Montgomery Billionaire Series

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Montgomery Billionaire Series Page 18

by Michelle Love

  The last person they were picking up was Veronica. She worked at a strip club and the officer in charge of her arrest made his presence known. “We’re going into the Leopard Lounge now.”

  The sounds of all the men talking on the radio were confusing as they all had their intended perpetrators and all were shouting commands to lie on the ground and put hands behind heads. Then a loud buzzing sound happened and one of the officers said, “He’s immobile, cuff him.”

  Detective Allen smiled. “They had to use the Taser on Torrence, it sounds like.”

  “I hope they hit him in the balls,” Lucas said, harshly. “That man has it coming to him.”

  I laughed a little. “A bit barbaric, are we?”

  The way he looked into my eyes made my heart stop. “Where you’re concerned, definitely.”

  He didn’t look like a man who was about to let me go the way I thought he might be thinking about doing with this thing finally over. He looked at me like he wanted me around for a long time.

  One after the other, we heard the arrests being made and Lucas had the judge who would set their bond in his hip pocket so the amounts for each of their bond would be outrageous since most of them had a lot of money.

  The feds were busily working to freeze their assets with the arrests made and things were clicking into place. With the news of the last arrest of Lila, the detective told us we were free to go home. Those people were no longer threats to any of us.

  We left that house and climbed into the back of limousine Lucas had picked us up in at the hospital and back we went to Washington to start living our lives normally.

  Danny and his wife, Lane, were pretty damn happy to be getting back home. As we dropped them off first, they gave us both hugs before getting out. “It’ll be great to get back to work, Lucas.”

  “You’re taking a month long vacation. You let me know where you want to go and I’m setting it all up. I’m going to cover every expense. Plus, you’re getting a bonus. And Lane’s getting a new car. You call my dealer up and have him bring you a few of the one’s you might be interested in.”

  Lane covered her mouth with her hands as tears sprang up in her eyes. “Oh, Lucas! I’m sorry I threatened to kill you that day!”

  “No hard feelings,” he said.

  I looked at him with surprise as the door closed after they got out and we were off to I supposed my apartment to drop me off. “She said she was going to kill you?”

  “Yes, but I never believed her,” he said then took my hand and pulled it to his lips. His soft lips pressed against it and it made my insides flutter. “I want to ask you something, Sloan.”

  He moved to get on one knee in front of me and my heart stopped. I couldn’t speak as he pulled out something from his pocket. When he opened his hand I saw a ring inside of a small black box.

  “Lucas,” I said in a whisper.

  “Shh,” he said. “I made a phone call after getting your parents’ number from your cell phone. I asked your father for his permission and I got it. So I’d like to ask you, Sloan Rivers Whitlock, if you will make me the happiest man in the world and become my wife?”

  I think it was shock that filled me and had me unable to say a word. I just stared at that gorgeous and huge rock then I looked into this eyes. A lump was in my throat and I had to swallow three times to make it go down as he waited patiently for my answer.

  Still, my words wouldn’t come out. He started to frown and my heart told me to hurry up. “Yes!”

  His frown turned into a smile and he took the ring out of the box and slid it onto my shaking finger. “Thank God! You had me worried for a minute.”

  “I couldn’t speak, I was overwhelmed, not thinking about whether I should marry you or not.”

  He sat next to me again and pulled me into his arms. “Thank you. Thank you so much, Sloan. You have no idea how much I love you and I’m going to prove it to you every single day of our lives.”

  His hand moved up the side of my neck then he cupped the back of my head and gave me the first real kiss he’d given me in over a week. My mouth opened and invited him right in as our tongues said their hellos.

  My body ignited with the kiss I’d missed so damn much, it hurt. And we were going to get married and one day have babies and there would be little him’s and me’s running around the estate.

  I ended the kiss abruptly as it all came crashing in on me. “Your society will not make this easy on you, Lucas. Just look how they treated me at that charity event. Oh, no. They’ll never accept me as one of their own. This is a mistake you’re making. I’m not worthy!”

  He took my face in his hands and made me look at him. “You are never to talk like that again. You are soon to be Mrs. Lucas Montgomery and people will respect you simply because of that. No reason to worry. And if a soul is misfortunate enough to utter one word about you, I suppose you know I’ll have them publicly stoned for the offense.”

  I laughed at his over the top words. He could be so funny when he wanted to be. But he was most likely right about me just having his name making people look at me differently. It might make them see me as being on their level.

  God I hoped so, anyway!

  Chapter 8


  My heart was pounding. I couldn’t believe my ears. There was a part of me that thought she’d tell me, no. I knew she felt out of her element with the people I rubbed elbows with but she could get used to them and their eccentric ways.

  “So, move in with me,” I said next.

  She looked at me with wide, brilliantly green eyes and shook her head. “What about my roommate, Randi? She can’t make the rent and all the bills on her own?”

  “I’ll make sure your part is covered until she finds someone else to room with.” I ran my hand along her shoulders and pulled her tight to me. “I not only want you with me, Sloan. I need you with me.”

  The way her eyes darted back and forth told me she was thinking about it. “Will you give me time to do my thesis and whatever else I need to do?”

