French Fling to Forever

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French Fling to Forever Page 13

by Karin Baine

  He was right. They were supposed to be embarking on a scorching, rip-each-other’s-clothes-off sex-fest. Not a chaste game of peekaboo or a therapy session. She wanted this, she wanted Henri and she was simply going to have to be bold about it to make this work.

  With trembling fingers she unzipped her dress. Unless he turned on the main light she’d remain in relative shadow anyway. She peeled down the top half and shimmied out of the rest until she remained in only her underwear and heels.

  Henri moved behind her and bent down to whisper in her ear. ‘All of your clothes.’

  ‘I...I...’ She shivered, frozen to the spot by his words.

  ‘Would you like me to help you?’

  She bit her lip and nodded, her quota of bravado all used up in one act.

  Henri didn’t give her time to change her mind. His hands were warm on her skin as he opened the clasp on her bra and let it fall to expose her breasts to the cool air. Lola automatically tried to cover herself again, but Henri laced his fingers through hers and pulled her hands away. Her shallow breaths grew louder in the darkened room as he whipped her panties down her legs. She was completely naked, in a hotel room, with her fully dressed work colleague.

  ‘Open your eyes and look in the mirror.’

  She hadn’t realised how tightly shut they were until Henri made her face the dressing table mirror. It took everything for her not to look away again. She was so pale, so exposed against Henri’s form it was hard to watch.

  He traced his hand along the curve of her breast. ‘Belle. You are beautiful, Lola.’

  She quivered as he kissed the back of her neck, brushing the sensitive spot which was apparently connected to her knees because they threatened to give way. The mirror played an erotic dream sequence before her eyes as Henri cupped her breasts in his large palms and rolled her nipples to hard points between his fingers. Another wave of arousal flashed through her, pooling at the apex of her thighs and completely disregarding any argument against this.

  Henri carried on mapping her body with his slow caress, tracing over the indent at her waist and sweeping over her midriff. Lola felt her inner muscles contract as he dipped lower, anticipating his final destination. She held her breath and closed her eyes, waiting for him to claim her.

  ‘Don’t you want to watch?’

  There was an agonising pause as he coaxed her back to face the couple reflected in the glass. When she saw the image of her pale, aroused body enveloped in the safe arms of a hunky male, Lola realised that was exactly what she wanted to do. She was ready to witness her own sexual awakening.

  The pale figure in the mirror guided her lover’s hand between her legs, throwing her head back in ecstasy as he pressed into her.

  * * *

  Henri slid a finger inside Lola, ignoring his own desires to see her needs put first. She might never have justice for what those bastards had done to her, but she deserved to live her life like any other woman. Without fear, and accepting of her own sexuality.

  It was promising to find she was guiding him where she wanted him to be, taking control back. He pushed deeper, stroking her until her legs were trembling and her moans were driving him crazy.

  ‘Do you want to lie on the bed?’ he asked, whispering directly into her ear, causing another shudder to ripple through her limbs.


  Her breathy response did nothing to abate the tightening of his trousers.

  She was slumped against him, her head resting against his shoulder and one hand reaching up to anchor around his neck. It was down to Henri to get her where he wanted her.

  As easily as he’d carried Bastien, Henri scooped her up into his arms. Lola clung to him as he carried her to the bed, her hooded eyes watching him carefully but not expressing that fear he’d seen once too often. She trusted him, and he knew how much effort that must have taken.

  He laid her down on the covers so her legs were dangling over the edge of the bed, opening her fully to him. Her chest rose and fell with every sharp breath she took and she chewed her bottom lip as he stood over her. It would take a little more to get her as relaxed as possible, but Henri was confident he was the one to help her.

  With one hand either side of her head, he braced himself on the bed to kiss her without lowering his full weight on top of her. He gently drew her bottom lip into his mouth and slipped his tongue in to tangle with hers. It didn’t take long before she went limp beneath him, lost in the kiss and almost persuading Henri to draft a new plan. His erection strained painfully between them, but he was willing to suffer some personal discomfort in order to give Lola what she needed.

