Cabin Bear Heat Box Set: A Paranormal Fantasy Bear Shifter Romance (A Bear Shifter Romance Retelling of the Billionaire Redemption Series Book 2)

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Cabin Bear Heat Box Set: A Paranormal Fantasy Bear Shifter Romance (A Bear Shifter Romance Retelling of the Billionaire Redemption Series Book 2) Page 9

by Love-Wins, Bella

  “Enjoy your meal,” he offered as they began to eat.

  They ate quietly at first. Andrew had become so used to dining alone, he wasn’t sure what to talk about. He already wasn’t one for small talk, and knew so little about Abby, let alone what her interests were. She let out soft moans between bites. He assumed she was either really enjoying the food or completely starved. Either way, the sound was like an aphrodisiac to Andrew’s ears. It had to stop, or he’d end up bounding over that table to kiss her again.

  “So what are you studying in San Francisco?” he asked.

  It was a nice, safe line of questioning to start with. All he really wanted to know by then was whether she was single, how she knew what he was, and if she would kiss him again. School was a better bet, and hopefully it would keep his mind from stealing another kiss.

  “I’m doing a Master’s in Oncology Nursing at University of California, San Francisco. “I have a year of independent study and one semester of clinicals left.”

  “Ahhh. That may be where I know you from,” he remarked. “I never forget a face. Maybe we met at the guest lecture I gave at UCSF a few years ago. Do you know a Doctor Sansbury?”

  “You mean Professor Sansbury?” She perked up. “He’s my pathology and genetics professor. How do you know each other?”

  “He’s a close friend of the family, and I see him as my informal mentor. From the time I entered med school, he pulled out all the stops to get me interested in oncology medicine. He even flew me out there for that guest lecture on pathology while I was still doing my residency.”

  “That’s impressive. So, you studied in California?”

  “No, out East.” He did not want to come across as too pretentious.

  “Which med school?”

  He took another bite of the pasta. “Yale.”

  “Nice! You’re an Ivy Leaguer.”

  “It was my father’s alma mater, and not too far from where I grew up.”

  “I’m surprised I don’t remember being at your lecture. I know it was a few years ago, but I’m pretty good with faces too. What was the topic?”

  “I had presented some secondary genetics research. It was a summary of the work of some researchers from the Cancer Genome DNA Project. Have you heard of it?”

  “I think so.” She nodded thoughtfully. “Was it the study where they analyzed the DNA in something like twenty-five types of human cancers, and were able to classify some into even more sub-groups?”

  “Yes.” Andrew was impressed she knew that much about it. “Dr. Sansbury was part of the research project. He had taken the lead in classifying the molecular changes that may cause certain cancers. They looked at tumor characteristics and were excited about possibly creating a new classification system for cancer, based on their molecular abnormalities, as well as their organ or tissue site of origin.”

  “Sounds like such exciting work.”

  “It was. He had also invited me to support a new project on immune targeting.”

  “Wait, let me see if I remember this.” Her enthusiasm was growing by the minute. “Immune targeting. Eradicating the malignant cancer stem cells to curb the spread, right?”

  “Exactly. His project was to investigate the targeting of antigens. It’s is a departure from most of the prior research. I’m not sure how much clinical experience you’ve had, but this work focuses mostly on chronic leukemia, as it’s a stem cell disease. In the past, they tried treatments that used potent cyto-reductive agents, except those didn’t completely eliminate the stem cells, so the disease would persist.” He paused as he heard himself getting so technical. “Are you sure you want to hear more about this?”

  “Definitely,” she insisted. “This is the reason I decided to do my Master’s degree. I wanted to learn more about cancer treatments so I can be a part of helping to improve the oncology nursing field. Well, not by myself, but every person helps, right?”

  “Absolutely,” he agreed. “I had to ask, because I can get pretty technical and downright uninteresting if you don’t stop me.”

  “You’re not boring me at all. In fact, I’m excited. Tell me more.”

