Cabin Bear Heat Box Set: A Paranormal Fantasy Bear Shifter Romance (A Bear Shifter Romance Retelling of the Billionaire Redemption Series Book 2)

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Cabin Bear Heat Box Set: A Paranormal Fantasy Bear Shifter Romance (A Bear Shifter Romance Retelling of the Billionaire Redemption Series Book 2) Page 19

by Love-Wins, Bella

  “That’s so—kind, and honest, Andrew. I can see she’s done a great job with you.”

  Abby stacked their plates after he finished and took it to the sink. After rinsing them off, she placed them in the dishwasher. Turning back to face him, she leaned against the counter.

  “Did either of them remarry?”

  “No. Well, I’m not sure about my mom, to be honest. My dad definitely hasn’t. He’s married to the businesses. Ever since she left, he’s been the rock of the family. I never thought about it before, but she seemed to pass the parenting torch to him when she left. Before that, he was barely around. He traveled constantly, and was mentally and emotionally absent when he was around. When she left, he just found the time to be there for anything…no, for everything that mattered. He also did not change at all when this shifter thing happened to me. In fact, he made himself more available. One thing I can say is my father is loyal, protective of Joy and me, and would lay down his life to save either one of us. With all the chaos of becoming a shifter, he made it bearable. No pun intended.”

  She laughed. “I get it. Dad and I have hit on every bear pun there is, so no worries.”

  “Like which ones? My dad’s favorite is ‘Andrew, you gave Chuck Norris his bear-d’.”

  “Good one. Dad likes, ‘I wasn’t pre-beared for this’ and ‘paws-ibly’.”

  He laughed. “Stop, or you’ll give me Kodiak arrest!”

  She giggled. “A-bear-ently, this is unbearable for you. I’m bear-y serious.”

  “I’m so em-bear-assed, I lost my bear-ings. Oh, I remember. I’m going to strip you bear, and feed you straw-bear-ies until you go bear-zerk!”

  Abby doubled over, and they both laughed for ages. When the laughter died down, Andrew went on.

  “Where was I? Oh yes, my father. He dotes on us kids now, in his own way. Do you remember those horrible flannel pajamas you all wore?”


  “That’s how he shows his affection…with me anyway. I get them for birthdays, Christmas, any excuse he can get, that’s what he gives me as gifts. If he had come to visit while you were all here, he’d be thrilled to see them being put to good use.”

  She walked over to stand closer to him. “That’s so cute.”

  “Not if you hate sleeping in flannel. It’s itchy as hell for me, but I know, it’s the thought that counts.”

  “True. He sounds really sweet. By the way, does he have any nicknames for you?”

  “Only Teddy or Drew-bear when he’s trying to get a reaction out of me.”

  “Awww. Drew-bear. That’s so cute. I’m so gonna call you that now.”

  He chuckled. “I may not answer you, but go ahead.”

  “I will,” she teased. “So what about your sister? Joy, right?

  “Oh, I think I’ll need a week to get into Joy’s story.”

  “That bad, huh?”

  “Not really. She’s a pretty good kid. It’s just, well, I wouldn’t call her bad. I’d say she is unusually distasteful in the pursuit of her love interests. Let’s leave her for the moment. What I’ll say is she’s four years younger than me—I’m twenty-seven—and she lives with Dad in New York City.”

  “Now I’m really curious.”

  “Trust me. You don’t want to know, but if you really do, I’ll tell you later on.”


  He stood up in front of her and pulled her into his arms.

  “Right now,” he said softly in her ear, “I want to do less talking, and more touching.”

  “Mmmm,” she moaned. “Sounds exciting. Let’s go back to your room.”

  “I was thinking we could…” He looked over at the kitchen center island.

  “You mean there?”

  “You know, you’re starting to have some of the best ideas,” he agreed.

  “What if my friends come in? Actually, forget I asked. You’ll know. Let’s do it.”

