Utterly Wicked: Curses, Hexes & Other Unsavory Notions

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Utterly Wicked: Curses, Hexes & Other Unsavory Notions Page 6

by Dorothy Morrison


  Now that you’ve got the poppet, it’s time to gather some supplies. What you’ll actually need, however, depends on two very important factors:

  What the object of your intent actually looks like; and

  How you intend to use the poppet.

  If the object of your intent wears glasses, for example, you might need fine-tipped markers to draw them on the doll’s face. If a severe adjustment in body shape is necessary, art or modeling clay would be useful. Adding duct or electrical tape—or maybe even ribbons—to your supply list could be in order if you’re planning a binding. But if you’re not, there’s no need to bother with them. You get the idea.

  That said, a list of possible preparation tools and supplies follows below, as well as ideas for using them. Don’t stop here though. Be creative and use whatever feels right to you. Remember: This is your poppet, and your curse. And your magical signature should be all over it.

  Permanent markers: Regardless of how you’re using the poppet, these are a multi-purpose preparation staple. Because you’ll use these for everything from labeling the poppet with the object’s name to adding identifying marks (tattoos, birthmarks, and even glasses come to mind here), it’s a good idea to keep an assortment of colors in a variety of tip widths.

  Scissors: If your object of intent has short hair and the poppet has long, flowing tresses, a haircut may be in order. You’ll also need these for cutting lengths of ribbon, cord, or other binding materials.

  Art or modeling clay: This can come in handy if the object of your intent doesn’t possess the lean, curvy body of your poppet. Just add a bit here and there to manufacture beer bellies, sagging butts, and those winged upper arms.

  Duct or electrical tape: There’s simply nothing better when it comes to binding a poppet. But that’s just the beginning. Use it as a blind to force the object of your intent into complete oblivion or as a gag to stop diarrhea of the mouth. Don’t discount slapping a piece across the nose either—especially if nosiness is an issue.

  Ribbon or cord: Some practitioners prefer this for binding, as it allows for the use of knot work.

  Related herbs, oils, etc.: To add some extra punch to your intention, you may want to rub the poppet with these or add them to the head or body cavities.

  Cotton balls or fiberfill: Use as body cavity stuffing to keep herbs and oils in place.

  Pen and paper: If you want the object of your intent to be mindful of a particular thought, just write it on a piece of paper, and slip it inside the head cavity.

  Since this list isn’t by any means complete, you may want to add other supplies as well. Some practitioners, for instance, like to sew clothes for their poppets—and if that’s the case with you, a trip to the fabric store might be in order. Other practitioners like to add accessories related to their intent, so this might call for any number of items from the arts and crafts store. Still other practitioners wouldn’t dream of turning a poppet loose on the world without first sealing its harm away from unsuspecting innocents, and such a ritual might mean the addition of candles, Element symbols, or other ritual tools. So use your intuition when it comes to gathering your supplies, and know that whatever it tells you will be absolutely right for your specific intent and purpose.


  Sometimes, a poppet doesn’t really need any preparation for magical use at all. (If you were simply working toward a round of wild, hot, passionate jungle sex, for example, preparations might only entail tying two dolls of the appropriate genders together with red ribbon, putting them under your bed, and calling it good.) But such is not the case when using the poppet in a curse. That’s because the Universe needs to know exactly who the poppet represents and who to target. But there’s more to it than that. It also needs to know what course of action to take. And as this is serious business, there truly is no room for doubt in either area.

  Of course, this means that no matter what your intention is, you’ll need those permanent markers I mentioned in the supply list. Why? Because to avoid confusing the Universe, you’ll want to clearly label the doll with the name of your intended. And the last thing you need—especially when a curse is involved—is for the identifying factor to rub or wear off.

  It’s also a good idea to label the doll with your intended’s legal name. And since we live in an era where people hide behind internet nicknames, that may take a little research. No need to despair though. Just ask around. The information may be easier to get than you think.

  Once you’ve got a name, use a permanent marker to write it clearly and neatly down the length of one of the doll’s legs. Then write the nickname—if any—down the other leg. This way there won’t be any mistake as to your object of intent.

  But what if you’ve exhausted all possibilities, and you still can’t uncover a legal name? Does that mean that the poppet won’t work?

  No. There are other options. And while I wouldn’t recommend them unless all else fails, the following do provide workable solutions.

  Obtain a photograph of the person in question. Secure a length of ribbon or twine to the upper corners and hang it around the doll’s neck.

  Use an email or a letter from the offending party as an identifier. Just print it out, trim away your name, and fold the paper as many times as possible. Then use duct or electrical tape to secure it to the doll’s body.

  If neither of those provide a viable option, just label the doll with the name by which you know the person and call it good. Know, though, that you’ll have to strengthen your focus, clearly visualizing the person—or summoning up the “feel” of his or her personal energy—while working on the doll.


  Now that there’s no mistaking the poppet’s identity, grab those supplies, and let the creative juices flow. It’s time to have a little fun. Yes...it’s time to accessorize. And when working with poppets, this can mean virtually anything from adding personal marks to the doll’s body to making a fashion statement.

