Shadow Games

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by Girl, Breukelen

  Shadow Games

  Book 2

  By Breukelen Girl

  Smashwords Edition

  © Copyright 2013

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may contain violent and sexual content. By reading and purchasing this book and downloading it, you consent to being of legal age for such material.

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  The Shadow series:

  Shadow Aspect – book 1

  Shadow Games – book 2

  Shadow Boxing – book 3

  Other novels by this author:

  Growing up Werewolf


  Lycan La Vida Loca


  Lunar Nights

  Of Wolf and Male

  Beasts of Burden

  Nature Of The Beast



  Wild Life

  The Pack

  Lunar Night Stand

  Werewolf Storm

  Bleeding Hearts

  Werewolf Bites

  For the Breukelen Girl series go to “A Werewolf Blog in Brooklyn”


  There is a moment when everything crashes in on you and you know that there is no turning back. That there is only one direction to take forward. It becomes your certainty, because for whatever reason, you’ve been pushed, put in a corner, forced to think this way, to act on it.

  That was why I let her out of me. Why I succumbed to the power within and let it out. Because after a demon tries to kill you and he does half-arsed job at it, like had been done to me, you tend to go one of two ways.

  You either wait to die or you try to figure out how to live. Dying was never really an option for me. I’m too fucking hardcore to kill, because of her. Might look human on the outside, but the insides, are full of Demi-God, goodness.

  Not that many people know that about me. Tarin Armadel, shadow demon, and my last business partner, sure didn’t when he tried to drain the life out of me. Otherwise he might have thought twice about trying to end my life. If he knew what was good for him, he wouldn’t have wanted me to reign down her anger on him.

  That was why the woman who was parading like she was in charge, didn’t really have a clue how much power she had trapped in the room with her.

  It still surprises me that I, Katelyn Phoenix, hadn’t seen it coming. Considering what I do for a job. Personal espionage on anyone and everyone. I was commonly called a truth-sayer. I got the truth out of others. But I hadn’t got it out of Tarin. Couldn’t. Because as I’d found out too late.

  Tarin was a shadow demon who’s very nature was based on seduction and deception. Harder than hard for me to read. That he was built on deception meant, there might be no truth to him. So I’d only got the feeling of a void from him and therefore, had no idea he was going to double cross me after doing some work for him.

  And now, I wasn’t sure I could so much as trust him. To make it worse, I’d rather enjoyed the seduction part of his game plan. It’s fair to say I’d fallen for it. What made it sting all that much worse when I stopped to think about it, was I’d never really felt, the things I’d felt when I was around Tarin.

  No guy had made me feel that desired, wanted and well, sexy before. He made me feel unique, like I’d been missing something from my life, until I met him. Now that I stopped to think about it, probably wasn’t that hard to play on my emotions. Given I worked the streets selling my body. That probably spoke volumes more than any psychology session or background check need ever reveal on me.

  Tarin made me feel it all with ease. And he discarded me just as easily. Now I just felt like a foolish girl. I prided myself on being a lot smarter than that, to be so easily conned by a guy or anyone. I came from the streets for fuck sake! I knew a player when I saw one. But I’d taken it all at face value and thought nothing more than I was being hired to do the job Tarin claimed to hire me for. To get information on some big time real estate deal from some paranormal players.

  Turns out that wasn’t the real deal as such. It was more along the lines of having something to do with killing me, because as I lay dying in the back of a limousine floor, Tarin had let slip that I was too big a threat to not just him, but his deal. I had to wonder why.

  But for now, I didn’t care, I just wanted her to rip Tarin Armadel apart on many, personal levels. Because that’s what pissed off demi-gods do when they are displeased, they unleash. So may the gods help anyone, who gets in my way.


  Shaye Armadel stood looking back at me, jerking off. His eyes hooded as his hand closed around his cock. He stood at one end of the bathroom, pleasing himself with the sight of me.