  ‘Is this okay?’ He was trailing kisses down her throat and over her collarbone, but he wanted to make sure she was with him every step of the way.

  ‘Mmm...hmm...’ Lola sucked in a breath through her teeth as he latched on to her nipple and made no attempt to stop him. With every lick and suck of that hardening peak she writhed beneath him, her shyness forgotten as she rubbed her body against his.

  With deft fingers, he plucked the other pink tip to a bullet point, and Lola arched off the bed in response. She grazed her soft mound into his ever-increasing hardness until Henri was forced to take a time out, waiting for the fireworks going off behind his eyelids to cease so he could focus back on Lola.

  When the tremors subsided, Henri moved farther down her torso, pressing soft kisses against her chlorine and soap-scented skin until he was kneeling at her feet.

  ‘If you tell me to stop, I will.’

  He wanted her to know that even now, lying naked and exposed, she had the right to say no and have it heard. Although there was a catch in her breath, Lola nodded and gave him the green light.

  Henri danced the tip of his tongue over her stomach, feeling her muscles tightening as he dared to go ever lower. With his hands lifting her legs apart he buried himself between her thighs and lapped at her entrance. Lola’s gasp spurred him on, and he plunged in to taste her arousal. Her legs were draped over his shoulders, her buttocks cupped in his hands, as he drove inside her and showed her how sex could be. Loving, enjoyable and totally freaking hot.

  She was tugging his hair, scratching his neck with her nails, but never once did she ask him to stop. If the purring noises she was making were any indication, she had no intention of doing so. Henri circled that sweet bud, flicking and licking until Lola tensed around him. Even then he didn’t stop. Through every contraction and release of her inner muscles he sought her out, unrelenting, until she almost bucked off the bed and cried out her release. Only when every last aftershock had left her body did Henri finally withdraw.

  Lola lay panting on the bed, thoroughly ravished and gorgeous. Her mussed hair was a crooked golden halo around her head, her lips were swollen from his kisses and her legs were still parted and inviting. It would be so easy for Henri to take what he needed too, but that would make him no better than the other men she’d encountered. He wouldn’t take advantage of her so callously.

  Instead, he pulled the covers back on to the bed and helped her in.

  ‘Thank you.’

  From the glassy sheen of her tears, glinting in the darkness, he didn’t think Lola was referring to him tucking her in. But sex wasn’t something a beautiful woman should ever have to be grateful for. Any man should thank his lucky stars if he got close to Lola—he knew he did.

  ‘My pleasure.’ He kissed her on the forehead and received a lazy smile in return.

  Something told Henri their idea of fun had just skipped to the next stage.


  EVERY TIME LOLA cast her mind back to last night her body tingled with awareness and a smile crept across her face. She couldn’t stop thinking about Henri and what he’d done to her—for her. More than the mind-blowing orgasm he’d given her, he’d literally made her face her

  Her tormentors’ hold on her was gradually weakening under Henri’s careful guidance. He was providing her with a special brand of therapy, ensuring she was at peace with her own body. It was easier to achieve when Henri had left her in no doubt about his attraction to her. In his company she was definitely all woman. There was no room for ambiguity any more.

  ‘Lo-la!’ Bastien cried out as the tennis ball whizzed by her head.


  Despite her best attempts, the children hadn’t had her full attention this morning. Since they’d all overslept, and with Henri having a lecture first thing, breakfast had been a rushed affair. It made her antsy. They hadn’t even had a chance to talk in private, never mind embark on a follow-up to last night’s events. Exhausted by her exertions, and released from her inner turmoil, she’d slept soundly, thanks to Henri.

  At the age of twenty-five, Lola was looking forward to her first adult relationship built on mutual trust and respect.

  ‘I think you need a few more lessons.’