  “I’ll give you your own office, baby,” I told her as I hugged her. “Whatever you need or want, you will get it. I just want you with me.”

  “Randi’s probably going to be pissed at me,” she said.

  So I threw in something extra, “I’ll send one of my maids over to clean the apartment once a week and do all of her laundry. I’ll also give her a brand new car. Whatever kind she wants.”

  “Wow!” she said as she nodded. “Now that might help soften the blow. Okay, I’ll move in with you then. How can I say no and cost Randi all of that good stuff?”

  So I sat back and held her in my arms and felt better than I ever remembered feeling. She was going to be with me every night and each morning. I was hooked on her like I didn’t know was possible. I had been fighting it but nearly losing her made me see time was a gift and I needed to be a hell of a lot more appreciative of that.

  Our first night back home had us watching some television in bed as I fed her some crackers and cheese so she’d have something on her stomach when she took her pain meds. I had become a nursemaid, a thing I never knew I was good at. But like most things, I figured out what needed to be done and developed a plan to do it and became great at it.

  Her sweet red lips parted to accept the food I placed against them. Her eyes twinkled as she took the bite and then she sighed. “You’re really sweet when you put your mind to it.”

  “So are you,” I said then gave her a sip of water.

  She gave me a smile. “I’m always sweet.”

  “I’m not about to argue with you,” I said with a laugh.

  I think we both knew she had a short fuse but who was I to bring that up? Especially since I wanted to keep her calm and happy. After one more cheese covered cracker, I handed her the pill to ease her pain.

  She handed the glass of water back to me after taking the pill and said, “Lucas, do you think we could have sex? I mean, I’ll have to pretty much lie still since m
y right arm is immobilized but I feel up to it.”

  “Have sex?” I asked as I tweaked her nose. “Nah, I don’t think so.”

  Her frown made me laugh, so I started unbuttoning the pajama top she had on. “I think we should make love.”

  Her lips quirked up into a sideways smile. “You had me worried there for a minute.”

  “That’s fair, don’t you think? Since you took so long to accept my marriage proposal?” I asked her as I peeled the silk shirt off of her, being very careful of her arm.

  She nodded and ran her hand over my bare chest. “Um, hm. I have missed touching you so much. You have no idea.”

  “I have every idea. If you knew how badly I wanted to climb into that hospital bed with you.”

  “You should have. I wanted you to. I didn’t want to ask, though,” she said as her hand moved all the way down to the top of my pajama bottoms.

  I got off the bed and dropped them then pulled hers off too and looked at her perfectly wonderful body. When my eyes had traveled all the way up her body, our eyes met. “You’re gorgeous.”

  She smiled. “So are you. Now show me what these nights are going to be like now that we’re engaged.”

  I ran my hands up her silky legs. When we bathed together before bed, I had shaved them for her, using an expensive shaving cream and the effects were stunning. “Like silk,” I said as I ran them all the way up to her knees. Then bent them and leaned in to kiss her sweet spot.

  Her moan made me hard in an instant. One of her feet moved over my back as she lifted her ass up for more. She wasn’t that girl anymore who worried about having more than one orgasm. Now she was ready to have as many as I could give her.

  I wasn’t planning on being too vigorous with her that night. She was fragile and I had to remember that. No matter how excited I got, I had to remember she’d been shot only two days before. But her body was calling to me and so was her mouth. “Baby, show me you love me.”

  My stomach tensed with her words. We’d barely started using them and each time I heard the word, love, come out of her mouth it gave me such an intense reaction. My lips grazed her sex as I whispered, “I love you, Sloan.”

  Then I gave her pert pearl a nice long lick then wrapped my lips around it and sucked it gently. The sound she made gave me chills. I loved the little sounds she made while I pleasured her. She really got into it and it made it so much sweeter.

  I picked her up, cupping her ass cheeks in both hands. Loving the way they were firm yet soft and supple. I kneaded them like dough, making her purr and wiggle her hips up to me.

  My intimate kiss deepened as I ran my tongue through her wet and warm folds until I found her hot canal and thrust my tongue into its wet, salty depths. Her back left the bed as she arched up and made a fantastic gasp. “Yes!”

  Her left hand moved through my hair as I tongue fucked her until she was screaming my name and sending her hot fluids to meet my hungry tongue. I couldn’t stop, I had to drink her in. Her moaning and screaming continued as she pulled at my hair. Her body was mine and there was no denying it.

  As my mouth left her sweet heat, I kissed my way up her body. Her legs wrapped around me as I slipped into her. We both groaned with agonizing relief to feel one another this way again. “Oh, God!” I moaned as I felt like I was home. “A week is far too long to stay away from this feeling.”

  Her hand moved over my back as her lips pressed against my neck. “It is. What you do to me is amazing.”

  I eased up then back down and pulled back to look at her. “Are you okay? I’m not hurting you, am I?”

  “Not one bit,” she said as she bit her lower lip. “Now take me, Lucas. Make me only ours forever.”

