The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah

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The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah Page 11

by Samuel David


  Herzegovina Bulgaria

  Croatia Cyprus

  Czech Republic Egypt

  France Macedonia

  Georgia Germany

  Greece Hungary

  Iraq Israel




  Libya Malta

  Monaco Morocco

  Netherlands Romania

  San Marino Saudi Arabia


  Spain Sudan

  Switzerland Syria

  Turkey Tunisia

  United KingdomVatican City

  Yugoslavia Brazil

  South Africa North America (US and Mexico)

  Looking at the charts again, he realized that what he had left were some countries in Africa with little or no power. Australia came under the United Kingdom, much like Canada. Therefore, the real problems they might face in a one-world government once the Americans were neutralized were the Shanghai Cooperative Group; and of course, the countries that were under the original empire, which were not in the common market in Europe.

  Those countries that he needed to somehow get into the Common Market or the European Union as satellite members were:












  San MarinoSaudi Arabia

  SloveniaThe Sudan




  Of these, only the Northern African nations and the Arabs would be an issue. They already had the Vatican and their massive wealth in their pocket. Therefore, that, with all the money now centralized in the EU, getting these people to join would not be much of an issue. Nevertheless, factions of the world’s governments would just have to have treaties with the EU. Other players, of course, were Pakistan and Afghanistan. Both of these countries would eventually fall in line. Their economy and their politics always followed the money. This was the same for the central African Nations, Ethiopia, the Congo, and Nigeria. The concern was that Pakistan would choose to join with the Shanghai Cooperative, but it was doubtful.

  Other than these few issues, the plan should work and the few who resisted, well, they and then their leaders would have to be permanently removed!

  They would be setting up spheres of influence by continent for economic issues.

  European Sphere

  North American Sphere

  South East Asia, Middle East, and African Sphere

  These three would all come under the leadership of their Champion, their Church and new religion. Eventually, when the time came for the great battle, all the world’s armies would be behind them. It would be a matter of survival.

  As he had told the few in the meeting last Monday, they only got one try at this. It was emphasized that all powers needed to be consolidated with all the nations to ensure that they were ready to fight the terror of the skies. However, that was a few years off and there was plenty of time to prepare.

  His Master had thought up this chart. When they moved to consolidate the governments, economic and military power of all of these nations, the world would be theirs, exclusively. Any stragglers would just fall into place, or else.

  If they did this right, there would no longer be a need for the United Nations. Besides, Enoch would destroy their meeting place in a few weeks by the massive hurricane expected to hit New York. These annoying little countries with not much to contribute would do as they were told or they would starve. Then their populations would revolt and the new leaders would cooperate.

  Unfortunately, some Shanghai Cooperative members would not be very happy with world domination. The two big players, China and Russia had big guns and strong economies. They would be difficult. First things, first, and that was to get America to hand over the power of the military through NATO. After that, then those countries might see the light.

  The next problem was the Middle Eastern countries and Israel. The Muslims and their extremists were not going to come along with the New Church and One World Government easily. They were going to be difficult to manage. They might celebrate America falling to its knees, but they certainly might not like the New World Order and may try their best to destroy it. Nevertheless, he had a plan. Elijah may well help them with that plan in the near future whether he was aware of it or not.

  All they had to do was isolate Israel from the process for a time and let the various Muslims sects’ slug it out with each other. Left unchecked, the different Muslim groups would kill each other, especially Iran and the terrorist groups of al-Qaida, ISIS, and so on. They had been at war for hundreds of years over the same religion, but very different beliefs. Therefore, they would fight over it and kill each other. Maybe Iran would take over Iraq, and fight ISIS, then Jordan, Syria, and so on. They would eventually become tired of the chaos and then come to the One World Order for help.

  In these meetings today, he needed to lay the groundwork for The Waldger Group members. This included all the countries of the EU and of course, NATO, which was most of the old Roman Empire. Today, they would start to build on the misfortunes of Northern Africa and the U.S. in order to take over the entire world as dictated by his Master.

  Tomorrow, Saturday, he would introduce the Lion of the cause to the members present. By then he would have excused the attendees they did not want to be present. China and Russia had sent ambassadors to the meeting, but they would not be attending on Saturday.

  He now turned his attention to these annoying Witnesses. What could he do to them? The first thing he could do was to stop their free worldwide publicity. That would be easy once martial law in the United States was in place and the government took over the airwaves. When that happened, John Roddenburg and Bear News would cease to exist. He would see to it.

  The U.S. was not going to be a problem. In very short order, President Stevenson and Vice President Johnson would both be dealt with, and quickly.

  He heard a knock at the door. After answering, the aide came towards him and said, “Sir, the President of the United States is here to see you.”

  Chapter 27

  3:30 PM Friday Moscow, Russia – President Keveta Droenkov’s offices

  “Vladimir, have we had any word yet on the meetings in the States with The Waldger Group and possibly what he is planning?”

