The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah

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by Samuel David

  After Elijah was through with his last statement, he bowed his head and was silent. Enoch wished he had his power with words and body language. John was staring at Elijah and his bowed head. Everyone was silent. All that could be heard was the equipment humming in the background until John finally asked Elijah another question.

  “Elijah, if I understand what you are saying, is it that God, His Messengers and angels having always been here with us on earth since the beginning of time?”

  “Yes, you are right. Not all of them, John, but many have always been here. And, as I said earlier, when Jesus returns to earth,” here he paused, “you can read in the Bible that it will be with tens of thousands of angels, to do battle against the Antichrist, Satan, and his followers in the valley.”

  “When is the battle, Elijah?”

  “Very, very soon, John; seven or less years to be exact, and counting down. Everything,” he emphasized, “you need to know is in the Bible. Chapters written by Daniel and John are a very good start to understanding. They left humanity the roadmap for you to understand your destiny.”

  “Why then has your presence been shown to us here and now?” John asked. “What I am asking is that I don’t understand why all of a sudden God has instructed you to start what we know as the period of time called The Great Tribulation. Moreover, what has America, or the world for that matter, done to cause these destructive earthquakes, floods, and now the hurricanes coming, which will most likely cause the deaths of tens of thousands of people? I am trying to understand, but honestly, I am having difficulty understanding why now? Why is the United States being punished by God?”

  “The answers to your questions once again, John, are in the Bible. However, I will try to explain and simplify it for you and your viewers. As time goes by you will understand more.”

  Enoch noticed that Elijah’s face softened as he leaned over, looking into John’s eyes, “Man’s rule is to come to an end and Lucifer and his followers need to be cleansed from the earth. It is as simple as that. Daniel, Jesus, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, John and other prophets foretold it thousands of years ago. Like in the days of Noah, the Days of Sodom and Gomorrah, the Tower of Babble, the exile of the Jews, man does not believe in God’s word. Man believes only in the flesh and the pleasures of humanity. Satan influences these desires of pleasure over God, himself. Now, the time of man’s rule is ending. Soon every knee will bow, whether living or raised from the dead!”

  Elijah paused for a moment. The fire Enoch noticed was still in his eyes as he continued, with his voice rising similar to that of a hell and fire preacher, pausing between points with emphasis on the last word.

  “Until then…”

  “The wrath…”

  “Of God comes your way…”

  “And the kingdoms of man will be leveled! Then, John, after this time has passed, God will set up His kingdom on earth and the sin of man will be no more. All will be judged and even the dead will arise and also be judged according to their works.”

  Elijah was now sitting nearly on the edge of the couch. He continued in a louder voice, emphasizing each word as he said it.

  “That is the promise…”

  “In addition, as the scriptures say…”

  “This new world of God’s will not occur…”

  “Without pain and destruction…”

  “For man has turned against God!”

  Elijah sat back and Enoch noticed that he seemed to be calming down. He said very softly, “As for your question about America, it is simple, John. America turned away from God and His commandments. America’s early settlers came here for freedom to worship. When writing your Constitution, the founding fathers emphasized not only the right, but acknowledged that the country was under God. Your coinage says “In God We Trust,” yet you do not. Your Pledge of Allegiance says “Under one God,” yet many want it removed. Put yourself in God’s place as he looks down on a country that he blessed over many others. If you think about it, then you and all who are listening will have your answer. One more thing, John; America is not the only country God will punish, it’s just that you are one of the first.”

  “How long is this time period, Elijah? What else will happen in the near future?”

  “Once again, do you own a copy of the Christian Bible, John?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Then read Daniel and the 70th week. Next, read the Revelations of John, the last book of the New Testament. In those scriptures are the timelines of events. You were taught as a journalist, like many others, to get the story correct. To do so you need the, Who, What, When, Where and Why, am I not correct?”

  “Yes, that is what we are taught, Elijah.”

  “Well, John, all the Who, What, When, Where and Why is in the Bible, explained in detail.”

  “So then, Elijah, and please excuse my limited knowledge of the Bible; I am not a scholar…but I do know some of what you are speaking of, so correct me if I am wrong. What you are saying then is that you are also here to battle the Antichrist and the Beast as described in the Bible, much like you battled Jezebel in the Old Testament?”

  “Yes, John, that is right…also to save as many people for God as we can. Moreover, to help them believe in their hearts that only through God’s Son, Jesus is there any hope. Death is temporary, so is life, but for the ones who believe in Jesus Christ, life will then be forever.”

  “If you want to save people then why is God destroying so many? The disasters that are coming and the disaster in Southern California are Biblical in scope. So many are dying. I don’t understand.”

