron. Barbara could feel the energy rising. Her cat had fully taken over.

  “Is there any way you could forgive me?” asked Ron.

  “MY…” said her cat. “BEAR!!!!!”

  The cat sprang from its position toward Ron with claws extended. There was no time for him to shift or even to get out of the way. Ron held his arms up in protection as Barbara knocked him to the floor. Barbara had shifted back to human form in midair.

  Ron landed with a thud with Barbara on top of him. His hands held her shoulders. Instead of fur, there was skin. Barbara was naked. She may have been fully human, but her inner cat was still hungry.

  “Baby,” Ron said. “Let’s talk about this.”

  Barbara could feel a passionate fire burning inside her. Even in human form, her cat was in control. Barbara grabbed handfuls of Ron’s long, dark hair and smashed her mouth against his. Her tongue pried open Ron’s lips, deepening their kiss.

  “MINE!” she growled, kissing Ron on his neck and grinding her hips against his.

  “Oh man, I missed you,” said Ron.

  Barbara ran her hands over Ron’s muscular core as he lay on his back. She grabbed his belt buckle and unlatched it. She unzipped his jeans and yanked them down to his ankles.

  “Barbara…Barbara…” said Ron. “As much as I’d love for you to do that, you’re maybe not quite yourself right now…”

  “MINE!” hissed Barbara.

  “I want you to be absolutely sure that…”

  Before Ron could finish his sentence, the love of his life had lowered herself onto him, riding him with fury and need.

  The heat from her core spread throughout her entire body in wave after wave of ecstasy.

  “MINE!” she cried out. Barbara’s body squeezed Ron in one final spasm of pleasure. She felt Ron’s body stiffen.

  “Barbara!” cried Ron.

  They lay there together, holding onto each other. When Barbara finally rolled off Ron, they were both still breathing heavily.

  “I love you, Barbara,” said Ron.

  “Goddamn you, Ron,” said Barbara. “I love you, too.”

  Barbara looked at Ron. Her eyes got big.

  “Holy shit!” said Barbara. “The wedding!”

  “The wedding!” said Ron.

  Ron scrambled to pull up his pants and straighten his shirt.

  “My underwear!” said Barbara. “What did you do with my underwear?”

  Ron pointed to a shredded pair of cotton panties. The tattered remains of Barbara’s bra were draped over a light fixture.

  “Shit!” said Barbara. “Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!”

  Barbara ran to the bathroom to clean up as quickly as she could. She grabbed her dress and pulled it over her head.

  “Zip me up!” said Barbara.

  “Uh…Babe,” said Ron. “I think there’s something wrong with your dress...”

  “THERE’S NO TIME!” yelled Barbara.

  She quickly pulled on her shoes and dashed out the door.

  Ron sat down heavily in a chair, stunned. Well, happy—very happy—but stunned.

  “We did it!” said Ron’s inner bear. “We got our Wildcat back!”

  “We did,” said Ron. “But something tells me that we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us. Once she calms down and realizes what just happened, there’s gonna be hell to pay!”


  Sally knew something was wrong as soon as the little balding man showed up at the Lone Pine’s Front Desk.

  “Can I help you?” said Sally.

  “Yeah, Sweetheart, you can,” said the man. “Where’s the Richardson wedding at?”

  “Excuse me?” said Sally. “Did you just call me Sweetheart?” In one sentence, this man had already rubbed her the wrong way.

  “I don’t have time for this shit,” the man huffed impatiently. “The Richardson wedding! Just tell me where the Richardson wedding’s at.”

  “And you are…” said Sally.

  “I’m an old friend of the family,” said the man, winking lewdly at Sally. “Just call me Pete.”

  Sally pulled out the guest list. Pete was trying to look at it. Sally covered it with her arm.

  “I’m sorry, sir…”

  “Pete. The name’s Pete.”

  “I’m sorry, Pete,” said Sally. “You’re not on the guest list.”

  Pete’s face reddened. “I’ll make it worth your while if…”

  Sally stared Pete down, and said nothing. She didn’t think he was a Shifter Council agent. They were smooth. T
his guy was obnoxious.

  “Oh fuck it!” said Pete. “Just get me a room and show me where the bar’s at!”

  Ryan had been monitoring the situation between Ron and Barbara during the reception. It didn’t take his owl shifter’s psychic ability to see that Barbara’s mate had returned, and that they had reclaimed each other. Ron and Barbara were chatting nervously together. Ryan hoped that Barbara wouldn’t get hurt. She was a good friend.

  Ryan’s phone chimed with a text message.

  “Some jerk called Pete just came in asking for J & J’s wedding.” Sally texted.

  “He’s not on the list?” texted Ryan.

  “No. I wouldn’t let him in.”

  “Thanks, Sally.”

  Ryan put his phone back in his pocket. This was not good. He used his abilities to scan for new shifters. Ryan zeroed in on the huge, burly man with a walrus moustache that he hadn’t noticed before. He walked cautiously over to the man. He was sitting by himself in the back, and was playing Jimi Hendrix’ Voodoo Chile on a pink, plastic ukulele.

  The man looked up and stopped.

  “Excuse me, sir. I’m Ryan, the Manager at the Lone Pine Lodge. I’m checking on the party guests, and I’m afraid I don’t know who you are. You’re not part of the wedding party, are you?”

  “Me?” said the man. “Nah. I just tagged along with Ronnie…uh…Jake’s brother.”

  Ryan cocked his head to the side. “You wouldn’t happen to be Pete, would you?”

  “PETE?!” said the man. “Oh HELL no! The name’s Alf…Alf Walters. Babs, Ronnie, Jakey and I go way back.”

  “Babs?” asked Ryan. “You mean Barbara?”

  “Sorry about my manners,” said Alf. “Ronnie and I just drove here from Seattle. I’m kind of short on sleep.”

  “Wait,” said Ryan. “You and Ron drove all the way from Seattle?!”

  Alf grinned. “Love’ll do that to you.”

  “I guess Ron really is back then,” said Ryan.

  “He is,” said Alf. “And it’s about time. Ronnie’s been a mess without her.

  Ryan knitted his brow, and stared at Alf.

  “Something wrong?” asked Alf.

  “You’re a shifter, aren’t you?” asked Ryan. “But I can’t tell what kind.”


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