Home > Other > DITCHED > Page 15

by RC Boldt

  She waves me off. “Girl, it was my pleasure.” She leans in conspiratorially to add, “His last girlfriend was a bitch.”

  My lips part to inquire about this former girlfriend, but the knock on the open door interrupts.

  Becket’s voice calls out. “Is my favorite girl just about ready?”

  I can’t help the smile that tugs at my lips merely at the sound of his voice. Unfortunately, my sister picks up on it as Pennie heads to the door to greet Becket.

  “You really like him,” Darcy whispers.

  “It’s nothing.” I try to wave it off casually.

  Her eyes are knowing. “It’s not nothing. I know it.” She leans closer. “And so do you.”

  “Please.” I flash her a pleading look. “Don’t.”

  She releases a sigh and shakes her head. “Fine.” Then she perks up. “Tonight, I want you to have fun.”

  “I will.” I’m not sure if I’m making this declaration more for my sister’s benefit or for my own in an attempt to settle my nerves.

  I stand from the chair I’ve been perched on for more than an hour after having both my hair and makeup done.

  Darcy places her hands on my bare shoulders. “You look amazing, Ivy.” Her smile is genuine, her words heartfelt. “Have fun and tell me all about it tomorrow.” Carefully, she hugs me and blows me a kiss before she exits the room, saying a quick goodbye to Becket, who appears in the doorway.

  I turn to face him fully and nearly wobble in my three-inch heels at the mere sight of him in his tux.

  “Oh, wow.” The words spill from my lips before I realize it, but they’re warranted. Becket looks nearly as delicious in a tux as he does without any clothes at all.

  His dark eyes are watchful as I approach while Pennie excuses herself. I draw to a stop in front of him and run a hand down the smooth fabric covering his firm chest and grin up at him. “You clean up well.”

  One edge of his lips quirks upward. “And you…” His eyes gloss over me from head to toe. He tilts his head to the side and grimaces, which increases my anxiety.

  “What?” I glance down, smoothing out the dress Becket presented me with for tonight. God knows, it must’ve cost him a pretty penny judging by the label sewn on the inside: Stella McCartney. I’d insisted on something simple, nothing ostentatious, and he’d delivered. Though this dress is ridiculously beautiful yet a simplistic wine-colored column-style gown with a mesh overlay and exquisite, carefully sewn 3-D florals, black and white in color, on the outer layer. The high halter neckline bares my shoulders, and the gown’s hem stops just shy of the top of my toes. Becket included strappy black heels, which afford me enough height to be nearly eye to eye with him. “Is something wrong?”

  He scrubs a hand over his freshly shaven jaw. “Can I be honest?”

  Worried, I frown. “Of course.” What the heck? I thought my hair looked nice—great even, with how she styled it in loose, touchable waves—but now I’m not so certain.

  “If it were up to me, I’d prefer you without fancy makeup and just wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top.” His hand flies up suddenly as if to stop me. “I’m not saying you don’t look so damn gorgeous I’ll have to scare off other men all night long. I just…” He falters, suddenly avoiding eye contact and…is that a blush spreading across his cheeks?

  God, this man is something else.

  I close the distance between us and wait for him to turn his gaze upon me. I reach up and lay a palm against his smooth cheek. “Becket Jones. Are you blushing?” I tease with a tiny smile.

  His lips curve, and again, he offers me a smile others don’t receive. The one I’ve come to think of as my smile.

  “I’m sorry,” he says softly. “I screwed up what I was trying to say. What I meant was, you’re beautiful no matter what you’re wearing.”

  His endearing expression and the earnestness of his features have me nearly swooning. “Thank you.”

  “Thank you for coming with me tonight.” He plants a gentle kiss on my forehead. “If I forget to tell you later, I had a great time this evening.”

  I grin up at him, nearly laughing, but sober when I realize he’s serious. “How do you…?”

  He winks and reaches for my hand, linking our fingers together. “Because as long as I’m with you, Ivy, I always have a great time.” Guiding me out of the room and downstairs, he adds softly, “Always.”



  I feel like one of those cartoon characters with their tongues hanging out of their mouths.