  “Okay. For years, decades actually, there have been clinical and lab evidence that allogeneic stem cell transplantation could work for leukemia and other blood cancers, as well as hematologic malignancies. Sansbury wanted me to join his team so I could help them research—well, it would all be learning for me as I had just finished my residency—but their work was going to explore immune targeting of the antigens on cancer stem cells. It’s just staggering what their findings can do for future cancer treatment.”

  “It would be like creating a giant laser that kills only cancer cells and leaves everything else healthy.”

  “Exactly. Sansbury always felt he would eventually pass the oncology medicine torch to me one day.”

  Andrew hesitated. He couldn’t believe he had shared so much with Abby, and hoped desperately that she wouldn’t ask him why he stopped practicing medicine. It was not something he wanted to discuss with anyone. Not even Abby.

  “I’m sure I would have remembered you. Maybe I missed that lecture. I definitely would have been at the front of the class for that one. It’s exactly the kind of topic that would interest me.”

  He was relieved. “It was probably before you started your Master’s degree.”

  For a moment, he was sure he saw a hint of…something in her eyes. Was it desire? Lust? Or just curiosity? He wished he could just come out and ask, but he had never been the suave, sweet-talker.

  “Could we have met anywhere else?” she asked. “I did two summers of nursing clinicals at North Nevada Medical Center.”

  He shook his head. “No. I’ve never been there. What about at Barton Health?”

  “I’ve only been down at that hospital center once.” She took her last bite of pasta. “To visit a patient. I’m not sure I would have met you there.”

  “Then I’m stumped,” he said with a nervous smile.

  Andrew heard the mild frustration in his own voice. He knew her face from somewhere. Maybe it was his mind playing tricks on him. He looked up from his plate and noticed Abby was almost finished her wine.

  “Another glass?”

  “Sure.” She leaned back on the chair.

  He poured her wine and refilled his glass. He hadn’t toasted anything. Not that there was much to celebrate. Except maybe for meeting her, and that mind-altering kiss they had shared the night before.

  “Mind if I raise a toast?” he asked quickly, knowing if he didn’t do it right away, he’d likely talk himself out of it.

  “Not at all,” she smiled. There it was again. That glint in her eyes.

  He raised his glass. “To strangers and new memories.”

  “To strangers and new memories,” Abby repeated between chuckles. “Perfect.”

  He clinked her glass with his and they each sipped their wine.

  God, that was so corny.

  She placed her napkin on the plate. “My friends will probably wish they had stayed inside so they could enjoy the wine too.”

  He smiled and shook his head. “Oh, I don’t think so. They took three bottles outside with them.”

  She laughed and had another sip. “Then I don’t feel guilty anymore.”

  Andrew found her laughter to be soft, welcoming, and so sweet. He was hooked.

  “Would you like something for dessert?” he asked.

  Something like me holding you in my arms again?

  “I’d normally say yes to dessert, but I’m too stuffed after the pasta. How about a rain check for tomorrow?”

  “No problem. Are you ready to head back to bed… I mean to the living room?”

  Shit. A Freudian slip of the worst kind.

  “The living room would be great,” she answered politely.

  Maybe too politely. Andrew hoped he didn’t just blow it with that asinine slip-up. He hurried around the table and held out his arm to help her stand. She was still smi
ling, so maybe there was hope. He realized almost immediately that there was more than just hope, and perhaps the liquid courage deserved some credit, too. Abby took his hand to stand, and placed her other hand gently on his chest.

  “I’m sorry,” she started, looking up into his eyes. “I lost my balance for a moment there. It’s either the wine has me tipsy, or my ankle is still weak.”

  Before Andrew had time to talk himself out of it, he wrapped one arm around her waist and tilted his head down, seeking out her lips for another kiss. He pulled her in close and pressed his lips against hers. Abby was more eager this time. She parted his lips with her tongue and explored his mouth with a hunger that had been ignited the night before. He felt her arms reach around his waist and rest on his back, pulling him closer to her as she leaned into his chest. They stood at the table, lost in the kiss and trapped in time. It was not meant to continue. Something was happening outside. Andrew could smell the danger.

  Chapter Twelve

  ABBY noticed Andrew pull out of the kiss before she heard the front door open and voices shouting his name. He took a step back before answering, despite the clear urgency in their voices. They did not need to see him practically devouring Abby at the table.