  Soaking in the old fashioned, stand alone, cast iron bath tub, clearly Katelyn hadn’t yet figured out how to hook up taps and water to it, so it had to be filled manually. Shaye, showing somewhat of a fast survival instinct or appreciation for my kind, offered to assist me in any way he could, in getting back at his younger brother, Tarin.

  So far, all I’d had him do was go back and forth between the kitchen and bathroom, to fill up the tub with hot and cold water and figure out a nice temperature for me to soak in the mineral scented water in. After all, I had just gotten back from Tarin’s failed attempt at killing and ditching Katelyn outside Melbourne’s city limits. I needed to regroup and think. Since Katelyn was me and I was her, in a sense.

  As a reward for his obedience to me, I’d let him touch himself, enjoying his attraction to me. He stood at the far side of the bathroom, looking back down into the tub at me as I sluiced water around my body and felt it under my own hands, watching him.

  Shaye had shorter hair than Tarin, it was the same sunshine blonde though. It was short and long in the front, and often, curtained his eyes. Same sky blue eyes. He was tall, like his brother, it seemed being six foot ran through their shadow demon genes. It was easy to see the resemblance between them.

  He had taken off his top and his upper torso was nakedly on display for my apparent, pleasure. Shaye, more so than Tarin was cut. His muscles displayed definition upon definition on a hard body. I guess, if you were into that kind of thing, he could be called beautifully hard.

  His pants hung off his hips as he moved his hand up and down his cock, twisting it at the base as the head of it swelled, prominently. Katelyn would have said he was delicious to look at. But then, she’d thought the same thing about his brother and look where that had gotten her. It was ironic really, that she’d let my head get so sex addled given how she gave sex to the addled regularly on Friday nights in town. Well, had.

  Since being hired for Tarin’s supposed job, she hadn’t had sex with anyone but Tarin. She hadn’t wanted or needed to have it, beyond pleasure. A whole new concept for her. Maybe that was why she lost sight of the big picture and didn’t realize she was being screwed over two ways from Sunday.

  I cupped a breast and fingered a nipple tightly. Shaye gasped, I knew he wanted more. I could read him from all the way back here in the tub, with the distance of two meters between us. He was bleeding aurora vibes at me, he was so open. Which was completely the opposite of Tarin. Who was a closed book and somewhat of an asshole to boot.

  I pushed up out of the tub and the water fell from me in a cascading, dramatic affect as
it rushed off my warm, supple, body. Shaye’s breathing became heavier and I smirked, enjoying putting on a show for him. I deserved the right to play games of my own kind with the shadow demon, even if it wasn’t him who tried to kill us. It was his own damn fault if he didn’t think I’d be feeling a little pissed with his kin and his kind. Shaye seemed like a smart guy. I’m pretty sure he was up for my pettiness. I had a feeling it was his kink.

  I bent down, rather deliberately and picked up the disposable razor next to the bathtub. Raising my inside leg onto the tub, I made sure I was facing Shaye, my stance open so he could see me run the razor of the sensitized flesh of my body. I even began to play with myself just a little, for him as I shaved.

  Shaye lost it. He had enough sense to turn his body quickly as his spurted out over his hand and onto the titled floor and wall around him, crying out as he came. I paid him no attention as he went on. Once I was happy maintenance had been achieved, I stepped out of the tub and grabbed a fluffy, white towel. Glancing over at Shaye as I dried myself off.

  “Thank you, Asha.” He muttered at me breathing heavily. I threw the towel down on the floor.

  “Clean up, then we’ll talk.”


  When I walked into the bedroom, I noticed its sparseness. A brown wardrobe. A sea green tallboy chest of drawers, a Chinese print clothing screen as a temporary, moveable wall, with something blue and silken thrown over it, a queen size bed with white covers, and an excess of pillows, more than enough for one person on it. And Tarin Armadel, sitting on the end of it. His head bowed down, his hands in his lap. Blonde hair hung down to his knees, in loose waves of sunshine yellow, he wore black leather pants, boots and a short black coat over a dark blue shirt.

