The Holiday Sweet Spot: An opposites attract, gorgeous, feel-good romantic comedy (Falcons in Love Book 2)

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The Holiday Sweet Spot: An opposites attract, gorgeous, feel-good romantic comedy (Falcons in Love Book 2) Page 12

by Sophia Knightly

  “In this case, it will benefit all of us,” he commented, putting his arm around Emily’s shoulder.

  She leaned her head on his chest and sighed, her eyes suddenly watering at the memory of her last Christmas with her beloved John. “Do you know how long it’s been since I was hugged, Choco Bear?”

  “Too long,” he concluded. “I’ll hold you all night if you wish.”

  “I do,” she said, desperately needing this noble man’s arms around her.

  “Well, that’s an odd turn of events,” Jake said, carrying the restaurant delivery bags into the dining room. The table was already set with dishes, flatware and wine glasses.

  “What is?” Seated at the dining room table, Pilar watched him take out the food containers and set them on the table. He’d told her that since she’d slaved in the kitchen the past few days, he didn’t want her to lift a finger. He was going to serve them dinner and clean up afterward.

  “My mom just called to say she’s spending the night at Choco Bear’s because she’s stranded.”

  Pilar wondered why Jake looked calm after such an announcement. “What happened? Is she OK?”

  He filled their wineglasses and joined her at the table. “Yeah, she’s fine, but a pipe broke in front of his building and it won’t be fixed until tomorrow.”

  “Oh, no. Does she sound upset?”

  “No, strangely, she doesn’t.” Jake opened a container and served the salad. “You said to surprise you, so I ordered pappardelle with lamb ragout, fennel and orange salad and tiramisu for dessert.”

  “Sounds amazing. Thank you.” She took a bite of the salad. “This is so refreshing. What did you do today?”

  “I spent the afternoon in business meetings.”

  “With investors for your new app?”

  “No, with prospective buyers for The Sweet Spot.”

  “Really?” she said, surprised at his announcement. “How does Emily feel about it?”

  “She seems more open to spending the winter months in Naples, so that’s a start. I think once she’s there next month, she’ll come around to the idea of moving there permanently.” He paused reflectively. “I’ve assured her that I won’t entertain any offers unless the buyer agrees to keep on all the employees. The ones I spoke with today assured me they would.”

  “That’s great. I just hope whoever buys it shares Emily’s vision and passion. It would be tragic if they ruined her brand. Will they keep the name?”

  “The details still have to be worked out. The first step is finding and securing a qualified buyer. Then we negotiate the terms and details.”

  Pilar sipped her wine and nodded. He clearly knew how to negotiate; she wasn’t worried about that.

  “After spending the week interacting with her staff, I’ve gained a greater appreciation of their dedication,” he said. “I saw how well they all got along last night. They make a great team. I don’t want to create any hardship for anyone. It will be as smooth a transaction as possible.”

  “I’m so glad to hear you say that.” She chewed her salad pensively “How long has your mom known Choco Bear?”

  “Since she opened The Sweet Spot 25 years ago.”

  “That’s a long time.” She hesitated. “Have you noticed he’s in love with her?”

  Jake set his glass down and stared at her. “Why do you say that?”

  “I felt it the first time I saw them together. There’s a special tenderness in the way he looks at Emily. It’s sweet and romantic.”

  “You mean the way I’m looking at you?” Jake said slowly. The sensual pull of his gaze enthralled her.

  “There’s tenderness in your gaze, but I wouldn’t say it’s sweet. More like spicy hot.”

  One corner of his mouth lifted. “I can’t deny I have the hots for you.”

  Well, she had the hots for him too, especially with the way he was looking at her, but it was too soon to succumb to their passion. She needed to know where his heart was.

  With a hesitant smile, she dished out the pappardelle onto their dinner plates. “Let’s eat before it gets cold.”

  When they polished off the scrumptious meal, he suggested, “Let’s have dessert in the living room. I lit the fireplace when I came in.”

  “OK, but let’s eat it out of the container,” Pilar said.

  “Fine with me. I’ll be in the living room stoking the fire.”

  She smiled inwardly. He would be stoking more than one fire.