  “We’re in the dining room,” he called out.

  He started for the kitchen, the shortest path to the front hallway. Before he left the room, he looked back to her.

  “Maybe you should have a seat, Abby. I’ll go see what they want and then help you to the living room.”

  “Sure, no problem.”

  As he turned to leave, Trina and John had made their way into the dining room. They were completely clothed in winter coats and jeans, and still had snow-covered boots on.

  “There’s some kind of wolf or wild dog outside,” Trina told, panting heavily, probably from running.

  Coyote. That’s what I smelled.

  “It’s a coyote,” John corrected her. “It must have rabies or something. I’ve seen coyotes before, and this one ran toward us from the clearing as we were walking out from the guest house.”

  It was not rabies, but Andrew went along with it. He was also not going to shift in front of any humans. The world was not ready to know he and others of his kind existed.

  “Rabies is possible for that kind of behavior.” He realized he couldn’t growl to scare it away, either. Not in front of these kids. Even if Abby really knew what he was, there was no telling whether the rest of them did too. “I’ll take the rifle. If it’s still out there, I may need to scare it away. I’ve seen some deep in the forest out back, but they never come this close to the cottage.”

  “I think you should hurry,” Trina said anxiously. “I’m worried about Rob, Barb, and Ruth. You think it can get inside the guesthouse?”

  “Just wait inside,” Andrew said firmly and walked through the kitchen. “I’ll take care of it.”

  Abby hobbled after John and Trina as they followed Andrew into the hallway. They looked at him as he threw on his boots and winter jacket. He reached into a closed shelf at the top of the hallway closet and pulled out a rifle before hurrying outside. They couldn’t see him outside—he slammed the large wooden front door when he rushed out—but the three of them jumped when they heard the loud bang of the rifle going off.

  “Help me to the living room, guys,” Abby quickly instructed them. “We can see more from there.”

  John and Trina came to each side of Abby and practically carried her to the living room window in their mad dash to see what was going on out there. There was nothing more to see, except Andrew walking into the guest house.

  “I wonder if he shot the coyote.” Trina looked up at John.

  “It’s hard to tell from here,” John answered.

  “Well, he shot the rifle,” Trina pointed out.

  “Let’s just wait.” John walked toward the hallway to the kitchen. “I’ll go take care of the dishes in the dining room. You guys call me when Andrew gets back inside.”

  “John’s right,” Abby told Trina after he left. “We’ll find out soon enough. All the more reason to be grateful we’re safe and warm in here.”

  “So true.”

  Trina turned to Abby. A smile slowly crept up her face. “By the way, I see some clear proof of brand new kiss-blush on your face. Were you and Andrew just…?”

  “Okay, enough of that already,” Abby said softly, blushing even more. She looked toward the hallway to see if John might return, and then looked back at Trina. “I don’t really know what’s happening. Let’s just leave it at that.”

  “I do.” She squeezed Abby’s hand gently. “Not to worry. I won’t give you any grief over it.”

  “Thanks, Trina. I guess it’s good to have someone like you to talk to if I need to.”

  “I’ll be here.” Trina chuckled as she pointed to the window. “I’m not going anywhere in that blizzard mess outside, although I’m liable to quietly point out when I see you all blushed from kissing again.”

  “I’ll take that.”

  Abby noticed Andrew and the rest of her group walking across the clearing from the guesthouse. Andrew was at the front, with his rifle ready. He was so tall from this vantage point. He towered above the rest of them. Even at this distance he had a commanding presence.

  Trina helped her to sit in the armchair near the fireplace again. They would all end up gathering in that room. She shouted out to John so he could hear what happened outside.

  “What was it?” Trina asked quickly as the front door opened.

  “Coyote,” Andrew answered, placing the rifle back in the closed drawer and kicking off his boots.

  “Did you shoot it?” Abby asked.

  “No. “I fired a warning shot in the air. It ran to the wooded area out back.”

  “That’s a relief,” John said aloud when he walked in. “I guess we should forget about using the guesthouse for the time being.”