  But let’s start with the personal marks. If you know that the person in question has a birthmark or permanent body art, add those to the doll, using your markers. Not to worry if you don’t have any artistic talent. That’s not what this is about. Instead, it’s about fixing the image of the person in your mind’s eye, and you don’t have to be an artist to do that. Simply draw something—anything, even if it’s only a stick picture—on the areas of the body you know are tattooed. Do the same with any other identifying marks. (Moles, scars, and freckles come to mind here.)

  Don’t stop there though. It’s also a good time to add any symbols that represent your curse. Want to instill confusion? Draw a series of question marks on the forehead. Want the subject to feel absolutely awful about screwing you over? Just draw a broken heart on the chest area. How about curtailing that sexual harassment at the workplace? A large red X drawn across the genital area definitely goes a long way toward drying up those urges.

  That’s all well and fine. But what if it’s not that easy? What if you’re dealing with the sneaky sort, the sort who’s a pro at hiding true colors, and always comes out smelling like a rose? What sort of symbol could ever snare a snake like that?

  It’s not as difficult as it may seem. All you need is a little illumination. And while drawing a symbol on the doll probably won’t do the trick, that fine, glittery faery dust will. Just brush it all over the doll, paying special attention to the face. After you’re done, even a blind man could pick your subject out of a crowd! Guaranteed.


  Once you’re satisfied with the doll’s markings, you need to make a few decisions. First on the agenda, though, is whether to stop right where you are, or continue to accessorize. If you’re not sure, then ask yourself the following question: Does the poppet truly reflect your subject’s personality?

  If the answer is no, then give some thought to what’s missing. Maybe it’s a fragrance, a signature h
air accoutrement, or a certain piece of jewelry. (If you’re looking for body jewelry, jump rings from the arts and crafts store make wonderful substitutes.) It could be a specific kind of shoe (these can easily be drawn onto the feet and colored in), an object they carry around constantly (legal pads, books, a handbag), or a pen that seems to have found a permanent home over the right ear. There’s also the possibility that the missing factor is something even more subtle. It could be an attitude, or that deep, dark wrinkle in the middle of the forehead.

  Still can’t figure it out? Just keep playing with it—adding and subtracting items—until the doll seems right. Given enough thought, it will all come together. And you’ll definitely know when it does.


  Remember that fashion statement we touched on earlier? Well, now’s the time to decide whether or not you want to dress the poppet. There’s no real rule of thumb here, and I’ve seen good arguments for both. Some folks say that stripping the poppet and leaving it bare aids and abets the Universe in its work. Besides, this is a curse we’re talking about, and the last thing on your mind should be giving the object of your intent any comfort. Wouldn’t it be more fitting to leave the subject cold and miserable, and symbolically exposed to the Elements? Perhaps.

  Others, however, stringently disagree. They say that dressing the poppet in the same sort of attire as the person it represents narrows the Universal search. Giving the Universe some direction and a starting point saves time. And anything that saves time makes life easier. Then they quickly point out that making life easier is the reason that people work magic in the first place. End of argument.

  So, who’s right and who’s wrong?

  All and none.

  The fact of the matter is that both sectors have good points, and both methods work equally well. It’s just a matter of deciding which way you want to go with this. So, trust your instincts, and know that you’ve made the right choice. Don’t be surprised, though, if your decision varies from poppet to poppet. That’s to be expected, as each situation is different.

  If you do decide to dress the poppet, you may want to schedule the clothing search early—perhaps even before locating the doll. (Online doll sites and auction sites are good bets.) The reason is simple. Once folks start working on their poppet, they tend to gather a sort of magical momentum. Since that momentum plays an integral role in fueling the curse, you won’t want to lose it. And that’s exactly what could happen if you stop the process to look for clothing. (The time gap could be even longer if you decide to get out the sewing machine.)

  Depending upon what you’ve got in mind though, you may not even need to search for doll clothes. One of my friends insists that dressing a poppet in rags symbolizes the subject’s downfall. And if that’s a path you’d like to travel, all you’ll need is an old cleaning rag. Just tear it into strips, then wrap and tie them in a few strategic places. The doll is all dressed and ready to go.


  Oh, come now. You didn’t really believe that, did you? All the magic in the world isn’t going to make your doll walk or talk—not literally anyway. But I damned sure got your attention. And that’s exactly what I wanted to do; for this is the most exciting part of working with the fashion doll, and you can’t afford to miss a single word of it!

  Yes, this is where the fashion doll really outshines its cousin, the handmade poppet. It’s not that it’s more life-like or more durable and has nothing to do with its beauty or time-saving qualities. No, it’s something else entirely. Something that is, to the magical practitioner, an absolute joy but tends to go completely unnoticed.

  I have to admit that I didn’t notice it either, until my dear friend, author M. R. Sellars, pointed it out to me several years ago.