  She went into the kitchen and put the tiramisu container and two spoons on a small tray. Joining Jake in the living room, she set the tray on the coffee table and sat beside him on the sofa before the fireplace.

  The living room was dimly lit and cozily inviting, the perfect spot for them to share dessert and intimate conversation.

  “When did they deliver these flowers?” Jake asked. “Who are they from?”

  “Me,” she answered. “It’s my Christmas present for Emily.”

  “They’re stunning. She will love them for sure.” He gave her an admiring glance. “You’re very thoughtful and caring. Those are beautiful qualities.”

  “Thank you,” she said, “that’s sweet of you.”

  Wry amusement etched his lips. “Now I’m sweet and not spicy hot?” he inquired dryly.

  “You’re both, and I like it that way,” she said in all honesty.

  “Good.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek. The subtle brush of his lips on her skin sent a rippling jolt of awareness through her. She stared into his eyes, tantalizing, deep blue pools that held her captive.

  His hands circled her waist and lifted her onto his lap. He languidly stroked her hair and pressed his lips against her temple. Framing her face with his hands, he kissed her, tasting her upper and lower lips as if they were the sweetest nectar to be savored. She ran her fingers through his thick, tawny hair and passionately returned his kisses.

  His lips made a provocative trail down the column of her neck, rousing pinpricks of pleasure everywhere they touched. She bent her head back and drew shallow breaths. His tongue touched the sensitive spot above her clavicle and a trembly gasp escaped her.

  Demanding and tender, his mouth returned to hers with hedonistic exploration. She went weak in his arms as he devoured her. Her swollen lips throbbed, and she could barely breathe from the drugging heat melting her core.

  He pulled back and studied her with passion-glazed eyes. “You are so incredibly beautiful. I’ve fantasized about you all day.”

  Excitement burgeoned inside her at his gruff admission. His hands stroked her from her nape to her waist, curving around the swell of her hips. She arched against him with soft, keening moans. Her body craved the feel of those large, firm hands on her bare skin. She squeezed her thighs against a wild rush of pleasure when his hands slid around and cupped her breasts over her silky blouse. Her breasts felt achy and heavy nestled in his gentle hold.

  “You’re constantly on my mind.” He bent his head toward her breasts, and riotous sensations invaded her every cell. With deft hands, he unbuttoned her blouse and opened the front closure of her lacy bra, kissing the pale contours of her breasts as he freed them. Scooping them up, he reverently kissed her nipples. “And in my heart,” he murmured, his warm breath tickling her sensitized skin.

  “And you’re in mine,” she choked out as he feasted on her breasts, nibbling and suckling the puckered tips until she thought she’d die of pleasure.

  “So pretty. So delectable,” he breathed between kisses. “I can’t get enough of you.”

  She clutched his head with trembling hands and purred deep in her throat.

  He looked up at her, his eyes blazing, his breathing harsh. Hot hands closed over the resilient curve of her buttocks and squeezed. “I want to make love to you.”

  “I want you too,” she said feverishly. She wriggled against his hard arousal and a guttural groan tore from his throat.

  His arms slid under her legs and shoulders as he rose from the sofa, effortlessly
lifting her with him. He tucked her close to his chest and kissed the top of her head.

  Pilar wrapped her arms around Jake’s strong torso and listened to his hammering heart as he carried her to his bedroom. She sighed dreamily, an eager pawn to his masculine prowess.

  More than anything in the world, she wanted to be his.

  Chapter 15

  Early the next morning, Jake awoke to the best Christmas present ever—a gorgeously naked Pilar slumbering beside him. Lying on her back, her lovely breasts rose and fell under the sheet with each hushed breath. The warm, fragrant scent of her body enticed him as he rolled on his side facing her. He was so close, he could smell her hair, the floral fragrance alluring. His hands itched to stroke the long silken strands that formed a glossy black mantle on his pillow.

  He contemplated her delicate jaw, the finely arched raven brows and the lush sweep of jet-black lashes casting a shadow on her creamy cheeks. Her pink lips, pillowy soft in repose, were made for long, deep kisses. Hardening instantly, he recalled the many kisses and love bites he’d lavished on her sweet curves while listening to her throaty pleasure cries.