  He looked up at me and stood up immediately, his baby blue, eyes scanning over my naked form, lingering over the still highly visible bite mark he’d left me with. I stood still, my hands firmly planted on my hips as he walked right over to me. His eyes kept roaming up and down me silently until he was right up to me. His body language said he wanted to touch me, to ensure I was there, that I was okay, physically. But he withheld himself from doing that.

  “Who are you and what have you done with Katelyn?”

  I laughed at his audacity. “That was quicker than it took Shaye to figure that out.”

  “Yeah, well I have an ability he doesn’t. I can see you for you. You’re true self.” Tarin said softly frowning as he stared upon me. It made me wonder what he physically saw of me. I had no idea, when I looked, I saw Katelyn, all brown eyed and dark haired and pretty.

  “So how do I look? Not bad for a 40,000 year old right?”

  “You’re all ego, really.” Tarin replied dryly. “Who are you and what have you done with Katelyn?” he repeated.

  “Do you honestly think you of all creatures on this earth, have a right to ask me that question? You tried to kill me!”

  “You’re not Katelyn.” He repeated his eyes narrowing on my face. I smiled slowly at him. “So technically, I haven’t tried to kill you. You’re just wearing her body.”

  “Semantics. But you’re wrong. Think of me more like the pissed off version of Katelyn.” I said leaning towards his face. “You, brought me about, when you tried and failed to drain the life, out of her.” Tarin stood there, right in my personal space, scowling at me. “What’s a matter fang features? Upset you don’t have that vampiric skill set that lets you know you’re only close to killing someone, not when they’re actually dead?” I hissed at him angrily.

  “Please.” He muttered in annoyance at me. “Why do you think you live? Because I made it so.” I raised an eyebrow and put a hand to his chest slowly, feeling the hardness of his body underneath my palm. Did he even have a heart?

  “Go to hell, demon.” I whispered leaning into him and throwing him backwards across the room with one sudden shove on his chest. Tarin flew backwards, as if pulled back suddenly by an invisible bungee cord, his arms, legs, hair and head fell forwards with the unexpected shock of my force. He flew over the bed smashing his back into the bed head, his head hitting the wall with a crack that echoced loudly around us.

  “I’ll show you how much of a fucking threat I am Tarin.” I said at him as he groaned, trying to recover from the unexpected violence bestowed upon him. That was one of the last things he’d said to her, to Katelyn before leaving her for dead. That she was a threat.

  I walked over to the chest of drawers at the opposite end of the impromptu bedroom and hunted around in the drawers while Tarin moaned and tried to get his bearings again. I put on underwear and glanced over at him. It was nice to see he was suffering a little bit.

  “I’m going to get dressed and we’re going to talk and then if it pleases me, which quite frankly got to give you a spoiler alert on, it will, I’ll inflict some pain on you and maybe we’ll talk again or maybe you’ll be dead by then.”

  I looked through my wardrobe choices. “Seriously Katelyn, we need to talk about your fashion sense. Where’s the grandeur, the glamour?” I muttered to myself as I stared at the items in her wardrobe. I sighed and settled on a bright green singlet top and three quarter length denim jeans. Seemed as good as any clothing choice for beating someone the fuck up. Tough, yet tomgirl sexy.

  Tarin breathed heavily as he sat more upright at the head of the bed. His eyes slowly focusing with fury on me again.

  “Smile lover, this is the easy part.” I said back at him as I grabbed some tape off the top of the green dresser drawer. I pulled on it roughly and started wrapping it around my wrist. “Cause I’m not even warmed up yet.” Looping it around my thumb and rest of my hand. “How’d you get in here? Which by the way, why are you here exactly? When you leave someone for dead, you leave them, for dead.” I kept the pink tape wrapping around my hand and tested it’s flex as I looped it around the base of each of my fingers.