  “John, history has taught us one thing and one thing only. No matter how compassionate God is, humanity still rebels. Therefore, He punishes them. Much like a stern father punishes his son or daughter to teach them right from wrong. Man has had many chances and has failed. It is God’s time now and the world will listen to him. Death is temporary for those in Christ, John. They should have no fear of death, but for many, the time of God’s wrath rains down on the Antichrist and his followers. Death for them will be forever and the pain will last for eternity in the fires of hell itself. Once again, read the scriptures and know that God will soon return and empower His son, Jesus to take hold of this world, end sin, and destroy those who opposed Him. Those who follow Lucifer and choose to believe in the fruits of humanity and not of Gods will, as I said, be destroyed. Everyone has a choice. Many believers and non-believers will survive Tribulation. In addition, many will die, including believers and non-believers, in these disasters caused by God. Make a choice in your hearts, God, or man; it is as simple as that. The believers that die will have everlasting life, the non-believers will not.”

  John seemed intent on changing the direction of the conversation so he said, “Thank you, Elijah, for your candid answers. I am sure many will be getting their Bibles out and reading about this period and begin to make their own decisions; but I have another question for you. This evening you said that you wanted the Israelis to return to the Promised Land from wherever they are around the world, and that you would protect them. You also said that America is naught. What did you mean by your statements?”

  “Exactly what I said; God is sending out a mandate that if you are Jewish, you are to return home. America has more people of Jewish descent than any country in the world, even more than Israel itself. The only real tribes right now in Israel are Judah and Levi. It is time for the others to follow suit. This means that the missing ten tribes dispersed throughout the world are to return to Israel.”

  “But, Elijah, if they all did pay heed to you and they all go back to Israel, how would the country accommodate all the Jews worldwide such as being in a position to provide housing, services, and jobs? I think there are around six to seven million Jews here in the U.S. and in Europe. There are probably an additional million or two – if I am correct in my assumptions, it is estimated that with non-practicing Jews and those who do not claim to be Jewish but are –
this number could swell to twenty-seven million plus people. That would more than quadruple the population of Israel.”

  “It is simple. This is the land given by God to the Israelites. This is the land, shown to Moses prior to God taking him. If Israel lays claim to its land then there is more than enough land to accommodate them. Those who are not of Jewish descent must leave to accommodate God’s people. That is all there is to it. God has now said, ‘come back’ to the Jews, and many will. Moreover, as I said, I will protect them during this period and any country that wishes to try to stop God’s will, shall pay the price. I can assure you of that.”

  “Does the Israeli government know of this plan? Are they in concert with your mandate from God?”

  “No, they are not. However, in a few days or a few weeks, they will be. I can promise you that all that I have said will happen and the Israeli government will do as God commands.”

  “What you are telling the world is that God will step in and make the current government of Israel accept the additional millions of Jews in the world and displace the other people living in the area at any cost? I mean, Elijah, the Middle East has been in turmoil for hundreds and thousands of years and even more so lately since Israel became a nation. I doubt that the Palestinians, Syrians, Jordanians, and Iranians, just to name a few, will be very happy with this plan; God or no God.”

  “Yes, you are right, John, definitely right; and they will all rattle their sabers. You may also note that right now, many of these countries are dealing with natural disasters, much like America. That was planned, for this is the beginning of God’s plan to neutralize men and their war machines. Right now, they must deal with their current disasters and war is not what they need. Nor could they launch an effective offensive in light of the disasters befalling them presently!”

  Elijah let his comments simmer a bit. Enoch could see the exasperated look on John’s face as the prophet continued bantering with him.

  “Now, John, regarding your question about America…as I said, America is not a major participant in this time of history. America’s power will diminish severely in the world. Yes, this country has been Israel’s protector but God now has other plans for Israel. Within a few weeks or months, the United States will no longer be the superpower it once was. Therefore, once again, and I cannot emphasize this enough, I am telling – no – commanding, that all Jews here must get out of America and return home while they can. Simply put, because America’s power and protection for them is soon to be totally neutralized by God Himself.”

  John sat back in the interview chair with his hands on the arms, gripping them a bit too tightly. He realized, after hearing Elijah’s last response to his question, that for the first time in his career, he was at a total loss of words. Without knowing what else to say, he decided to take a break to let some of what Elijah and Enoch had said sink in and gather his thoughts. He signaled to Don that they needed to take a break, and then he finally spoke.

  “Thank you, Elijah, I think your message is quite direct,” John said.

  Turning to face the camera, he continued, “We need to go to a commercial break and a news update. We will be right back with our interview with the two Witnesses from God.”

  Chapter 12

  10:20 PM Thursday Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

  John got up from the interview chair and told them that he would be right back; and as he left, it was as if he could not get away fast enough. Enoch watched him walk briskly to somewhere off the stage; maybe a break room or control room.

  He turned to Elijah and said, “You know by tomorrow morning, the Palestinians, Iranians, and most of the rest of the Arab states, along with Israel, are going to be in an uproar.”

  “That’s true, Enoch, very true, but it will be fine. I know what I am doing, for this plan was laid out a very long time ago. Just follow my lead and you will see that it will all work out in the end as everything else has. Our main goal here, Enoch, is to get the Jews safely to Israel and rebuild the Temple. We need to do it now, for the world is going to rise up against us very soon, maybe, as you say, tomorrow. When that happens, we will punish those countries. However, right now we need the Jews to return from these countries which will soon prosecute them, as we are about to be prosecuted. We have three years or so to do a lot and that is very little time to finish our ministry. Don’t worry, Enoch; no one will attack Israel, and the leaders of Israel will do as they are told.”

