The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah

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The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah Page 14

by Samuel David

  You could hear the audience catch their breath then mumblings were heard as many spoke to the persons beside them. He allowed the noise to die down and when he knew he had their attention again, he continued.

  “In each situation in human history, when they have returned, the earth was not unified nor did it have the technology or the strength to resist. Well, now we do. The plan we are about to unfold to you has been tweaked, rewritten, and adjusted since AD1, generation after generation. Yes, the players have changed, but because of a few dedicated people over the ages and the one-third banned “angels” as described in the Bible...yes, I did say the one third of the angels as in the Bible. With their help we have put in place a plan to end this continuous assault on the earth and its peoples, once and for all.”

  You could hear a pin drop. It was so quiet it seemed the entire group stopped breathing after hearing about the angels. David could see the skeptical looks on many of their faces. It seemed like forever before Aafre continued.

  “Angels, yes that is what I said, angels. Shocking? Well, you should be shocked. Who would ever believe that Aafre Waldger would be talking about angels? However, many of you here have banned religion in your countries for reasons of control for several generations; so you have no idea what I am talking about. I suggest that after the meeting, you ask your scholars about what I just said. They will tell you what you need to know. Also, later today we will cover this in detail.”

  “Now with all that said, if you read the Judeo Christian scriptures and other writings describing this time we are in, you will see a blueprint of everything that is to occur. The final act in this play of course is the battle of Armageddon. According to their scripture, all will be lost. The blood will be to the horse’s bridles, and the fowl of the earth will feast on their carcasses and so on.”

  “Now I realize that many of you come from different religious beliefs. Moreover, many of you are either agnostics or atheists. I ask only that you keep an open mind in the coming days. Once all the facts are on the table, you like many of us, will come to realize that what we are telling you is true. For over two thousand years we have prepared for this very time in our history.”

  Aafre paused, seeming to reassess what he had just said, before adding, “After you have the opportunity to know the real story of mankind then your eyes will be opened and you will then know the truth.”

  “But! Let me warn you that unless we all agree to ban together, and pour all our resources into one front, we will not have a chance. If we disagree, then we have already lost; and in approximately seven years, what we know as civilization will completely cease to exist. Your technology, your countries, your infrastructure, your wealth, your armies, your control; all we be taken from you.”

  That statement got some nods from the audience. These people would not give up their power even in the face of death.

  Aafre continued his story, “The God of the Jews, Muslims, and the Christians, regardless of how he is described, will destroy us once and for all if we don’t stand together. If you think what I am saying to you are the crazy ramblings of an old man then you do not understand the facts. If you start reading the prophecies they wrote, you will notice that all of this starts with these two Witnesses, Enoch and Elijah. If your eyes and ears have heard and seen what they are doing then you should understand that the rest we have told you so far today must be true as well. However, the rules have changed! These killers, destroyers of civilization for the most part, have been gone for two thousand years with the exception of a few emissaries here on earth. You need to take what I say next very, very seriously. Unlike in times past, the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, Nimrod’s City, we are prepared for them this time. Yes, they are coming back and we know what they want. They will not get it. We will destroy them this time, once and for all!”

  Aafre got some light applause as he stopped, momentarily.

  “Now as the leaders of the earth – our home, our sanctuary – we either control our own destiny or they will destroy us completely if we do nothing!”

  You could hear a pin drop as Aafre stopped. He stood there staring at the leaders in the auditorium, his head moving from left to right, assessing the audience. Then in a softer tone, he continued.

  “The Waldger Group, through the years, has used its influence and power to obtain the ability to lead the battle and end this continuous attack on the earth once and for all. The Terror of the Skies, as mentioned by Nostradamus and the Bible and by countless other seers over the years has said that he would send men to soften us up and cause bedlam in the world.”

  Aafre scanned the room again, seemingly on a one to one basis to see who was with him and who was not.

  “This past week you have seen some of their powers through Enoch and Elijah. Their intent was and is that when they came back, there would be little resistance to them as in the past. They are using these men over the next three and a half years to destroy much of our infrastructure. After three and a half years, their protection will be gone and we will destroy them. From that point forward, we have approximately three and a half years until they invade the earth. This sounds like science fiction, star wars, war of the planets, you might be thinking; but no, this is real. Their histories of invasions are recorded, and you can read it. They are returning. Now once again, if we do not band together and follow our plan they will enslave us all. Then they will rule the earth until they destroy most of us again and then leave, after their thousand years of occupation. One thousand years of occupation, one thousand years.”

  Aafre then came from behind the podium with his fist raised and shaking then shouted out to them stirring them up.

  “Unlike other times they are coming to stay and have no plans of leaving anytime soon. Therefore we have to destroy them!”

  For some reason he must have gotten them excited, for all of a sudden there was the sound of clapping; then they all started standing and clapping in a standing ovation. Aafre stood shaking his fist in the air as he looked towards the roof of the theater. He appeared to be shaking his hand at God himself.

