Utterly Wicked: Curses, Hexes & Other Unsavory Notions

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Utterly Wicked: Curses, Hexes & Other Unsavory Notions Page 17

by Dorothy Morrison

  Hands: Insert pins here to keep the target from stealing from you—this could include preventing the theft of your lover—and to sentence him or her to a life of poverty.

  Head: Pins inserted in this area can cause confusion, disorientation, and depression.

  Eyes: These are excellent insertion points when the intent involves making the target oblivious to your actions.

  Nose: Insert two pins in each nostril to stop nosy neighbors, or keep the target from interfering in your business.


  The One Shot Spell

  (NOTE: Do not use rum for this spell! As it is sacred to some of the Afro-Caribbean deities, using it as such may be offensive to Them.)


  1 shot of vodka, bourbon, gin, or scotch

  1 glass to hold the shot of alcohol

  1 12 oz. glass of water

  Pour the shot of alcohol, then swirl it in the glass, saying:

  (Name of target) you’ve become

  (Name of target) you shall stay

  And I’ve become the nemesis

  Who will take your power away.

  Take a sip from the glass, saying:

  One sip and you feel weak,

  Take another sip, saying:

  Another makes you fall.

  Then chug the rest of the shot and say:

  As I toss back the rest of this

  I own your power: All!

  Now chase the shot with the full glass of water, drinking it down as quickly as possible. Then say:

  In an hour’s time, I’ll piss you out

  And you’ll be laid to waste,

  Weak and lowly like the piss

  And swimming in disgrace.

  To Relieve Your Enemy of Personal Power

  Please be aware that this spell not only has the capacity to relieve the target’s power over you, but also drains his or her personal power. That being the case, the target may also become physically ill or experience a nasty bout of depression.



  9 corsage pins or other large pins

  3 to 4 T. patchouli

  Black candle drippings

  Target’s taglock (see Taglock section for ideas)

  Box large enough to accommodate the poppet

  On the first day of the New Moon, stick nine pins into the poppet in a straight line, the first being inserted in the head and the last being placed at the feet. With each pin, say:

  With this pin, I prick your power,

  It starts to ooze this very hour,

  It bleeds and ebbs and drains away,

  ‘Til it’s as gone as yesterday.

  When the last pin is in place, put the poppet in the box, and place the taglock on top. Sprinkle well with patchouli, and seal the box with black candle drippings. Bury the box at sunset.


  Anyone who performs hexes and curses would be a fool not to go the extra mile to protect themselves against the same. Thus, the following protection ideas are provided for your convenience.

  Against the Evil Eye:

  Hang dill weed over all windows and doorways in the home.

  Wear a blue eye bead for constant personal protection. Hang one from the rearview mirror of your car, as well.

  Keep a cimaruta (an Italian talisman sporting multiple symbols) on your altar to stave off interference in your magical work.

  Against Nightmares:

  Keep a silver bell in your bedroom, and ring it to drive off nightmare-causing evil spirits each night before you go to bed.

  A small dish of coffee beans kept by the bed staves off nightmares.

  Rosemary plants placed near the bed shield against unpleasant dreams.

  For Safe Automobile Travel:

  Keep a whole ash leaf in the glove box for magical protection.

  Keep a tiger’s eye in the vehicle to protect against accidents.

  Hang a mojo bag filled with wormwood and plantain from the rearview mirror to prevent negative spirits from taking on the position of co-pilot.

  Against Malevolence in the Home:

  Once a month, use a sprig of rosemary to asperge all thresholds with a mixture of 1 tablespoon of saltpeter to a gallon of water. Pay special attention to the front and back doors.

  Place aloe vera plants above the doorway to repel malevolent spirits and nasty magic. Use red geraniums outdoors—if your property allows it, plant them to form a boundary—to keep bewitchments at bay.

  Place Fu dog statues—the Asian dogs that look as if they’re part lion—on either side of the front door as “security guards.” It’s said that using a matched pair of male and female is most effective. (The male is usually portrayed playing with a ball.) Raise them off the ground as much as possible, so they can get a clear view of anything coming their way.

  As Papa Legba holds the keys to the gates between the worlds and decides who enters and who doesn’t, place his statue behind the front door. (A statue of St. Peter may be substituted, as he was designated by the enslaved as Papa Legba’s Christian counterpart when it was necessary to hide their religious activities.) Offer him rum every Monday—Barbancourt is a good choice if you can find it—and occasionally, supplement with good cigars, cigarettes, and candy.

  Against Pet Harm:

  As pets take the brunt of any malicious activity aimed toward us, it’s important to safeguard them as well. For dogs, a disc depicting Diana and charged with protection works well when added to the collar. For cats, obtain a disc depicting Bast. If neither is available to you, a St. Francis of Assisi medal will work well for either.