  The mere sight of Ivy in the dress I’d chosen especially for her and the way her long hair hangs in a silky curtain of waves rob me of breath. Sure, if I had my way, I’d rather her be in shorts and a plain tank top and fresh-faced, but I noticed the look on her face when Pennie held the mirror in front of her. I’d stood at the door before making my presence known and watched her. I witnessed a sort of awe in her eyes as if she couldn’t believe the reflection was actually her.

  Her hand tenses, her fingers tightening their grip on mine as the limo pulls to a stop alongside the large convention center where the gala is being held.

  “Hey.” Her head whips around, fixing her wide eyes on me. “I’ve got this covered. You can wait until I’ve already done my part with the media reps and join me inside.” I bring our joined hands to my lips and press a tender kiss to the back of hers.


  My startled gaze locks with hers. “What do you mean, no?”

  She draws in a deep breath, glancing out the dark tinted windows briefly before turning back to me. “I mean, no. I’m going to walk with you.”

  “Are you sure?” My breath holds in my chest at the sudden prospect of being able to share the entirety of this evening with Ivy. “I don’t want you to feel pressured or—”

  “Becket.” The way she murmurs my name softly gives me pause. “I want to do this with you.” She leans over to dust the lightest kiss on my lips. “For your mom.”

  It’s at this moment it falls together for me. Her sacrifice of comfort for me, for my mother’s memory, means more than Ivy could possibly imagine. I may not fully understand her aversion to being in the spotlight, however briefly, but I recognize it just the same.

  I slide a hand to her nape and rest my forehead against hers, letting my eyes fall closed. “Ivy,” I murmur. “Thank you.” There’s no way she can fathom how much this means to me not to have to go in alone. This event is dear to me for obvious reasons, but it also stirs up a longing, an unyielding sadness that my mother’s no longer around. Having her by my side is more than just a date or arm candy. It’s simply…everything.

  The brief knock on the door alerts us the driver is ready to assist us. With one final kiss, I open the door, and the driver holds it for us. I exit first before extending a hand to Ivy. With a graceful beauty that takes my breath away, she accepts my hand and steps from the vehicle. I lead her along the path roped off for attendees, ensuring we’re not separated, holding tight to her hand that’s nearing the death-grip realm.

  “Breathe and smile,” I murmur when we make our first stop for the cameras.

  “I can’t breathe,” she whispers back through a smile that looks far too forced.

  I gaze down at her, taking in the panic that’s edging its way into her eyes, and dip my head to whisper against her temple. “Think of when you had your mouth on me and made me come hard as fuck.”

  Just like that, a flush rises on her cheeks, and her expression softens, a seductive, almost mischievous smile playing on her lips. She whispers back, “What about when you had your tongue inside me?”

  I toss my head back with a laugh and shake my head. “You’re playing with fire tonight.”

  “Who’s the lucky lady tonight, Becket?” someone calls out.

  Immediately, I turn to address the question, guiding Ivy along with me as we proceed toward the exit. “Now, now.” I fix my trademark smile on the crowd. “I’m clearly the lucky man, don’t you agree?

  Collective “awws” sound as we pass by until someone requests, “At least share her name with us!”

  I look at Ivy, silently telling her, “It’s up to you.” She gives a nearly imperceptible nod, and I quickly toss out, “Miss Ivy is accompanying me this evening,” before I turn the talk toward the heart of the night. “Thank you all for coming out tonight and showcasing this gala. You know it means the world to me, and I know my mom is watching from above.” I give a little wave, and we enter through the doors opened by two attendants.

  Once we’re inside and away from the majority of prying eyes, I steer Ivy off to the side. “You okay?” I scan her features worriedly.

  She nods slowly. “I’m okay.”

  “You look like you’re about to jump ship.”

  Her lips part, possibly to deny it, but she must think better of it. Instead, she smirks. “I might need some incentive really quick.”

  I quirk an eyebrow. “Incentive, huh?”

  She rolls her beautiful blue eyes, and this smile might be small, but it’s real. “Just kiss me, Beck—”

  She doesn’t have to finish because I’m already taking action. My mouth is on hers, swallowing her moan, and regardless of how shitty the time and place, I make this kiss count like I would at home.