  Chapter Eight

  ANDREW could not be happier. This was the first time he could look at being a shifter with some levity. He was also relieved they could pause before the topic had moved to relationships. He would tell her everything eventually, in time. He did not know how much time, but he would do his best when the opportunity presented itself, later. The subject of Emma was not going to be something he could jump into as easily as other conversations. For now, he was off the hook.

  “Ready?” he asked, tugging at the opening of her robe to get it off.

  As he took off his shirt, he noticed her skin had flushed at the question.

  “Is it hot in here?” She asked.

  “You’re hot, that’s why. I’m about to help you with that.” He stood up and glided the back of his hand up her cheekbone, and felt her shiver from his touch. She let out a shaky breath.

  “You’re gorgeous when you’re bashful.”

  “I’m…Okay, you got me this time.” She smiled, slowly backing up to the island and pulling him with her. “I’ve just never seen…your body is just…so ripped. I won’t get used to admiring you, is all.”

  “And you’re a goddess, Abigail Wittfield.”

  When all their clothes were off, she placed both hands backward on the counter to leap up and sit. She stretched out her hands to him, inviting him to stand between her legs as she spread them apart. This time, she gripped his shoulders and pulled him in like it was urgent. Her mouth found his, kissing him passionately, with a fierceness he hadn’t seen from her before.

  He took her lead, meeting her raw, carnal need head on. All her unyielding desire did was fuel his growing hunger. Everything he couldn’t say to her with words he expressed through his savage touch.

  “Fuck. Andrew. I want you so bad,” she groaned into kiss.

  Her voice was intoxicating. She reached a hand down to his erection. Instinctively, he slipped his hand down her stomach to her mound.

  “God. You’re so hot and wet, Abby.”

  He spread her legs wide and pulled her hips to the end of the counter, continuing the voracious kiss. He wanted to remember every second with her. He stayed there for a while, trapped in the possessive kiss, taking a snapshot in his mind of her touch, her sweet smell, and the moment.

  She was wild and eager, wrapping her legs on his hips and getting as close as she could to his hardness. He needed her more. He wanted to fill her, claim her, and not let her go. Ever. He stood up from their kiss, tipped her shoulders backward and glided his cock inside her. She let out a long, lustful hiss.

  His thrusts found its rhythm. He held on to her at the waist, pulling back and easing into her at first. As her moans slowed down, he picked up the pace. He slammed into her harder, and her sounds morphed into a loud gasp. He released one hand from her waist, snaking it up to her beautiful breasts.

  He caressed the outer curve with his fingers, and gently flicked her nipple at the same pace that he drove into her. With every thrust, he flicked a bit harder, until she let out a cry. She didn’t need to tell him. He felt it from deep inside her walls.

  “Come for me, Abby,” he growled.

  She pulled one hand up and held it to her mouth as she whimpered through her explosion. He felt her channel tighten and flood. Her body followed—it trembled and went limp from her powerful orgasm. Feeling his was imminent, he pumped in and out, pressing in his fingers harder at her waist to concentrate his movements.

  “Don’t stop,” she begged.

  She started to rock her hips gently, and it was enough to unfurl his hot, gratifying release. Unable to think, he slowly let go of her waist and held himself up by leaning on the island. He gasped for air and strength. It was going to take some time before either of them could speak again, but given where they were, he pulled out and found the energy to carry her back to his room.

  “You’re amazing, Abby,” he said, placing her into his bed.

  “And you are wonderful,” she said sleepily.

  “I’ve got to get our clothes and clean up in there. I’ll be right back.” />
  “Don’t be too long.”

  Andrew threw on a robe and hurried back to the kitchen. He brought their clothes into the room before heading back to wash down the center island. He smiled as he cleaned. He would not look at that spot in the same way again. After he was finished, he went back to join her in bed. The rest of the day would come and go, and maybe they would leave, but for now, as he slipped back to sleep, Andrew was blissful.


  It must have been the day for multiple phone calls. This time, it was the landline. Andrew woke up from a restful sleep and turned to answer it.


  “Good morning.” It was an older man. “I’m not sure if I’m calling the right number. May I speak with Abigail Wittfield, if she’s there?”

  “Yes, this is the right number. I’ll get her for you. May I ask who’s calling?”