  It was one of those days where nothing went right, and I’d just wished the Gods had had enough sense to cancel the entire twenty-four-hour period. And to top it off, I realized that I was being screwed out of some money. Not just a little money, mind you. I’m talking about a lot of money—and for a Taurus, that’s no minor infraction. Truth be told, to most of those who share my astrological sign, not even punishment by death, itself, is stringent enough to fit that crime.

  So, there I was: Pacing back and forth like a caged coyote, dreaming up ways to get my money. Lots of ideas came to mind, of course—they always do—but nothing I could think of was going to work the way I wanted. You see, it wasn’t just the money at stake. The fact that I’d been screwed over was an issue too. And that meant that performing a good old-fashioned money spell simply wouldn’t do. In this case, my satisfaction hinged on two conditions: First, the money had to come from its initial source; and second, there had to be retribution. Stout retribution. Swift retribution. Enough retribution that those folks would never dare to mess with me again. By the time I was done, I wanted them to rue the day they’d ever heard my name.

  I turned on my heel to march back across the room for the umpteenth time and caught Sellars watching me from his seat at the dining room table. I cocked an eyebrow in his direction and stopped dead in my tracks.


  “Nothin’,” he replied. “Just wonderin’ how long you’re gonna keep that up.”

  “Until I come up with a solution,” I said as my feet fell into rhythm again. “A good solution. A satisfactory solution. A solution that will...”

  “How about a poppet?”

  “Thought of that. But it’s not going to make ‘em write that check.”

  He ran his finger down the side of his goatee and nodded his head thoughtfully, a sure sign that all his brain cells were firing to capacity. “Oh, yeah it could,” he said, a slow grin spreading across his face. “You’ve just gotta work it right.”

  Well, that was enough to bring me to a screeching halt. But even if it hadn’t been, what came next would surely have done the trick. He had a solution, all right. And to think: It had been staring me right in the face the whole time.


  The first order of business was just the normal stuff: I had to design a poppet that looked like the woman who wrote the checks. And while the next thing on the list took a bit more work, it was neither a problem nor out of the ordinary. It only involved constructing a miniature checkbook complete with a check that was made payable to me, securing it in her left hand, and securing a miniature pen in her other.

  But the rest of it involved utilizing an absolute treasure trove of endless magical possibility. Something that, sadly enough, most of us don’t ever notice. And if Sellars hadn’t pointed them out to me, I’d still be oblivious to the existence of these precious little gems or their many uses. But once he did, it was like turning me loose in a jewelry store with a bottomless wallet. I could neither believe my good fortune nor the fact that I had managed to miss something so blatantly obvious. And neither will you. For the priceless commodities in question are none other than those lovely, empty body cavities—just waiting to be filled with whatever magic the heart desires. And when it comes to curses, nothing could be better.

  Fact is, these empty spaces truly can be stuffed with anything imaginable. Want someone to think certain thoughts? Then write them on slips of paper, and toss them into the head cavity. Want the object of your intentions to have an upset belly every time he treats you poorly? Just stuff the body cavity with cotton, pour in a little vinegar, and know that nausea, indigestion, and gastric disorders are on the way.

  See how simple that is? And it’s only the beginning. For your convenience, other ideas follow below. Use them as a guideline, add a bit of imagination, and see just how far they take you. You’ll be positively amazed. Guaranteed!

  Head Cavity

  Plain cotton: To cause sinus trouble, lightheadedness, faulty decision-making.

  Sugared or honey-soaked cotton: To inspire your enemy to think sweet thoughts of you.

  Thorns or grass burrs: To induce headache.

  Mugwort: To cause one to
be oblivious to your actions.

  Jimson weed, belladonna, or monkshood: To cause madness, induce paranoia, and bring on erratic and delusional behavior.

  Valerian: To bring on apathy and inertia.

  Feathers: To induce long bouts of sneezing and coughing.

  Rocks: To relieve clarity of mind and induce stupidity.

  Mustard, red jasper and slippery elm: To stop gossip and speaking out of turn.

  Chest Cavity

  (Note: Depending upon the doll, it may be necessary to stuff the stomach cavity with cotton in order to secure items in this area.)

  Plain cotton: To cause chest congestion.

  Water-soaked cotton: To bring on pneumonia, bronchitis, and other respiratory problems.

  Ammonia-soaked cotton: To induce shortness of breath.

  Foxglove: To cause heart palpitations.

  Black onyx: To cause break-up in a relationship. Add a paper heart ripped in half if heartbreak is desired.

  Stomach Cavity

  Tangled threads: To figuratively tie the belly in knots.

  Mint: Placed low in the belly to cause impotence. (Great for cases of sexual harassment.)

  Coins: To cause the target to become sickened by his or her greed.

  Symbols representative of the target’s misdeeds: To cause an upset stomach each and every time the target tries to behave inappropriately.


  While the poppet is normally used to put others in their places and curb their abilities to do you harm, that’s not the only area in which it excels. And even though this little tidbit does, indeed, fall under the heading of curses, it’s one designed to work for the good of all. In fact, some folks might even prefer to put it in the category of healing.


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