  Her lips part beneath mine, and her tongue toys with my own. I cradle her face in my hands and tilt it as my lips work over hers. I press my body flush against hers, caging her in, her back to the wall as I settle between her thighs. This dress provides little barrier, and I rock my hips, letting her feel how hard—and fast—she turns me on.


  The exaggerated sound of someone clearing their throat draws us back from one another. Her lips are dewy from our kiss, eyes still hazy with lust, and I carefully run my fingers over her hair to smooth it down before backing away. When I turn, prepared to light into whoever the intruder is, I’m met with amused looks from none other than Knox Montgomery and Emma Jane.

  “Blue,” I say affectionately and hold out an arm to her.

  “Uh-huh,” she says with a laugh. “You act like you’re happy to see me now. But a second ago”—she peers up at me, eyes alight with amusement—“you were ready to kill whoever interrupted you.” I lean down to give her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Can you blame me?”

  She gives me a playful, admonishing look before reaching for Ivy’s hand. “You look absolutely breathtaking.”

  Ivy blushes. “Thank you. So do you.” She waves a hand to indicate Blue’s dress. “That’s a gorgeous dress.”

  My friend’s wearing a strapless, satiny royal-blue gown that’s form-fitted and accentuates her pregnant form, flaring wide just below the knee. She’s one of the few women I know who look radiant during their pregnancy.

  Knox and I shake hands and greet one another before he smiles at Ivy. “Good to see you again, Ivy.” He slides one hand in his pants pocket while the other drapes around the back of his wife’s waist. “Promise you won’t get accosted by my wife, demanding your phone.” His green eyes sparkle as he smirks and nudges me. “Sad that we had to go to such desperate measures to find you a woman.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “But it’s all—” I immediately stop when I catch sight of him.

  I sense Ivy’s worried look on me, but I stand stock-still, in shock. I didn’t think he’d be able to make it due to his work schedule and a new boss who’s been an unreasonable hard-ass.

  “Brant!” A wide smile breaks out on my face at the sight of my brother and his boyfriend, Vonn. I tug my younger sibling in for a tight hug before drawing back. “I thought you couldn’t make it.”

  Brantley shrugs and tosses a thumb in Vonn’s direction. “He’s more persuasive than I thought. Thank him and his magical way with words that managed to get my boss to ease up and give me time off to come here.”

  I set my gaze on Vonn. “Thank you,” I say with heartfelt sincerity and draw him in for a brief hug.

  “No thanks necessary.” He nods, and I know what he’s not saying. He adored our mom from the first moment they met and has always supported this cause.

  “And who is this divine specimen of loveliness?” Vonn fawns over Ivy who’s been curiously watching our exchange. He approaches her and bows dramatically, lowering one knee to come nearly within an inch of the floor before he straightens.

  “I’m Ivy.” Her voice is tentative. Her eyes dart to mine as if to ensure Vonn’s on the up-and-up.

  “She’s my date for the evening.” There’s no mistaking the pride infused in my tone.

  Vonn slowly turns his head my way, with dramatic flair as usual. His jaw slackens, and I can’t help but roll my eyes. “My stars. Say it isn’t so!” He whips his attention back to her. “Is it true? Are you Becket’s date?”

  “Yes.” Her brow furrows, her gaze flitting between Vonn and me, as if wondering what to make of him.

  Brant elbows his way up and lays a palm at the center of Vonn’s chest, shoving him back before addressing Ivy. “Don’t mind him. He’s just amazed my brother managed to convince a woman as beautiful as you to accompany him tonight.” He smirks at me. “And be willing to be seen with him in public, no less.”

  I inwardly wince at his words, which are said in jest, but he has no way of knowing how close they hit to home. Though we’ve always had a tight bond and talk as often as our schedules allow, I haven’t disclosed all the details of this relationship between Ivy and me.

  I hate admitting it to myself, but Ivy not wanting to be seen with me bruises my ego a bit. Which makes tonight, having her by my side, that much sweeter.