  Aafre smiled in appreciation as he allowed the applause to go on for a while. After a while, he held his hands above his head as a signal for everyone to sit down. He returned to the podium and continued.

  “I realize this is a lot to take in, but for now, this is a quick summary of where we are at this point in time. You saw the Witnesses last night. You have seen Enoch cause utter destruction. Yet I am sure that many of you are finding my words shocking and way, way out there. As I mentioned before, you may think what I am saying is science fiction, war of the planets, Star Wars, or Independence Day, and so many other movies and books written about invasions from other outer space.”

  For a moment, Aafre paused for effect, then continued.

  “For you who are having difficulty grasping or believing this let me give you some things to think about. If you believe in God and you believe in the Hebrew Bible either as a Jew, a Christian, or any of the other religions, then ask yourselves these questions: are not these Gods also the creators of humanity. Where do they live? Where are they now, for they are not here on our earth? Where are they, you ask? They are out there in the universe somewhere, not here on earth with us. Which means, ladies and gentlemen, that they are somewhere in space. They are not of our world. When they come to our earth, they come as aliens. Yes, the Hebrew God or the Gods of destruction, which the earth has worshiped for thousands of years, are aliens or not of this earth.”

  He took a sip of water from his glass. He was becoming a bit hoarse from shouting before. As he placed the glass back down, he continued.

  “The Jews and Christians Scriptures talk of men being taken up from the earth in fiery chariots or into the clouds. These men were taken from the earth to a place called heaven. That makes them aliens! Aliens!” he repeated. “Moreover, they are here to destroy us, tear down our cities, and once again, enslave us. We have known for
two thousand years that these aliens would return to earth to destroy the human race, as we know it; then rule the earth as they have done in the past during their occupations. You and I will not allow that to happen. We now possess the same powers they have and will be able to fight them and destroy them for the last time. The insanity they have caused on earth will end. We will finally return the earth to what it was before, a garden. The survivors will live on this earth. The strife we have will end; and through science, we will defeat death itself.”

  Once again, the applause started and Aafre was met with another standing ovation. David could see Aafre loving every minute of it. As the applause died down, he continued.

  “The true god of this earth is the one they left behind. He has been among us since the beginning of time, when he was prevented from leaving earth thousands of years ago by the Terror of the Skies. In this place called heaven, there was a battle. He and one third of his followers were cast down to the earth. It is in their Bible, word for word.”

  The screen behind him displayed the following verse.

  Revelations 12:7 King James Version

  Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his ‘Angels fought against the Dragon, and the Dragon and his Angels fought back.

  8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.

  9 The great Dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his Angels with him.

  Aafre read from the screen very slowly. When he was finished he turned his head slowly back to the audience and said, “This story itself is somewhat convoluted, for the Hebrews and their Bible did not tell the whole story of that battle and what really happened and why it happened; just that it happened. Fortunately for us, they did fall to earth or we would not be here right now. For example, during the period we know as the flood or deluge, it was not the Christian God who tried to save humanity. The one called Lucifer or Satan saved humanity. Not only did Lucifer save Noah and his family but also families worldwide. Now you understand why so many cultures and histories have survival stories of the flood. Once again, only because of Lucifer is the human race alive.”

  Aafre paused to take another long drink of water from his glass on the podium. Once again, he was scanning the audience. His head moved from left to right as his eyes lingered for a few seconds on the face of a member, before moving on to another person.

  “And for those of you assembled here today, he will do as he did during the deluge with his leadership and with the one third of the Angels, and will save us from total destruction and domination.”

  David was not sure if the audience was spellbound or if they were thinking, that Aafre had finally gone over the edge. They were very quiet and attentive; much like a psychiatrist listening to a patient.

  “Once again, we have little time to prepare and accomplish our goal. They will be here within a seven-year period, as I have mentioned before. As was the case in times past, they have sent the men who cause destruction on earth and turn people against us. Therefore, we need to unite as one, using all the power we have accumulated over thousands of years; and prepare to fight them on equal ground. Yes, they have powers over the earth and can control the weather, the movements of the earth, and nature itself. Mind over matter is a power they do have. They can cause things to occur that seem supernatural. However, it is not supernatural. They can just do things we cannot do. We understand this; and we can and we will defeat them. At a later time, closer to the seven year period, you will know how we plan to do this.”

  Aafre stepped back from the podium and shouted, “Do you want to be enslaved? Do you want to surrender the earth to them without a fight?”

  The audience responded with a resounding, “No!”

  “I agree,” he said, “so understand that the one cast down, the one, who has struggled to preserve humanity, and fought against them in Heaven, and almost won with only one third of the fighting force, is now among us to lead us again. Those of us who know the truth and have planned for this day, know that we can also win this last battle. Not only to save ourselves from the destruction of the Hebrew God, or the Muslim God, Allah or Yahweh, along with his forces; but also the earth and all its inhabitants.”

  Aafre’s tone softened.