  To Make an Enemy Move

  This spell is also useful in forcing a co-worker to quit his or her job or find another.


  Small bottle with a tight-fitting screw-on lid (Soy sauce bottles work well for this.)

  Four Thieves Vinegar

  Pen and paper

  Write your enemy’s name nine times on a piece of paper, and place in the bottle. Add enough Four Thieves Vinegar to completely cover the paper, then cap tightly, and toss into a river.

  Mary Caliendo’s Enemy Removal Spell

  This spell will completely rid you of any enemies. (As they just seem to disappear into the ether, I take a “don’t ask” stance with this one!)


  1 potato

  Black permanent marker

  White glue

  Black glitter

  Paintbrush (optional)

  Write the name of your enemy on the potato with the marker, then cover it with glue. (A paintbrush makes short work of this.) Then roll the potato in black glitter and bury it.

  Nasty Neighbor Spell


  Your morning urine

  9 black peppercorns

  3 T. salt

  1 clove garlic, peeled

  3 rusty nails

  Jar with tight-fitting screw-on lid

  Place all ingredients in the jar, screw on the lid, and shake it continuously while chanting:

  I piss on you and all you’ve done,

  Pack your things—get out now—run!

  Your place—that house and property—

  Is no longer yours, you see,

  You may not live there anymore

  On you, it has shut its door.

  I’m done with you, and with this mix

  A moving trick on you I’ll fix.

  Throw the contents of the jar in the neighbor’s yard and mutter under your breath:

  I mark you now with piss and rust,

  With garlic, pepper, and salty crust.

  Pack your things and leave today.

  This trick is fixed. Now go away!

  Walk away and don’t look back.

  Black Candle Banishing


  1 black candle

  Patchouli oil

  Mechanical pencil or stylus

  Using the mechanical pencil, ma
rk the candle into three equal portions. Then starting at the bottom of the candle and working upward (away from you) inscribe the target’s name three times. When you are finished, anoint the candle with patchouli oil. Burn one-third of the candle on each of three consecutive days, saying each time you light it:

  Go away! Far away!

  Close to me, you cannot stay!

  Run away! Far away!

  Pack your things and leave today!

  Make Tracks Spell

  To force a nasty neighbor to move, mix together equal amounts of graveyard dirt and Hot Foot Powder, and toss into the target’s yard on nine consecutive nights. Moving arrangements should be in progress by the tenth day.

  Greeting Card Spell

  To remove an enemy from your life, send him or her a greeting card that you’ve anointed with patchouli oil.


  Chicken Bone Curse


  2 chicken bones of equal length

  1 skein black embroidery floss

  Cut the floss into three equal lengths. Then holding the bones together to form an equal-armed cross, bind them together with the first length in a crisscrossing motion. As you bind the bones, think of your target, and chant the following over and over:

  You shall eat from the same plate

  As that from which you serve your guests.

  When you reach the last inch, tie one knot in the front and a knot in the back. Repeat the process with the other two lengths of floss. Throw the fetish in the target’s yard, or hide it on the property.

  Element Curse


  Red marker

  Black pen


  Crossing Incense

  Cauldron or fire-proof dish

  Using the black pen, write the following on the paper.

  I summon You, Elements! Come to me, All:

  Air, Fire, Water and Earth, I call!

  I have been wronged and I conjure You

  To swiftly bring justice for all I’ve been through

  To the one who has wrought all my anguish and pain

  I demand that the following on his/her head do rain:

  One hundred times over, the problems s/he’s caused,

  One hundred times over with nary a pause

  The fear, pain and anguish, one hundred times too

  Without mercy or pity, give him/her what is due.

  I command misery and I command guilt

  I command s/he receives what s/he’s wrought and s/he’s built.

  I conjure You, Elements! Do as I say!

  Carry out my demands before the end of this day!

  When you’ve finished writing, use the red marker to write the target’s name over the incantation. (Do this in large letters in a vertical line from top to bottom in the center of the paper.)

  Hold the paper in your hands, and recite the curse with force and feeling. Then sprinkle the paper with Crossing Incense, fold it into thirds, and set it on fire, saying:

  You are thus cursed

  Your fate is thus sealed,

  There’s no going back

  And no way to shield.

  Cursed by the Earth, the Fire, Wind and Sea

  Cursed by all Four—and cursed, too, by me!

  When the ashes are cool, flush them down the toilet.

  Graveyard Curse

  This curse depends upon easy access to the grave of a relative or someone who would care deeply about your plight.


  Pen and paper

  Gift for the deceased

  Sit down and write the deceased a letter explaining your troubles and precisely what you’d like done about them. Be explicit with your instructions, and don’t leave anything out. Above all, don’t leave anything up to the spirit of the deceased, as doing so is likely to bring results other than those you desire.