  “Probably a good idea,” Andrew answered. “The storm will eventually be over, and you’ll be able to head back to your lives. But for now, let’s keep the entertainment indoors.”

  Abby noticed him shift from one foot to the other after he made the statement. She wasn’t sure if he was nervous or anxious.

  “Well, that’s a bummer,” Barb said. “We were just starting to have fun with Rob, weren’t we, Ruth?”

  “Speak for yourself, Barb,” Ruth said, rolling her eyes.

  Rob ignored them both.

  “What about the firewood we were going to bring inside?” Rob asked. He was shivering. He had only boxers on under his winter jacket.

  “You and John can help me with it first thing in the morning.” Andrew looked at the pile left in the storage area beside the fireplace. “We’ve got enough to make it through tonight.”

  “Sure thing,” Rob nodded. “You know, I noticed some tall yellow markers around the clearing outside. I was curious about what it was. I notice there’s a lot less snow built up on it.”

  “It’s a heliport,” he said, as nonchalantly as if he had said it were a garage. “My father uses it when he visits.”

  “Oh. That’s pretty cool.”

  “What good is a heliport if you can’t use it to get us out of this place?” Barb asked. Her speech was slurred. She was definitely drunk. Before anyone could scold her, she made for the hallway. “I’m going to head up for the night,” she announced before stumbling down the hall and up the stairs.

  “Sorry about that, Andrew,” Ruth said, embarrassed for all of them.

  “Not to worry.”

  “I think we’ll turn in too,” John said, taking Trina’s hand. “I cleared the dining room table, and the dishwasher is loaded and running now. Thanks for helping us out there, Andrew. Again.”

  He nodded. “I’ll be in my office. Goodnight.”

  Abby wasn’t sure what to think when he left the room without looking over at her. She could tell he was upset. She was tempted to follow him, but didn’t want to impose.

  Ruth tu
rned to her. “Abby, do you need help getting ready for bed?”

  “Honestly, I could really use a shower, but I wouldn’t dare trying to use it by myself with this gimp leg of mine.”

  “I can help you. Are you sure a bath won’t be easier?”

  “I’d love one, but you won’t be able to get me back out after.”

  “How about a sponge bath, then?” she teased.

  “Gosh, I hope I’m not that far gone yet,” Abby laughed.

  “Well, ladies, I can’t help much with this, so I’m going to head up too,” Rob told them, backing out of the room slowly, as though he had walked into a bear’s den. His gestures were even more amusing with what he was wearing. “Goodnight, you two.”

  “’Goodnight, Rob.”

  “Okay, let’s get you that sponge bath,” Ruth joked.

  They laughed all the way to Abby’s room.

  “Wow, this is nice,” Ruth said when she saw the in-suite bathroom.

  “Yes. It’s so modern and bright, isn’t it?”

  “The bathrooms upstairs are great too. I didn’t score a room with my own is all.”

  Ruth turned on the shower and got it to the right setting while Abby undressed to her bra and underwear.

  “Okay, kiddo,” Ruth called to her. “The water’s warm and you’re in luck. There’s a support bar for you to hold on to inside the shower. Towels are here, and there’s body wash and shampoo all ready for you.”

  “Awesome. Thanks!”

  “Do you think you can handle the rest?”


  “I’ll wait right here in your room, just in case. Holler if you need anything.”

  “Thanks, Ruth. I don’t know what I’d do without all your help.”

  Abby closed the door, but did not lock it. She undid her bra and took off her underwear, making a note to sneak in a load somehow tomorrow, because she didn’t have any spare undies. She moved closer to the shower, gripping on to the partition to position herself. Eventually, she was under the shower and holding the support bar. She could now relate to some of the patients she saw during her clinicals.

  The water was heavenly. She let its warmth flow over her face and down her body. It energized and rejuvenated her, being able to enjoy something as simple as a warm shower. Shampooing her hair with one hand proved not as complicated as she anticipated, although she had hoped to find a loofah or wash cloth to scrub herself. If she could have stayed in longer, she would have, but didn’t like the idea of Ruth waiting out there just for her.


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