  The mere sound of Henri’s voice sent Lola into raptures. He caught the ball mid-flight in one hand and carried it over to her. The sun cast its favourable glow through his white shirt, highlighting the impressive muscles hidden under the ‘sensible doctor’ wear. Her body responded as if he’d stripped her naked again, her nipples beading under her T-shirt and that ache in her loins growing by the minute. There was every chance she would spontaneously combust if she was subjected to any more of his hotness without an outlet for her admiration.

  ‘Are you offering?’

  Her bravado was in direct correlation with her libido today. That moment she’d been avoiding couldn’t come quickly enough now she’d had a taste of what Henri had to offer. His hands-on skills weren’t limited to the workplace.

  ‘Any time.’

  The knowing wink he gave her was the stuff of erotic dreams—slightly ruined by Gabrielle’s exaggerated cough and the reminder that there were children present.

  ‘I thought you’d be caught up for at least another few hours?’ She’d anticipated another day of outdoor pursuits to work through her Henri-less disappointment.

  ‘I have all the notes I need, so I thought I’d ditch the workshop and get back to the fun stuff.’

  Henri was addressing the kids, but Lola imagined he was talking to her. There was nothing she’d like better than to have more fun with him.

  ‘Can we go home and see if Mum is back?’ Bastien cast his racquet aside, clearly already taken with the notion.

  ‘Is that what you want?’ Henri asked, unable to hide the surprise and delight on his face. He checked his watch. ‘I think Angelique’s flight arrives in about two hours. If we’re quick we could get to the airport in time to meet her. Everyone in favour of going home raise their hand.’

  The unanimous decision was made as four hands shot up into the air. Although the hotel was fabulous, Lola couldn’t wait to get back home and pick up with Henri where they’d left off.

  ‘That’s settled, then. As soon as we are ready we’ll hit the road.’

  Henri glanced over the heads of the bouncing children at Lola. The unspoken message was there that tonight was the night they’d finally leave all their baggage outside the bedroom door and focus on each other.

  Lola had her bag packed in record time.

  * * *

  They collected Angelique from the airport and the children lit on her with fervent hugs and kisses. Lola didn’t imagine they were parted very often, and it was sweet to see how much they’d missed each other. Even Henri wrapped his sister in a bear hug once Gabrielle and Bastien had let go of her.

  The bond between the family wasn’t unlike the one she shared with her brothers, and though Lola hated to admit it she was starting to miss them. So much had happened since her graduation, and there was no reason they couldn’t share in the good times with her as well as the bad. If things went well between her and Henri she might even think about introducing him.

  Once they were all delivered back to Angelique’s house, with their assorted luggage, Angelique took Lola to one side.

  ‘Thank you for everything. I haven’t had a chance to say that, with all that’s been going on, but I really appreciate your help. Between coming to the rescue with Bastien’s cake, teaching Gabrielle how to bake and now babysitting, I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.’

  ‘It’s no trouble at all—but I was going to ask about taking more of your classes.’ The Benoits were certainly helping her to flourish, and Lola wanted to make the most of her newfound sensuality while the impetus was there.

  ‘Say no more. The door’s open for you any time. Anyone who can put a smile on my brother’s face is worth their weight in gold.’

  Angelique gave the same cheeky wink her sibling used to great effect. She was such a glamorous woman of the world... Lola imagined her tales of Parisian nights and Moulin Rouge-inspired experiences would put her own exploits with Henri to shame.

  ‘Did you have a good time?’ Lola didn’t want to discuss her love life with her lover’s sister. At least not until they’d fully established one.

  ‘It was am-a-zing. I’m too old to make it as a chorus girl, but now I have that experience to cherish for ever. And, as glamorous and bohemian as that life is, I wouldn’t want to give up what I have here. I’m a different person now.’