  When you’re finished, take the letter and the gift to the gravesite. Read the letter to the spirit of the deceased, and mention that you’ve brought a gift in payment for its help. Dig a shallow hole in the general proximity of the place you’d expect the deceased’s right hand to be. Bury both objects in the hole, thank the spirit, and leave the cemetery without looking back.


  To End a Relationship


  1 egg

  1 to 2 T. slippery elm

  Sheet of paper

  Red pen

  Black yarn or embroidery floss

  Carefully break the egg, and feed it to a dog or other animal. (You may also feed it to another person, if necessary, but do NOT eat the egg yourself. Although the egg won’t harm anyone, it’s imperative that you don’t connect yourself to the magic in this fashion.) Fill both halves of the eggshell with slippery elm, then put them back together, and bind well with the yarn or floss. Tie three knots to secure.

  Then using the red pen, write the following on the paper:

  As Sun from Moon, and Day from Night,

  As Mountain from Valley, and Land from Sea,

  As Earth from Sky, and Dark from Light,

  As He from She, and I from We,

  So separate, sever, and divide

  (Name of one person) from (name of the other person)

  Separate them far and wide

  From each other, make them part

  Without a care in either’s heart.

  Wrap the egg in the paper, making sure that the writing is on the inside. Bury the parcel as close to the couple’s home as possible.

  Black Onyx Separation

  To separate a couple, present one of the parties with a piece of black onyx.


  Spell to Stop Sexual Harassment


  A copy of the Devil card from the Tarot

  Black candle

  Red permanent marker

  Black permanent marker


  Small dish of ice water

  Small paintbrush

  Light the candle on a Saturday between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., place the copy of the card in front of it, and call the target to mind. See all the trouble s/he’s caused in minute detail. Feel the discomfort you’ve experienced, and let it envelope you. Now get pissed and work yourself up into a wall-eyed fit. Once you’ve worked yourself up into a state of real fury, write the target’s name in red across the face of the card. Using the black marker, outline the card margins, and draw vertical bars through the image like the bars of a cage. Chant:

  I confine you now by chain and bar—

  Just like the animal that you are—

  You’ve been snared and all can see

  Your true colors perfectly.

  And caught within this trap of might

  All you’ve done now comes to light.

  (A fitting place for you to be

  On view without your dignity!)

  I curse you by the law of land

  And from the Spirits, I demand

  Curses of another kind,

  The terms of which I now define:

  At this point, wet the paintbrush with ice water and dip it into the saltpeter. If the card contains an image of the appropriate gender, use the brush to paint the genital area. If not, paint an X through the entire card. Say:

  From this day forward you shall be

  The victim of impotency.

  There’ll be no cure and no release,

  The problem shall not ever cease.

  And further, I demand that They

  Remove your power from this day,

  And see to it you’ll never fill

  A position where your personal will

  Can harm or injure or coerce,

  By these terms, you are now cursed!

  Fold the card neatly as many times as is possible, and leave it in front of the candle until the wick burns out. If the target is a co-worker, hide the card as close to his or her office as possible. If not, carry the card with you.

  Condom H


  1 condom

  1 rusty nail (Substitute a thorn, if necessary.)


  Black pepper

  Black permanent marker

  Unwrap the condom, place it in front of you, and write the target’s name on it. Then visualize the target wearing the condom, and using the nail or thorn, stab it repeatedly while saying:

  I prick you where it hurts the most

  In your pathetic little host,

  Sprinkle it with salt, saying:

  I salt the wounds so that they sting

  Each time you try to use that thing.

  Now, blacken the condom with pepper, saying:

  And now, I set a penile fire

  So when you’re hardened by desire,

  It burns like hell without relief

  Then shrivels up within your briefs,

  And all that’s left upon your mind

  Is how to cool your burning tine.

  Place the nail or thorn inside the condom, and secure it with a knot. Dispose of the condom in a public trash receptacle.

  Bergamot Preventative

  Wear bergamot oil as a perfume to prevent being the object of sexual harassment.


  Nightmare-Inducing Dream Catcher


  5 inch metal ring

  4 yds. 1/8” suede lacing

  4 yds. imitation sinew (flat waxed thread)

  Bead or stone with a hole in it


  White glue

  Glue one end of the lacing to the ring and secure it with the clothespin. Then moving counter-clockwise, wrap the lacing around the ring until you reach the starting point. Cut the lacing, glue the end, and secure it with the clothespin as well.

  Tie one end of the thread to the ring, and moving counter-clockwise, tie nine evenly spaced half hitches around the perimeter. (To tie a half hitch, bring the thread over the top of the ring and behind it, pulling it over the loop formed by the length of thread stretched between the current knot and the previous one.) Tie the last half hitch approximately a half inch before the starting point.


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