  “Of course. Tell her it’s her father.”

  “Sure. I’ll get her now.”

  “Hold on a minute. Are you the gentleman who took my Abby and her friends in from this crazy blizzard that came through?”

  “Yes, sir.” Andrew braced himself. It sounded like the protective father was making his presence felt. He knew the feeling—Joy was the apple of his father’s eye. He was also a shifter. He had to tread lightly.

  “Can I ask your name?”

  He cleared his throat nervously. “It’s Andrew, sir. Andrew Carrington.”

  “Well, Mr. Carrington, I think I can speak for all those kids’ parents, definitely for Abby and Rob, when I say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking them in for all this time.”

  “It was no problem at all, sir. My pleasure to help.”

  “We sure are grateful. I’d like to take care of any costs you incurred while they were with you.”

  “That won’t be necessary, Mr. Wittfield. They were no trouble at all. It was the right thing to do, and I’m sure you would do the same under these circumstances.”

  “You’re right, son. I took in about twenty-five women in their forties and fifties in this house during this storm. Their bus stalled on Highway eighty down the road. Thankfully, they all left this morning, and I get my house back.”

  “Well then, you know I can’t accept any payment from you, sir. It’s the neighborly way to be when these things happen.”

  “Are you sure, young man? Forgive me if I’m assuming your age. You sound pretty young.”

  Andrew acted like he didn’t hear the question about his age. “I’m positive, sir. I’ll get Abby now. Please hold on.”

  Andrew put the phone on mute and let out a long breath. He was certain Abby didn’t want her father to know she was sleeping with her Lake Tahoe host, and a bear shifter, no less. Not yet, anyway. He reached over to wake her.


  She was sleeping so soundly, he was tempted to let her sleep and tell her father to call back. Her father would probably find it strange, his daughter sleeping in so late. He decided against it. He shook her shoulder softly.

  “Abby. Wake up, hun.”

  She rolled toward him slowly. “Huh?”

  “The phone is for you. It’s your father.”

  She sat up quickly, and looked down at her naked body in a mild panic.

  He smiled. “It’s the phone, Abby. He won’t see you.”

  “Sorry. Yes I know. I woke up a little confused is all.”

  He handed the phone to her. “That’s the button to unmute it. I’ll give you some privacy so you can talk. I’ll be in my office.”

  She gave him a drowsy smile and took the cordless handset. Andrew wrapped himself in his robe and left.


  ABBY unmuted the phone. “Hi Dad.”

  “Hi honey. How are you and the others?”

  “We’re fine.” She made a point of not mentioning John’s injury. He would be worried sick. She could tell him later.

  “How’s your ankle?”

  “It’s better now. Good as new. How are you and your houseguests?”

  “They’re gone now. Our stretch of Highway eighty was cleared early this morning.”

  “That’s good to hear dad. Maybe they’ll get down this way soon.”

  “Probably. That’s why I called, honey.”


  “Abby, where did you say the car was?”

  “It’s in front of Broad Oaks Golf and Country Club. Do you know where that is?”

  “Yes I think so. The insurance company will be able to find it.”

  “Do you think they’ll be towing it soon?”

  “Probably in two or three days.”

  “That’s not bad. I guess we need to empty out our things, right?”

  “Yes. See if you can do it before dark tomorrow, just in case they get down there sooner.”

  “Okay Dad.”

  “The rental car has already been authorized for you.”

  “That’s—that’s great dad. Where can I pick it up?”

  “Well, either here in Reno or in Carson City. Carson City might be closer to where you are, honey.”

  “Carson City is definitely closer, but everything’s far away until these plows come through.”

  “Don’t worry about the timing, dear. A car will be ready for you at either location when you show up with your ID. If you want to wait a few more days, they can send two drivers to deliver it to where you are next week.”

  “Um, I don’t know if I can wait that long, Dad. I’ll miss school, and so will Rob and the others. It’s worse for them. They have full-time lectures and course work. I’ve got an independent project and two weekly seminars, plus the new hospital assignment. I’ll probably pick it up in Carson City when the roads open up again.”