  Angelique was beautiful now, in her mid-thirties, but she must have been a real stunner in her heyday. Given Gabrielle’s age, her dancing career must have come to an abrupt end when they’d left France for Irish soil. Lola couldn’t help but wonder if watching his sister’s marriage crumble when she’d given up so much for love was part of the reason Henri wasn’t interested in anything long term.

  ‘Aren’t we all?’

  If these past weeks had proved anything, it was that people were evolving all the time—mostly for the better. The ones who stayed the same—well, they were losing out on all life had to offer.

  ‘What’s this? A girlie gossip?’

  Henri slid his hands around Lola’s waist, and the public display of affection in front of his sister was a milestone as far as Lola could see. Angelique was too important to him to let her in on their secret if it didn’t mean anything to him.

  ‘Were your ears burning, little bro? I was just telling Lola I can take it from here if you two have up to do.’

  Angelique and Henri exchanged cheesy grins while Lola wanted to hide. This forthright French attitude to sex took some getting used to.

  ‘You know I love Gabs and Bastien...but, yeah, I’m officially handing them back to their mother. I have a life of my own to get back to.’

  He nuzzled Lola’s neck, and it was all she could do not to throw herself at him in the middle of the hallway.

  ‘I was starting to wonder. Please, Lola, take him away and spoil him. It’s about time he had someone to take care of him for a change.’

  She shooed them out the door, not giving them time to say goodbye to the kids. As well behaved as they were, Lola was glad of some respite and fully intended to heed Angelique’s advice. Henri was so busy looking out for other people, he put his own needs last. A matter Lola would rectify as soon as possible.

  The atmosphere inside the car was completely different without the excitable children in the back. Now there were only two super-charged adults, eager to get to their destination. It was a short drive across the city to Henri’s bachelor pad—made even shorter as he put his foot down on the accelerator. He barely abided by the speed limits as the sexual tension inside the sports car fuelled their journey.

  It was something of a relief when they pulled up outside the modern, detached villa that reflected his outward personality to a T.

  ‘Sorry, I should’ve asked if you wanted to go home first.’
/>   Henri pulled on the handbrake and gave her one last chance to change her mind. She didn’t want to alter her path now, when this was the first step to her new beginning. Making love with Henri would change how she viewed herself and men for ever. It wasn’t a view she would share, in case putting that much pressure on him ended in disaster.

  ‘Jules isn’t expecting me home until late. I don’t need or want to be anywhere else.’

  Lola’s heart was in her mouth as she laid herself bare before him. One wrong move now and she could end up back at square one, crushed by the disappointment of her own inadequacy.

  Henri was silent, the rustle as he removed his seat belt the only clue that he’d heard her request to stay. Lola unclipped hers too, making that commitment a firm reality. She reached for the door handle, deciding to take the initiative to go inside or else they’d end up sitting out here until it was time for her to go home. Now Henri knew exactly what he was taking on in this neurotic, damaged rookie doctor, Lola hoped he wasn’t having second thoughts.

  When the door didn’t open, Henri reached over to do it for her. ‘Child locks.’

  They were chest to chest as he stretched across her, too close to ignore the magnetic force between them.

  Their first hungry kiss was full of the pent-up lust and frustration built up over the last eighteen hours. Tongues vied for position and lips crashed together as the chemistry between them finally exploded.

  The leather seat squeaked with every shift of their bodies, playing an unfortunate soundtrack against their passion.

  ‘Shall. We. Take. This. Inside?’ Henri asked between kisses.

  Lola nodded, but it took several more smooches before they finally broke apart. They abandoned their bags in the car in their haste to get indoors, lighting on each other as soon as the door closed behind them.

  Lola had done enough talking, had her fair share of soul searching, and now all she wanted was to feel.

  She plucked the buttons on Henri’s shirt open, eagerly ripping off the wrapper from her present. His chest was smooth and taut and his firm abs rippled beneath her fingers. This was the body of a man—not some spotty teenager who thought he was God’s gift, with free rein to treat people however badly he wanted.


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