  Ivy’s smile appears a little brittle around the edges, and I take that as my cue. I slip my arm around her waist and address the others. “I’m going to show Ivy around, look at some of the photos and stories, and we’ll catch up with you in a bit.”

  Brantley gives me an odd look, and we exchange a look before he offers an easy smile. “Of course. See y’all in a bit.”

  I guide Ivy through the spacious building and point out certain displays of photos of cancer patients and their stories. A handful I’m familiar with, whereas others are new. When we arrive at one particular display, I can’t help but wonder if I’ll ever manage to make it past her photo at this event without that piercing ache in my chest.

  I don’t say a word. I merely draw to a slow stop in front of the photographs and the printed paragraphs beside them. My attention snags, as it always does, on the photo of her shortly after she’d shaved her hair off since she’d been losing clumps so frequently due to her treatment. Brantley and I are on either side of her, our heads shaved close, and we’re all smiles.

  “It seems like just yesterday.” My voice is hushed as I reach out, drag my index finger over her face in the photo, and I work hard to swallow past the lump in my throat. I’d willingly give back everything—the trophies, the awards, the notoriety, the endorsements—for one more day with her.

  I sense the weight of Ivy’s attention on me but don’t turn to her. “We told her we were shaving our heads for solidarity.” A corner of my lips quirks upward. “She protested at first, but I think she knew it was a lost cause, and that our minds were already made up.”

  “You have her smile.” Ivy’s remark draws my attention to her. I discover her watching me with a look I can’t quite decipher. Her eyes study me thoughtfully. “And her eyes.” She turns back to gaze upon my mother’s picture. “Her eyes have this inherent kindness that shines through.” Her next words are so quiet, I strain to hear them. “Just like yours.”

  I gaze at her for a beat, but as I part my lips to respond, I’m interrupted by a familiar male voice.

  “Well, if it isn’t Becket Jones.”

  Ah, fuck. With my back to him, I pinch my eyes closed and draw in a fortifying breath before turning around with a practiced, wide smile in place.

  “Teegan. Great to…see you.” I hate the way I falter slightly when I set eyes on the woman at his
side. I offer a curt nod. “Lindsay.” Placing a hand on the base of Ivy’s spine, I fix my attention on her blue gaze. “This is Lindsay Garner and Teegan Rodriguez.”

  Teegan Rodriguez, the former pro-baseball player, has always had it out for me ever since I surpassed him in votes to win ESPN’s Fan Favorite Athlete a few years ago. He now works for the well-known sports network but can’t seem to let that grudge pass. The man takes his competitive nature to the extreme, so it’s not much of a surprise to see him with Lindsay.

  My ex-fiancée. The woman I’d found in bed with another man. As if that itself hadn’t been cliché enough, the guy in bed with her had been my backup.

  “It’s wonderful to see you again, Becket.” Lindsay eyes me up and down in a way that makes me uncomfortable, especially considering she’s someone else’s date.

  “Thanks for coming out tonight.” That’s all I can say. I choose the polite route because I sure as hell can’t say it’s “wonderful” to see her again.

  We stand in awkward silence before Teegan pipes up. “Where’re your manners, Jones? Aren’t you going to introduce us to your da—” His jaw slackens, and his eyes widen. “Ivy?”

  My head snaps to stare at her. What the fuck? She knows Teegan?

  Her smile is polite yet forced, not quite reaching her eyes. “Nice to see you again, Teegan.”

  “Wow,” he breathes. His eyes gloss over her from head to toe, slowly and thoroughly enough to raise my hackles. “It’s definitely been a while, hasn’t it?” He gives her his trademark crooked grin, and I itch to put my fist through his damn face.

  “It has.” Ivy’s voice is calm, but I sense her discomfort.

  “It’s so nice to meet you, Ivy. I’m Lindsay.” Her eyes dart over to me before returning to Ivy. “How do you two know each other?”

  “Actually”—I reach for Ivy’s hand and lace our fingers together—“we have to rush off and find my brother since he’s only in town briefly.” I start moving us away from the couple. “We’ll catch up another time.” I flash a smile and guide Ivy through the throng of people.


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