  “It’s up to you dear. Just try and take your things from the SUV before they make it down there to tow it.”

  “I will.”

  “So how are you keeping? Are you eating well?”

  “I’m doing great, Dad.”

  “You sound really happy, dear. I’m glad you ended up somewhere safe in this weather fiasco.”

  “Thanks. It’s good to hear your voice. You sound happy too, Daddy.”

  Abby weighed whether to ask him if he had met someone. She decided against it. She wasn’t ready to share her news yet.


  “Yes honey?”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, dear. Maybe while you’re in such a great mood, I can convince you to come home for Spring Break?”

  “Good try, Daddy.”

  “You can’t blame your old man for missing you, can you now?”

  “True. I miss you too.”

  “Well, I’m gonna go clean the house now. Call me if you decide you’d like the car dropped off to you, okay?”

  “I will. Bye Dad.”

  “Bye Abby. Take care.”

  She hung up and flopped back into bed. Her escape with Andrew was really coming to an end. Sooner than either of them wanted. Even if they still had a few days, it wasn’t going to be enough time.

  Chapter Nine

  ANDREW was reading emails in the office. Phone and email service appeared to be back up. The plows would soon follow. After that, they would all be gone. He didn’t want to torture himself about it anymore. He had been through enough of that. This was fresh and new and exciting. It didn’t need a dark cloud hanging over it. He put it out of his mind.

  He got up and left the office. He was making his way down the main hallway to the kitchen when Abby came out of her room.



  “Is everything all right with your father?”

  “Yes. All good. He was just letting me know about the arrangements the insurance company just made for the SUV.”

  “Okay. Will you need any help?”

  “Actually yes. Can we go talk in the kitchen? I could use a drink of water.”

  “Sure.” He held her hand as they walked. He was already missing her, and she had
n’t left yet.

  There was more movement around the house, so the rest of them were up and about.

  “Let’s tell them about John first, and I can fill them in about the SUV too.”


  “Will it be safe? Going out to the SUV?”

  “Of course. During the day, it’s completely fine.”

  “Okay, great.”

  She checked in the living room. Ruth and Barb were sitting near the fireplace, reading.

  “Hi ladies,” Abby greeted them.

  “Hi Abby,” they said almost in unison.

  “Where’s Rob?”

  “In the kitchen,” Ruth answered. “Oh and thanks for breakfast this morning. Those omelets were so tasty.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Andrew turned to her. “I’ll get Rob, and bring you some water.”

  “Sure. Thanks.”

  “What’s going on?” Barb asked when Andrew left.


  ABBY had a seat in her favorite armchair. “We have a few updates. Most of them good. We figured we’d tell you all at once so we can all agree on the plan.”

  “Is it about John?”

  “Yes, and a few other things. Hang tight. Andrew’s getting Rob.”

  “Cool,” Ruth answered.

  “So how was your night?” She asked them both.

  “I slept like a baby,” Barb replied. “It’s amazing how stressful situations make a girl tired.”

  “Well it’s good that you’re rested. How about you, Ruth?”

  Ruth seemed embarrassed by the question at first. Her eyes looked away furtively, and her voice was faint and shaky when she finally spoke.

  “Good. I slept well.”


  Andrew came in with Rob just then, and an armful of bottled waters.

  “So what’s going on?” Rob asked.

  She let Andrew relate John’s condition to them. They had a lot of questions, but were all thankful and comforted he would eventually be fine. Afterward, she let them all know about her father’s phone call, and the options for picking up the rental. It wasn’t a surprise that Barb was the first to voice her concern.

  “Two or three more days here, and up to a week if they deliver the car? This can’t be happening. No offense to you, Andrew. I appreciate your hospitality, really I do. I’m glad we had a place to stay. But I’ve got to get to campus in two days or I’ll miss my first midterm. This professor is a real son-of-a—I mean a real piece of work. I emailed him to let him know we were stuck, and he replied. He said I can add the weighting to my finals. That won’t work at all. His exams are brutal, Abby. Ask Ruth.”


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