  Veronica interrupted them, “I need something to drink. Do you know where we can get something, Enoch?”

  Enoch looked around and saw one of the technicians nearby; so he got up from the couch and went over to him. He pointed to an area behind some equipment. Enoch went back over to Elijah and Veronica and informed them where it was. They all walked over together to where a table had been set up with some snacks and various drinks.

  As they were getting their drinks, Don, John’s producer came over and said, “John will be back in about five minutes or so. He needed a break. You may not know this, but no one has left the city. They are all still out there watching the interview on the Jumbotrons. No one has left Arrowhead, Royals Stadium, or the Sprint Center either. I assume they will not leave until they know it is over. Follow me over here. I will show you.”

  As he turned towards the stage overlooking Union Station on the bluff, they followed him to the edge where both Witnesses had walked off in mid-air. Don stopped at the edge pointed down towards Union Station. Everyone was still there, their eyes glued to the Jumbotrons. They were quiet. All you could hear was the broadcast from the Jumbotrons. Some looked up and saw them, then others. All of a sudden, there was a roar from the crowd as they pointed towards Enoch and the others, screaming.

  “There’s Elijah!”

  “There’s Enoch!”

  Cameras were going off for they could see the flashes from the devices. Enoch waved and so did Elijah. They stepped back from their view and the crowd started quieting down. Enoch found himself wondering how much longer it would be before the crowds would be calling for their heads, not at all pleased to see them.

  Chapter 13

  10:30 PM Thursday Kansas City, Missouri – Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

  The producers once again seated them on the couch. John had returned. He leaned over and asked, “Is it okay to continue where we left off with Elijah?”

  “That will be fine. You ask the questions and I will give you the answers.”

  “Enoch, is this ok with you also?”

  “Yes, John. I am in concert with Elijah.”

  Enoch noticed that as John sat back in his chair and the countdown clock continued to zero, he seemed to have regained some control after having had difficulty at the end of the last session. He also had on a new application of makeup.

  “Hello America and the world,” John said. “We are continuing our interview with the self-proclaimed Witnesses from God. Earlier, we were discussing Elijah’s comment tonight about all the world’s Jews returning to Israel, immediately.”

  Turning towards Elijah, John asked, “Now, Elijah, the Israeli government has no idea of your plans. Is that correct?”

  “Yes, that is correct.”

  “And you feel confident they will not interfere with either you or Enoch, and allow the Jews in, even if it means displacing other societies, and rebuild the Temple. Is that also correct?”

  “Yes and no. No, they are not going to like it; but yes, they will eventually do as God has instructed.”

  “What of Israel’s enemies who may say this is not acceptable? How are you going to protect them? As you stated earlier, America will not be able to help. Without America’s interference many will feel that now is probably a good time to destroy Israel.”

  Elijah then put his hand in his robe and withdrew an object from his pocket. He handed it to John. John took the small object from him, placed it in the palm of his hand and asked, “What is this?”

bsp; “Show it to the camera and I will explain.”

  John moved his hand with his palm flat towards the camera. The cameraperson panned to it. As the image came on the screen, Elijah began explaining, “This is a locust, or a grasshopper, as many of you call it. I caught this one a few days ago in the desert. You see this particular species is what we call a desert locust. On several occasions in history, these insects have been used by God to get His point across.”

  Pointing to the grasshopper in John’s hand, he continued, “These insects, as you know, eat grass and all green things. They eat their weight on a daily basis. These insects are usually undetected until it is too late. They then swarm and wipe out entire areas. They travel to their destinations by the winds of the earth. Therefore, if the winds blow north, they go north. If they blow south, the locusts go south.”

  The monitor was split in half; one with the locust and the other side showing Elijah. His body language was very animated as he talked about his insect and appeared to be in good spirits. He seemed to like the part he was playing. Elijah continued with his explanation.

  “In the event that there are any attempts to stop Israel from doing what God has commanded by use of force will result in the destruction of that country by these insects. No individual, group, or any country will interfere with God’s commandment to the Jews of returning to Israel and rebuilding their Temple. Simply put, John, within 24-48 hours of an attack or even a threat to Israel that country or countries will encounter these little pests. So let their enemies beware. Moreover, it does not mean a major offensive against Israel. This is the warning. These insects will destroy any country that sends even one rocket or bomb into Israeli airspace or land. After destroying their crops in three days, the locusts will then infiltrate their homes, storage areas, stores, and granaries. There will not be one ounce of food left in that country.”

  Elijah paused then cocked his head as he smiled said, “I forgot…there is one other thing, John. Countries bordering Israel need to take the non-Jews into their countries and care for them, or they also will be destroyed.”

  “What you are describing sounds like a direct threat, Elijah,” John said.


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