  “It’s a warehouse, not a bank vault. Lacks a fair amount of security to it. Hop the roof, pick a high spot window, pull it out, push it in,” he gasped putting a hand to his chest. The spot I had put my hand to, over the heart. “Climb in and you’re done.” He watched me closely as I tore at the tape with my teeth and flexed taped hand and fingers.

  “That explains the how, not the why.” I started on my right hand with the tape, slowly taking my time.

  “I never said I wanted to kill you. But there are others.” I stopped wrapping the tape then and stared at him. “The party, it was a test.” He muttered as I started wrapping the tape around my hand again. I grunted at him concentrating on the pattern of the tape. “And I can’t go home now because you called the cops on me. They keep patrolling around my street.”

  “They took one look at me and were itching to all but hang you.” I smiled widely at him. “I love the police in this town. They have the biggest hearts.” Tarin glared at me, his face becoming harder. “So you figured, what? If you came here, they wouldn’t come looking for you?”

  “I figured you’d been reported to them, no one would be here.” He said shrugging his shoulders loosely with nonchalance.

  “Sweet. Touching really. Honestly, for a shadow demon, you lack serious convincing skills. Katelyn didn’t know anyone at the party except you. And barely anyone on this entire planet, knows about,” I waved my hands to Katelyn’s body. “I could count them on half of one hand.” I finished wrapping my hand and tore the tape with my teeth putting the tape down on the dresser drawer top again.

  “You’re beyond a lousy liar.” I said assessing him again as I stood, at the end of the bed smiling at him. “Now, you’ve just made me even more pissed. And I have to tell you the last forty eight hours, has not been so good for me. Near death, walking for miles bare feet, with just a dinner jacket on, bad hair, hospital, doctor physical, police, the talking, the talking and it goes on. So get up.”

  I waited for him to move. He remained stationary, glaring at me. “Get the fuck up Tarin, or I will throw you down to the first floor, from here. Second thought, don’t get
up. I can see you want to make me happy, after all.” I started marching towards him, Tarin leapt up off the bed instantly and I stopped.

  “That’s right, who’s my bitch Tarin?” I smiled. His eyes shifted off me then and I knew it was because Shaye Armadel had come into view. The older brother walked up behind me.

  “Seems like Shaye, by the state of him.” Tarin said at his brother. Shaye walked around to my side. His hair was wet, his pants were on but he was barefoot and his shirt was on but undone. He looked like a wet dream of sexual prowess. Almost made me sad I hadn’t had sex with him. Well, yet. But it was pretty obvious looking that something had gone on between us.

  “Jealous bro that you fucked it up with her?” Shaye fired back at him.

  Tarin smiled back through gritted teeth at his brother. “No bro, cause I fucked her first.”


  “Touching as this reunion is, I’m back to being pissed and needing to let off some steam by pummeling you.”

  “Why don’t we just fuck instead?” Tarin threw at me without any sense of lust or respect.

  Shaye leaned into me “Um, if it pleases you,” Shaye said to me in a low voice “I’ll get started on something for dinner.” I waved a hand at him dismissively and focused back on the younger Armadel brother before me.

  “No fucking, and sure as hell no biting from you again. If you so much as open your mouth and bare fangs down on me I will rip them out of your scull. I know what you’ve done. The whole,” I waved a taped hand between us “Bloody thing.” Tarin eyed me suspiciously. “What I don’t get is why you did it. I mean, I did what you wanted, you gave me a job, to read your competition and get information and I did it with you right by my side. I’ve done nothing but keep my end of the deal.” I said circling around.

  “You never said when the deal was going down. Never game me that. And yet just now, you said it was going to happen soon. What else aren’t you telling me?” He said shrugging off his jacket and throwing it aside.

  “Opps.” I said with a joyful smile. Felt good to get one up on the shadow demon.


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