  “No, President Droenkov, we have not. Our ambassadors were invited to the early part of the meeting today, but that does not start until around 9:00 AM Central Standard Time in the U.S., or 5:00 PM our time. However, I did get a call from the ambassador who said that according to our sources, Aafre is having a pre-meeting with the American President. For now, that is all we know.”

  “That is interesting that he would be having a meeting with Stevenson beforehand, but then, America, in spite of the earthquake in California, are for now quite solvent. However, over the next few weeks, their resources will be leaning towards dealing with the devastation of seven hurricanes. When is the first supposed to hit, Vladimir?”

  “The first will be Monday morning in the Houston, Galveston area of Texas. That is where they have a large concentration of fuel refineries and one of their major seaports for oil imports. In addition, the Canadian pipeline goes into Houston as well. That is not counting natural gas lines, which like oil, becomes somewhat scarce during and after a hurricane.”

  “This would be a great time to take them out. If Khrushchev were here, he would be planning to do just that. But then, they still have their military. The loss to us would be too great to risk.”

  “Yes, I agree, Keveta. Khrushchev would have taken advantage of the situation…but that was a different time and place.

  “That of course is wishful thinking, Vladimir, only wishful thinking. Now what of these Witnesses we watched on television. We are an atheist nation even though, after Gorbachev, we let the Russian Orthodox Churches start again. There are many Christians here in our country. What I am asking is, is there anything we know that would substantiate that these Witnesses are for real. Does their Bible speak of this end time, and how the world as we know it would be changed during this period?”

  “They preach of their God’s son who will return to earth and take over the world, rid it of tyranny, pain, sickness, and so on, including death. They also believe that God created the earth and we are at His mercy. Of course there is also the story of the flood when God supposedly destroyed all humanity in one shot, except a few of His followers.”

  “You’re saying that their God is returning and is going to take over the world? That means He is not here and will come from somewhere in what we call outer space. Is that what you are saying?”

  “I guess you are right about that part. It appears that their God is not here on the earth. That means, yes, He will be coming from somewhere out there or outer space, as you call it, or as they call it, Heaven.”

  “So their God is coming from outer space and is coming to take over the world, by force, if necessary? That means these Witnesses are here to soften us up some before the big invasion.”

  “I guess you could look at it that way, Mr. President. I suppose you are right that He is coming from somewhere else, some other planet, galaxy, or somewhere other than here on earth.”

  “That means then that these two Witnesses are aliens and their God and His son, this Jesus Christ, are aliens. Therefore, the final battle will be almost like a Star Wars movie or something like that?”

  “Sort of, I guess. I mean, there is a difference. Unlike Star Wars or the other movies and books written about alien invasions, when their God appears and takes over earth, He will raise the dead. Then He will judge every person that ever lived. They will then be awarded eternal life for believing in Him and His son or will be sent to hell, or as some call it, a lake of fire, for eternity for not believing.”

  “All of this is absolutely ridiculous, Vladimir. If I really stretch my imagination I can maybe, just maybe, buy into an alien invasion, but even that is a stretch.” He harrumphed straightened his jacket and sat up a bit more in his chair, then said, “I am not buying all the rest of this. It makes absolutely no sense. You are saying the earth will be invaded from out there,” as he pointed to the roof, “then we have to fight a battle against this God. These Witnesses have powers over weather and earth movements and whatever else to soften us up. My concern, Vladimir is that Waldger is all over this as if he knew it was going to happen. Why did we not know about any of this? Maybe Waldger is orchestrating all of this to take over the world. Maybe he is the problem and these so called Witnesses work for him.”

  “I don’t have an answer for you, but at the moment, all we can do is wait and see, at least until we know more. Then we can see what occurs when we meet with the countries of the Shanghai Cooperation. Do you know when we are meeting?”

  “Yes, we have decided to meet in secret; most likely in a neutral place other than our capitals. It will be sometime after the meetings of The Waldger Group. We really need to know what they are doing before we set the location so we will have as much facts as possible before we decide what to do.”

  “Any idea what day would be acceptable to all?”

  “We are trying for Monday or Tuesday of next week, most likely in North Korea. We had planned to meet with them anyway with their young, immature premier starting the war drums again. A meeting there would be expected to control him. We can control the media there and not make it an international event like Waldger is doing in America.”

  “Okay, anything you want me to do in the meantime?”

  “Yes, there is. Get some Bible scholars together, as I think I asked for earlier today. Have them give us a summary of what these Witnesses are doing and of this so-called second coming. I want it done now. I mean now.”

  “Yes sir, I think I know who to contact. I will call them as soon as I get back to my office.”

  Chapter 28

  7:30 AM Friday, Kansas City, Missouri – Bear News Affiliate Studios, John Roddenburg’s temporary office

  John and his co-anchors had been on the air since 7:00 AM EST, and were still broadcasting from Kansas City. There had been a lot of news. There was the recap and commentary on Enoch and Elijah, and the assassination attempt on Enoch’s life.