  “With all this said, I am sure you want to know how we are to accomplish this. How are we going to fight these Witnesses and the carnage they are causing, and what will the result be? However, before we discuss these details I want you to hear the real story of the beginning of the human race. I want to introduce you to a renowned author of books written in the past three decades. With the help of our foundation, he was able to decipher the true writings of the ancients. He has published several books that are based on the interpretation of the Ancient Sumerian, Egyptian, and Greek writings, and The New and Old Testaments. He also had help from the Master himself. The story he will tell you today is the real story. Not the sugar coated fairy tales of the Hebrews, Christians, and Muslims.”

  Aafre stepped back from the podium and extended his hand towards the table.

  “Let me introduce to you Doctor Otto Wolfe Ottenberg.”

  Doctor Ottenberg rose from his seat, walked over to the podium, and shook Aafre’s hand. Aafre returned to his seat while Doctor Ottenberg placed some papers on top of the podium. He looked out among the guests and members. He began, “In the beginning…”

  Chapter 32

  9:30 AM Friday, Center City Plaza, Kansas City Missouri - Jack South/Enochs Suite

  Enoch had been looking out the window of his suite for some time now and could see the throngs of people assembled around Center City. Much like last night, they were surrounding the area across from the hotel, at the park where the Tent Store had been yesterday, across from Main Street and Union Station areas.

  The police and military were keeping them off 20th Street and Main Street. So far, it seemed peaceful. There was one person with a megaphone who occasionally spoke into it, threatening The Waldger Group. He was saying that the meeting was unlawful and that they were planning a one-world government, and so on. There were many people and many different messages, Enoch thought to himself.

  His message from God would always be the same. The leaders of the world were deceiving men. They needed to turn their hearts to God, for the time of trials was here and humankind would suffer greatly over the next few years. It was always the same message which had been preached for over two thousand years.

  He knew that eventually, the message he preached would soon fall upon deaf ears. Man was a creature of pleasure, not of endurance and hope. The creature comforts were more important to most than God was. Only a few would listen and learn.

  He knew what the agenda of The Waldger Group was and who they really were. With the other leaders of the world there today, they were laying out the basis of a one-world government. They would take and twist the scriptures and the words of God and Jesus from the Bible and come up with a very convincing story. Their side of the story was what was in the binder that Gabriel had given him. He had also discussed it in some parts with Thomas. Thomas had confirmed that in Theology School they had discussed the creation story in the Old Testament. Thomas had also told him that there were many who believed things other than what was written in the Bible by the Hebrews.

  They would distort the story of creation, the expulsion from the garden, Exodus, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Flood and even Jesus Christ. Many would believe them, for their story would deceive many. Man wanted to believe in science, not God.

  Enoch could feel the evil surrounding him in the hotel. He knew that Satan was in that meeting today and his legions with him. He did not have to be there. He already knew what these evil people were saying. He also knew their words would deceive the leaders who in attendance.

  However, Enoch also knew that soon this would all be over. God had said it would be. The insanity of the gover
nments of men wanted the power to remain with a few while they enslaved the rest of the world. That would soon end. At the appointed time, the hand of God would destroy these demons. God would turn the earth back into the garden it once was and rule the earth fairly. Death would be defeated for it was the promise of Jesus Christ.

  He had spent a considerable amount of time on the internet last night reading about The Waldger Group. Most websites were rogue sites that attacked them and gave a list of their members and their intentions. Those same websites had links to satanic websites, and of course, so called conspiracy sites such as the Masons, Knights Templar, Jewish bankers and so on.

  He had read through as much as he could absorb, trying to understand their structure and read between the lines. He realized that the purpose of the group was to defeat God on all fronts. The power behind The Waldger Group was Satan, or Lucifer himself, and his one third of the angels or now demons, who had been cast down with him.

  Enoch read his Bible again about the battle in which Michael removed Satan from the heavens and placed him upon the earth. He then tried to figure out how these people of The Waldger Group got their wealth. It seemed that during the beginning of the ‘Industrial Revolution’ the members either invented things or found uses for natural resources. For example, railroads, oil exploration, automobiles, chemicals, banking, road building and so forth.

  He could only trace each member’s power to the beginning of the 17th century, climaxing with consolidated power in America and Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. It was as if someone had given only a few roadmaps on how to become rich, powerful, and famous. They then used their power to control their respective governments and people. From his research, he found that only a few controlled all of the world’s resources and capital.

  Therefore, he assumed that the real power over the people and the real God for them was money. The gold, silver, and the riches of men had corrupted the member and they therefore, were now the followers of Satan. They were now the ones willing to battle God.

  Well, Enoch knew that like all other times in the stories of humanity, from the beginning when there was the great flood, the times of the Pharaohs, their powers, the builders of the Tower of Babble, and of course, the crucifixion, God always won. He always had compassion upon humanity, but then he would also give warnings. He was warning them all now of the end times and giving man time to prepare. Therefore, Enoch was not worried about being on the wrong side. He knew he was doing the right thing and that he was to follow God’s instructions in letting people know God’s powers, His love for them and of His return.


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