  “Oh, baby, you have no idea how I’ve wanted to hear that,” I growled. Her body was reacting to mine with a heated passion I didn’t recall her having before. I guessed it was the now permanence of our relationship that had her so hot and intense.

  Whatever it was, I liked it. She arched as I thrust and we both made sounds we’d never made before. Her insides grabbed me and pulled me into her as I ground my hard cock into her.

  She started into a climax and I stayed the course. I intended to see her through at least one more. Her nails dug into the flesh of my back as she gripped me tightly around the waist and wailed like a banshee with the release.

  It spurred me on and I went faster and harder as her breaths went from harsh to ragged and she squirmed underneath me. Her wiggling sent me over the edge. I couldn’t stop the need to give into her. I spilled my juices into her as my body shook with the release.

  It had been only nine days since I had been with her but it had felt like an eternity and now I had her. The ring was on her finger and all that was left was to put that all important gold band on both of our fingers to make sure what we had stayed secure.

  With sporadic breaths, I whispered, “I’m never letting you go.”

  “Not even when I get all mad about something?” she asked with a tired smile on her beautiful face. Her cheeks were flushed with the exhilaration and she glowed with love.

  I couldn’t help myself. I rolled off of her and laid on my side as I caressed her hot cheek. “Not even when you lose that awful temper of yours, baby. I love you. You’re stuck with me.”

  She laughed and pulled one of my fingers into her mouth and gave it a naughty little suck. “I think I’d like to be stuck with you. As long as you let me be me. I can’t have you thinking just because you make me your wife that means you get to control me. That’s not part of the deal.”

  “Not even a little?” I asked as I kissed her alabaster shoulder. “Cause a little control isn’t bad, is it?”

  She ran only the tip of her finger along my top lip as she looked into my eyes. “Not even a little. And I promise not to control you either. As a matter of fact, I want us to write our own vows. That honor and obey crap isn’t a thing I can agree to.”

  “Well, you can agree to honor me. I’ll always honor you.” I ran my finger over her taut nipple, igniting a low moan from her sweet lips.

  It went erect and she licked her lips. “You’re going to always honor me? Well, then I should return that, shouldn’t I?”

  Leaning over, I took her nipple between my lips and rolled at as my hand laid on her stomach. It went tight as she ran her hand through my hair and let out another moan.

  Releasing her tasty tit, I said, “And I will obey some of the things you ask of me. The important things like don’t screw around with other women and don’t be mean to you.”

  “And don’t forget the most important one, Lucas,” she said as she pulled at my nipple, making it pucker and making my dick pulse. “You’ll always put the toilet seat down.”

  I laughed and said, “Of course, I’ll obey that cardinal rule. I’m not trying to get my ass chewed out after all.”

  Her lips were barely parted and it made me want to kiss her so badly. When I took her mouth she ran her hand around my neck and held me to her.

  The way her lips began quivering had me pulling back and I found tears in her pretty eyes. “What is it, baby?”

  She blinked a few times as I wiped the tears off of her cheeks. “I can’t believe this is real. I could never have even dreamed that I’d end up with a man like you. This can’t be real. I’m a nobody from the middle of nowhere and you are a man with a lot of money, power, and class. I don’t deserve.”

  I kissed her again to stop her from saying anything else. When I ended the kiss, I looked into her eyes and said, “I am the one who doesn’t deserve you. Even though that’s completely true in every sense, I’m going to have you. You and I will never walk a step behind each other. We will go through this life, hand in hand, and be complete partners in this life. I love you and your hard-headed, stubborn, and completely loveable ways. You’re an inspiration to me and I’ll be proud to call you my wife.”

  Then she burst into tears which she said were all happy ones and I made love to her again to get her to
quit crying and start making those sexy sounds I loved to get her to make.

  Our life would be great. I had not even one doubt about that.

  Chapter 9


  A year after our marriage was official with a nice little wedding in my hometown with only a few friends and family members to witness it all, we were about to start our family.

  I had graduated and started a nice little job with one of the poorer school districts in Washington. I was determined to figure out how to get those kids who needed a lot more than what life had dealt them more of everything.

  More attention, love, choices, advantages and most of all education. And I was pleasantly surprised when Lucas helped me with everything I wanted to implement without bossing me around.

  He did exactly what he’d told me he’d do. He treated me as his equal. He listened to me and instead of talking down to me when he had an idea that might work a little better, he talked to me about things. Lucas had a mind that was much like a machine. He was incredible and I’d have been a complete idiot not to listen to him and implement some of his great ideas.

  Together, we were becoming a power-couple. But the good kind, not the kind who are out to get things. We became the kind who got things done for others. It made me feel great when I passed people on the street who knew of our efforts to help others.

  I could pass another billionaire and get a smile and a nod as well as the poorest person in town and get the same nod and smile. It was all going so much better than I ever thought it would. And now we were ready to start our own little family.

  Well, little isn’t really how I’d describe it. Lucas wanted to have at least four children. And when he told me about how lonely it was for him, growing up as an only child, it made my heart ache. So I agreed to the magic number four as he further explained that he’d been reading some of my old college school books and finding out that even numbers of children got along better than odd numbers.


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