  The Waldger Group, for the first time, was almost public about their meeting in Kansas City, which was going to start around 9:00 AM Central Time today. They had several reporters and film crews outside Center City, where the meetings were to take place, doing interviews with the protestors and some supporters.

  That morning, The Network had begun a disinformation campaign on the Witnesses and was running that segment every thirty minutes. So, it was business as usual, The Network on one side and Bear News on the other. They did not yet have the fax from either Yale and or the lawsuit in Chicago, which Enoch’s lawyer had promised. They were waiting for that to arrive. They did however have their internet bloggers punching holes in The Network’s story and it was being somewhat effective so far.

  There was also international news happening. They had correspondents in Jerusalem preparing to cover Elijah, who they believed was soon to have a meeting with the Israeli leaders. His plane was to arrive at about 5:00 PM Israeli time or 9:00 AM U.S. time. John hoped that they would get something on his plans there for the evening news.

  The Iranians and most of the Muslim world were rattling their sabers about the destruction of the Dome of the Rock that Elijah had called for. They were discounting the threats he had made the previous night. In spite of the rains still coming down after the broadcast last night they showed up en masse in the middle of the night. Thousands of protestors took to the streets in several countries calling for the destruction of Israel.

  The rains in Northern Africa were still coming and the rivers were flooding at an unprecedented rate. It was so bad that the city of Cairo on the Nile was now being flooded, and at the current rate, would be under water within days. It was the same for Iraq, Jordan, Pakistan, and parts of Turkey.

  From satellite photos, they could see huge lakes being formed in the Sahara where there was nothing more than sand a few days ago. It was only day five, which meant that if Enoch was right, there were 25 more days of rain to go.

  Hurricane Alex was tearing through the Caribbean with winds over 120 miles per hour. Right behind it was Hurricane Bosner, which was moving across the Atlantic following almost the same pattern as Alex. This hurricane was on track to hit Biloxi, Mississippi, after Alex in Houston. A third tropical disturbance had formed over-night off the coast of Africa. Current tracking suggested that it would reach hurricane strength within 24-48 hours. This one, they would name, Catherine.

  The winds and the rain from these hurricanes were literally destroying the Caribbean islands. Alex would hit Havana today. The Cubans had moved everyone to high ground and they would probably stay there. The next two hurricanes were also right on track to Cuba before they too, moved towards the mainland of the United States.

  The stock market was still closed, as per a Presidential order. It was supposed to reopen on Monday and only because the rest of the world wanted to get at its assets. International pressure was mounting for the markets to be open.

  The aftermath of the earthquake in California was being declared by FEMA as being the worst disaster, ever, in the United States. The death and injury toll to date was very close to the exact numbers of deaths and injury that Enoch had predicted. Samuel Jordan, FEMA director, had said that he could not even imagine how much destruction there was in this heavily popula
ted area. Infrastructural damage was overwhelming and the military was having a difficult time keeping law and order in spite of martial law.

  The FEMA camps were housing over a million and a half persons in Twenty-Nine Palms and Bakersfield. According to government statements, that could well swell to over three million people.

  Deaths from gangs, looting, and people trying to protect and save what they had left were in the hundreds. The National Guard had issued statements to the public that when they approached vehicles for inspection, the occupants should have their hands behind their heads. If not, they risked being shot. It was turning into an absolute disaster.

  Houston was being evacuated, better late than never. All citizens had been ordered out of the city by officials. This included cities along the Rio Grande Valley, Padre Island and other coastal cities along the Gulf. Inland cities were bulging at the seams. The populations of the largest city in Texas were being evacuated to areas like San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas.

  Four military bases were housing and taking care of over a million people in San Antonio. Personnel from Lackland and Randolph Air Force Bases were setting up tent cities. FEMA was not being much of a help but locally, they were able to shut down construction sites and move in portable toilets from there and surrounding communities. There were just not enough available in inventories. So far, the camps were open, which meant people could come and go as they pleased. They had to use runways to handle the vehicles, and as film footage showed, this morning the I-10, I-37, I-45, 290, and 281 was bumper to bumper.

  Biloxi was the next city on the list and as far as the National Hurricane Center could tell, the next hurricane would hit there on the 12th, which was next Friday, and was tracking in the same way that Enoch had said that it would.

  A press release from the Enoch camp said that he would be traveling down I-35 and holding rallies in towns all along the way. They would continue that trek all the way to Mexico City, where he would hold his next sermon. Bear News was intending, as it did in Kansas City, to provide worldwide coverage of that event.

  Donald got his attention and said, “John, we have a dispatch from the Vatican. You need to get back on the air.”

  He handed him the communication they had just received.

  When he had read it, he got up from his chair and immediately moved to the anchor desk. When the counter went to zero, the announcer said, “We are interrupting our current programming to bring you the following breaking international news from Bear News, with John Roddenburg.”


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