  She was exactly where he wanted her to be. In his bed. She had forged an indelible place in his heart, and he didn’t want to think about her leaving. He’d always lived in the moment, but gazing at her now, he contemplated a future with her. The thought of commitment to Pilar didn’t make him want to run as he’d felt in previous relationships.

  Visions of their impassioned lovemaking last night made him hunger for more. Pilar’s satiny skin was addictive, her pretty, rosy-tipped breasts irresistible. He remembered her supple thighs gripping him as he’d made love to her. The feel of her firm, curvy buttocks nestled in his hands drove him wild as did her sweet, unrestrained response to his lovemaking. He’d brought her to a shattering orgasm more than once last night, and he wanted to do it again.

  Drawing on every ounce of discipline, he tore his gaze away and got up so she could continue sleeping. He grabbed his long-sleeved heat tech shirt and running pants from the closet and headed for the bathroom to change, intent on going for a long run in Central Park to tamp down his roaring libido.

  Half an hour later, invigorated by the frosty air, Jake shortened his usual five-mile run. Though his shoes had excellent traction, some areas were slick with slush from the overnight snowfall. Eager to get back to Pilar, he pushed his sleeve up to call her on his Apple wristwatch, realizing too late that he’d left it on the nightstand.

  On his way back, he stopped into Maison Kayser Bakery and picked up a freshly baked baguette and a chocolate almond croissant to satisfy Pilar’s sweet tooth. Hopefully, she’d be awake by the time he got back. Otherwise, they’d have breakfast in bed.

  His plan for a fun day would start after breakfast. He wanted it to be memorable, especially since she would be spending Christmas away from her family.

  Fresh from a warm shower, Pilar massaged wild honeysuckle cream into her damp skin, flushing as she remembered the loving attention Jake had paid to every inch of her body. She’d never felt so replete with pleasure. Humming to herself, she pursed her lips in the mirror and applied lip gloss. No need to add blush, her cheeks glowed hotly thinking about the lusty night they’d shared, and Jake’s insatiable appetite for her.

  Joined to his magnificent body she’d experienced the most blissful lovemaking of her life. Strong and virile, Jake’s potent sexual appetite was tempered with breathtaking tenderness. A man of contrasts, he was a generous lover who drove her repeatedly to glorious climaxes before he yielded to his own pleasure.

  Expelling a shaky breath, Pilar turned her thoughts to getting ready and suppressing her wild craving for more of Jake’s loving. Remembering last night made her so sexually primed she might jump him when he walked in. She blow dried her hair and got dressed in a cowl necked red cashmere sweater and black leggings.

  Smiling giddily, she read the note he’d left on the bathroom counter. Good morning, gorgeous. I’m going for a run so you can catch some zzzzs before I ravish you again.

  She couldn’t wait for him to get back so she could give him his Christmas present. She heard his Apple watch buzz, and she walked over to the nightstand where he’d left it. The screen showed several missed calls from Emily and Jessica. It was understandable for Emily to call her son on Christmas morning, but Jessica? That was a bit much.

  She wasn’t going to let Jessica’s call worry her. After Jake’s passionate lovemaking, no one was going to mar their first Christmas morning together. Not even pushy Jessica.

  She started a pot of coffee in the kitchen and made scrambled eggs. She was about to put the skillet in the warmed oven when Jake walked in carrying a bakery bag.

  “Merry Christmas,” his deep voice intoned as he came toward her. “Did you sleep well?”

  His question triggered erotic fantasies, and Pilar’s cheeks reddened at the knowing look in his eyes. “Sleep? What’s that? As I recall, you kept me up all night.”

  He pulled her in his arms and hugged her tightly. “Complaining?”

  She grinned up at him. “Never.”

  “Good, there’s more where that came from.” He released her with a lusty pat on her bottom.

  “Hey.” She darted away. “No manhandling the chef before coffee.”

  “What about after coffee?” he taunted, tugging her back to him. “Coffee smells good. Nice and strong.”

  Like you. She eyed his corded forearms and remembered how they’d supported his weight above her. Expelling a soft breath, she said, “I figured you’d be hungry after your run, so I made us some scrambled eggs.”

  “Thanks. I’m sure they’re delicious.” He handed her the bag. “I brought bread and a chocolate almond croissant for you.”

  “Yummy,” she said, peeking in the bag. “Let’s eat. Everything’s ready.”

  “I’ll be right back. I need to get my phone first.” Seconds later, he returned with his iPhone in hand, scrolling the screen with his thumb. “I have some missed calls,” he said absently.

  “Do you want to return them before we eat?” Pilar said, wondering if he’d call Jessica.

  “No, don’t hold up breakfast. Those eggs look good, and I’m famished. I’ll call my mom now. The others can wait.”

  Nodding, Pilar sliced the crusty baguette and placed it alongside the croissant in a basket. She heard Jake discuss the day’s activities with Emily. Pretending not to eavesdrop, she carried the breadbasket to the table where she’d already set out sliced gruyere cheese, Black Forest ham, whipped butter and raspberry jam.

  While Jake chatted with Emily, Pilar plated the eggs, sprinkled chives on top and poured coffee in two Santa mugs. She set them on the table and waited for Jake to finish his call with Emily.

  “Sounds good, Mom, see you later,” Jake said, hanging up.

  “What time is Emily coming here?” Pilar said.

  “Not until late afternoon. We have an early dinner reservation for five o’clock at Tavern on the Green. She asked if I was OK with her including Choco Bear.”

  “What did you say?”

  He shrugged. “Fine by me. He’s all alone, and my parents often included him in our Christmas dinner.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know that,” Pilar said. “How did your father feel about him joining in your family celebration?”

  “He didn’t mind. My dad and Choco Bear got along great, but Choco Bear wasn’t the only friend we included. Whenever Mom got wind that someone would be alone at Christmastime, she invited them to join us.”

  “I love that. My family has an open-door policy too.” Pilar smiled. “What do you think of Choco Bear and your Mom?”

  “I think he’s great. If he makes Mom happy, that’s all that counts.”

  “I agree,” Pilar said, relieved.

  “After breakfast, I’m taking you to see the tree in Rockefeller Center and the skating rink.” A wicked smile spread on his face. “You’re going to skate with me even if I have to cart you around,
” he said in a mock stern voice.

  She noted the glint in his eyes. “Yes, sir,” she said, rolling her eyes.

  When they finished eating, Pilar led Jake to the Christmas tree. “I have a little something for you.” She knelt beside the tree and retrieved a gift from under it.

  “I have something for you too.” Jake sank down beside her on the floor and sat cross-legged.

  She handed him a wrapped box with a card on top. “Open yours first.”

  He unsealed the card and read out loud, “I hope this evokes many happy memories for you, Jake. Your Christmas Angel.”

  Jake tucked a tendril of Pilar’s hair behind her ear and smiled into her eyes before he tore off the giftwrap. He grew silent as he lifted the top of the box and peered inside. He held up the custom-made plane model and stared at it.

  “Wow.” His gaze met hers in amazement. “How did you know which model to choose?”

  “You told me the day we decorated the tree that your dad taught you to fly in a Cessna. I didn’t remember the exact model, so I asked your mom.”

  He carefully turned it in his hands, taking in the details. “This is incredible.” He looked up, his eyes filled with wonder. “Where did you get it?”

  “I asked Choco Bear if he knew of a place where I could get a replica of the plane, and he offered to make it.”

  “He did this in a week’s time?” Jake said incredulously.

  “Yes. I’m amazed at the detail he put in.”

  “Me too. I’m impressed by Choco Bear’s work.” His lips moved over hers in a warm kiss that ended all too soon. “And touched by your thoughtful gift. I love it, darling.”

  “I’m so glad,” she breathed. He’d never called her darling, and the sound of it filled Pilar with joy.

  He heaved a deep sigh. “I was dreading Christmas this year without my father.”

  “I can only imagine,” she said, holding his hand in hers as she searched his grief-stricken eyes.

  “Last year, he seemed to be doing better during Christmas. We enjoyed a quiet evening at home, and he was in good spirits.” He exhaled a harsh breath. “But right after I left for Shanghai, he took a turn for the worst. When my mom called to let me know, I booked a flight back right away, but when I got here it was too late.” He closed his eyes. “I feel sick inside that I wasn’t with him when he passed away.”


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